Quran 108 Description: Above is the translation, but there are some key words in this chapter that are important to know their true meaning. 1- Kawthar 2- Worship 3- Sacrifice __________________________ First time that this chapter reveled to the prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him, PBUH), was about his daughter. Her name was Fatemeh. She became wife of Emam Ali later. She was brave, intelligent, wise, pure. Researchers have written books about her. It is Arabs tradition/culture (as other primitive groups of that time and even now) that they appreciated a boy more than a girl. Criticizers of the prophet were making fun of him. Ha ha. He has a girl. His lineage will be cut off. He does not have a boy. First Keeping track of the past lineage and genealogy is a totally negative concept in Islam. There are several chapters that discuss and reason this subject. We might talk about them later. Second God told the prophet, that they are non-productive They are non-creative They are those who will have no positive effect on the world and when they die they are dead and forgotten and they live a useless non creative (cut off) life now and in future after death. Therefore you do not be affected by their criticism. Third This is not only about the prophet It is about any one who is directed to read this chapter Goal is not having so many children and so many grand children to contaminate the world and a dog comes and when he is dead he has created 1`2 other dogs who eat the resources of the planet and use its oxygen and kill animals and do destruction on the Earth_unfortunately several times in the book (having children) is mentioned as Hindrance Bother Trouble Problem Goal is being productive and useful to creatures of god, humans and animals. Being useful regarding fulfillment of goals of God, not personal goals, while one is alive. Key word - Kawthar This word apart from pointer to Fatemeh, (PBUH) means (a spring in heaven) Spring of water Water that creates life and cleanliness, purity of soul/heart/mind/self This is a verse of the book that says: (From water We made every thing alive) Every time in the book, that God is talking about water He is talking about growth, life, source of power. That Spring in heaven (Kawthar) is a symbol of life, growth and purity. Key word - Worship Worship has two meanings. When one is fulfilling both of these meanings, then one is worshipping the object that those meanings area attached to. A- Asking the description of the reasons of events that are happening in the world from that thing B- Accepting the rules of that thing What do I do What I do not do What is right What is wrong What is permitted What is not permitted If I worship culture of the world that is defined every day more intensely by Lucifer, then I ask the questions about what is happening and why from him Such as: Why some people are poor and some rich? Because they are working hard and clever and deserve it (capitalists) And those poor are lazy and stupid (public) Ask God: Because I give resources to some to test them and to see what they do with it Because I give resources to some to be sure they have the means to destroy what should be destroyed. Because some have the ability/ ambition/ desire to construct, I give them resources to do that. Because things should be done in a certain way (construction /destruction) for me to achieve my goals of creation of this system of things that will be manifested in your life or several hundred or thousand years later. Cause and effect and using the elements of the system are destined by me and I do as I wish to achieve as I wish. One who wants something (for instance money and resources) should do certain things to deserve the resources that I might or might not give them. And at the end parameters for these decisions, which are totally my decisions are so many. You might or might not be able to analyze them and understand them. It has nothing to do with intelligence, or hard work. It has to do with my decision to give or give not intelligence to someone. Give or give not desire for hard work to someone. Do or do not put them in the right place and the right time to receive or not receive resources for my construction or destruction purposes that they have no idea. All decisions All destiny Is destined by me and me alone You humans are just elements of a complex chess game That I move both sides of the board This is fulfillment of the condition number one How things work? Why things happen? If we ask God and get his answer We are worshiping God. If we ask Lucifer of Michael Jackson or (American Idol) then we are worshiping icons of the world. That are influenced and assigned by Lucifer. B- Accepting the rules of that thing What do I do? What I do not do? If I worship Lucifer I do my FASHION of clothing according to fashion designers of the world I aspire for LIFESTYLE of my living according to media and propaganda of the capitalism I act, behave do and don’t according to what Lucifer, new age guides of the world prescribe I do WHAT MY HEART DESIRES I do WHAT IS MY INTUITION I do FOLLOW MY HEART I do as above as Lucifer and his lower level agents OWN hearts of people. Therefore they do what he wants them to do and they are HAPPY with that As it is what their heart WANTS Heart = mind = soul = ego = person This is a verse of the book that says: (In many occasions you LOVE something and it is bad for you and you HATE something and that is good for you.) Therefore Do NOT do what you love, what you want, what you desire what comes to your heart and mind Do NOT follow what YOU want You know not, that is from who Who sent that desire to your mind and heart You do that And that is sending you to hell To torture and pain in this and next life Just DO and DON’T as I say (God) I know what is good for you and what makes you happy now and later This is another verse of the book that says: (Lucifer decorated for them, their worst actions) That means Not only they are doing worst actions But also they are proud of it But also those bad actions are decorated in their eyes, They assign value for it They see it beautiful - as a decoration is something that one thinks it is beautiful Praiseworthy, Wants to show others that thing I think this thing is nice and good and beautiful I use it as decoration Lucifer decorates their WORST ACTIONS in their own eyes. Therefore Do NOT do what you like Do NOT do what fashion, new age, old age, ways of the world, ideas of thousands of groups and individuals say to do or do not Just do those things that God says and DO NOT do those things that God tells you not to do and you are safe and happy. Fulfill this second part of the condition and you are worshipping God. Brief: Asking descriptions of happenings in the word from God and following his do-don’t list means worshiping God. What is sacrifice - 1 This is a very important subject in Quran and Gita and Bible. Understanding this concept is sending one to heaven (if action is followed) And mis-understanding this one concept is enough to send one to hell First - What is NOT sacrifice Those thousands of CRIMIBNALS/ MURDERERS Moslems who kill thousands of sheep in HAJ. Are NOIT sacrificing, they go to hell for this murder act I declare visibly Clearly As bright as the sun All meat eater Moslems who kill animals Are in hell and will go to a more torturous hell Killing an innocent animal is NOT sacrifice for God. Second - example what is sacrifice Abraham, (prophet of God) was asked by God to kill his son (Ishmael) He told the son, he accepted. Abraham put knife on his throat and tried to cut. Knife did not work. God saw his attempt and will and action. And stopped him from doing that. That was a test for him He graduated successfully from the test. One should sacrifice what he LOVES. For God. Abraham loved his son. God said: oh yes? You claim you work for me and love me? Kill your son for me. He tried, although (I guess) unhappy about it, but he did. If one has a sheep He is a poor man He does not have any material possession He does not have any other friend Sheep is his friend Sheep is giving him milk to eat And loves his sheep Then If one is in that situation, and God tells him to kill the sheep for God, THAT is sacrifice. What is sacrifice - 2 Imagine I have a computer I love my computer I play with it I work with it and make money from it It is my friend I talk with it - communicate with it - it is the only thing that I have Then God says sacrifice that for me Sacrifice does not mean I take a hammer and destroy the computer It means I give it away I sell it and take the money and give the money to the poor That is sacrifice What is sacrifice - 3 - I love my CAR , Ferrari - I love my house, 25 bedroom house - I love my Job, It makes money for me to FULFILL ME DESIRES It gives me a sense of worth I t gives me a sense of importance It gives me interaction with other humans (that humans need) I love my material possessions / stuff Sacrifice means Give away the car, the house, the job, the money ALL STUFF Leave them, sell them and give the money to poor Detach yourself form those things That is sacrifice NOT buying a sheep that you do not know and kill. You go and kill your children you bastard murderer and leave animals alone What is sacrifice - 4 What is it that I like most, I love most? ME What is it that I do that gives ME most pleasure? Every thing I do everything to make ME happy I do every thing the ME wants I do every thing to fulfill desires of ME I am MY GOD. I am worshipping ME. I do things that ME wants. I do not do things that ME does not want. I do any thing to make ME HAPPY and fulfill MY desires. MY desires are the most important thing in the universe. Therefore I have to SACRIFICE things that ME wants for God. I like to spend MY TIME to do things that ME wants. Sacrifice that. Spend your time to do things that GOD wants not ME wants. This is all you have. All you own. Time. Spend your energy and time to do things that God wants. Stop doing things for ME. Do things that God asked you to do. That is sacrifice. Now comes the question: What is it that God wants? Answer is written in his books. Sacrifice is Doing those things. Not doing things the ME thinks makes ME happy and in 99% of the cases makes ME unhappy in the short and long run. ___ conclusion of the chapter 108: I gave you water of life as a gift. Worship me. Sacrifice for me. This is a creative act, those who criticize you are non-creative. You are creative if you use the gift that I gave you and worship and sacrifice for God. ___ Bhagavan Vedant Das 11 Jan 2012