Poster Advertisement

Poster Advertisement
You and your partner will be designing a poster to advertise your Book Partnership
book. This will be in place of a 4th quarter Book Talk. I will be hanging these up at
the beginning of next year to get my “new” 6th graders interested in
reading/books. I want these to be AWESOME! Don’t let me down!!!
is an advertisement?
Used by companies to make people want to buy something
Includes pictures
Includes slogans or catchy phrases
Information about the product
Goal: Design an advertisement that will make other people want to read your book!
1. Begin by brainstorming a list of important details from the book. Use your
plot line and your journal responses from your Book Partnership discussions
to help you. Be thinking about main characters, setting, important features
or symbols, and themes.
2. Look at your list and decide which details can either be illustrated (drawn)
or written on your advertisement.
Example: If I were doing an advertisement for the book Holes, I may want to
include an illustration of Camp Green Lake because it was a huge part of the
book. I could include holes everywhere, the cabin with two trees around it, and
a cluster of tents.
3. Use Pencil to sketch your advertisement. You may do a collage or drawing.
You may use words, or just use the title. Remember, this advertisements is
suppose to make someone want to read Holes.
4. Use markers, crayons, or colored pencils to color your advertisement.
5. Sign your names on the BACK of your poster!
So, you think you’re done with your advertisement, huh? Check the rubric below to
see if you done all you need to do to obtain the best possible grade.
Making A Poster : Book Partnership Advertisement
Student Name:
Both the title and
author are found in
the ad. Title and
author are creatively
displayed in ad.
Either the title or
author is missing
from the ad. There
has been an attempt
to creatively display
the title and author in
Neither the title or
the author is found in
the ad and/or lacks
All illustrations relate
to the book.
Illustrations are
symbolic of themes
or details found in
the book.
Most illustrations
relate to the book.
Illustrations are
somewhat symbolic
of themes or details
in the book.
Few illustrations
relate to the book.
Little or no evidence
of symbolism of
themes or details in
the book are used.
The ad is easy to
read and clearly
conveys the
message, "read this
The ad is somewhat
easy to read and
somewhat conveys
the message, "read
this book!"
The ad is not easy to
read and the
message is not
There are no
mistakes on the
There is 1
There are 2
grammatical mistake grammatical
on the poster.
mistakes on the
Use of Class
Used time well
during each class
period. Focused on
getting the project
done. Never
distracted others.
Used time well
during each class
period. Usually
focused on getting
the project done and
never distracted
Points Obtained: _______ x 2 = __________
48-44 pts =A
43 pts=A42-39=B
Used some of the
time well during each
class period. There
was some focus on
getting the project
done but
distracted others.