Activities in 2009 Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis/ Infectious pustular vulvovagenitis Dr Martin Beer Institute of Diagnostic Virology, FRIEDRICH-LOEFFLER-INSTITUT Südufer 10, D-17493 Greifswald-Insel Riems, Germany Tel.: (+49-38351) 7-223, Fax: (+49-38351) 7-275; Summary of general activities related to the disease 1. 2. Test(s) in use/or available for the specified disease at your laboratory Test For Specificity Total Indirect ELISA BoHV-1-antibody (serum, plasma, milk) BoHV-1 520 gB-blocking-ELISA BoHV-1-gB-antibody (serum, plasma) BoHV-1 1193 gE-blocking-ELISA BoHV-1-gE-antibody, marker test (serum, plasma) wild type BoHV-1 2047 Neutralisation test (NT) BoHV-1-antibody (serum) BoHV-1 118 Cell culture (MDBK, KOP-R) virus isolation (semen, swabs, organ samples, vaccines) replication competent virus 44 IFAT BoHV-1 antigen (cell culture) BoHV-1 25 PCR genome of BoHV-1 (semen, swabs, organ samples, vaccines) BoHV-1 46 PCR genome of herpesviruses HV 40 REFLP genome differentiation of bovine herpesviruses (virus isolates) HV 7 Production and distribution of diagnostic reagents Approximately 20 additional reference sera were collected from marker vaccinated cattle. In total, more than 150 reference samples (serum and milk) are now available. 169 reference sera and 55 reference milk samples were supplied nationally to the regional laboratories, and 490 reference samples (serum: 455; milk: 35) were supplied to other OIE member countries. Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2009 1 Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis/infectious pustular vulvovaginitis Activities specifically related to the mandate of OIE Reference Laboratories 3. International harmonisation and standardisation of methods for diagnostic testing or the production and testing of vaccines 44 commercial BoHV-1-ELISAs were tested for batch release by the OIE reference laboratory. 30 pairs of trigeminal ganglia from cattle and additional diagnostic samples were tested for the presence of genome sequences of BoHV-1 or of other ruminant herpesviruses by a BoHV-1 specific, newly designed real-time PCR (gD, gE), and a pan-herpes PCR which detects conserved sequences of the herpesviral DNA-dependent DNA-polymerase. The tests are currently applied to elucidate potential introduction of ruminant alphaherpesviruses into cattle herds. The OIE reference laboratory participated in a BoHV-1 proficiency test organised by the COORDINATION CENTRE FOR VETERINARY DIAGNOSTICS (CCVD, Brussels, Belgium). 100% of the serum samples were correctly characterised for the presence of BoHV-1 gE- and gB-specific antibodies. 4. Preparation and supply of international reference standards for diagnostic tests or vaccines The German BoHV-1 reference sera R1 (positive), R2 (weak positive), R3 (very weak positive), R31 (negative) and R32 (negative) were supplied to laboratories in Germany, France, Italy, Poland, Belgium, Serbia, Switzerland, and Latvia. 5. Research and development of new procedures for diagnosis and control Introduction of various ruminant alphaherpesviruses into cattle herds is under discussion to evolve as a threat to advanced BoHV-1 eradication programs. High graded serological cross reactivity with BoHV-1 is observed in numerous ELISA tests and even in serum neutralisation assays. A highly sensitive plaque reduction assay was introduced and will be further validated for BoHV-1, BuHV-1, CpHV-1, CvHV-1, CvHV-2, EHV-1 and BHV-2 with field sera as well as with defined mono-specific cattle sera. 6. Collection, analysis and dissemination of epizootiological data relevant to international disease control Data concerning the progress of the German BoHV-1 eradication program were collected and analysed using a detailed questionnaire. In summary, more than 85.1% of the cattle holdings in Germany were BoHV-1-antibody or BoHV-1-gE-antibody free at the end of 2008. 7. Provision of consultant expertise to OIE or to OIE Members Protocols, e.g. for BoHV-1-neutralization assays and BoHV-1 PCRs, were transferred to several international laboratories. Expert advices concerning BoHV-1 diagnostics and BoHV-1 eradication have been required by colleagues from Spain, India, Italy and USA. 8. Provision of scientific and technical training to personnel from other OIE Members Technicians from a regional veterinary laboratory were invited for a diagnostic training with focus on serum neutralisation test and PCR techniques. 9. Provision of diagnostic testing facilities to other OIE Members BoHV-1 isolates from India and Buffalo swab samples from Italy were transferred to the FLI for virological examinations and differentiation of BoHV-1 and other ruminant herpesviruses (BuHV-1). Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2009 2 Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis/infectious pustular vulvovaginitis 10. Organisation of international scientific meetings on behalf of OIE or other international bodies The FLI organised the 3. ESVV Veterinary Herpesvirus Symposium in Greifswald. The meeting focused on the current state of herpesvirus research and gave a broad overview of new aspects of veterinary diagnostics, basic research and applied science. 11. Participation in international scientific collaborative studies Not applicable 12. Publication and dissemination of information relevant to the work of OIE (including list of scientific publications, internet publishing activities, presentations at international conferences) Presentations at international conferences and meetings Koenig, P., Goerl B., and Beer, M. 2009. Report from the OIE and national reference laboratory: evaluation of the BoHV-1 ring trial 2008/2009. 7. International Symposium on infectious diseases of cattle, Stendal, Germany Koenig, P., Teuffert, J., and Beer, M. 2009. The German BHV-1 eradication program: a review and perspectives for the future. 3. ESVV Veterinary Herpesvirus Symposium in Greifswald, Germany. Kalthoff, D., Koenig, P., Trapp, S., and Beer, M. 2009. Immunization and challenge experiments with a new modified live BoHV-1 marker vaccine prototype adjuvanted with a co-polymer. 3. ESVV Veterinary Herpesvirus Symposium in Greifswald. Germany. Other communications M. Beer revised and updated the chapter on IBR/IPV in the OIE Manual. Beer, M, Koenig, P., and Höreth-Böntgen, D. 2008. BHV-1. Tiergesundheitsjahrbuch 2008, Friedrich-LoefflerInstitut, Germany. 13. Inscription of diagnostic kits on the OIE Register i) Did you participate in expert panels for the validation of candidate kits for inscription on the OIE Register? If yes, for which kits? No ii) Did you submit to the OIE candidate kits for inscription on the OIE Register? If yes, for which kits? No _______________ Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2009 3