1. Accountability 1
2. result orientation 2
3. adaptability 3
4. advocacy and negotiation 4
5. applying knowledge 5
6. acceptance of change 6
7. communication skills 7
8. conceptual thinking 9
9. concern for detail 10
10. cost control 11
11. customer service orientation 12
12. developing others 13
13. discipline 14
14. impact and influence 15
15. information seeking / research interest 16
16. initiative 17
17. innovation and continuous improvement 18
18. judgement and decision making 19
19. managing execution 20
20. organizational awareness 21
21. organisational commitment 22
22. planning and organising 23
23. problem assessment 24
24. problem solving 25
25. professional integrity 26
26. quantitative analysis 27
27. relationship building / leverage network 28
28. resilience 29
29. strategic orientation 30
30. team leadership 31
31. teamwork 32
32. analytical skills
33. productive thinking skills
34. delegation/empowerment
35. drive/motivation
36. persistence
37. stress management
38. quality consciousness
Individual’s concern for producing quality work in the given time and strives for improving
standards of excellence. A struggle to be a good performer rather then average accompanied
by action and demonstrated results, accepts challenges, sets high goals for self, direct
reports, others, and the organization; self-imposes standards. In addition also demonstrates
thoroughness, quality, accuracy & detail; personal integrity, prudence, responsibility and
ownership in carrying out tasks.
Level Behavioral Indicator
He always sets goal, plan for work , follows system requirements,
quality standards and considers risk to give effective results in time.
Identifies major risks and the necessary control.
Sets standards & works to meet challenging goals. Proactively seeks
opportunities and challenges own and others' performance to
motivate better performance; puts extra efforts to complete own
tasks with quality. Reviews work, plans and prepares groundwork
before proceeding. Modifies and adjusts goals / plans as business
climate changes.
Follows through & effectively monitors the desired results. Makes
decisions and chooses goals that add value and control cost.
Improve performance and makes specific and noticeable changes to
the system/processes. Continually aligns oneself with organizational
goals. Tries clearing obstacles in the way of achievement. Prioritizes
risk and ensures that controls remain relevant & effective.
Achieves highest performance standards & measure of excellence
by taking bold steps. Is self-motivated and motivates team and
others on achievement of the desired goals. Highly concerned about
SQM’s image and takes maximum efforts to protect SQM’s interest.
Take extremely positive attitude towards challenging tasks always
and is not concerned about self limitations when performing a task.
Able to identify business opportunities and direct significant
resources to achieve goals, and considers internal and external risk
Expresses ideas effectively in individual and group situations; adjusts language or
terminology to the characteristics and needs of the audience; Understands and responds
effectively when interacting with individuals and groups. Possesses impressive writing skill,
that is capable of conveying message clearly to the readers. Recognizes the necessity and is
willing to join in productive association with others across the organization.
Level Behavioral Indicator
Demonstrates Basic Communication Skills / Expresses Self Clearly. Is
able to write fairly well but requires editing to suit the interest of target
readers. Explains clearly by adjusting words / terminology to ensure
audience understanding. Asks clear questions using oral and / or other
methods of communication. Listens to and views people’s suggestions
and concerns effectively and positively; is open and receptive to
information and feedback. Uses appropriate format and adapts the
content and style of presentation to suit the audience
Presents Self Confidently. Writes clearly with fairly good substance and
accuracy. Applies a wide range of interpersonal styles to suit different
situations. Explains, justifies and delivers facts, ideas and opinion in a
clear manner. Encourages others to share point of and shares
appropriate information with other peers. Listens attentively to others, is
willing to give and take in dealing with conflicts. Presents complex ideas
and concepts with confidence, able to see things from another’s
Writes in a comprehensive, logical and structured way and seldom
needs any revision on his part. Uses persuasion, negotiation and
counseling to influence others. Explains and shares sensitive and
critical information effectively. Actively listens to others with courtesy,
gives and receives feedback honestly and diplomatically. Shares
information where needed in planning, problem solving, and
implementation of a goal. Provides regular updates, obtains feedback
involved in a plan or project. Stands firm when faced with opposition,
perseveres and continues to pursue a valid point. Grasps non-verbal
clues (expressions, etc.) and is able to bring unspoken thoughts or
concerns out into the open.
Writes complex reports in well-structured manner. Has the capability of
writing simple version of complex technical reports for use of nontechnical people. Opens up two-way communication, shows finesse in
communication and serves as a role model for effective communication.
Creates and communicates a compelling and inspired vision. Makes the
vision real to everyone, ‘walks the talk’. Presents arguments logically
using facts and breadth of knowledge to convince others. Regularly
meets and discusses with others to develop inter and intra divisional
relationships. Presents proposals and ideas to others of varied work
disciplines in an understandable manner. Listens without bias to
understand the perspectives of others rather than to refute
Takes immediate and independent action proactively when the need is felt, carries out tasks
and addresses opportunities or problems without being prompted or reminded. Plans for the
future and possesses strong belief in target oriented efforts.
Level Behavioral Indicator
Makes efforts to improve skills in one’s areas by accepting challenging tasks.
Is always proactive and conducts research or seek for additional / new
(has all the behavioral indication of level 1 and the following)
Makes some modifications to existing style and format already available to
accomplish tasks. Generally acts promptly to resolve issues and problems.
Related to his or others working. Strives for sharing / accepting the
responsibilities of more complex nature to enhance personal quality of work
and self development.
(has all the behavioral indication of level 1, 2 and the following)
Acts Promptly and Plans for Future. Initiates and Carries out complex nonroutine tasks without being instructed. Consistently makes efforts to design
new style, format or approach to accomplish tasks and anticipates the future
changes. Takes immediate and independent action to resolve issues and
problems when they arise and takes steps to prevent future occurrences.
Generally future requirements, opportunities or problems and makes
appropriate action plans.
Enthusiastic and continuously seeks opportunities for new challenges and
develops own ideas to make valuable contributions.
(has all the behavioral indication of level 1, 2, 3 and the following)
Takes The Lead And Acts Independently. Readily puts in extra efforts
required to achieve optimal result.
Possesses unshakable resolution to achieve the target and has ability to opt
for alternate path with minimal cost and loss of efforts.
Drives others towards achievement of desired goals by creating in them
enthusiasm and very strong trust in their own abilities.
Reflects a genuine desire to work co-operatively as a team within the department or with
other departments, as opposed to working separately or competitively. Promotes team spirit
and participative atmosphere and sincerely projects others’ efforts to achieve results towards
common goals of the Team, Division, Department and the Institution.
Level Behavioural Indicator
Respects and cooperate team members. Keeps them informed and up-to-date
about the group process, individual actions or influencing events. Performs the
assigned portion as per agreed schedule of time and order of sequence so as the
work of others is not delayed or affected. Shares all relevant or useful information
and knowledge. Respects and acknowledges the capabilities and views of others.
Speaks positively of team members to others. Seeks inputs / suggestions from tea
members and acknowledges their contributions.
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1 and the following)
Values input and expertise of others and is willing to learn.
Seeks ideas and input from other Section/Divisions/teams on issues and problems
Promotes a culture of mutual trust and co-operation amongst own team members
and with other teams.
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2 and the following)
Looks for opportunities to contribute towards the effective and timely completion of
ongoing work or projects led by others. Supports success of others and
avoids wasteful competition by promoting an environment which focuses on
common goals. Acts in accordance with final group decisions even when such
decisions may not sufficiently reflect one’s own efforts.
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2, 3 and the following)
Motivated team and makes people feel good about being part of the group.
Promotes group reputation. Boosts the image of the whole institution as a unified
team . Resolves conflict and differences in the best possible way. Does not hide or
avoid issues affecting the team spirit.
Generating the best possible results in best possible way. Find creative solutions to work
situations, trying different and novel ways to deal with organizational problems and
opportunities. Promotes prudent risk taking and creativity on a sustainable basis.
Level Behavioural Indicators
Applies basic skills to improve current work. Learns the basic task
requirements; works with current approaches within own field of jobs.
Persuasively presents ideas to others. Learns the basic skills
to apply quality standards and principles.
(has all the behavioral indication of level 1 and the following)
Gathers and applies new knowledge and better ways of getting the job done.
Appropriately applies quality measurement techniques and tools.
Keeps a flair for learning and grabs on opportunities to enhance the work
knowledge. Learns from own mistakes and update others so that the mistakes
are not repeated.
(has all the behavioral indication of level 1, 2 and the following)
Suggest new ideas. Stays abreast of new developments in the field and
actively disseminates the same down the line to bring about a change.
Promotes creative and new ideas forward and translates these into
(has all the behavioral indication of level 1, 2, 3 and the following)
Implement new ideas, has good judgment about which
creative ideas and suggestions will work. Is able to take calculated risk in
alternate course of action and encourages others to prudently take risk in order
to achieve the common goals in a better way. Promotes the redesign and
continuous improvement of work processes. Is able to manage creative people
well by bringing out the best in them; promotes and recognizes innovation.
Models innovative qualities for others.
Understanding and using own knowledge to increase work efficiency and effectiveness. Has
adequate ability to perform the job, possesses flair to update knowledge, acquire new skills
and facilitate others in application of acquired new skills. Always disseminates his knowledge
efficiently and effectively. Has very strong professional approach towards concepts and
principles, and guides other in their working.
Level Behavioural Indicator
Possesses basic knowledge related to job, understands basic technical
aspects of one’s job. Applies elementary principles and theories within own
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1 and the following)
Shows a high level of knowledge on the job. Uses relevant tools (specific
equipment, standards, and procedures) to enhance quality and efficiency.
Keeps up-to-date on the technical aspects of the job. Applies thorough
knowledge of principles and theories to derive solutions and draw
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2 and the following)
Possesses sufficient knowledge in other related areas of work besides own.
Acts on own to improve technical knowledge in own and other related areas.
Applies acquired knowledge thoroughly and Uses technical knowledge
effectively to influence and guide others. Posses high level of proficiency in
using tools and techniques to enhance work quality.
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2, 3 and the following)
Shows professional understanding of concepts, principles and practices in
relevant field and is always eager to enhance quality of work of self and
others. Achieves a high level of credibility and influence through the
application of expert knowledge. Uses a wide range and depth of technical
or specialized knowledge to understand complex issues / problems and
derive solutions. Constantly seeks to enhance own quality of work and
others through the use of relevant tools
Keep self always up to date and equip for meeting current and future goals. Having a very
positive attitude towards learning and imparting. Practices effective coaching and facilitation,
brings out the best in self and others by fostering long-term learning and development; obtain
and provides adequate training and feedback and monitoring performance. The focus is on
developmental intent rather than formal training.
Level Behavioural Indicator
developmental needs and opportunities / Expresses positive
expectations. Spends time with others to provide adequate information on
what is expected. Shows interest in available opportunities. Gives positive
feedback on others’ current and potential abilities to learn, including poor
(has all the behavioral indication of level 1 and the following)
Shares own knowledge and experience with seniors, colleagues and
subordinates to accomplish tasks and improve knowledge. Gives
developmental feedback and helps others in constructing their development
plans. Understands the personal abilities accepting tasks and others level of
competence while delegating jobs and allows the opportunity to learn from
mistakes. Demonstrates trust by recognizing and acknowledging that others
have the skills and abilities necessary to accomplish challenging goals.
(has all the behavioral indication of level 1, 2 and the following)
Accepts and provides challenging and stretching tasks and assignments,
attends and holds frequent development discussions. Expresses positive
expectations for future performance. Empowers others and encourages them
to lead by supporting their views. Readily and always provides practical
support to others, shares own knowledge and experience as well as cite
precedents. Brings out the best in people whilst encourages and supports the
input of others; Reassures them after a setback. Credits others on their
(has all the behavioral indication of level 1, 2, 3 and the following)
Customizes a unique developmental program to meet specific needs of others
to build up their skills and confidence. Enhances a person’s development by
assigning complex tasks, provide formal training or other related work
experiences Encourages individuals to suggest ways of addressing issues
themselves to gain experience, rather than providing the answer. Promotes
problem-solving activities among team members, sets up opportunities for
people to come together to exchange ideas/ information. Stresses the
importance of development to the organization. Ensures availability of critical
resources; motivates, guides and coaches others.
Takes personal responsibility to plan and carry out assignments in an effective manner and
takes ownership for them, takes preventive measures to ensure compliance to standards and
Level Behavioral Indicator
Handles day to day tasks smoothly with responsibility and minimum
assistance. Acknowledges Mistakes and makes efforts to erect the
problem whenever possible but sometimes blames external
events/factors or other people. Adopts suggestions willingly and Avoids
non-transparent practices.
Takes Personal Ownership in all assigned tasks with the required time
and devotion. Consults superiors and colleagues on complex
Works confidently and possesses a strong sense of accomplishment of
several assignments at any time and determines own deadlines. Is
highly concerned with success and adheres to all requirements. Makes
extra effort to obtain results in complex assignments
Is Accountable For Self And Group Performance. Works consistently
using all possible means to accomplish many assignments and always
attaches high priority to them. Demonstrate leadership by taking full
responsibility and accountability for all decisions empowered.
The ability to work effectively in varying environments and with different tasks, responsibilities
and various individuals or groups. It entails understanding and appreciating different and
opposing perspectives on an issue, adapting one’s approach to the changes at hand, and
changing or easily accepting changes in one’s own organization or job requirements.
Level Behavioural Indicator
Maintains Effectiveness in Changing Environment, tasks and work group.
Receptive to changing assignments, policies or procedures. Handles
disruptions while still meeting deadlines. Understands other people’s point of
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1 and the following)
Responds quickly to new responsibilities and tasks. Adjusts approaches to
match varied task requirements. Changes priorities and maintains
composure to meet changing demands. Maintains effectiveness while
dealing with diverse job, cultures and persons from different walks
of life.
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2 and the following)
Adjusts to new and changing responsibilities and tasks maturely. Identifies
areas of agreement when conflict arises and resolves conflict effectively.
Deals effectively with ambiguity and remains focused. Effectively and
efficiently handles the pressure of deadlines and changing workload
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2, 3 and the following)
Dynamism in all aspects, Models flexibility for others to emulate (including
team members). Continuously integrates flexibility and decision making into
methods, processes and procedures. Prioritizes actions effectively and
efficiently in order to respond to numerous and diverse challenges and / or
demands. Changes direction in response to changing organizational
Discusses issues with others to arrive at solutions that achieve goals and meet needs of all
parties, while maintaining positive working relationship. Convinces others through arguments,
prepares well before negotiations and reaches at mutually agreeable points, understands
importance of feed-back, has enough foresight to make others agree with his perceptions.
Level Behavioural Indicators
LEVEL 1 Presents case or proposal in a simple and understanding way. Tries to visualize
the feedback. Negotiates acceptably well and achieves mutually agreeable
solutions on routine issues.
LEVEL 2 (has all the behavioral indicators of level 1 and the following)
Presents case or proposal supported by logical arguments and usually is able to
convince others. Seeks facts and pertinent information before making conclusions.
Completes preliminary groundwork to make the case / proposal comprehensively
appealing. Holds conviction and usually substantiates case. Negotiates well
enough and achieves mutually agreeable solutions on non-routine and medium
stake issues.
LEVEL 3 (has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2 and the following)
Anticipates and challenges conflicting views and issues. Presents case or
proposal supported by convincing logical arguments and evidence and rarely
fails to convince others. Responds and acts on feedback and readily identifies
suitable ones for application. Negotiates strategically to obtain major goals and
usually achieves mutually agreeable solution on complex issues. Presents case or
proposal supported by unchangeable logical arguments and evidence, and
always convinces others.
LEVEL 4 (has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2, 3 and the following)
Possesses professional approach based on standard practices and norms to win
due favour of others. Stands firm on own conviction. Is equipped with solid and
irrefutable proofs to defeat any negative criticism / morbidity. Wins over others by
articulating views. Has vision to anticipate others' behaviors and is able to remove
their misgivings etc. by effective presentation of facts. Has ability to effectively
convince opponents by making them realize the best possible bargain
in the given circumstances.
Maintaining effectiveness in a changing environment / different situations / with various
individuals / groups. Understands and appreciates different viewpoints. The ability to
communicate and actively support the system’s vision & strategy, and take actions to
reinforce new ways of thinking.
Level Behavioral Indicator
Acknowledges the advantages / benefits of change (thinking, culture, approach
etc.) rather than to resist. Alters own approach or behavior to handle
uncertainties and ambiguities. Is open to other viewpoints; is willing to change
decisions, ideas or perceptions based on new information / evidence.
(has all the behavioral indication of level 1 and the following)
Implements & Responds to change with a positive attitude and is willing to
accept and learn new approaches or behavior. Maintains productivity by
adjusting quickly to new responsibilities and tasks. Is able to adopt innovative
ways and manages self through the transition to get a job done.
(has all the behavioral indication of level 1, 2 and the following)
Takes initiative to develop and implement changes that improve processes or
services. Makes efforts to deliver the message or vision for change to everyone
affected. Creates a change environment and motivates employees to join
change effort. Demonstrates commitment and support of key objectives even if it
needs a change in the overall plans, goals or projects to meet the need of a
specific situation.
Delivers the message of change in both words and actions and motivates people
to change. Ensures that repeated actions are taken to overcome obstacles and
resistance to change. Champions, leads others and generates buy-in. Creates a
climate in which constructive change initiated by others is encouraged,
acknowledged and rewarded on an on-going basis. Understands the change
process, provides resources and infrastructure to make it happen. Personally
exemplifies or embodies the desired change through strong, symbolic actions
that are consistent with the change.
Has the ability to develop insight on issues by properly identifying connections / linkages
between situations that are not obviously related and to identify underlying factors in complex
situations. It entails creative, conceptual or logical reasoning based on one’s clarity to the
issue, knowledge and experiences. It also includes figuring out cause-and-effect
relationships (if…then…) that helps to review the problem in a broader spectrum.
Level Behavioral Indicator
Is able to analyze some of the different situation, emotions and relationships.
Can rationally enlist pros and cons before reaching decision. Shows preference
towards highly predictable or consistent issues / situations with out ambiguity.
(has all the behavioral indication of level 1 and the following)
Is able to organize information into patterns, trends and identifies missing pieces
and discrepancies. Is able to analyze multiple relationships among several parts
of the problem. Recognizes more subtle causal links. Is always able to break
down relatively complex tasks into meaningful and manageable parts
(has all the behavioral indication of level 1,2 and the following)
Modifies and / or applies appropriate concepts / methodologies in combating
different situations. Assembles and presents complex ideas, issues and
situations in a clear and simple manner and properly suggests the best course of
Identifies similarities and differences between current and past
(has all the behavioral indication of level 1, 2, 3 and the following)
Develops new and practical concepts or workable models to explain situations,
resolve issues / problems or increase quality output. Explores new links related
to the working. Visualize things from different angles. Analyses contributing
factors to underlying reasons and conceptualities to see the ‘bigger picture’.
Demonstrates concern for standards, thoroughness, quality, accuracy and details. Complies
with policies, rules and regulations in monitoring and checking work but at the same time
values proper mitigation of risks; Insists on clarity of roles and functions; Promotes
establishment and maintenance of systematic approach in the SQM.
Level Behavioural Indicator
Shows general concern for order and clarity . Understand basic work
procedures. Keeps work routine / procedures organized and in control. Checks
the completeness and accuracy of data, records and information. Seek
clarification on roles and expectations. Ensures that work meets the required
basic standards and is within procedural guidelines
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1 and the following)
Performs according to procedural and regulatory requirements. Undertakes
studies or prepares preliminary groundwork before discussing with supervisors.
Is able to assess the impact of non-compliance of procedural formalities.
Takes into account the detailed impact of prescribed procedures.
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2 and the following)
Ensures effective monitoring and review . Develops and uses monitoring
systems to organize and keep track of information. Ensures work quality of self
and assists others to meet and exceed performance standards. Seeks better
ways for continuous improvement.
Recognizes and attends to details
overlooked by others and makes appropriate amendments and provides
feedback. Is able to properly identify major risk areas and recommend
preventive measures
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2, 3 and the following)
Monitors work effectiveness. Continuously strives towards achievement of
standards of excellence. Provides support and direction to work improvement
plans. Anticipates possible implications and impact that would result in
ineffectiveness. Periodically reviews the procedural setup with regard to
obsolescence and redundancy.
Consciousness towards maximum utilization of resources, demonstrating awareness of
methods for cost containment and taking action to reduce or contain costs. Fully conversant
with the concept of cost benefit analysis.
Level Behavioural Indicator
Takes simple & immediate measures to contain costs. Makes optimal use of
office supplies. Avoids unnecessary duplicate use of stationary items. Helps in
identifying the efficient dealers. Explore the economies in different mode of
(has all the behavioral indication of level 1 and the following)
Takes long-term measures to reduce costs. Effectively utilizes the office tools /
equipment and endeavors for their timely maintenance. Shows basic awareness
of cost and benefit analysis. Is able to prepare budgets. Ascertains the real
need of resources and orders only what is needed. Thoroughly checks /
evaluates the details of each expenditure. Has a fair idea of the cost of time.
Explores the implicit wastages of resources and redesign the options.
(has all the behavioral indication of level 1, 2 and the following)
� Effectively monitors cost in relation to budget and can take decisions to modify
the spending in
relation to cost benefit analysis.
� Identifies redundant expenditures, processes, & services.
� Solicits cost-controlling ideas.
� Negotiates on purchases.
� Clear perception of cost and benefits of newly emerging needs.
� Shows sufficient knowledge of cost of time.
4 Proactive in designing methods to reduce costs and their
(has all the behavioral indication of level 1, 2, 3 and the following)
� Posses complete knowledge of cost and benefit analysis.
� Handles time as cost and displays sufficient knowledge of the cost of time.
� Posses a futuristic view of the requirements of the Bank.
� Mobilizes others to exercise control over wastages as a priority.
� Eliminates redundant expenditures, processes & services.
� Rewards and implements cost controlling ideas from employees.
Helping and serving others, to meet their needs in a way to give a good name to State Bank
of Pakistan.
Proactively developing cohesive relationship by making efforts to listen to and understand the
customer (both
internal and external) which invokes feeling of getting individual attention; by listening and
understanding the
crux of the issue; anticipating and providing solutions to customers’ needs; giving high priority
to customers’
satisfaction. Uses every customer contact as an opportunity to further either inter / intra
divisional relationship
or the Bank’s relationship with external customer.
Level Behavioral Indicator
Clarifies Customers’ needs, Provides Immediate Response and Guides for
Further Perusal
� Is able to clearly identify who is the internal & external customer.
� Listens attentively to customers’ requests, concerns and complaints promptly
and provides
appropriate information or takes immediate action to resolve the problem.
� Interacts with customer in constructive and courteous manner to build a better
image of the
� Maintains composure and objectivity when confronted by difficult customer.
Follows Through and Confirms Satisfaction
(has all the behavioral indication of level 1 and the following)
� Takes personal responsibility to serve customer dependably and responsively.
� Handles difficult service requests with a positive, resourceful and helpful
� Solicits and evaluates service satisfaction feedback.
� Follows through until problem is resolved or questions answered.
Provides Proactive Services
(has all the behavioral indication of level 1, 2 and the following)
� Provides quick and thorough service delivery to internal / external customer
requests or
� Analyses outcome of discussion with the customer to eliminate or reduce
barriers to fullest
� Sensitive to customers' needs; always is “customer advocate”.
� Always acts as mediator and balances customers’ expectations within the
context of SQM’s
overall objectives; uses good judgment about what to ‘give away’.
� Shows resourcefulness in solving challenging customer needs.
4 Provide Solutions
(has all the behavioral indication of level 1, 2, 3 and the following)
� Properly identifies the real need of the customer though not explicitly
expressed at the outset,
and customizes the viable solution.
� Establishes ways / methods to keep customers informed of the current
development, news etc
at SQM.
� Takes an active role in building service excellence and tries to emerge as a
role model,
through exemplary personal behavior.
� Seeks synergistic service opportunities with other related parties (internal /
external work
teams etc.) to support SQM’s service objectives
Strict adherence to orders and instructions and performs duties with full devotion,
commitment and punctuality.
Level Behavioural Indicators
Performs duties satisfactorily
� Pays attention to orders and instructions and tries to observe them.
� Performs duties fulfilling the requirements.
� Needs some supervision at difficult tasks and assignments.
� Usually is on time and accessible
� Has knowledge about the codes of conduct regarding dress / equipment.
� Observes regularity, punctuality and proper office decorum / dress code.
� Demonstrates respect for self and others while carrying out the official
Acts promptly and according to instructions / orders
(has all the behavioral indication of level 1 and the following)
� Acts according to instructions and performs duties satisfactorily.
� Rarely needs supervision in difficult tasks and assignments
� Observes the code of conduct of dress/equipment satisfactorily.
Working to the best requirements
(has all the behavioral indication of level 1, 2 and the following)
� Discourages deviations from prescribed rules, regulations and procedures
but is always flexible
in promoting change in the best interest of the institution.
� Performs duties with full devotion and commitment.
� Works independently without any supervision or guidance.
� Strictly adheres to the requirements of the code of conduct regarding dress
and equipment.
Highly Compliant with Rules and Regulations
(has all the behavioral indication of level 1, 2, 3 and the following)
� Ensures his availability at the workplace except in cases of emergency.
� Acts as a role model for the subordinates portraying exemplary behaviours
and full compliance
with rules and regulations.
� Ensures the provision of in-built checks and balances for maintenance of
effective discipline.
� Possesses the ability to steer through difficult circumstances while
maintaining order and
keeping discipline intact.
� Effectively facilitates others in understanding and acting upon SQM
instructions, orders and
standard operating procedures
Asserts one’s own ideas; convinces and persuades others to gain their acceptance and
support. It is based on the desire to have a specific impact or effect on others where the
person has his own objective, a specific type of impression to make, or a course of action or
a direction that he wants the others to adapt to, for the benefit of the organization.
Level Behavioural Indicator
States Intention And Has the Ability to Convince
� Involves appropriate people to convince others and gain their support.
� Quotes precedence in presenting recommendations.
� Generally pushes viewpoints but withdraws when challenged due to
� Has the ability to create desired impact through effective communication
Takes Appropriate Action To Persuade
� Makes adequate checks, including careful preparation of data for presentation,
in convincing
� Assertive when presenting or defending own ideas and recommendations.
� Able to put viewpoints across and does not lose focus when challenged.
� Gains understanding and support from others through substance and ideas.
� Is able to assess the degree of impact through receiving feedback.
Calculates The Impact Of One’s Action Or Words
� Understands and meets the needs and interest of target audience in
convincing them.
� Persuades convincingly by providing sound rationale and justifications for
� Perseveres and continues to pursue a valid point as well as shows interest to
listen to other
� Able to persuade others in conflicts situations and wins their understanding
and support.
Uses Multiple Or Indirect Actions To Influence
� Assesses the interest and level of audience; anticipates diverse thinking and
expectations, and prepares for their reactions in convincing them.
� Persuades convincingly and remains resilient when faced with opposition and
challenges by using facts and sound knowledge to support recommendations.
� Commands attention of others using charismatic personality and expert
knowledge, commanding their respect and continued support.
� Arranges situations or jobs, or makes structural/procedural adjustments in own
area, to bring about the desired behaviour. Also uses appropriate platforms to
reach a goal or create and impact.
Reflects in ones continued motivation to develop and acquire new skills and expertise that is
of increasing value to work in different Units / Divisions / Departments of SQM. Constantly
seeks and develops knowledge formally and informally through reading, networking,
experimentation, sharing of knowledge and experiences with peers /
superiors, and exchange information with other persons / stakeholders (internal and
external). It focuses one’s efforts during / beyond his norms to work with full zest and zeal.
Level Behavioral Indicator
1 Ask Questions, Reflects Experiences To Develop Skill
� Seeks clarification and advice; learns quickly when facing new problems.
� Understands the job he is in and knows how to create value to his own.
� Identifies relevant areas of learning to improve knowledge/skill.
� Researches unfamiliar issues / problems; quickly grasps new concepts
2 Solicits New / Unfamiliar Subjects To Stay Current
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1 and the following)
� Learns from mistakes as well as successes, seeks feedback for further self-
� Takes initiative to stay current with new approaches in tools, methodologies
or technologies in
own work.
� Frequently liaises directly with relevant sources / networking to exchange
� Keen to acquire new knowledge and broaden knowledge base.
� Experiments to find solutions as well as minimizing the risks involved.
� Holds frequent knowledge sharing discussions with peers / seniors
Broadens Knowledge Base And Assimilates New Learning
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2 and the following)
� Constantly liaises directly and develops close working relationships with both
internal and
external stakeholders to maintain deep understanding of key business issues
and implications.
� Actively seeks and acquires new knowledge (including the use of
questioning skills) and
discusses unclear issues with experts to supplement own ideas.
� Actively researches to gain first hand knowledge of issues for making
valuable contributions in
their resolution.
� Reads widely and networks to enhance depth and breadth of knowledge.
� Discusses / debates new developments with networking partners to explore
workability of new
Maintain Broad Learning Perspective
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2, 3 and the following)
� Recognizes the learning attitude in others, and seeks out learner to prepare
successors for
future business needs.
� Constantly up-dates self by integrating new information into his current
understanding of the
subject and utilizes it for self-improvement as well as improvement in work
� Investigates latest relevant developments around the world.
� Sets up procedures or systems to collect information constantly.
Ability to make timely and sound decisions consistent with organizational goals and values;
Has good common sense combined with the use of accurate and complete analysis of known
information to make sound judgment in decision making.
Level Behavioral Indicator
LEVEL 1 1 Takes Decisions that affect Own Work and Priorities
� Draws on past experience in making informed decisions.
� Considers the risks and consequences before taking a decision.
� Keeps an open mind and is objective in accessing information.
� Is aware of own limitations and refers difficult or inappropriate decisions to those
better placed to make them.
� Consults fully with the necessary people and discusses alternatives before taking
a decision.
� Looks for practical, workable solutions that are easy to implement.
LEVEL 2 Makes Decisions That Impact others
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1 and the following)
� Uses professional knowledge and understanding to evaluate options, risks, etc.
� Accompanies all decisions with recommendations for actions, and supports with
information and arguments.
� Weighs the consequences of alternative solutions, their relative importance and
the urgency of
competing requirements.
� Takes account of feedback and revises decisions and actions in the light of
� Is open to possibility of changing a decision when new information becomes
� Is not constrained by past experience and readily considers new approaches.
� Refrains from “jumping to conclusion” based on no or minimal evidence; takes
time to collect
facts before decision-making.
LEVEL 3 Formulates Decisions to Resolve Conflicting Interest and in Uncertain
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2 and the following)
� Takes timely operational decisions, where necessary, based on precedents /
judgement even if limited information is available.
� Focuses clearly on real issues, is not unduly swayed by personal feelings and is
not pressurized into hasty decisions.
� Aims for consensus, but can take isolated decisions when required to do so.
� Is able to link implications of decisions to “big picture” and takes calculated risks
on broader perspective.
� Identifies those issues likely to come to prominence and keeps relevant parties
LEVEL 4 Taking Accurate Decisions to be Quoted as References in Future
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2, 3 and the following)
� Judges when to empower others to take decisions in uncertain circumstances.
� Considers a wide range of issues, listens to conflicting views and quickly grasps
and acts on the key points.
� Looks beyond the existing policies to understand the underlying principles and
applies to the situation.
� Consider wider policy issues before taking a decision and bears in mind the
impact and influence of decisions on other aspects of SQM.
It is the ability to learn and fully understand the organizational hierarchy, the flow of
transactions, office routine and the future outlook / mission / vision of the institution; learning
and understanding the power relationship in one’s own organization or in other organization
(parent company, customer & supplier etc.) This includes the ability to identify who are the
real decision-makers and the individuals who can influence them; and predict how new
events or situations will affect individuals and groups within the organization.
Level Behavioral Indicator
Understand the Formal Structure
� Understands the formal structure or hierarchy of the institution, ‘chain of
command”, position of power, rules and regulations and standard operating
� Is aware of what others (external stakeholders) think and demand from
the organization and how the organization can fulfill them.
Understands Climate And Culture
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1 and the following)
� Understands the reasons for on-going organizational behavior.
� Recognizes ‘unspoken’ organizational limitations – what is and is not
possible at certain times or in certain positions.
� Recognizes and uses the organizational culture and the language etc.
that will produce the best
Understand Organizational Politics, Policies & Systems
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2 and the following)
� Understands and uses organizational policies and systems to identify
potential problems and opportunities.
� Understands and / or uses the informal structure by identifying key
actors, decision makers etc.
Applies this knowledge when formal structure does not work as well as
� Understands, describes (or uses) on-going power and political
relationships within the organization (alliances, rivalries), with clear sense of
organizational impact.
Understands Underlying organizational Issues
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2, 3 and the following)
� Has the knowledge on underlying problems, opportunities or political
forces affecting the institution (e.g. current economic trends, demographic
changes, political situation, Government policies, National and historical
issues that affect the external environment etc.).
� Is able to predict how new events or situations will affect individuals and
groups within the organization.
Demonstrates personal commitment to the Organization’s mission, vision, core values and
their accomplishment. Shows willingness to carry out organizational goals, has pride in
working for the organization and is willing to make personal sacrifices for the organization
when necessary.
Level Behavioral Indicator
Shows commitment to official work.
� Is regular and works with full efforts.
� Always keeps the organizational interest in his / her mind.
� Handles situations which require sacrificing one’s own short term good for
the longer term good
of the organization.
Works with full zest and zeal.
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1 and the following)
� Committed to accomplishment of official tasks even beyond the routine
work hours, if required.
� Has enthusiastic behavior towards undertaking assignments and
encourages other colleagues
to adopt the same behaviour / attitude.
� Fully adapts to the changes in organizational culture in the best interest of
the institution.
Maintain the maximum level of devotion.
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2 and the following)
� Devoted to uplift the image of the organization and shows pride in working
for it, which is
reflected in one’s interactions within and / or outside the organization.
� Usually seeks to understand issues and events from the organization’s
point of view instead of
from personal (what is in it for me) point of view.
� Is able to handle and stand behind an organizational decision that may be
unpopular or
Excellent orientation towards organization.
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2, 3 and the following)
� Orientation in terms of his or her loyalty to, identification with, and
involvement in the organization.
� Enthusiastically supports the organization and influences others to commit
to its mission and vision.
� Creates an atmosphere of motivation where others feel proud in
accomplishing collective institutional goals.
� Makes personal sacrifices for the organization when necessary, e.g.
sacrifices personal plans to respond to unexpected events / crises.
The ability to effectively and efficiently develop and implement plans to accomplish goals.
Includes anticipating obstacles; considering alternatives strategies and reviewing for
continuous improvement.
Level Behavioural Indicator
Estimates Times And Schedule Activities
� Plans use of own time to perform daily routine work effectively; plans in
advance to avoid last minute crisis.
� Arranges information, organizes materials or tools to coordinate and
implement the various aspects of own work.
� Carries out regular self-reviews to check own progress.
� Constantly takes action before expiry of deadlines and grace period.
Sets Priorities
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1 and the following)
� Plans work well keeping in mind others’ feedback (peers, internal and
external related parties)
and links with other related plans.
� Juggles priorities well enough according to level of urgency and
� Has a good sense of estimation (time, cost) and able to focus on few
activities at a time.
� Establishes review system and constantly checks progress against a laid
out path.
� Coordinates the work of others contributing to one’s own part of the activity
and participates in
liaison meetings as necessary.
� Incorporates feedback to improve existing processes and procedures.
Identify and Allocate Resources
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2 and the following)
� Develops action plans incorporating feedback from appropriate parties for
effective planning.
� Demonstrates an orderly thought process by setting clear action plans and
subordinate goals.
� Balances the requirements of different aspects of the work to ensure
effective use of time and resources.
� Prioritizes objectively according to given criteria, reviews priorities; and
provides alternative actions and strategies.
� Takes actions to assign and coordinate resources for optimal use and
never allow work / project to stall or be off-track.
Develops Strategic Plans
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2, 3 and the following)
� Oversees development of business plans for the department to achieve
departmental vision /
mission and obtains resources required.
� Able to systematically orchestrate multiple activities to accomplish goals.
� Sets a system for controlling input and keeping track of progress and
develops fallback plans.
� Coordinates intra / inter-divisional projects across SQM by focusing on
details, strategies and implications on divisional / departmental and the
overall SQM’s goals.
� Keeps an overview of the plans to maintain an awareness of progress and
makes time for strategic thinking by empowering others.
� Analyses the feedback information and develops new approaches /
solutions to make improvements.
Understands and recognizes the full significance and implication of relevant information;
obtaining data relating to the problem from different sources, comparing and breaking it into
logical components; identifying key issues and relationships from a base of information;
identifies causal linkages among various elements affecting the problem.
Level Behavioural Indicator
Detects Problems Or Issues / Gathers All Relevant Information
� Reviews the current situation in contrast to the standard condition and
recognizes the
� Observes the situation first hand and seeks clarification by asking
questions. Does not rely
solely on the descriptions of others to understand why the current situation
� Clusters relevant information in a structured manner.
� Confirms understanding of the current situation with others.
� Uses basic technical understanding to relate to issues at hand.
� Ability to recognize issues and problems in analyzing data.
Organizes Information / Recognizes Trends
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1 and the following)
� Observes discrepancies, trends and interrelationships in data.
� Seeks clarification of causal factors vs. a “fix the symptom” mentality to
avoid recurrence.
� Rapidly identifies key issues and inconsistencies / discrepancies in a
� Looks at the main issues and translates them into alternative solutions that
reflect clear
� Makes simple causal links or pros-and-cons lists, analysis or decision
Identifies Underlying Issues Or Problems
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2 and the following)
� Readily grasps the significance of complex issues based on sound
technical knowledge and experience.
� Arranges information into logical sequence and makes effective
� Uses technical expertise and wide experience to analyze relationship
among several parts of a problem.
� Understands the impact that the current condition / situation may have on
related processes and / or other areas.
� Highlights significant issues and studies their impact and implications
within the context of overall organizational / departmental / divisional / unit
Identifies Cause-and-Effect Relationship
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2, 3 and the following)
� Systematically breaks multi-dimensional problems or processes into
component parts.
� Grasps and describes complex and significant business issues clearly and
� Views and analyses the current situation from multiple levels and can see
the situation in larger
� Sets aside preconceived notions, synthesizes information from an array of
different sources and
attempts to understand as to why the current situation exists.
Solves problems through structured and systematic approach and analysis using data and
information relating to the issues at hand and understands their impact on the organization
by involving relevant
Level Behavioural Indicators
Breaks Down Problems
� Generally, able to see basic relationship, may need advice and input to
identify complex
� Refers to available materials and past practices of the organization.
� Uses appropriate methods/techniques to solve a problem.
� Suggests appropriate solutions using various standard references as the
basis to resolve
problems when they occur.
� Distinguishes between relevant and irrelevant information to make logical
Sees Patterns or Connection
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1 and the following)
� Is able to see cause-effect relationship among several parts of a problem /
� Encourages input from others, probes and seeks information from several
sources to get at the
root of a problem / situation.
� Uses acquired technical know-how and effective methods to solve difficult
� Understands and draws conclusions / solutions using precedents as well
as new ideas.
Sees Multiple Relationships
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2 and the following)
� Is able to identify points of mutual advantage even in conflicting situations.
� Systematically breaks down a complex problem or process into component
parts, making them
more manageable.
� Makes multiple causal links between components of the problems.
� Looks outside own area of expertise for ideas and probes for information
from all possible
sources (either internal or external) to get at the root of a problem / situation.
� Draws accurate and where appropriate, innovative, conclusions / solutions
to problems.
� Anticipates and evaluate problems and initiate preventive actions to ensure
Makes Extremely Complex Plans or Analysis and Commits to the Most
Appropriate Action
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2, 3 and the following)
� Recognizes and synthesizes complex, unique relationships even among
apparently unrelated
� Seeks new information/concepts on an industry-wide basis to facilitate
analysis and
interpretation of complex issues and problems and study their implications on
the organization
and the industry.
� Systematically organizes and explains ideas, issues and observations to
help others in better
analysis and derivation of solutions.
� Generates several solutions/options and analyzes their impact in terms of
value-addition to the
organization and its processes.
� Applies appropriate problem solving techniques, diagnostic studies,
evaluation and feedback to
enhance recommendations.
� Uses new technology, where possible, to create alternative solutions and
their implications.
Is dedicated and shows fullest possible commitment in his / her working. Maintains an
unbiased and professional
approach in all dealings and does not take undue advantage of position / situations and acts
in the best interest
of the institution (replace with stakeholders) in an honest way. Never compromises on
justified principles and
cares for image of the organization. Effectively contributes towards promotion of a culture
where professional
integrity flourishes on sustainable basis.
Level Behavioural Indicators
LEVEL 1 Maintains honestly and Dedication
� Dedicatedly puts one’s best possible capabilities and efforts in
performance of the job.
� Takes due care and ensures prudence in organizational matters as is
observed in personal and
private matters.
� Tries to maintain a balanced attitude while dealing with stakeholders.
LEVEL 2 2 Maintains an unbiased attitude
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1 and the following)
� Tries to reduce biases and generally acts in an impartial manner.
� Takes into account even the minute details of the job and assess their
impact on quality, viability
and sustainability in relation to the achievement of the desired objective.
� Never utilizes institutional resources and / or influence for personal
� Generally lives up to commitments even when faced with
LEVEL 3 3 Goes to details to get an unbiased picture
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2 and the following)
� Extends assistance to others and supports their success, in achieving
the common goals.
� Presents the ins and outs of the products and services to reflect the
true picture.
� Is always accountable to self-conscience and has nothing to hold back
or conceal
LEVEL 4 4 Holds Principles and Values as ‘the’ criteria
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2, 3 and the following)
� Is unbiased in dealing with issues, which may involve personal
� Never uses confidential information for self advantage.
� Believes in fair play and is not inclined towards personal gains.
� Avoids undue confidentiality and lets others know the decisions and
policies directly affecting
them so as to avoid speculations, rumors, uncertainty and misgivings
between decision makers
and stakeholders.
Demonstrates an understanding of the financial and quantitative aspects of the departmental
functions and SQM’s functions. Uses quantitative information in analysis of a particular issue
or problem to generate possible solutions.
Level Behavioural Indicator
LEVEL 1 Familiar With Financial And Quantitative Data
� Recognizes simple relationships of financial and quantitative data in
one’s analysis.
� Relies on a step-by-step procedure for analyzing quantitative reports
LEVEL 2 Uses Quantitative Skills in Interpretation
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1 and the following)
� Able to predict the quantitative impact of one’s recommendations on
SQM’s overall results.
� Organizes financial or statistical information appropriately in assessment
of a situation.
LEVEL 3 Analyses And Provides Solutions
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2 and the following)
� Analyses a situation using various quantitative measures and translates
them into alternative
� Creates and reviews course of actions based on analysis of quantitative
� Able to predict the quantitative impact of the Department’s decisions and
outcomes on SQM’s
overall results.
LEVEL 4 Justifies Analysis Quantitatively
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2, 3 and the following)
� Highlights and backs one’s analysis and decision convincingly with
quantitative logic
� Has insight and guides others in measuring the intangibles of SQM’s
business into quantitative
Implies working to build or maintain trusting, friendly relationship or networks of contacts (by
applying the various interpersonal skills) with people (either internally or externally) who are
useful in achieving business-related goals. It also includes the ability to accurately listen and
understand the unspoken or partly expressed thoughts, feelings and concerns of others,
including customers, and to have the others feel understood. Foster relationship among
employees, across the SQM and with other stakeholders.
Level Behavioural Indicator
Listens and Understands partly expressed thoughts
� Picks up clues to others’ feelings or meanings, listens when approached by
customers or coworkers.
� Asks questions to confirm the speaker’s analysis and diagnosis of what is
being said.
� Uses understanding to predict and prepare for others’ reaction in order to
influence, develop or help them.
� Listens to and watches other people in order to identify the emotions
behind the unspoken words or facts in order to react accordingly.
Establishes Networking Relationships
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1 and the following)
� Maintains and enhances others’ self esteem.
� Adept at picking up the subtleties of a conversation.
� Looks for ways to extend a working relationship and to extend long-term
� Gets to know others (managers and professionals) who are influential or
have special expertise
in the organization.
Understands Underlying Issues & Holds a Balanced View to maintain
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2 and the following)
� Identifies networking partners and determines purpose of networking such
as for information,
ideas, resources or influence.
� Understands other people’s underlying problems.
� Understands the reasons by listening and responding to someone’s
ongoing or long- term
feelings, behavior or concerns.
� Has the ability to effectively communicate or explain a rejection in a way
that the stakeholder still
feels good about the outcome.
� Develops a balanced view of others, recognizes them for both their
strengths and areas needed
for improvement.
� Works to earn the respect of both internal and external stakeholders.
� Attends social events and joins professional organizations to informally
meet peers, superiors
and other professionals in the industry.
Enhances Relationships with Tailored Responses
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2, 3 and the following)
� Anticipates how others will react and employs a sophisticated
understanding of the reason for
others’ behaviors.
� Goes beyond coaching and tailors ones’ approaches to employees and
others in order to attain
perfection in the achievement of desired common goals.
� Regularly interacts with network members and shares new development.
Keep working systematically and tirelessly to meet or exceed stated goals or until goal is no
longer reasonably attainable. Maintain stable performance and emotional control when faced
with opposition, pressure, and hostility from others and when faced with stressful condition.
Level Behavioural Indicator
Maintains Enthusiasm
� Takes persistent, repeated action to overcome obstacles.
� Keeps emotions from interfering with work.
� Copes and adapts well with changing conditions and situations.
� Recovers quickly after an unsatisfactory interaction with others, rejections or
� Refrains self from impulsive behavior.
Takes Challenge
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1 and the following)
� Keeps poised and professional in an emotionally charged situation.
� Sees obstacle as “challenges’ and enjoys overcoming them.
� Does not quit after meeting with rejection and keeps trying until achievement
of the desired goal.
Follows through
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2 and the following)
� Maintains consistent work ethic when under tight deadlines, tired or opposed
by others.
� Keeps control of the situation when responding to opposing views or raising
important issues.
� Sticks with a difficult task over a long period of time to complete it, or until it
becomes obvious
that the task is not reasonably attainable.
� Willingly accepts additional responsibilities when required to.
4 Perseveres To attain Goal
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2, 3 and the following)
� Keeps work commitment by focusing on end results.
� Does not give up or abandon own position or ideas even when others appear
to hold opposite
opinions on an issue / decision.
� Stays calm in the face of other’s anger or lack of control and defends all
decisions with ease
when challenged.
� Consistently works effectively despite being under immense pressure.
The ability to link SQM’s vision and strategies to own work / Unit / Division; progresses from
simple understanding of strategies to the awareness of the global impact on such strategies
and how that in turn affects one’s choices and actions.
Level Behavioural Indicator
Understands SQM’s Strategies and Aligns Own Work With SQM’s
Strategic Goals
� Focuses on own short- term goals as well as linking them to SQM’s long term
� After being informed on SQM’s objectives & strategies, able to understand
goals & strategies developed by others.
� Prioritizes work in alignment with SQM’s goals, and acts accordingly.
Thinks Strategically With Long Term Perspective
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1 and the following)
� Develops own Unit/Section/Division objectives, strategies & goals and align
them to long term’s
objectives of SQM.
� Reviews own actions against the organization’s strategic plan.
� Identifies long term issues, problems or opportunities.
� Is able to analyze and comprehend SQM’s long term vision, objectives and
strategies of SQM.
Understands External Impact On Internal Strategy
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2 and the following)
� Is aware of the projected directions of the industry and how changes might
impact SQM.
� Assesses how present policies and guidelines, processes & methods could
affect and be
affected by future developments and trends.
� Recommends alternative courses of action plans to accomplish SQM’s long
term objectives.
Plans Action To Fit Strategy And Meet External Events
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2, 3 and the following)
� Reviews contingency plans in anticipation of problems.
� Establishes a course of action plan to accomplish long term SQM’s objectives
� Reengineers/redesigns the Unit/Section/Division to better meet long term
� Implements innovations in SQM after benchmarking against other best
� Shares own ideas /views of the future state of the business & SQM
An ability to lead and inspire people towards a common direction.
Level Behavioural Indicators
1 Sets Clear Objectives For Group And Keeps People Informed
� Leads group meetings and discussions with clear agenda and objectives.
� Agrees with timeframes and assigns roles to solve problems and / or to make
� Provides all the necessary information on a timely basis.
� Timely and effectively communicates information / decisions to the
stakeholders in an appropriate manner.
� Clearly explains the reasons for a decision where appropriate.
� Serves as a center of two-way communication between superiors and team
Promotes Team Effectiveness
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1 and the following)
� Adopts an openness that encourages team members to express ideas and
� Makes team members feel that they can contribute to the team.
� Looks for opportunities to promote team morale and productivity.
� Comes forward to tackle bottlenecks whether external or internal.
� Adequately assigns jobs to team members as per their abilities and creates a
� Faces up to team members’ problems and adequately protects their interest
while presenting
their cases to the higher ups’.
Takes Care of the Group
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2 and the following)
� Protects the group and its reputation by anticipating potential problems and
always keeps a cushion in the shape of alternate action plan.
� Obtains resources, information for the group, and if possible, develops a
contingency plan to ensure that the practical needs of the group are met.
� Establishes and maintains good rapport with key players of other teams /
departments who could positively contribute towards the achievement of own
team’s goals.
� Remains actively involved with the team and provides for timely corrective
action where necessary.
� Has the ability to effectively monitor the performance of individuals and
compare it with the standards.
Positions self as Leader
(has all the behavioral indicators of level 1, 2, 3 and the following)
� Thinks positively and does not hold back what needs to be said (lets people
know where they stand) in order to motivate others to improve the quality of
� Serves as a model to be followed by others and earns their genuine respect
and admiration.
� Has tools and techniques to maintain dynamic human resources on
sustainable basis.
� Keeps people highly motivated, generates excitement, enthusiasm and
commitment within the
group to achieve the common goal.
1 In order to manifest Team Leadership, Team Work and Developing Others are
necessary. As such the person is expected
to have achieved the highest levels of these two competencies.