Instructional Vocabulary refers to the words that educators use in the classroom during instruction. If we marinate students in the language of the skills and strategies, they will begin to absorb the language. As we model how to make an inference and talk about inferences, our students will begin to understand the strategy and begin to develop the skill. The words listed below come mostly from the Common Core Standards and they represent the skills, strategies, and content expressed in the CCS. Please read the Common Core, and add, delete or change words as you see fit. You will also need to add words to this list to reflect your school / district curriculum. As you find mistakes (and yes, you will find errors), take a moment to email me so that I can change the on-line documents. READING LITERATURE – COMMON CORE STANDARDS – INSTRUCTIONAL VOCABULARY GRADE 3 GRADE 4 GRADE 5 GRADE 6 GRADE 7 GRADE 8 Skill / Strategy Skill / Strategy Skill / Strategy Skill / Strategy Skill / Strategy Skill / Strategy Ask / answer Ask / answer Quote accurately Cite text evidence Cite text explicit Cite text evidence Compare / Contrast Compare / Contrast Make Inferences Explicit evidence Support analysis Determine central idea Determine central idea Find Explicit support Infer Infer Explicit Determine key details Determine key details Determine main idea Determine theme Determine theme Infer Infer / Imply Explicit Determine support Determine details Analyze theme Determine theme Refer to text - support Infer / Imply Summarize Summarize - unbiased development Trace theme Sequence Refer to text - support Analyze Fig Language Describe plot Explain relationship of development Visualize Sequence Sequence Trace plot story grammar Analyze dialogue Right There Visualize Analyze relationship development Determine details Analyze word choice Think and Search Right There Analyze word choice Summarize Analyze point of view POV to Events Author and Me Summarize Analyze structure of objectively Determine details Char to Character On My Own Think and Search text Describe plot Summarize Compare Author and Me Analyze medium Analyze word choice Describe plot Contrast On My Own Compare / contrast Analyze structure of Analyze word choice Analyze visual Analyze delivery text Analyze structure of elements method Analyze point of view text Analyze genre / forms Compare / contrast Compare / contrast on similar themes Fiction vs Reality Compare mediums Analyze delivery Analyze delivery method method Analyze genre / forms Analyze genre / forms on similar themes on similar themes GRADE 3 Content Actions Author’s craft Chapter Character feelings Character traits Drama Fables Folktales Illustrations Lesson Literal Message Mood Moral Motivation Myths Narrator Non-literal Paragraph Plot Poems Point of view Scene Setting Stanza Structure of text Theme READING LITERATURE – COMMON CORE STANDARDS – INSTRUCTIONAL VOCABULARY GRADE 4 GRADE 5 GRADE 6 GRADE 7 GRADE 8 Content Content Content Content Content Actions Quote Theme Theme Theme Author’s craft Theme / topics Opinion / Judgment Opinion / Judgment Opinion / Judgment Chapter Character feelings Plot Plot Plot Character feelings Character traits Episodes Episodes Episodes Character traits Poem Character Objective Character Drama Figurative Language trait/emotions Subjective trait/emotions Explicit Chapter Resolution Bias Resolution Fables Scene Figurative language Character Figurative language Folktales Stanza Connotation trait/emotions Connotation Illustrations Point of View Sentence Resolution Sentence Lesson Narrator Chapter Figurative language Chapter Literal Genre Scene Connotation Scene Message Multi-media Stanza Sentence Stanza Mood Tone Setting Chapter Setting Moral Point of View Scene Point of View Motivation Narrator Stanza Genres Myths Genres Setting Character types Narrator Point of View Allusions Non-literal Genres Paragraph Plot Poems Point of view Scene Setting Stanza Structure of text Theme READING INFORMATIONAL TEXT – COMMON CORE STANDARDS – INSTRUCTIONAL VOCABULARY GRADE 3 GRADE 4 GRADE 5 GRADE 6 GRADE 7 GRADE 8 Skill / Strategy Skill / Strategy Skill / Strategy Skills / Strategy Skills / Strategy Skills / Strategy Compare / Contrast Compare / Contrast Quote accurately Cite text evidence Cite text evidence Cite text evidence Cause / Effect Cause / Effect Determine main ideas Support analysis Support analysis Support analysis Determine Importance Determine Importance Explain text Explicit Create objective Create objective Infer / Imply Infer / Imply summary summary Explicit details Inference Sequence Sequence Determine central idea Explicit Explicit Inferences Skim / Scan Skim / Scan Determine details Inference Inference Summarize Support Support Summarize Determine central idea Determine central idea Explain relationships Visualize Visualize Analyze key ideas Determine details Determine details Individuals Right There Right There Determine vocabulary Summarize Analyze connections Events Think and Search Think and Search Analyze structure of Analyze key ideas Summarize Ideas Author and Me Author and Me text Determine vocabulary Analyze key ideas Concepts On My Own On My Own Determine PoV Analyze structure of Analyze conflicting Develop vocabulary Integrate information text viewpoints Compare / Contrast Evaluate arguments Determine PoV Determine vocabulary Multiple Compare / contrast Assess reasoning Analyze structure of accounts Integrate information text Concepts Evaluate arguments Determine PoV Ideas Compare / contrast Assess reasoning Analyze text structure Integrate information Cause / Effect Evaluate arguments Skim / Scan Analyze evidence for sufficiency and relevance Compare / contrast Evaluate advantages / disadvantages of medium READING INFORMATIONAL TEXT – COMMON CORE STANDARDS – INSTRUCTIONAL VOCABULARY GRADE 3 GRADE 4 GRADE 5 GRADE 6 GRADE 7 GRADE 8 Content Content Content Content Content Content Features of text: Features of text: Reasons Summary Objective summary Objective summary Evidence Personal opinion Personal opinion Personal opinion Sidebar Sidebar Support Judgment Judgment Judgment Hyperlink Hyperlink Concept Anecdotes Anecdotes Anecdotes Highlights Highlights Main Idea Examples Examples Analogies Headings Headings Features of text: Figurative language Figurative language Allusions Maps Maps Connotation Connotation Examples Sidebar Photographs Photographs Technical terms Technical terms Figurative language Hyperlink Captions Captions Sentence Sentence Connotation Highlights Etc. Etc. Paragraph Paragraph Technical terms Headings Main idea Main idea Chapter Chapter Sentence Maps Point of view Point of view Point of view Point of view Paragraph Photographs Sentence Sentence Purpose Purpose Chapter Captions Paragraph Paragraph Argument Argument Point of view Etc. Claims Claims Purpose Evidence / reasons Evidence / reasons Argument Genre Genre Claims Evidence / reasons Genre Relevant Sufficient READING FLUENCY – COMMON CORE STANDARDS – INSTRUCTIONAL VOCABULARY Grade 4 GRADE 5 GRADE 6 GRADE 7 Skill / Strategy Skills / Strategy Use phonics Apply phonics Use word analysis Apply word analysis Syllabication Syllabication Patterns Patterns Affixes Phonemes Read with Prosody: Affixes Read with Prosody: Fluency Accuracy Fluency Purpose Accuracy Expression Purpose Rate Expression Self-correct Rate Self-correct Content Content Content Expression Syllable Prose Prefix Prose Poetry Rate Poetry Syllable Suffix (derivational) Affixes: prefix/suffix Affixes Syllable Prosody GRADE 3 Skill / Strategy Apply Phonics Decode words Identify affixes Decode multi-syllable Read irregular spellings Read with Prosody: Fluency Accuracy Purpose Expression Visualize Self-correct GRADE 8