SIP Literacy 2013 – 2016

School Improvement Plan
Literacy 2013 - 2016
 confident pupils with an excellent ability to communicate and express their
 a print rich environment
 the majority of pupils are independent readers by 3rd class
 continuous focus on reading (school library, visiting mobile library, DEAR
time, book fair, reading room/ reading week)
 excellent internal support from our special education team
 excellent support from home with regard to reading and access to books
 vocabulary development
 spelling – as demonstrated in children’s free writing rather than weekly
spelling tests
 a planned approach to teaching reading comprehension strategies –
especially higher order comprehension skills
Improvement targets
 to improve spelling scores in Drumcondra spelling tests
 to improve children’s attitude / self esteem/ confidence with regard to
 to improve children’s knowledge/understanding of words ie word patterns,
origins, roots
Sources of evidence and baseline data:
Standardised test results – Micra T and Drumcondra Spelling Test
WSE report
Scot Analysis
Teacher, pupil, parent questionnaire with regard to spellings
We Are Writers Project
Teachers observation of children’s day to day written work
 children will learn spelling in a context based manner rather than in
isolation or list format
 children will learn to spell in a more interactive, fun way and will learn
spelling through a word study approach
Year 1 Actions:
1 PDST Eoin Shanahan- 4 hour “Word Study” workshops with pupils and
2 Replace the current spelling workbook with Fry’s First 1,000 words in phrases
3 Weekly assessment of spelling as dictation of phrases rather than words in
4 Active engagement in word study through games such as word sorts, making
words, quiz etc.
Actions for year 2 and 3 will be informed by outcomes from year 1
Persons Responsible
The school plan for literacy will be lead by a team of teachers which includes the
literacy coordinator, B. Furlong.
All teaching staff are responsible for its implementation and are involved at each
The plan will be monitored and reviewed on an ongoing basis.
Success criteria
Drumcondra spelling test results
Children’s attitudes to spelling
Children’s free writing