Unit 1

Ex. 1 Read the following international words and word combinations and give their Russian
A. geology, approximately, classify, operate, mineralogy, petrology, architecture,
geomorphology, constantly, paleontology, interior, stratigraphy, geophysics,
geochemistry, astronomy, spheroid, concentrically, atmosphere, gaseous, lithosphere,
B. physical process, mass of detail, composition and structure, fundamentals of biology,
social progress, outer zone, equatorial diameter, ocean portion
Ex. 2 Form adjectives from the following verbs by means of suffix “able” and translate the
resultant adjectives into Russian.
e.g. to observe
Classify, determine, change, depend, obtain, understand, break
Ex. 3 Give the related adjectives.
Physics, geophysics, mechanics, mathematics, economics, politics.
Ex.4 Arrange the following related verbs and nouns in pairs and translate them into Russian.
Ex 5. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay attention to “may”, “can”, “must” +
Perfect Infinitive.
e.g. 1. The word must have originated from Latin.
Это слово, должно быть, произошло от латинского.
2. He can’t have used this method in his work.
Вряд ли он использовал в своей работе этот метод.
3. This area may have been subjected to severe earthquakes.
Этот район , возможно, подвергся сильным землетрясениям.
1. The earth may have undergone different stages of development.
2. You must have read about the evolution and development of the earth and its inhabitants.
3. During the ice age much of the continental shelf must have been land.
4. This article must have dealt with the problem of oil origin.
5. The composition of this rock must have been studied.
6. Mineral matter may have accumulated in the seas, lakes, or in streams.
7. The inhabitants of an earthquake country can’t have originated the idea of immovable earth.
8. According to the theory of this scientists oil cannot have originated from inorganic matter.
9. Oxygen in the atmosphere must have been relatively stable in its concentration for a
considerable time.
1. inhabit
жить, обитать, населять
The woods are inhabited by many wild animals.
житель, обитатель
Inhabitant n.
A city of six million inhabitants.
2. disclose
Some companies have already disclosed similar information.
3. discourse n.
He fired up a cigar and started a discourse on Moliere, Balzac,
4. constitute
Seven days constitute a week.
5. trace
следить, прослеживать
This custom has been traced to the twelfth century.
Paleontologists found some traces of ancient
animals, which lived during the Perm
6. sequence
последовательность, порядок следования
The questions should be asked in a logical sequence.
7. branch
ветвь, отрасль
A branch of a tree; a branch of knowledge.
8.concurrent adj.
совпадающий, действующий совместно или одновременно
The exhibition reflected concurrent developments abroad.
9. dimension
We’ll need to know the exact dimensions of the room.
10. envelope
An envelope of gases around the planet
11. confine
The speaker should confine to the subject.
Ex.6. Read the text and find English equivalents to the following:
Происхождение земли и ее обитателей, органические остатки, современное значение,
круг вопросов, поскольку, порядок и последовательность пород, в свою очередь, в
некоторой степени, газообразная оболочка, ряд, растительный и животный мир, недра
Geology is the study of the origin and evolution of the earth and its inhabitants, as disclosed
by the study of the rocks (formations) and fossils. The word “geology” is derived from the Greek
“ge” meaning “earth”, and “logis” meaning “discourse” and was first used in approximately its
present sense in 1661.
The great mass of detail which constitutes geology is classified under the headings:
Physical geology which is concerned with the physical processes that operate on and within
earth –the processes that have given the rocks of the earth’s crust their composition and
structure, and the forces that have shaped the landscapes we see on its surface.
Mineralogy – the science of minerals; petrology – the science of rocks.
Structural geology which is the study of the architecture of the earth in so far as it is determined
by earth movements; geomorphology, which deals with the origin of landscapes and with the
changes that are constantly occurring in them; historical geology – the science that traces the
evolution and development of the earth and its animal and plant inhabitants with time;
paleontology – the science that deals with the study of animals and plants of the geologic past;
stratigraphy, the science that is concerned with the order and sequence of the rocks that make
up the earth’s crust; economic geology – the application of the science of geology to the uses
of man. Geology also embraces some branches of geophysics and geochemistry.
These subdivisions are not independent sciences. For example, physical geology could
never have obtained its present development without the concurrent progress in paleontology.
These subdivisions are, in turn, dependent upon the fundamental sciences of physics,
chemistry, and biology, as well as to a certain extent, upon astronomy and the social sciences
of geography and economics.
To begin a study of the earth we shall need to know something about its dimension, shape,
and its outer zones. The earth is a spheroid, its equatorial diameter being 26 miles greater than
its polar diameter.
Equatorial diameter
7,927 miles
Polar diameter
7,900.4 miles
26.6 miles
The earth is divided, concentrically, into a number of spheres:
Atmosphere: a gaseous envelope which covers both the lithosphere and hydrosphere.
Hydrosphere: water which covers only a portion of the lithosphere and is mainly confined
to the seas and oceans.
Lithosphere: the observable solid portion of the earth’s lithosphere has a density less
than 3, but the density of the earth is 5.52. Therefore the interior of the earth must be
denser than the outer lithic sphere.
Temperature increases 1° F for every 30 to 300 feet toward the center. Volcanic lavas
suggest that temperatures as high as 1,800° F may exist not far below the surface of the earth.
Ex.7. Translate the following word combinations.
gases present in the atmosphere; to be present at the lesson; the present
situation; at present; to present somebody with flowers; to present a
a sense of humour; in present sense; there is no sense in doing something
to operate within the earth; to operate at 10°C
the book deals with structural geology; a great deal of details
to water the plants; plant and animal inhabitants; to work at a chemical plant
application -
a letter of application; application of new technology; practical application; to
apply knowledge
to turn to the right; to turn on (off) the light; in (one’s) turn; it turns out that
to do something well; an oil (gas) well; well done work; to look well; he did it
as well; as well as
to a certain extent; a vast extent of water; the extent of damage; extent of
exploration; areal extent of a reservoir
2, 4, 6 – are even numbers; 1, 3, 5 odd numbers; the number of the house; a
large number of people; telephone number
gaseous envelope of the Earth; a letter envelope
at the foot of the mountain; to go on foot; to be 25 feet long and 10 feet wide
Ex. 8. Pick out synonyms of the following words.
Fundamental, use, to be concerned with, meaning, to derive, to make up, to be dealt with, to
constitute, dimension, form, to come from, application, development, main, evolution, sense,
shape, size.
Ex. 9. Translate the following.
Историческая геология
является наукой о
Структурная геология
является наукой, которая
Физическая геология
Ex. 10. Put the proper derivative of the word “origin” in the blanks in the sentences.
The . . . inhabitants of this island are not known.
These materials. . . in the ocean.
The island was . . . inhabited by Indian tribes.
This chapter of the book deals with the . . . of the earth’s surface features.
Ex.11. Read the sentences; define the tense and voice of the predicates. Translate the
1. The origin and evolution of the earth and its inhabitants can be disclosed by the study of
the rocks and fossils.
2. The present landscapes have been shaped by the physical processes and forces that
operate on and within the earth.
3. The evolution and development of the earth and its animal and plant inhabitants with
time is traced by the science called historical geology.
4. The earth crust is made up of various rocks.
5. The present development of physical geology has been obtained due to the progress in
6. The lithosphere and hydrosphere are covered with a gaseous envelope called
7. The earth’s surface is continually changing.
8. The problem of the age of the earth and the universe is still being discussed by
9. Spectroscopic studies of the sun have been made over many years and many data have
been accumulated.
10. For those who live on the equator, days and nights will always be equal.
11. The known history of the earth has been more or less definitely divided into great eras,
and these, in turn, into periods and epochs.
12. Minerals and rocks were variously utilized by ancient people.
13. Geoscientists have estimated the earth to be about 5 billion years old. The earth has
been cooling ever since and has formed a hard outer crust, part of the interior is still hot
and molten.
14. Our knowledge of natural sciences is being directed toward healing the environmental
damage that has been done to the earth’s surface and groundwater.
Ex.12.Translate the following word combinations into English.
1.Это слово происходит от . . .
2.Земная кора сложена . . .
3.Физическая геология делится на . . .
4.Земля покрыта . . .
5.Это слово используется. . .
6.Эволюция земли прослеживается
7.Данные получены из. . .
8.Породы классифицируются в соответствии с . . .
Ex.13. Open the brackets choosing the proper English word from those given before the text.
(inhabitants, embraces, shape, constitution, deals with, includes, utilization, origin, divisions,
concerned, resources )
Geology is the science which (. . .) the history of the earth and its ( . . . ) .More specifically, it
is ( . . .) with the earth’s ( . . . ) and structure, with the various stages through which it has
passed, with the living things, with the agencies and processes which are continually altering it,
and with the (. . .) of the earth’s materials by man. Standing on the broad foundations of
astronomy, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology, geology ( . . . ) a long list of (. . . ),
such as physiography, meteorology, mineralogy, petrology, economic geology, paleontology
and many other “logies”.
Thus geology (. . .) the study of such diverse subjects as the earth’s landscapes, the
processes which actively (. . . )its surface features, weather and climate, mineral (. . .), (. . . )
and development of animals and plants, minerals, rocks and even the origin of man himself.
Ex.14. Say which geological subdivisions are described.
1. the science of the rocks of the earth
2. the arrangements of the structural relations of rocks and particularly their relations to
each other
3. the forces and the movements that have affected the rocks and the results of these
4. the study of the remains of ancient life that are found in the rocks
5. the study of the past of the earth as shown by its rocks and particularly the record of
events that is revealed in the rocks.
6. the study of the occurrence, origin, and distribution of the materials of the earth that
are valuable to man
Ex.15. Translate the following sentences into English.
Геология – наука, изучающая происхождение и развитие земли.
Слово «геология» происходит от греческих слов.
Греческое слово «ге» означает «земля», а «логия»--рассуждение.
Круг вопросов, составляющих геологию, подразделяется на ряд разделов.
Это такие подразделения, как физическая геология, минералогия, структурная
геология, палеонтология, историческая геология и т.д.
Все эти подразделения взаимосвязаны.
В свою очередь, все они связаны с основными науками, такими как физика, химия,
биология, а также астрономия, география и экономика.
Геолог должен начать изучение земли с таких сведений как ее размер, форма и
внешние зоны.
С физической точки зрения землю можно разделить на зоны: литосферу,
гидросферу и атмосферу.
10. Литосфера – это твердая оболочка или корка земли.
11. Гидросфера – это вода, покрывающая литосферу.
12. Атмосфера – это воздушная оболочка.
13. Плотность земли изменяется с глубиной.
14. Температура земли также возрастает к центру.
Ex.16. Answer the following questions.
What does the text deal with?
What is defined as geology?
What is the word “geology” derived from?
What is physical geology concerned with?
What does mineralogy study?
What other geological sciences do you know? What does each of them deal with?
Are geological subdivisions independent sciences?
What can you say about the shape and dimension of the earth?
What are the outer zones of the earth?
10. Is the density of the outer part of the earth the same as that of its inner portion?
Ex.17. Refer to the text from Ex.6 and do the following tasks.
a) Give the main idea of each unit in one sentence.
Speak on the science of geology using the sentences from “a” as a plan.
Ex.18. Read the text and do the following tasks:
Give a heading to the text.
Divide the text into paragraphs (3 or 4)
Find the key sentences in each paragraph.
Write a summary of the text. Don’t forget to use the following connecting words: “but, so,
however, as, while, then, thus, and, although, etc.”.
Today, as the human race stretches its curiosity into outer space to probe the Moon, Mars
and other planets, drills into the earth and explores the mysteries of the seas, one of the most
important sciences covering all these activities is our own geology. So what is geology? Simply,
it is the science that deals with the Earth, its constitution and structure, the agencies and
processes continually altering it, and the use of the Earth’s materials by man. Geology teaches
us to understand Nature. Our science is based on the ancient studies of astronomy, biology,
chemistry, mathematics, and physics. Geology is a curious and fascinating mixture of many
sciences; yet it is a definite science, distinct from all the others. Although geology has its own
laboratory methods for studying minerals, rocks, and fossils, it is essentially an open – air
science. It attracts geologists to mountains and waterfalls, glaciers and volcanoes in search for
information about the earth and its puzzling mysteries. Geology is of great practical importance
in relation to the needs and industries of mankind. Thousands of geologists are actually
engaged in locating and exploring the mineral resources of the earth. The whole world is being
searched for new deposits of coal, oil, gas and ores of useful metals. Geologists are directly
concerned with the problem of water supply, environmental protection. Many engineering
projects such as tunnels, canals, docks, and reservoirs require geological advice in the
selection of sites and materials. In these and many other ways geology is applied to the service
of mankind.
Ex. 19. Agree or disagree with the following statements:
1. Geology is concerned with the Earth constitution and structure.
2. To study geology is to understand Nature.
3. Geology is an open-air science.
4. Geology is of academic importance.
5. Geological subdivisions are independent sciences.
Ex. 20. Render the following text in English:
Геология – одна из наук о Земле. Слово «геология» состоит из древнегреческих
слов «ге», что значит «земля», и «логос» - «учение». Существуют и другие науки, которые
изучают Землю, например, астрономия, география, геодезия, геофизика и геохимия.
Однако, в отличие от этих наук, геология изучает состав, строение, происхождение и
развитие земной коры и Земли и процессы, которые происходят в земной коре.
Геология делится на динамическую и историческую. Геодинамика изучает
геологические процессы, действующие на поверхности и внутри планеты. Историческая
геология изучает историю развития Земли, земной коры и жизни на Земле. Наука об
остатках древней жизни называется палеонтологией.
Из геологии по мере её развития выделились многие науки, которые занимаются
исследованием составных частей земной коры и разных процессов, формирующих и
изменяющих её. Все эти науки являются геологическими.
Земная кора состоит из минералов, которые образуют горные породы. Изучением
свойств и состава минералов занимаются науки кристаллография и минералогия.
Минералогия изучает такое образование /генезис/ и изменение минералов.
Состав и строение горных пород изучают такие науки, как петрография и
Геология связана с геофизикой и геохимией – науками, которые изучают Землю
физическими и химическими методами.
Ex. 21. Speak on:
1) the science of geology
2) subdivisions of geology