List of Topics covered by date

Econ 366 Topics covered by date
September 6
September 11
September 13
September 18
Topics Covered
Course outline, course aims
-Definition of energy
-Energy Categories
-Production, Imports and Exports of
Energy in Canada (data from Statistics
Canada and Alberta’s Energy Resources
Conservation Board)
-Supply Chain (from producers to endusers)
-Demand for Primary Energy in Alberta
-Demand for Energy in various end-use
sectors- Data sources (Alberta, Canada,
US, International)
- Measuring energy: value, natural units,
calorific value, product equivalences
- Energy content of various energy sources
- Converting from one unit of measurement
to another
-1 conversion example performed in detail
- introduction to residential energy demand (a) Class Slides #3
September 20
- Utility-maximization using indifference
- special considerations for energy markets
(price awareness, utilities included in rent,
purchase of specialized equipment,
rebound effects)
- in-class price awareness survey
- Issues in residential energy demand
September 25
- Fuel Poverty
-------------------------------------------------------------- Other Approaches to Measuring Demand
September 27
October 2
(a) Class Slides #1,
(b) Textbook: Chapter 2.1 to
(a) Class Slides #1 and #2
(b) Textbook: Chapter 2.1 to
2.5, Annex 2.1
Campus Energy / Sustainability Tour – Meet in
classroom at 12:30
- Energy related concepts and highlights from
sustainability tour
(b) Textbook: Chapter 3.1 to
(a) Class Slides #3
(b) Textbook: Chapter 3.4.1
(a) Class Slides #4
(b) In-class Survey Results
(a) textbook Chapter 22
(b) Class Slides #5 (and
references included therein)
--------------------------------------(a) Chapter 3.5
(b) Class Slides #6
- Other Approaches to Measuring Demand
-------------------------------------------------------------Industrial Energy Demand
(a) Chapter 3.5
(b) Class Slides #6)
--------------------------------------(a) Chapter 3.4.2, 4.4.1
(b) Class Slides #7
(a) Chapter 3.4.2, 4.4.1
(b) Class Slides #7
October 4
Industrial Energy Demand and Policy
Responses (in-class isoquant/isocost problemsolving session involving carbon taxes,
subsidized loans, new technologies)
October 9
Technology Adoption and Rebound Effects (a) Chapter 6.6.5
(b) Class Slides #8 (and
(including LCC and Payback Periods)
October 11
Rebound Effects
Transportation Demand
October 16
Transportation Demand
October 18
October 23
October 25
October 30
November 1
November 6
November 8
-----------------------------------------------------------Discussed Practice Mid-term and Analysis
Questions (3 and 4) from Assignment #1
Demand Management
Midterms and Assignment 1 returned
-Discussion of Book/Movie Review (deadline
extended to Nov. 29(
- Exploration and R&D
- Alberta’s Bonus Bidding System
- Bonus Bidding and Royalties in Alberta
- Oil as a physical asset (prelude to the
Hotelling Rule)
Resource Rents
Working with the Hotelling rule: optimal price
path, optimal production path, optimal T,
comparative statics (including the impact of
Common Pool Problems
Working with Hotelling Rule: new discovery;
change in interest rate
Monopoly version of Hotelling Rule
references therein)
(a) Chapter 6.6.5, Chapter
(b) Class Slides #8 and #9 (and
references therein)
(a) Final page on Class Slides
(b) gas price vs speeding
(a) Textbook Chapter 6.1 to
(b) PowerPoint Slides
(including info obtained by
clicking on links provided in
(a) Posted notes on answers
(a) Textbook Chapter 8.1
(b) PowerPoint Slides
(including linked references)
(a) PowerPoint Slides
(including linked references)
(b) Textbook Chapter 9.2
(a) PowerPoint Slides
(b) Chapter 9, Chapter
(a) PowerPoint Slides
(b) Chapter 9, Chapter 14
November 13
November 15
November 20
November 22
November 27
November 29
December 4
Oil Market History
Fall Break – No class
Other Fossil Fuels (Natural Gas, Coal)
Electricity Supply In Alberta
(including Merit Order Auctions)
Guest Lecture – Alberta Energy Policy Analyst
Electricity Supply
Hedging: Forward contracts
Futures contracts (up to backwardation /
Retail Gasoline Markets
Energy Prices and the Macro Economy
Macroeconomic Impacts of Energy Prices and
Energy Booms : Resource Curse and Dutch
(a) Chapters 15.2, 15.4, 16
(b) PowerPoint Slides (and
links within)
(a) PowerPoint Slides
(a) Textbook 11.1 to 11.7
(b) PowerPoint Slides
(a) Power Point Slides (and
links to WTI brochure, CME
Webinar, Ripple (2009))
PowerPoint Slides
Textbook 19.4 to 19.6
PowerPoint Slides
Textbook 19.4 to 19.6