
Curriculum Vitae
Hannah Morris
Current Address
2987 Floyd Springs Rd
Armuchee, GA
Cell (706) 266-0124
June 2012
M.A. in Anthropology from the Ohio State University (thesis defended April 2012)
“Plant Use at Fort Center”
Advisors: Dr. Kristen Gremillion and Dr. Victor Thompson
December 2007
B. A. in Anthropology from the University of Georgia; ‘summa cum laude’
Research interests
Native plant use along the Georgia Bight
Historical ecology
Honors and Awards
Dean’s List, Georgia Highlands College (formerly Floyd College)
Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, Georgia Highlands College
President’s List, University of Georgia
Received Brian Gumbert Scholarship for undergraduate research, University of Georgia
Awarded University Fellowship for graduate study at the Ohio State University
Morris, Hannah R. and S. Margaret Spivey
2010 The Ohio State University Field School Excavations: Fort Center, Glades County, Florida.
The Florida Anthropologist 63(3-4): 186-187.
Conference Papers
Morris, Hannah R.
2011 Plant Use at Fort Center. Paper presented at the 68th annual Southeastern Archaeological
Conference meeting in Gainesville, Florida.
Field Experience
January - February 2014 American Museum of Natural History
Employed by the American Museum of Natural History on St. Catherines Island, GA. Assisted
with the excavation of Fallen Tree, a late prehistoric/contact period site associated with the
Pueblo Santa Catalina de Guale (a 16th century Spanish mission located on St. Catherines
Island, Georgia). Supervised by Matt Napolitano. Principal Investigator: David Hurst Thomas.
January 2014 Chena Consulting Services
I was hired by the American Museum of Natural History to process archaeobotanical soil
samples taken during recent excavations at the Pueblo Santa Catalina de Guale (a 16th century
Spanish mission located on St. Catherines Island, Georgia). I was responsible for supervising
three interns.
November 2013 Rising Star Expedition
Chosen as one of 6 advanced scientists to participate in the excavation of fossil hominin
remains in a cave in South Africa, as part of the Rising Star Expedition. The excavation was led
by Lee Berger of the University of Witwatersrand and funded in part by National Geographic.
The excavation recovered the remains of more than a dozen individuals of an undetermined
species of ancient hominin from a remote chamber 30 meters underground in Guateng province,
South Africa.
September – October 2013 American Museum of Natural History
Employed by the American Museum of Natural History on St. Catherines Island, GA. Assisted
with the excavation of Fallen Tree, a late prehistoric/contact period site associated with the
Pueblo Santa Catalina de Guale (a 16th century Spanish mission located on St. Catherines
Island, Georgia). Supervised by Matt Napolitano. Principal Investigator: David Hurst Thomas.
August 2013 Chena Consulting Services
I was hired by the American Museum of Natural History to process archaeobotanical soil
samples taken during recent excavations at the Pueblo Santa Catalina de Guale (a 16th century
Spanish mission located on St. Catherines Island, Georgia). I was responsible for supervising
three interns.
June – July 2013 University of Georgia
Assisted on Dr. Victor Thompson’s field school (run through the University of Georgia) on
Sapelo Island, Georgia.
April – May 2013 Chena Consulting Services
I was hired by the American Museum of Natural History to process archaeobotanical soil
samples taken during recent excavations at the Pueblo Santa Catalina de Guale (a 16th century
Spanish mission located on St. Catherines Island, Georgia). I was responsible for hiring and
supervising one paid employee and two interns.
January - March 2013 Chena Consulting Services
In January of 2013, I was hired by the American Museum of Natural History to process soil
samples taken during recent excavations on St. Catherines Island, Georgia in order to recover
botanical remains. I supervised on paid employee and introduced AMNH’s interns to
paleoethnobotanical methods.
September-October 2012 American Museum of Natural History
Employed by the American Museum of Natural History on St. Catherines Island, GA. Assisted
with the excavation of three large blocks at the Pueblo Santa Catalina de Guale. Supervised by
Elizabeth Cottrell and Matt Napolitano. Principal Investigator: David Hurst Thomas.
April 2011 Ohio State University
Assisted Dr. Victor Thompson (OSU) and Dr. Greg Wilson (UCSB) at Eveland, an
archaeological site in southern Illinois. Performed resistivity and ground penetrating radar
June- July 2010 Ohio State University
Graduate Teaching Assistant on Dr. Victor Thompson's field school at Fort
Center, Florida. Instructed and assisted students in excavation and survey techniques, as
well total station mapping and use. Also instructed and supervised shallow geophysical
survey (RM15 advanced resistance meter and ground penetrating radar surveys).
June 2010 Environmental Services, Inc.
Volunteered for Environmental Services, Inc. at the Redbird Creek Site, assisting community
volunteers excavating large units. Also assisted in mapping the site. Contact: Ryan Sipe.
May 2010 American Museum of Natural History
Employed by the American Museum of Natural History. Performed various field and
lab duties, mainly working on 2 large block excavations at McQueen Shell Ring on St.
Catherine’s Island, GA. Supervised by Matt Sanger and Ginessa Mahar; Principal
Investigator: David Hurst Thomas
March-April 2010 University of West Florida
Assisted Matt Napolitano, a masters student at the University of West Florida, with his thesis
research on Bull Island Hammock off the coast of Georgia. Directed/assisted a small crew,
performing shovel tests and a probe survey over the hammock, as well as excavations of 4 test
units. Principal Investigator: Victor D. Thompson
January- March 2010 El Colegio de Michoacan
Assisted in a regional survey project in western Mexico. Began a preliminary analysis of lithic
materials recovered over the 3-year project. Supervised by Dr. Verenice Heredia, Colegio de
June- August 2009 Center for the Environmental Management of Military Lands
Employed by the Center for the Environmental Management of Military Lands through
Colorado State University. Worked in Delta Junction, Alaska at Fort Greely, performing
excavation at 29 sites. Supervised by Jim Quinn, crew chief, and Aaron Robertson, base
archaeologist at Fort Greely.
January- May 2009 American Museum of Natural History
Employed by the American Museum of Natural History. Performed various lab duties at the
Nels Nelson Laboratory of Archaeology, including: determining volumetrics for units excavated
at the Mission de Santa Catalina de Guale, analyzing, weighing and cataloging historic metals
from the mission, and performing x-ray fluorescence (XRF) to determine material type. Also
performed field duties, including block excavation of a late Archaic shell ring, test unit
excavation at a late prehistoric midden site, and magnetometer surveying on St. Catherines
Island, GA. Supervised by Matt Sanger, Ginessa Mahar, and Anna Semon; Principal
Investigator: David Hurst Thomas
October- November 2008 American Museum of Natural History
Employed by the American Museum of Natural History. Performed various field and lab duties,
including survey and test unit excavation at three sites on St. Catherine’s Island, GA.
Supervised by Anna Semon; Principal Investigator: David Hurst Thomas
June- August 2008 Center for the Environmental Management of Military Lands
Employed by the Center for the Environmental Management of Military Lands through
Colorado State University. Worked in Delta Junction, Alaska at Fort Greely, surveying and
evaluating archaeological sites on base. Supervised by Sarah Meitl, crew chief, and Aaron
Robertson, base archaeologist at Fort Greely.
March-April 2008 RS Webb & Associates
Employed at RS Webb & Associates in Holly Springs, Georgia. Worked on various field
projects, including surveying and excavation. Supervised by Jon Bloom, crew chief.
February-March 2008 TRC, Inc.
Employed at TRC, Inc. in Atlanta, Georgia. Worked on various field projects, and catalogued
and inventoried artifacts in laboratory. Supervised by Chris Dooris, crew chief, & Tommy
Garrow, lab manager.
October-December 2007 El Colegio de Michoacan
Assisted in a regional survey project in western Mexico. Supervised by Dr. Verenice Heredia,
Colegio de Michoacan.
September 2007 Coosawattee Foundation
Assisted the Coosawattee Foundation, excavating test units and features, and helping direct and
assist community volunteers. Supervised by Jim Langford.
April 2007 Coosawattee Foundation
Assisted the Coosawattee Foundation, excavating test units and features, and helping direct and
assist community volunteers. Supervised by Jim Langford.
December 2006- January 2007 University of Georgia
Assisted in mapping, using total stations, the Singer-Moye site (9SW2), an 8-mound
Mississippian site in south-west Georgia.
June-July 2006 University of Georgia
UGA’s Archaeological Field School, which included instruction in Field Methods and
Laboratory Methods. Excavated three different sites in north-east Georgia (9PM1414,
9PM1428, and 9PM1568), analyzed artifacts recovered, and did basic survey work. Supervised
by Dr. Mark Williams.
Invited Lectures and Teaching Experience
March 2014
Invited to speak at Georgia Highlands College as part of Women’s History Month. Discussed
my recent role as a member of the Rising Star Expedition in South Africa, where I was a
member of a small, all-female crew responsible for the excavation of early hominin remains
from a cave.
February 2014
Guest speaker at the University of West Georgia Anthropology Club. Presented lecture on the
archaeology and paleoethnobotany of St. Catherines Island, Georgia.
February 2014
Guest lecture at University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia. Presented a lecture on the Rising Star
Expedition for Paleonanthropology class.
November 2013
As part of the Rising Star Expedition in South Africa, which recovered the remains of more than
a dozen individuals of early hominin from deep within a cave, I had the opportunity to Skype in
to several classes across the country and give a mini- guest lecture and answer questions
regarding the project.
September 2013
Guest lecture at Georgia Highlands College in Rome, Georgia. Presented a lecture on early
human ancestors in Physical Geology 101.
August 2011- June 2012
Graduate Teaching Associate at the Ohio State University (3 quarters/classes). Instructor of
record for Anthropology 201: Introduction to World Prehistory. Course covered almost 7 million
years of prehistory, from the earliest hominins to the development of state-level societies around
the world.
Other Experience (volunteering, lab experience, etc.)
October 2010- June 2012
Acted as a graduate mentor for 4 anthropology undergraduates at Ohio state University. Assisted
with class selection, theses, field school decisions, research opportunities, etc.
April 2011
Assisted in running a day workshop for middle-school age girls, “Girls Explore Archaeology”,
at the Center for Science and Industry (COSI) in Columbus, OH.
November 2008
Volunteered at the Rome Area History Museum.
August 2006-October 2007
Employed at the Georgia Site File, in the University of Georgia’s Department of Archaeology.
Site File employees are responsible for recording new archaeological sites discovered in the
state of Georgia, scanning and uploading site forms into our online state database (NAHRGIS),
setting up access accounts for qualified users, performing searches of our records for Cultural
Resource Management firms or qualified personnel/researchers, and receiving and filing new
manuscripts/ reports of archaeological projects in Georgia. Supervised by Dr. Mark Williams.
July 2006-August 2006
Employed at the University of Georgia’s Laboratory of Archaeology. For approximately one
month, I analyzed artifacts from the Swift Creek site in southern Georgia. Supervised by Dr.
Mark Williams.