In accordance with the provisions of Art . 10 , 11 and 12 of the Law on Associations ("Official Gazette of RS", no . 51/ 09), the Constituent Assembly of the Association held in Novi Sad on January 12th, 2014 , adopted the following STATUTE OF ASSOCIATION " MORALITY " Article 1 Association " Morality " (hereinafter referred to as the Association) was founded as a non-partisan, non-government, non-profit association to achieve the objectives in the field of protection and promotion of morality and universal human rights, as defined by the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The objectives of the Association are: scientific and professional research of morality and basic human rights in the context of the relationship of man to nature and to other people, publicly advocating values of general importance, in particular ways of organizing social relations in accordance with morality and general welfare of man and society. Article 2 To achieve its objectives, the Association , in particular: 1) Collects , systematizes , processes and publishes the available literature in the area of morality and human rights; 2) Organizes, alone or in cooperation with other organizations, professional meetings, conferences, seminars and other forms of education and training in this area; 4) Organizes professionals and voluntary workers to work on scientific, professional and research projects in the field of improvement of social relations in accordance with morality and universal human rights ; 5) Promotes the importance of raising awareness of nature protection and equal rights to natural resources; 6) Cooperates with other associations of citizens, social and political communities, universities, schools, professional associations, media and other organizations at home and abroad that deal with morality and human rights in general by consistent and principled commitment to morality and universal human rights. Article 3 Name of the Association is : " Morality ". Name of the Association in English is : " Morality ". 1 The Association is based in Novi Sad , Brace Jovandic 17. Association realizes its activities on the territory of the Republic of Serbia and in the other member states of the United Nations . Article 4 Membership in the Association may be regular or associate. Regular member is a full member of the association. One becomes a regular member either by participation in the inaugural meeting of the Association or by consensus of regular members for the acceptance of an associate member on his request. An associate member may one become by registration in the list of associate members of the Association at one’s own initiative. The rights and duties of associate members are equal with those of regular members except for the right to participate in the Assembly of the Association. Member of the Association may be any person who accepts and acts in accordance with the objectives of the Association and Statute of the Association. The decision on admission to regular membership is made by the Assembly of the Association. Regular membership is gained by signing the application form. A member may resign from membership by giving a written statement of resignation. Membership in the Association may be terminated due to death, long inactivity of a member (over a year) , non-compliance with the provisions of this Statute or damage to the reputation of the Association. Decision on termination of membership is made by the Assembly, on a reasoned proposal of the Assignee the Association. Member must be allowed to comment on the reasons for the proposal for a decision on the termination of his membership in the Association, except for the termination of membership due to his death. Article 5 Regular members are entitled to : 1) an equal footing with other members in achieving the objectives of the Association; 2) the right to participate in decision-making in the Assembly, as well as through the organs of the Association; 3) elect and be elected to the Association organs; 4) be fully and timely informed about the activities of the Association. Member shall: 2 1) actively contribute to achieving the objectives of the Association; 2) participate in line with its interest in the activities of the Association; Article 6 The organs of the Association are the Assembly and Assignee of the Association. Article 7 Assembly consists of all of its regular members. The Assembly normally meets once a year. An extraordinary session of the Assembly may be convened on a reasoned proposal of the Assignee, as well as the initiative of at least one-third of the membership. The initiative is submitted to the Assignee as a written proposal. Meeting of the Assembly appoints the Assignee by a written notice of the time and place of meeting and draft agenda. If the Assignee is for any reason unable to appoint a session of the Assembly, the same may be called by any regular member of the Association, with public provision of evidence to other members of the inability of the Assignee to participate. The session is chaired by the oldest person present . Assembly : 1) adopts the plan and program of work; 2) adopts the Statute as well as amendments to the Statute; 3) adopts other general acts of the Association; 4) considers and adopts the financial plan and report; 5) elects and recalls the Assignee of the Association. Assembly rightfully acts if at least half of its members are present. Assembly decides by majority vote of the members present. Decisions on amendments to the Statute, status changes and termination of the Association requires a two-thirds majority vote of members present. Article 8 Assignee represents the Association in legal matters and has the rights and duties of the financial manager. Article 9 The work of the Association is open to the public. 3 Assignee cares for regular information for members and the public about the activities of the Association, directly or through internal publications and through public releases. Annual accounts and reports on the activities of the Association shall be submitted to the members at the Meeting of the Association. Article 10 In order to achieve its objectives, the Association contacts and cooperates with other professional, scientific, educational and similar organizations at home and abroad. The Association may join international human rights organizations, a decision of the Assembly. Article 11 The Association raises funds through voluntary contributions , donations and gifts (in cash or in kind), financial subsidies, legacies and other legally permissible manner. Article 12 Association stops with the decision of the Assembly, when the conditions for achieving the objectives of the Association, as well as in other cases provided by law . Article 13 The Association has the seal of the oval form on which is in the upper half the inscription " Моралност ", in the bottom half " Morality " and in the middle shows the symbol of balance with scales. Article 14 All matters not governed by these Articles shall immediately be subject to the provisions of the Law on Associations. Article 15 This Statute shall enter into force upon adoption by the Constituent Assembly of the Association. Chairman of the Constituent Assembly of the Association _____________________________ (Srdjan Stankov) 4