Constipation and Diarrhoea Leaflet

Stools (sometimes called faeces or motions) become
hard, and difficult or painful to pass. Some people do
not need to pass stools every day. This is normal for
them and is not constipation. Sometimes crampy pains
occur in the lower abdomen (tummy). Abdominal
bloating and nausea (feeling sick) may occur if
constipation is severe. Constipation in children is
common, and usually lasts just for a few days. A
healthy diet and plenty to drink is often all that is needed.
Diarrhoea is the passing of loose or liquid stools frequently. It is often
accompanied by a colicky (cramp like) pain in the tummy. You may also feel
sick or vomit. Diarrhoea is unpleasant but rarely dangerous.
What causes diarrhoea?
Sudden change of diet
Eating infected food
What causes constipation and how you can help?
Some medications like strong painkillers may cause constipation
Poor hand-washing
Lack of fruit, vegetables and cereals can result in harder stools
Travel to a foreign country
Lack of fluid, so you need to drink at least 1.5-2litres of fluid (8 tall glasses) a
day. Encourage your child to drink water while at school
Infants (babies under 1 year old) and the elderly are particularly at risk of
becoming dehydrated (low in body fluid) when suffering from diarrhoea.
Stress or any change in routine
How you can help
Lack of exercise. If you don’t exercise enough your bowel will not work properly
Drink plenty of fluid (water & clear soups)
Try to walk at least 20 minutes a day and use the stairs instead of the lift
Rehydration solutions are useful in replacing lost fluid & salt
Ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement, so always make plenty of time for
.Always read labels carefully and
Contact the Doctor if:
Is your child comfortable using the toilet at school?
There is any blood or mucus (slime) with the diarrhoea
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) sufferers may have abdominal (tummy) cramps
A baby, or child with diarrhoea is drowsy or refuses to drink for a few hours
and constipation alternating with diarrhoea
You have a fever with the diarrhoea
The diarrhoea lasts more than 3 days
More than two days in a child or the elderly
More than 1 day in babies under one year old
You pass little or no urine over 12 hours (six hours in babies)
You think you have picked up a stomach bug from overseas
How to treat constipation
Before taking a medicine try to increase the amount of fruit, vegetables and cereals
in your diet and drink plenty of fluids. I this doesn’t help ask your pharmacist for
advice, they will be able to recommend a suitable laxative if necessary.
Contact the Doctor if:
You have tried the above and you are still constipated after 5 days
You have abdominal pain, vomiting or bloating
You have blood in your stools
Leaflet adapted from East Lancashire PCT