Minutes June - Laois County Council

Jerry Lodge M.C.C., Chairperson
Catherine Fitzgerald M.C.C., William Aird M.C.C., Caroline
Dwane Stanley M.C.C, John Joe Fennelly M.C.C.,
Michael Rainey, Senior Executive Officer
Tom O’Carroll, Area Engineer, Central Area
Elaine Moore, A/Assistant Staff Officer
Mary Sweeney M.C.C., Noel Tuohy M.C.C
Adoption of Minutes of meeting held on 13th May 2015.
On the proposal of Cllr. William Aird, seconded by Cllr. Catherine Fitzgerald, the
minutes of the meeting held on the 13th May, 2015 were confirmed as circulated.
Matters Arising:
Cllr. Caroline Dwane Stanley referred to notice of motion 82/2015:
That this Council erect a fence along the green area/river bank at the back of the
Sli na Noir/Gort na Noir Housing Estate as a matter of health and safety.
Michael Rainey S.E.O. informed the meeting that they were still at discussion stage
The members enquired as to when the meeting with Kieran Kehoe Director of
Services would take place regarding notice of motions nos. 88 and 96.
Adoption of Bye-Laws prohibiting the consumption of intoxicating liquor
on Roads and in Public Places.
On the proposal of Cllr. William Aird seconded by Cllr. John Joe Fennelly it was
agreed to commence the above process.
Notice of Motion
98/2015 – Councillor Jerry Lodge
That this meeting calls on Laois County Council to commence the procedure for
taking Broomville Court in charge
Seconded: Cllr. Caroline Dwane Stanley
Reply from Mr. Pat Delaney, A.O., Planning:
Laois County Council carried out an inspection and identified outstanding issues
within the estate. These were notified to the Developer but no response has been
received to date. As constructed drawings and CCTV report has not been
submitted. Taking in Charge cannot proceed until these issues have been resolved.
99/2015 – Councillor Jerry Lodge
That this meeting calls on Laois County Council to erect a plaque to the memory
of Portlaoise man James McIntosh, born on the New Road and who was shot by
British Forces in the War of Independence in 1921.
Seconded: Cllr. Catherine Fitzgerald
Reply from Ms. Catherine Casey, Heritage Officer:
The Laois Commemorations Committee is meeting on a regular basis and all
requests for commemorative plaques and other monuments will be assessed and
adjudicated on by this Committee. Membership of the Committee is made up of
elected members and community representatives, and the Committee is currently
working on plans for the commemoration of 1916.
100/2015 – Councillor Jerry Lodge
That this meeting calls on the Minister for the Environment, Community & Local
Government, Mr. Alan Kelly, T.D., to publish the long promised house purchase
scheme for our tenants.
Seconded: Cllr. Catherine Fitzgerald
Reply: A letter will issue. Michael Rainey S.E.O. informed the meeting that he had
received a letter regarding the introduction of an incremental Tenant Purchase
scheme by the end of the summer.
As Cllr. Mary Sweeney was absent from the meeting she had submitted written
permission for her Notice of Motion to be proposed by Cllr. Jerry Lodge
101/2015 – Councillor Mary Sweeney
That Laois County Council address the issues regarding the Meelick Road,
Portlaoise in relation to safety, volume of traffic and status.
Seconded: Cllr. William Aird
Reply from Mr. Farhan Naseim Road Design:
Road Design will recommend proposals at this location after a Traffic speed survey
is carried out. Implementation of any proposed solution will be subject to funding
being available.
102/2015 – Councillor Mary Sweeney
That Laois County Council repair the road at Newtown, Ballyroan.
Seconded: Cllr. John Joe Fennelly
Reply from Mr. Tom O’ Carroll, Area Engineer:
This work will be carried out.
103/2015 – Councillor Mary Sweeney
That Laois County Council explore the possibilities for the provision of a
Children’s playground in Ballyroan.
Seconded Cllr. Caroline Dwane Stanley
Reply Ms. Anne Marie Maher, Sport & Leisure Officer
The Sport & Leisure Officer has undertaken to advise and assist the community to
progress this project including identifying funding avenues.
104/2015 – Councillor Catherine Fitzgerald
That this Council on behalf of the vast majority of people who use the pitches at
the Leisure Centre request that the dividing nets be re-installed immediately.
Seconded: Cllr. John Joe Fennelly
Reply from Ms. Anne Marie Maher, Sport & Leisure Officer
The board of Portlaoise Leisure Centre Ltd have discussed and researched the
reinstatement of the dividing nets at length and have decided at its recent board
meeting, that no suitably safe alternative is available at this time. Furthermore, the
board are satisfied with the operational procedures that management & ancillary
staff have implemented to ensure all users continue to safely enjoy using this
excellent facility.
105/2015 – Councillor Catherine Fitzgerald
That this Council install traffic calming measures on the Ballyfin Road, Portlaoise.
Seconded: Cllr. Caroline Dwane Stanley
Reply from Farhan Naseim Road Design
Road Design will recommend proposals at this location after a Traffic speed survey
is carried out. Implementation of any proposed solution will be subject to funding
being available.
106/2015 – Councillor Catherine Fitzgerald
That this Council call on the Minister for Education, Ms. Jan O Sullivan to provide
a new school for St. Francis.
Seconded: Cllr. William Aird
Reply: A letter will be sent to the Minister.
107/2015 – Councillor William Aird
That the Portlaoise Municipal District call on both the Minster for Foreign Affairs,
Mr. Charles Flanagan & the Minister for Health, Mr. Leo Varadkar to immediately
rescind the decision to have the A & E at Portlaoise Hospital downgraded.
Seconded: Cllr. John Joe Fennelly
Reply: A letter will issue.
108/2015 – Councillor William Aird
That the parking bye-laws for Portlaoise be amended to incorporate flexibility with
agreement from the Roads Department for tradespeople carrying out
refurbishment works on premises in Portlaoise that are included in the bye-laws.
Seconded: Cllr. John Joe Fennelly
Reply Mr. Henry Ritchie, Senior Engineer
Portlaoise Parking Bye-Laws currently only permit all day parking in areas adjacent
to County Hall and Tower Hill. There is no allowance in the bye-laws for all day
parking where a contractor is carrying out work to premises and where access may
be required to vans parked during the working day. Traffic Wardens have the
power to use their discretion in these instances. Consideration can be given to
deal with such instances in any future review of the Bye-Laws.
109/2015 – Councillor William Aird
That the Portlaoise Municipal District be given a date as to when the footpaths in
Abbey Crescent, Abbeyleix will be repaired.
Seconded: Cllr. John Joe Fennelly
Reply Mr. Tom O’ Carroll, Area Engineer
July/August 2015.
110/2015 – Councillor John Joe Fennelly
That this Council repair Gaughans Lane, Portlaoise Road, Abbeyleix as this road
was taken in charge in 1972 as there are five people using this lane.
Seconded: Cllr. William Aird
Reply Mr. Tom O’ Carroll, Area Engineer.
Will investigate and repair as appropriate.
111/2015 – Councillor John Joe Fennelly
That this Council cut all verges close to junctions in all of the Portlaoise area.
Seconded: Cllr. William Aird
Reply from Tom O’Carroll Area Engineer
This work will be carried out.
112/2015 – Councillor John Joe Fennelly
That this Council carry out drainage works at Tea Lane, Blackhill, Abbeyleix as this
year alone the Fire Brigade have been out on two occasions pumping water from
the road.
Seconded: Cllr. William Aird
Reply from Tom O’Carroll Area Engineer
This has been checked. Drainage works were carried out a few years back by the
Western Area. The system may have been somewhat blocked. It has recently been
jetted/cleaned, we will monitor to establish if and what further works are
114/2015 – Councillor Caroline Dwane Stanley
That this Council re-surface the section of road at Newpark/Dunnes Stores on the
Mountmellick Road.
Seconded: Cllr. William Aird
Reply from Farhan Naseim Road Design
This section of road has been identified to NRA for 2015 resurfacing works. It is
anticipated that this will be included in 2015 programme of works.
115/2015 – Councillor Caroline Dwane Stanley
That this Council be given an update on the taking in charge of Broomville Close
and any outstanding issues that may be causing a delay.
Seconded: Cllr. Jerry Lodge
Reply from Mr. Pat Delaney, A.O., Planning.
Laois County Council carried out an inspection and identified outstanding issues
within the estate. These were notified to the Developer but no response has been
received to date. As constructed drawings and CCTV report has not been
submitted. Taking in Charge cannot proceed until these issues have been resolved.
116/2015 – Councillor Caroline Dwane Stanley
That this Council be given an update on the taking in charge of Millbrook Estate
and an explanation on what is holding this process up.
Seconded: Cllr. Jerry Lodge
Reply from Mr. Pat Delaney, A.O., Planning.
Laois County Council are currently preparing drawings of the estate to progress to
the next stage of the taking in charge process.
None was received.
Time & Date for next meeting
Wednesday 16th September 2015 at 11.00am in the Council Chamber.
Jerry Lodge M.C.C.