INSTITUTE OF PHYSICO-CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL PROBLEMS IN SOIL SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN BIOLOGY OF THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES SECOND RUSSIAN NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION «MATHEMATICAL MODELLING IN ECOLOGY» (ECOMATMOD-2011) FIRST CIRCULAR Dear colleagues, The Second Russian National Scientific Conference with International participation will be held in Pushchino Moscow Region, Russia from May 23 to 27 2011. Oral and poster presentations are welcome in the areas of modelling, taking decisions and ecosystem management, ecosystem approach for natural resources management, sustainable development; modelling of elements cycles in ecosystems, modelling of growth and development, modelling of population and communities dynamics, prognosis of biodiversity changes; modelling of catastrophic impacts on ecosystems: invasions and epidemics, insect attacks pollutions, forest fires, flooding and draughts. Sessions planned: 1. Approaches and methods in ecological modelling, systems of models. 2. Modelling of elements cycles in terrestrial ecosystems. 3. Ecological complexity, mathematical aspects, statistical modelling. 4. Models of trees; models of plant populations and communities. 5. Models of populations and communities of microorganisms and animals. 6. Models of aquatic ecosystems 7. Global and regional modelling 8. Models in soil science and landscape ecology In 2011 we celebrate 100 year from birthday of outstanding scientist, one of the founders of Mathematical Ecology in USSR Prof. Alexei A. Lyapunov. We plan several invited lectures about his ideas in different branches of Mathematics. Orgcommittee invites participants of the Conference to prepare their own memoirs about Alexei Lyapunov continuing thereby a tradition of stories on the history of Mathematical Biology in Russia founded at 1-st Conference in 2009. Chairman PROGRAM COMMITTEE Komarov Alexander S., Prof., D.Sci (Biology), Pushchino, Russia Abakumov Alexander I. Prof., D.Sci (Physics, Mathematics), Vladivostok, Russia Berezovskaya Faina S. D.Sci (Physics, Mathematics), Prof. Mathematics Department, Howard University Washington DC, USA Degermendji Andrey G. Prof., D.Sci (Physics, Mathematics), Krasnoyarsk, Russia Frisman Efim Ya. Prof., D.Sci (Biology), Birobijan, Russia Karev Georgy P., Prof., D.Sci (Physics, Mathematics), National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, USA Khlebopros Rem G., Prof., D.Sci (Physics, Mathematics), Krasnoyarsk, Russia Korovin Georgii N. D.Sci (Agriculture), Moscow, Russia Legovič Tarzan, Prof., Secretary-General of the International Society for Ecological Modelling, Zagreb, Croatia Logofet Dmitry O., Prof., D.Sci (Physics, Mathematics), Moscow, Russia Medvinsky Alexander B., Prof., D.Sci (Physics, Mathematics), Pushchino, Russia Poluektov Ratmir A., D.Sci (Technologies), Sankt-Petersburg, Russia Puzachenko Yuri G. Prof., D.Sci (Geography), Moscow, Russia Pykh Yuri A. Prof., D.Sci (Physics, Mathematics), Sankt-Petersburg, Russia Riznichenko Galina Yu. Prof., D.Sci (Physics, Mathematics), Moscow, Russia Rozenberg Gennady S., Prof., D.Sci (Biology), Togliatti, Russia Rukhovets Leonid A., Prof., D.Sci (Physics, Mathematics), SanktPetersburg, Russia Semenov Sergei M., Prof., D.Sci (Physics, Mathematics), Moscow, Russia Sirotenko Oleg D., Prof., D.Sci (Physics, Mathematics), Obninsk, Russia Vavilin Vassily A., D.Sci (Physics, Mathematics), Moscow, Russia Soukhovolsky Vladislav G. Prof., D.Sci (Physics, Mathematics), Krasnoyarsk, Russia Tarko Alexander M., Prof., D.Sci (Physics, Mathematics), Moscow, Russia Titlyanova Argenta A., Prof., D.Sci (Biology), Novosibirsk, Russia Uchmanski Janusz, Prof., Warsaw, Poland Khanina Larisa G., Ass. Prof. Phd, Pushchino, Russia Yakushev Viktor P., D.Sci (Agriculture), Sankt-Petersburg, Russia LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Chairman Prof. Alexander S.Komarov Vice-Chairman Ass. Prof. Khanina Larisa G. Secretary Khoraskina Yulia S. ADDRESS OF ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Khoraskina Yulia S. Institute of physico-chemical and biological problems in soil science Institutskaya ulitsa, 2, Pushchino Moscow region, 142290 Russian Federation Tel.:+7 4967730755; факс: +7 4967330595. E-mail: Participants willing to contribute oral or poster presentation should submit two pages papers using template (see attached TemplateEcoMod.rtf) by 31 December 2010 and fill in registration form (see attached RegformEcoMatMod.rtf). Authors should indicate their preferred form of presentation. Papers and forms should be sent by e-mail to: We ask you to send give name to your files in correspondence with Number of Session and your family name. Example: 4_Ivanov_regform.rtf and 4_Ivanov.rtf Contributing speaker’s time is limited to 25 min, which includes discussion time (20 min talk + 5 min discussion). Posters are presented at poster sessions with 5 min short talk/ Registration fee is assumed at the moment as 1000 RBL (appr. 50 euro) and 500 RBL for students. Final amount will be announced in 2nd Information letter. Accomodation will be organized in the Pushchino hotel ( (Please mark necessity in hotel booking in registration form)/ Additional information will be and in next circulars. located at the Conference Internet site