CHILDREN AND ADULT SERVICES SAVINGS PROPOSALS EDUCATION SERVICE Roll Reduction in Primary Schools Implementation Date Staffing Implications - Recurring revenue savings - £500,000 August 2002 Reduction in no. of teachers £500,000 Due to demographic changes, the number of pupils in primary education will decrease. Budgets based on pupil rolls will be reduced accordingly while maintaining the same level of service. Grounds Maintenance Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £40,000 April 2002 None £40,000 The grounds maintenance budget has been under-spent in the past. The budget has been re-aligned to reflect actual expenditure patterns, resulting in a saving. Increase School Meals Charges Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £200,000 April 2002 None £200,000 It is proposed to increase the school meal charges by 10p per meal. Based on previous experience of a similar increase (2 years ago), there was no drop off in demand. Additional income generated will be used to fund spend to save initiatives, e.g. cashless systems to remove the stigma associated with free school meals. Music Service Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £40,000 April 2002 None £40,000 It is proposed to increase the fee for Music from £80.00 per annum to £95.00 per annum from August 2002. N:2002/Budget 2002-03/Budget Savings/j 1 Employee Development Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £50,000 April 2002 None £50,000 The method of delivering employee development will be reviewed in line with recommendations contained within “A Teaching Profession for the 21 st Century” (McCrone). It is envisaged that staff cover will be reduced and a saving made, with no reduction in provision. Management of Vacancies Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £144,000 April 2002 None £144,000 Savings will be made by managing vacancies through cash controlled school budgets. Within Support Services, this will be achieved by delaying recruitment. Within the DSM scheme, staffing budgets will now be expressed only in cash terms. Pre School Education – Additional Funding Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £240,000 April 2002 None £240,000 Additional funding made available through mainstream support from the Scottish Executive. The funding arrangements for this will change at 1 st April 2002, and this saving can be achieved without impacting on current service levels. SOCIAL WORK Accommodation Services for Adults – Additional IncomeImplementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £250,000 April 2002 None £250,000 An increase in the rates for Transitional Housing Benefit will generate an additional £250,000 income in excess of the current budget. Supported Accommodation (Lynebank Discharge) – Additional Income Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £100,000 April 2002 None £100,000 An increase in the rates for Transitional Housing Benefit will generate an additional £100,000 income in excess of the current budget. N:2002/Budget 2002-03/Budget Savings/j 2 Home Care and Meals on Wheels Charges – Additional Income Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £80,000 April 2002 None £80,000 It is proposed to raise charges by an average of 5% from 1 April 2002. The specific increases to each Home Care Charge band and for meals on wheels will be remitted to the Social and Community Development Committee. Accommodation Services for Adults – Reduction in Expenditure Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £250,000 April 2002 None £250,000 Planned expenditure totalling £500,000 on upgrading accommodation in the current and next financial year will be reduced to £250,000 across both years. A budget carry forward of £125,000 into the next financial year will enable the budget of £250,000 to be saved. Residential Homes for Older People – Additional Income Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £100,000 April 2002 None £100,000 Due to a general increase in the income contributions paid by residents and an increase in the number of self funders, the income target can be increased by £100,000. Residential and Nursing Care Home Beds – New Rates Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £240,000 April 2002 None £240,000 Care Home rates are expected to be set nationally and it is anticipated that additional funding will be made available from the Scottish Executive to fund the full cost of the increases. If the changes are fully funded then the Council will not need to fund the inflationary increase on this part of the budget, saving up to £240,000. NB This saving can only be realised if funding is made available from the Scottish Executive. N:2002/Budget 2002-03/Budget Savings/j 3 Criminal Justice Services – Reduced Expenditure Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £60,000 April 2002 None £60,000 The Council’s contribution has risen through inflation above the percentage required to attract the grant from the Scottish Executive. As a result it will be possible to reduce the expenditure budget by £60,000 without affecting the level of grant income. Mental Illness Specific Grant Projects – Reduced Expenditure Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £30,000 April 2002 None £30,000 - £10,000 April 2002 None £10,000 Realigning budget with grant. Supported Employment – Move Employees to Payroll of Host Employers Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings Employees are currently employed by the Council who pay the oncosts. Moving the employees to the payroll of the host employer reduces overheads for the Council. Switchboard Centralisation Implementation Date Staffing Implications - Recurring revenue savings - £30,000 April 2002 Reduction of 3 posts and redeployment of staff. £30,000 This proposal is to remove switchboard service from 7 offices and centralise in one location. This will require re-organised message facility within offices and removes the “local” response. N:2002/Budget 2002-03/Budget Savings/j 4 COMMUNITY SERVICES Rationalisation of Management Arrangements Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £70,000 April 2002 3 FTE £70,000 Reduction in management posts following review of operational arrangements at a number of facilities. Review of operational arrangements to match services to demand Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £124,500 April 2002 8 FTE £124,500 Reduction, following review, of operational arrangements including opening hours at a number of facilities, with resultant reductions in number of seasonal/temporary posts and the more efficient use of systems such as overtime, etc. More effective operation of facilities Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £31,000 April 2002 None £31,000 More efficient operation of support costs in a range of facilities. Supplies and Services Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £60,230 April 2002 None £60,230 Reduction in budgets for purchase and maintenance of equipment and materials, and marketing costs. More efficient use of remaining resources will be sought including collaborative working with other Council services and external partners. Rationalisation of infrastructure costs, including a review of charges within Bereavement Services. Staff Travel Budgets Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £1,715 April 2002 None £1,715 Reduction in budget for travel costs within Arts Development. N:2002/Budget 2002-03/Budget Savings/j 5 Mobile Library Services Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £33,900 April 2002 None £33,900 - £23,000 April 2002 None £23,000 Realignment of budget to accord with current provision. Community Education Centres Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings A more effective targeting of financial support to Centres with regard to their level of resources will allow a reduction in the levels of direct financial support. GENERAL FUND HOUSING Maintenance Projects Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £4,000 April 2002 None £4,000 Reduction in the overall budget provision for various projects eg. Mutual repairs to common areas. N:2002/Budget 2002-03/Budget Savings/j 6 ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SAVINGS PROPOSALS TRANSPORTATION Administration – Supplies & Services, Furniture, Overtime Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £25,000 April 2002 None £25,000 Efficiency savings generating from the combining of Supplies & Services budgets of Roads, Transportation & Roads DLO services to single point of control. Maintenance Budgets – efficiencies and review of working practices Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £145,000 April 2002 None £145,000 Review current arrangements to rationalise and prioritise responses to provide efficiencies in emergency patching, private roads assistance, drainage system maintenance, service delivery and locating grit bins, out of a budget of £13.4m. Income – Roundabout Sponsorship/NRSWA/R(S)A/ Speeding Fines Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £12,000 April 2002 None £15,000 Income generated from ‘Speed Camera Initiative’, increased income from already implemented charges (NRSWA Charges & Roads (Scotland) Act Charges) and Roundabout sponsorship project. Income – Car Parking Fees – Increased Usage Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £22,000 April 2002 None £22,000 Expected uplift in Car Parking usage from previous 2 years that were adversely effected by fuel strike crisis and tourism reduction in the aftermath of “Sept 11”. N:2002/Budget 2002-03/Budget Savings/j 7 Income – Car Parking – Charges in line with National ‘On Street’ Fines Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £26,000 April 2002 None £26,000 Re-align ‘Off street’ parking fines to match ‘On street’ fines that are determined nationally under the Traffic Regulations. Income – Car Parking – Stagecoach Agreement at Ferrytoll Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £21,000 April 2002 None £21,000 Negotiate the charges for the Ferrytoll Park n Ride facilities to include rent, rates and electricity with the bus operator, Stagecoach. Strategic Review to improve Car Parking Facilities: New tariff/re-investment with effect Oct 2002 Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £70,000 Oct 2002 None £253,000 Strategic review of Car Parking facilities & policies with increased tariff charges scheduled for implementation in Oct 2002 coupled with an increase in investment. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Employee Costs – Management of Recruitment Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £6,000 April 2002 None £6,000 - £10,000 April 2002 None £10,000 Management of recruitment with no direct effect on targets Transfer Payments – trainee allowances – matching expenditure to demand Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings Reduction in total allowances paid to trainees resulting from current trend of lower trainee numbers due to economic conditions and anticipating impact of new national training schemes. Changes in client base will impact on training delivery and special needs support in particular. N:2002/Budget 2002-03/Budget Savings/j 8 Supplies and Premises Costs – Reduced Expenditure Need Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £36,000 April 2002 None £36,000 Promotional activity will be re-focused on the range of activities which continue to be undertaken by the Service following the transfer of activities to the Small Business Gateway Fife. There will also be a reduction in development costs of Opportunity Centres following completion of the development programme. Additionally a saving will result from Best Value Review of the Fife Food Initiative. No effect is anticipated on performance targets. Income – Industrial Property Rentals Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £25,000 April 2002 None £25,000 Additional income will arise from Rent Reviews and increased occupancy levels, reflecting achievement of Service Plan targets. This includes additional income from acquisition of Scottish Enterprise Fife’s interest in Dunfermline Business Centre. PLANNING AND BUILDING CONTROL SERVICE Increased Building Control Fee Income Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £16,000 April 2002 None £16,000 It is anticipated that a number of significant developments in west and central Fife will generate higher fee income. Reduce Land Management Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £7,000 April 2002 None £7,000 Efficiency savings in maintenance of redundant reservoirs, woodlands and rights of way. N:2002/Budget 2002-03/Budget Savings/j 9 Reduce Miscellaneous Admin Budgets Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £13,000 April 2002 None £13,000 Budgets reduced on basis of actual spending pattern in past two years. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Licensing Scheme for Houses in Multiple Occupation Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £14,000 April 2002 None £14,000 Following the introduction of a mandatory licensing scheme as required by the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 (Licensing of Houses in Multiple Occupation) Order 2000, additional income is available to the Service which has not previously been budgeted for. Pest Control Charging Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £13,000 April 2002 None £13,000 Following the extension of Pest Control charges to Housing, a Service Level Agreement will be established to formalise the arrangement. The annual charge will be for a higher amount than is currently budgeted. Dog Warden Service – Best Value Review Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £11,000 April 2002 None £11,000 Implementation of Best Value Review has led to a review of operational arrangements and Service Standards. Increase in Charges Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £4,000 April 2002 None £4,000 2.5% increase in charges per annum. Charging is for Pest Control, Dog Warden Service and Licensing of Animal Welfare establishments. N:2002/Budget 2002-03/Budget Savings/j 10 Review of Public Convenience Income Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £30,000 April 2002 None £30,000 The charges for Public Conveniences will be increased from 10p to 20p and that some of the additional resources will be used to invest in improving the service. Reappraisal of Refuse Collection Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £143,000 April 2002 None £143,000 Budget re-allocation of resources to DSO’s to comply with statutory requirements. Increase Waste Disposal Charges Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £80,000 April 2002 None £80,000 This increase in trade waste charges takes account of increased operating costs, increased landfill tax and current market rates. The charge will increase from £21.24 to £25.00 (both inclusive of Landfill Tax). Note to encourage recycling a special rate of £12.00 would apply to recyclable waste. N:2002/Budget 2002-03/Budget Savings/j 11 SUPPORT SERVICES SAVINGS PROPOSALS POLICY AND ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICE Corporate Priorities Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £29,000 April 2002 None £29,000 Reduction in availability of budget to spend on Corporate Initiatives. Management of vacancies Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £40,000 April 2002 None £40,000 Reduction in staffing budget to be achieved through turnover allowance (1.5%) and deletion/non filling of posts through Service restructuring. Administration/efficiency savings Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £16,000 April 2002 None £16,000 It is intended to achieve a reduction in administration/operating costs as a result of the merger of the former Corporate Policy and Human Resources Services into Policy and Organisational Development Service. CUSTOMER RELATIONS MANAGEMENT SERVICE Intranet/Internet Sponsorship Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £7,500 April 2002 None £7,500 Attract income from a primary sponsor to endorse the corporate web sites. Sponsorship is agreed for negotiated contract periods – withdrawal of agreement at contract conclusion would result in budget shortfalls. N:2002/Budget 2002-03/Budget Savings/j 12 LAW & ADMINISTRATION SERVICE Printing, Stationery ,Publications, Supplies and Services Savings Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £30,000 April 2002 None £30,000 It is anticipated that the introduction of the Intranet and, in due course, the Internet, will lead to a reduction in printing and stationery costs of 5% in 2002/2003 resulting in a saving of £10,000 in the first year. As the structural review of the Service progresses (see ‘Structural Review’ proposal) , it is expected that further savings of £20,000 will be identified in the Supplies and Services budget. Miscellaneous Licensing Fees – Increased Income Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £9,000 April 2002 None £9,000 Discretionary Miscellaneous Licensing fees are normally increased every second year and a 6% increase is proposed. The effect on the budget is estimated to be increased income of approximately £9,000. Liquor Licensing Fees – Increased Income Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £16,000 April 2002 None £16,000 The fees for Liquor Licensing, which are set by Scottish Parliament, were increased by 13% with effect from 1st April, 2001. Notification of this change was not received in time for the budget to be adjusted in the current year. Monitoring of income during the course of the year indicates that a 13% increase in anticipated income should be achievable. Management Of Vacancies Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £30,000 April 2002 None £30,000 From past experience it is likely that a 1% underspend will be achieved in the staffing budget arising from normal delays in filling vacant posts. N:2002/Budget 2002-03/Budget Savings/j 13 Structural Review of Law & Administration Implementation Date Staffing Implications - Recurring revenue savings - £30,000 April 2002 Elimination of some posts as vacancies arise £30,000 Following the review of the Fife Council Management Structure and the outcome of the Budget Review of the Unified Legal Service, the staff structure within the Law and Administration Service, in particular in respect of Legal Services, is being reviewed. A number of vacant posts have been held vacant pending this review and others have been filled on a temporary basis. Savings in the region of £30,000 may be achievable as a consequence of the review. FINANCE AND ASSET MANAGEMENT SERVICE Management of Vacancies Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £110,000 April 2002 None £110,000 To manage the overall staffing costs budget in terms of delay in filling vacancies, reviewing the requirement for replacement staff, balanced against the need to fund annual increments, maternity cover and costs of staff recruitment (interview/removal expenses, advertising, etc). Increase in ESW income Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £8,000 April 2002 None £8,000 As number of properties increase ( 1% per annum ) commission will increase. Deletion of post Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £12,000 April 2002 None £12,000 This GS1 clerical post is currently vacant and it is proposed to permanently remove the post from the Office Services establishment. N:2002/Budget 2002-03/Budget Savings/j 14 Supplies and Services- Materials Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £10,000 April 2002 None £10,000 Supplies and services budget for microfilming materials no longer required as microfilming has been outsourced. IT SERVICES Management of Vacancies Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £40,000 April 2002 None £40,000 This saving will be achieved by managing the level of staff vacancies throughout the year. SERVICE SUPPORT Introduction of an Income Budget Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £7,000 April 2002 None £7,000 The Central Stores is currently looking to expand its customer base. It currently supplies voluntary organisations with commodities from the Store. Therefore the introduction of an income budget of £7,000 is proposed. It is envisaged that this shall be increased in subsequent years. Management of Staffing Budget Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £50,000 April 2002 None £50,000 Manage the staffing budget in terms of delaying the filling of vacancies. Minimise disruption by careful management in accordance with Service priorities. Management of Staffing Budget Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £15,000 April 2002 None £15,000 Manage the staffing budget in terms of delaying the filling of vacancies. Minimise disruption by careful management in accordance with Service priorities. N:2002/Budget 2002-03/Budget Savings/j 15 CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S SERVICES SAVINGS PROPOSALS CHIEF EXECUTIVE SERVICE Miscellaneous Savings Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £7,000 April 2002 None £7,000 - £56,000 April 2002 None £56,000 To manage the overall staffing costs. LOCAL OFFICE NETWORK Management of Staffing Resources Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings The proposal increases the allowance for staff turnover to 1% of the staffing budget and will require active management of staff vacancies. CORPORATE SAVING Postages/telephones Implementation Date Staffing Implications Recurring revenue savings - £150,000 April 2002 None £150,000 To set an efficiency target across all services to reduce the overall cost of Council postages and telephones through more efficient management of the respective budgets by services. N:2002/Budget 2002-03/Budget Savings/j 16