EUROASIAN REGIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ZOOS AND AQUARIA GOVERNMENT OF MOSCOW MOSCOW ZOO Scientific Research in Zoological Parks Volume 24 Moscow 2008 1 УДК [597.6/599:639.1.04]:59.006 The current issue of Scientific Research in Zoological Parks is dedicated to different aspects of zoos activities. Traditionally we continue publishing articles on marine aquariumistics and problems of husbandry and breeding of venomous snakes. Behaviour of a hybrid swan, influence of visitor number on cheetahs, environmental enrichment in cheetahs and behaviour of giraffes in different conditions is described. Problematic article considers the immune status and its changes in lizards after dehelmintization and subsequent immunocorrection. Special reviews discuss an experience of husbandry and study of small marsupials and social life of a captive markhors’ group in the Moscow zoo, and the experience of keeping and breeding the Russian desman in captivity. “Information” part presents data on current Combined Small Mammal and Small Carnivore TAG meeting, Parco Natura Viva (Italy), and 8th International Conference on Environment Enrichment in the zoos (Vienna). Some materials of International workshop “Maintenance and breeding of fishes and other marine and freshwater animals” are cited. The issue is destined for zoo specialists and keepers. Summary Kirin M.P., Ponomaryov B.B. The first successful experience of captive husbandry and breeding of brownbanded bamboo shark in marine aquariummuseum in Sevastopol. A short report about captive husbandry of a rare shark Chiloscyllium punctatum (Muller et Henke, 1841) and its first successful breeding at Sevastopol marine aquarium-museum. Summary Kudryavtsev S.V., Mamet S.V Ganina L.V. Some successful results in husbandry and breeding of the rare and hard-to-keep venomous snakes at the Moscow Zoo (part YIII: 2007-2008 years). The article deals with some results of a continuous research aimed at developing methods for husbandry and breeding of rare and difficult species of venomous snakes at Moscow Zoo, conducted especially intensively lately. Details of husbandry and captive reproduction of species with restricted areal, such as: banded water cobra Boulengerina a. annulata (Buchholz & Peters in Peters, 1876), rare subspecies of cascavella Crotalus simus culminates Petrs & Orejas-Miranda, 1970, hard-to-keep African bush vipers Atheris and Green Sulawesi pitviper Tropidalaemus subannulatus (Gray, 1842) are given. Summary Pavlova E.Yu., Panov E.N. Some observations on the hybrid of Whooper swan (Cygnus cygnus) and Mute swan (C. olor). In 1989 Moscow zoo got a hybrid of Cynus cygnus and C. olor from Leningrad Zoo. For the few years (from 2000 to 2 2004) this bird stayed in a pair with the C. cygnus female on the “big lake” of the zoo. These two swans looked like a constant pair although the sex of hybrid bird was not recognized. We never saw any elements of sexual behaviour aimed at the Whooper swan female or at some other swans. In general the hybrid bird looked like a Whooper swan. It was highly aggressive and the motor patterns of its threatening behaviour looked intermediate between two parental species but with the prevalence of the Mute swan features. The most usable sound in the repertoire of the hybrid bird resembled the impulse signal of Mute swan in duration and frequency infilling. In contrast to this sound the calling one was a noise-type with an obvious harmonic structure (it was like the signal of Whooper swan but with very small interharmonic interval). It was shown that such signals were intermediate between those of parental species. Except this signals some rarely used sounds were presented in the repertoire of hybrid bird. Those sounds were very close to some elements of vocalization both the Mute swan and the Whooper swan. Summary Zubchaninova E.V., Dubrovskyi V.Yu. Giraffes’ behaviour under different keeping conditions. The article represents comparison of enclosure employment and time budgets of two giraffe males (Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata and G. c. giraffa) approximately of the same age but under different keeping conditions. Considerable behavioural differences related to enclosure construction, presence of visitors and group mates and availability of food, has been revealed. Summary Zubchaninova E.V. How does visitors’ number affect cheetahs’ behaviour in different enclosures? Data were collected in 1993 (3 young females and 2 young males in two enclosures) and 2001 (2 old males and 1 old female in one enclosure) using point sampling method. In all cases even small rise of visitors’ number forced animals to move to distant parts of enclosure and reduce their moving activity. Construction of enclosure, sex and age of animals defined what part of enclosure cheetahs preferred. More favorable disposal of cheetahs on the territory of Moscow zoo is discussed. Summary Podturkin A.A., Popov S.V, Neprintceva E.S. Environment enrichment for two cheetahs in Moscow Zoo. The effect of special dogs’ toy on behaviour of two captive cheetahs (male and female) was tested in the Moscow Zoo. Four or five 30min observation sessions were made daily during animals high activity time (11 3 a.m. to 02 p.m.) with interval between sessions at least ten minutes. Every session consisted of 30 scans with one minute interval. While scanning, the observer fixed the pattern of behaviour, social contacts and the focus of cheetah’s attention when it was obvious. Then the result of every session was used as data-point in analysis. The day with enrichment (experiment) alternated with the day without one (control). Besides we observed baseline of behaviour before the enrichment began and post hog period after the enrichment was finished. There were ten days (48 sessions) for baseline, ten days (50 sessions) for experiments, seven days (34 sessions) for control and four days (20 sessions) for post hog comparison. Nonparametric Mann-Whitney U Test, Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA by ranks, Spearman rank correlation and Shannon index were used for statistical analysis. During experiments with the toy cheetahs were more active, their behaviour was more diverse and they paid more attention to social partner (including agonistic interaction). No any differences between baseline, control and post hog behaviour and no any signs of the decrease of interest to the toy during successive presentations were observed. Summary Zhelankin R., Brylina V., Vassiliev D., Pavlov G. Immune status and its changes in lizards Pseudopus apodus after dehelmintization and subsequent immunocorrection. In the article, immune status of Pseudopus apodus lizards is estimated on such indexes as a general amount of lymphocytes, heterophils fagocitic activity, T and B lymphocytes amount, complement haemolithic activity, functional activity of B lymphocytes. The changes of these indexes are examined after dehelmintization and subsequent immunocorrection. Summary Kondratieva L., Ilchenko O., Vakhrusheva G. Collection of small Australian and South American marsupials in the Experimental Department of small mammals in Moscow Zoo. Collection of small Australian and South American marsupials exists since year 1996 in the Experimental Department of small mammals in Moscow Zoo. Altogether 5 species were kept: kowari (Dasiuroides burnei), grey short-tailed possum (Monodelphis domestica), striped possum (Dactylopsila Trivigata), sugar glider (Petaurus breviceps) and feathertail glider (Acrobates pygmaeus). For all species observations took place in order to learn aspects of their individual and social behavior. Daily records were made. Husbandry Guidelines were written, which include literary data, our experience in keeping and breeding of species and results of our research work. The paper 4 surveys our research results and includes history of species arrival to Moscow Zoo, description of our research methods, main results and their discussion. After each part list of published literature is added. Hopefully our results would be of interest to our colleagues from other zoos around the World. Summary Rutovskaya M.V., Rozhnov V.V. The experience of keeping and breeding the Russian desman (Desmana moschata L.) in captivity. The Russian desman is the endemic species of the European part of Russia, which is included in the Red Book of Russian Federation. There are a lot of difficulties in its study because of its closed living strategy: it lives in the burrows at the rivers’ banks and it is active mostly under the water. So, we can study many aspects of desman biology only while keeping it in captivity but it is a great problem. We need to create a captive breeding reservation of desmans urgently as its number in nature is quickly decreasing. Previous experiences of keeping Russian desman in captivity are discussed in the article. In 2004 we continued the study on this species in captivity at Scientific biostation “Chernogolovka” of Severtzov Institute of ecology and evolution RAS. We observed 6 pairs of wild-caught desmans from Ryasan region in 2004 and 2005. Desmans lived in the wood labyrinth – the imitation of its burrows with the enters under the water. We have one watershed which volume is 800 liters and several baths which volumes are about 200 liters. We change water as usual twice a week and use the dry bog moss as a nest material. We maintain the temperature in the vivarium from 0 to10oC and avoid to be noisy. Feeding is the main factor that keeps desman in order. The absence of the balanced and enriched food affects the health dramatically: the hair becomes wet and animals decrease their activity, gain weight and soon die. Force-meat, boiled chicken, boiled potatoes and porridge are the main food for desmans. Vitamins A, D, E and C are the necessary components. We noticed the relationship between the wetness of hair and amount of the ascorbic acid in the food. The next problem with captive desmans is their very high activity. Usually animals sleep for six hours then during six hours they are active: swimming, investigating, feeding, building the nest and digging. The last may transform into stereotype activity: desmans for a long time are clawing at one place and may damage the enclosures and escape. Water is necessary: it supports the normal temperature of desman body. Desman defecates in the water. Desmans hide under the water when they are fearful, so the absence of water results in stress. When desmans are stressed, their 5 activity decreases and hair become wet. Animals may die when stressed with loud noise. Breeding of desmans is not well investigated that’s why it is a great problem to breed this species in captivity. Only once V.P. Krasovsky (1954) observed female with litter, but nobody have repeated this experience. We suppose that increased weight of animal in captivity compared with its weight in nature may cause failure of breeding. Social relationships between desmans may be the second cause, why our attempts to breed these animals have failed. We are to pay more attention to feeding programs, to medicamental stimulation of breeding desmans, keeping conditions including amount of the water and necessary degrees of temperature and lightness and to investigation of social courtship in desmans to have success in creation the captive reservation of this species. Summary Gashinskyi A.V. Social life of a captive group of markhors (Capra falconeri) in the Moscow zoo. The article summarizes 15-year observations of author on a markhors’ group in conditions of Moscow zoo. Behaviour of animals during all stages of annual cycle (period of births and raising of offspring, mating period and wintering) is discussed with special emphasis on group structure and hierarchic system. Some aspects which are important for this species captive maintenance are considered. Summary Vakhrusheva G.V., Ilchenko O.G. Combined Small Mammal and Small Carnivore TAG meeting, Parco Natura Viva (Italy). This spring we participated in the work of periodic EAZA combined Small Mammal and Small Carnivore TAG meeting which took place in Parco Natura Viva, Bussolengo, North Italy. More than 30 specialists from different institutions of Europe took part in the work of meeting, 15 reports were made giving rise to several lively debates. This article presents a brief survey of reports. Describing the main principles of PNV collection and organization of expositions we tried to focus attention on research fields and educational projects. Summary Popov S.V., Neprintseva E.S., Alekseicheva I.A. 8thInternational Conference on Environment Enrichment in the zoos. Materials of the 8th International Conference on Environment Enrichment (August 5-10, 2007, Schoenbrunn Zoo, Vienna, Austria) are reviewed. Summary Astakhov D.A. Modern status of coral reef communities and impact of aquarium trade on the reef ecosystems. Data on the modern status of coral reef communities of the world and impact of aquarium trade on these ecosystems are described. Summary 6 Poponov S.Y. Creation of marine invertertebrates and fishes collection in Moscow Zoo Exotarium. Data on the main stages of formation of Moscow Zoo marine aquarium, the volume and species composition of marine invertertebrates and fishes collection are described. Summary Poponova V.R. The quarantine of new marine fishes and invertebrates in Moscow Zoo. Data on a special quarintine zone for adaptation, treatment and keeping of new marine animals in the Department of invertebrates and marine fishes of Moscow Zoo are described. Summary Makeeva N.V. Aquariums of Kaliningrad Museum of the World ocean today. The article describes all marine and freshwater aquariums of Kaliningrad Museum of the World ocean at present time; their inhabitants are listed; future trends of museum are mentioned. Summary Korotkova A.V. Sevastopol Sea Aquarium-Museum. Sevastopol Sea Aquarium-Museum is one of the oldest sea aquariums of the world. The article presents briefly its history and current state accenting on traditional specialization in Black Sea Ichthyofauna. Contents Introduction (Instructions for authors) 3 The questions of animals’ keeping, breeding and behaviour in captivity M.P. Kirin, B.B. Ponomaryov The first successful experience of captive husbandry and breeding of brownbanded bamboo shark in marine aquarium-museum in Sevastopol 5 S.V. Kudryavtsev, S.V. Mamet, L.V. Ganina Some successful results in husbandry and breeding of the rare and hard-tokeep venomous snakes at the Moscow Zoo (part YIII:2007-2008 years) E.Yu. Pavlova, E.N. Panov 7 9 Some observations on the hybrid of Whooper swan (Cygnus cygnus) and Mute swan (C. olor). 19 E.V. Zubchaninova, V.Yu. Dubrovskyi Giraffes’ behaviour under different keeping conditions 30 E.V. Zubchaninova How does visitors number affect cheetahs’ behaviour in different 36 enclosure? A.A. Podturkin, S.V. Popov, E.S. Neprintceva Environment enrichment for two cheetahs in Moscow Zoo. 45 Problematic materials R. Zhelankin, V. Brylina, D. Vassiliev, G. Pavlov Immune status and its changes in lizards Pseudopus apodus after dehelmintization and subsequent immunocorrection. 53 Analytical reviews L. Kondratieva, O. Ilchenko, G. Vakhrusheva Collection of small Australian and South American marsupials in the Experimental Department of small mammals in Moscow Zoo. 63 M.V. Rutovskaya, V.V. Rozhnov The experience of keeping and breeding the Russian desman (Desmana moschata L.) in captivity. 77 A.V. Gashinskyi Social life of a captive group of markhors (Capra falconeri) in the Moscow 103 zoo. Information G.V. Vakhrusheva, O.G. Ilchenko Combined Small Mammal and Small Carnivore TAG meeting, Parco Natura Viva (Italy). С.В. Попов, Е.С. Непринцева, И.А. Алексеичева 8thInternational Conference on Environment Enrichment in the zoos. International training seminar “Keeping and breeding of fishes and other marine and freshwater invertebrates “ Introduction 8 117 126 143 D.A. Astakhov Modern status of coral reef communities and impact of aquarium trade on the reef ecosystems. 144 S.Y. Poponov Creation of marine invertertebrates and fishes collection in Moscow Zoo Exotarium. 148 V.R. Poponova The quarantine of new marine fishes and invertebrates in Moscow Zoo. 156 N.V. Makeeva Aquariums of Kaliningrad Museum of the World ocean today. 160 A.V. Korotkova Sevastopol Sea Aquarium-Museum 164 9