district guidelines for placement of students enrolling from an

7026 South Flores
San Antonio, Texas 78221
Tel. (210) 989-4445
Fax (210) 921-4406
The Principal Add ressed
Pupil Personnel Administrator
Parent Request for Home Schooling Program
Student: ___________________________________________________
Date of Birth: ____________________________
Student ID#: _____________________
S.S.#: ____________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________ Home/Cell#: _______________________
School: ________________________________________
Curriculum: ____________________________________
This office has received a written assurance by the parent/guardian of compliance with home schooling laws
and guideli nes. The parent(s) was made aware that according to Leeper, et Al v. Arlington I.S.D. et Al and Board
Policy FDC (Local), a compulsory school age child residing in Texas who is pursui ng under the direction of his/her
parents, with pa rental assurance of a written cu rriculum designed to meet basic education goals of reading,
spelling, grammar, mathematics, and a study of good citizenshi p is attending private school within the mea ning
of TEC 25.086 (a) (1).
The parent also assu res that the student is pursing the curriculum in a bonafide manner that is in good faith and
not a sham or subterf uge. Also, in accordance with the court order, the student is exempt from compulsory
school attendance.
The parent was advised that the school district is not prohibited from making reasonable inquiries to determine
whether or not a school-age child is in attendance upon a private or parochial school and from initiating
prosecutions under appropriate law if a determination is made that the child is not in attendance at a private or
parochial school as declared by the court or if the parents/guardians fail reasonably cooperate with a reasonable
inquiry. Also, the parent/guardian was informed of the District policy regarding placement of students who enroll
from unaccredited schools and that such policy will be followed at any time the student enrolls or re-enrolls in
District schools.
Finally the District will not provide instr uction, instr uctional materials, assistance, or facilities to students enrolled
in private schools.
The student meets the requirements of home schooling in Texas and may be withdrawn from your campus
at the parent's request.
Parent / Guardian Signature
Administrator Signature
According to Harlandale ISD Board Policy FDA Legal (Nonpublic Schools), the Texas Educational
Agency and Commissioner of Education (2013), the awarding of credit for courses taken may be
determined by reviewing the curriculum and/or work of the student, or by using appropriate
assessments. Districts may place students according to a review of the curriculum, course of study,
and work of the student coming from a home school environment. Section 28.021 of the Texas
Education Code (TEC) requires advancement or credit to be awarded on the basis of "academic
achievement or demonstrated proficiency of the subject matter."
If a student is enrolling from an unaccredited school, please be advised that the following
guidelines will be followed for placement and awarding of credit:
Elementary Level Kindergarten - 5th Grades and Middle School:
One or more of the following will be used:
The school will request that the parent provide evidence of the curriculum used.
The school will request a record of grades and evidence of actual assignments and assessments.
Assessments will be utilized for determining placement, elementary students may be assessed by
means of a nationally recognized norm-referenced test or by a previously released STAAR exam
of appropriate grade level or State/District recognized assessments for grades K-2"d.
Secondary Level - High School
One or more of the following will be used:
The school will request that the parent provide evidence of the curriculum used.
The school will request a record of grades and evidence of actual assignments and assessments.
Secondary students may be assessed using District determined assessments for individual subject
areas or by a previously released STAAR exam for the appropriate grade level. The student
will be given adequate time to take the assessment and the standard of 70% will be used for
students to receive credit for courses they have already taken.
Please Print -Parent Name
Parent Signature