Catholic Beliefs about Mass

of 5
to this
The Eucharist
Explain why…
Catholic Beliefs about the Mass
• To Know that the Eucharist is a
Sacrifice and a Sacrament, and
an experience of communion
with God & others.
• To Understand why Catholics
believe in Transubstantiation
and the Real Presence
Choose 5 and rank them in order of how best
you think they describe Catholic beliefs about
the mass.
A. An occasion for worship/ prayer
B. An opportunity to learn about God
C. Sharing of a meal
D. A sacrifice
E. A memorial / remembrance
F. A thanksgiving
G. A celebration of shared faith
H. A Challenge
I. An experience of God’s grace
• Explain why you put your top one first.
Why does Religion need Sacrifice?
• Act of worship: gift, honouring God by its value
• Act of obedience: submission
• Act of repentance: offering for sin
How was Christ’s Sacrifice
the perfect sacrifice?
(how did it fulfil the above 3
things perfectly?)
The Mass makes real again the Sacrifice
of Christ , in a bloodless way.
Transubstantiation = during the eucharistic
prayers, the priest consecrates the bread and
wine to become the body and blood of Jesus
• Trans - substance: the substance (what it is) changes, but
the way it appears stays the same.
“This is my body.”
• Saying this, Christ makes the bread into a new
thing – his body, under the appearance of bread
and wine. This is also what the priest does.
• Once consecrated, it remains His body. It must be
specially treated - kept in the
= the WHOLE
Christ (body, soul ,
humanity, divinity )
is present in the
eucharistic host
Why do Catholics eat the Eucharist?
• “If you do not eat my flesh, and drink my blood,
you have no life in you. He who eats my flesh and
drinks my blood has eternal life, and I shall
resurrect him on the last day.” John 6:54-57
• “I am the living bread that came down from
heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live
forever. And the bread that I will give for the life
of the world is my flesh.“ John 6:48
Why is receiving the Holy Eucharist important for
Catholics? Explain, using one of the quotes above..
Exam Question/ homework
Describe 3 Catholic beliefs about the Eucharist.
(each point should be developed as below.)
- sacrifice: God’s of himself. Ours to God.
• Eucharistic prayers (re-enact Last Supper)
• transubstantiation
• real presence
- sacrament:
• definition.
• effects: strength to live well . Promise of
resurrection (salvation)
- communion:
• With God & with others, united in love.
• one body in Christ.
Adoration of the Eucharist
displays the
The faithful
adore the