Avoiding cognitive bias

LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT: Maintaining influence
Avoiding cognitive bias:
Your reflections
Consider the seven types of cognitive bias outlined in this section of the main course and:
 Write a few sentences describing an occasion on which you may have been affected by each one of the seven biases
 Then write down an example of an occasion on which your colleagues may have exhibited each of the seven biases
 Compare the two lists and don't be surprised if it is easier to think of examples of your colleagues' biases than of your own. It is difficult to think of your
own biases, isn't it?
 Based on your reflections and the tips in this section of the main course, make a list of five steps you will take to help moderate the effects of cognitive
bias in the future.
You may wish to use the following table to help you to consolidate your thoughts.
Estimated duration: 30 minutes
Cognitive bias
Confirmation bias
Examples from my own behavior
Examples from others’ behavior
Expectation bias
Self-serving bias
Optimism bias
Certainty bias
Egocentric bias
False consensus bias
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