PWN Guide for IEP, Initial and Re-Eval

ISD 200 Special Services
Practices Statement
Dev 9/11
Last Rev 12/14
Prior Written Notice: Educational Evaluation/Re-Evaluation
A prior written notice (PWN) is required whenever the district proposes or refuses to initiate or change the
identification, evaluation, educational placement or provision of FAPE to the child.
CFR § 300.503 (a)(1-2)
Examples of when PWN is required include:
o Conducting an evaluation.
o Refusing parental request for an evaluation.
o Refusing service (or not changing placement) when a student is evaluated and found not
o Initiating services through an initial IEP*.
o Changing placement or services as part of an annual IEP*.
o Discontinuing services through exiting or graduating.
*For IEP-related PWNs, the notice should capture the details from the IEP meeting and those specifics
should already be in your conference notes taken at the time of the meeting.
Compliance Standards for PWN – Evaluation/Re-Evaluation
1) Description of the action proposed or refused
Points of clarification
o Action proposed includes a full sentence that describes an initial evaluation or a 3year evaluation. Also reference the specific assessments and evaluators listed with
the attached table.
o In describing the proposed action, be clear and specific.
o Do not use “and/or” or “as needed” when listing tests in your evaluation plan, unless it
is clear what would trigger the test’s use.
o Identify staff conducting the assessment by name and or title. Identifying “sped staff”
or “staff” is too generic.
Non-Compliant Example of Action Proposed:
o Three-year evaluation. See attached evaluation plan.
Compliant Example of Action Proposed:
o “The IEP team is proposing to conduct a three-year re-evaluation (or initial evaluation).
Specific data to be reviewed and assessments to be conducted are documented in the
attached evaluation plan.”
2) Explanation of why the action is being proposed or refused
Points of clarification
o Write at least one full sentence that describes why the evaluation is being proposed.
o For an eval, the action is often proposed to determine initial or continued eligibility for
special education.
ISD 200 Special Services
Dev 9/11
Practices Statement
Last Rev 12/14
o PWN must also be used to describe a reevaluation in response to a student’s
changing educational needs that may be evidenced by behavior issues or lack of
Non-Compliant Examples:
o It’s time.
o Evaluation is needed.
o Legally need to provide an evaluation every three years.
Compliant Examples:
o The district is proposing to evaluate your child to determine if he/she has a disability
and is in need of special education services. (Initial evaluation)
o ___ is due for a three-year re-evaluation to determine continued eligibility for special
education services. This evaluation will provide more current information for
educational program planning. (Re-evaluation)
o Pre-referral interventions were unsuccessful. ___’s teachers continue to have
concerns regarding ___’s academic progress. (Initial evaluation)
o Due to ___’s significant progress in language noted by his/her parents and teachers
in the past two years since entering preschool, the IEP team agreed a comprehensive
evaluation is needed at this time prior to when the three-year re-evaluation is due to
provide the IEP team with more current data to inform educational programming and
placement decisions. (Re-evaluation)
o An evaluation plan for Susan is being proposed to determine continued eligibility for
special education services, and to further identify needs in the areas of language,
reading and behavior to assist him/her IEP team in developing an appropriate
education plan to meet his/her needs (Re-evaluation).
3) Description of other considered, and the reasons why they were rejected
Points of Clarification
o There are always other options.
o Reflect on discussions during evaluation planning, and document any aspect the
team discussed which did not end up being part of the evaluation plan. Make sure to
use the wording ‘This (topic) was rejected (or ‘decided against’) because . . . ‘ in that
section. Examples of what might have been considered and rejected during
evaluation planning could include assessing a particular domain, using a particular
test procedure, test adaptations needed, timing of conducting assessments or the
evaluation itself, location of testing, etc.
o Other options could also include delaying the evaluation, conducting another prereferral intervention, just reviewing existing data
Non-Compliant Examples:
o The team considered all options.
o N/A
o Blank (no-answer)
ISD 200 Special Services
Practices Statement
Dev 9/11
Last Rev 12/14
Compliant Examples:
o The team considered proposing an additional reading assessment, such as the Test
of Early Reading Ability, but in reviewing the scores on the most NWEA and the
progress on his reading goal, the team decided that there is enough existing data to
determine his educational needs in reading.
o The team considered adding a/an [state domain area not being evaluated] evaluation
in the evaluation plan, but decided against that option because there were no
identified concerns in that area.
o The team considered delaying the evaluation until another pre-referral intervention
was implemented, but rejected that option because the student’s behavior has
resulted in increased urgency for the need for the evaluation. (Initial evaluation)
o The team considered also conduction the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-4 in the
Communication area, but rejected that option due to determining ___’s present levels
of performance in the vocabulary area will be adequately assessed with the other
tests indicated in that domain.
4) Description of each evaluation procedure, assessment, record, or report test used as a basis
for the proposed or refused action
Point of Clarification:
o This component is asking for documentation of what the IEP team used to determine
the set of test procedures on the proposed evaluation plan.
o It cannot refer to the test procedures in the proposed evaluation plan itself as serving
as the basis for the evaluation plan.
Non-Compliant Examples:
o See attached.
o See progress reports.
Compliant Examples:
o The team used data from pre-referral interventions, and input from Jessica’s parents
and classroom teacher to determine the areas to be assessed. (Initial evaluation)
o The team used parent and teacher input, classroom performance, progress
monitoring data, behavior charts, and district and statewide assessment results to
determine the areas to be assessed.
5) Description of any other factors considered relevant
Points of Clarification:
o In this section, document something related to the unique needs or special
considerations required for the learner.
o In developing the IEP or Eval, discussion consideration of special factors may include:
 Behavior
 Limited English Proficiency
 Sensory disability specifics (e.g. Blind/VI or Deaf H/H)
 Communication Needs
 Assistive Technology
ISD 200 Special Services
Practices Statement
Dev 9/11
Last Rev 12/14
Frequent medical appointments
Positioning requirements
No other factors (It is OK to put “None” on the PWN as long as there is no
evidence to suggest otherwise)
This section cannot be left blank.
Non-Compliant Example:
o Blank (no answer). Write “None” if there are no special factors.
Compliant Examples:
o ___ passed the vision and hearing screenings conducted on ___
(If the screenings are “old,” does the teacher have any concerns?)
o ___ is an English language learner, and English is not spoken in the student’s home.
(Impact on testing? Need cultural liaison?)
o ___ has a behavior plan. See attached behavior plan dated . . . , . , ---o ___ will be in grade 9 before the next comprehensive evaluation, so a post-secondary
transition evaluation will be conducted.
o Ryan has a diagnosis of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and will need
testing sessions broken into smaller segments to obtain accurate results.
ISD 200 Special Services
Practices Statement
Dev 9/11
Last Rev 12/14
Prior Written Notice: IEP
A prior written notice (PWN) is required whenever the district proposes or refuses to initiate or change the
identification, evaluation, educational placement or provision of FAPE to the child.
CFR § 300.503 (a)(1-2)
Examples of when PWN is required include:
o Conducting an evaluation.
o Refusing parental request for an evaluation.
o Refusing service (or not changing placement) when a student is evaluated and found not
o Initiating services through an initial IEP*.
o Changing placement or services as part of an annual IEP*.
o Discontinuing services through exiting or graduating.
*For IEP-related PWNs, the notice should capture the details from the IEP meeting and those specifics
should already be in your conference notes taken at the time of the meeting.
Compliance Standards for PWN - IEP
1) Description of action proposed or refused
Points of Clarification:
o It is important to write clear and full sentences in this section about what you are
o For an INITIAL IEP, generally describe the main contents of the IEP and reference
the initial IEP meeting date.
o For an ANNUAL IEP, the action must describe specific goals, services or changes
from the previous IEP.
 Examples of changes could include additions or deletions of goals and
objectives, services, state testing-related items, adaptations, assistive
technology, an increase or decrease in service times or frequency, extended
school year (ESY) services, location of services and/or placement.
o Do not use this section to describe WHY. That’s question #2.
Non-Compliant Examples:
o Annual IEP
o New IEP
o See attached IEP
Compliant Examples:
o The IEP team is proposing to provide continued direct instruction in reading to
address ___’s specific learning disability. He/She will continue to receive services in
the resource room as well as accommodations and modifications in the classroom.
The reading goal in the Academic domain of this new IEP changed from the previous
IEPs goal of developing phonemic awareness skills to now targeting ___’s
development of letter-sound (phonics) and sigh word vocabulary skills. (Annual/IEP)
ISD 200 Special Services
Dev 9/11
Practices Statement
Last Rev 12/14
o The IEP team is proposing to implement the IEP developed at the (date) IEP Team
Meeting. The proposed IEP includes goals addressing ___’s communication,
language and functional academic and fine motor needs and includes services from a
Specific Learning Disability Teacher. Speech/Language Pathologist and
Occupational Therapist. Please see the attached IEP. (Initial/IEP)
o Following the IEP team discussion on (date), the IEP team is proposing to add 60 –
minute per week of direct speech/language therapy service beyond what was
received on the previous IEP. The district is also refusing the parents’ request to add
a full-time paraprofessional to the student’s program. Please see the attached IEP.
2) Explanation of why the action is being proposed or refused
Points of Clarification:
o Full sentences, which describe why the new IEP or changes to the IEP are being
o Details the reason the district is proposing this IEP or these particular services.
o The explanation can refer to the IEP in general or specific services proposed in the
Non-Compliant Examples:
o It’s time for a new IEP.
o Yearly meeting.
Compliant Examples:
o ___ has been identified with a specific learning disability in reading and requires
direct instruction in order to make sufficient academic progress.
o The IEP team determined that the services reflected in the proposed IEP (attached)
continue to be appropriate for the student, with new goals and objectives in
independent travel and self-advocacy skills added to reflect ___’s increased
independence and age.
o ___ has significant cognitive and communication disabilities, which make many
mainstream classes inappropriate to address his/her needs.
o The consequences of not taking 10th grad social studies is that ____ will not meet
traditional graduation requirements and will not have the coursework necessary to
meet college admission standards.
o ____ has not made sufficient progress on his Individual Education Program goals and
continues to demonstrate a need for special education and related services to
address his Specific Learning Disability in reading.
3) Description of other options considered, and the reasons why they were rejected
Points of Clarification:
o Reflect on the discussion at the IEP meeting and document any aspect of the IEP the
team discussed which did not end up being part of the IEP. Make sure to use the
language. ‘This [topic] was rejected (or ‘decided against’) because . . . .’ in that
o Teams must always be able to identify other options. Examples could include:
ISD 200 Special Services
Practices Statement
Dev 9/11
Last Rev 12/14
Additions or deletions of goals and objectives
State testing-related items, adaptations, assistive technology,
An increase or decrease in service times or frequency,
Extended school year (ESY) services,
Location of services, placement, and/or services requested by parent that are
being provided by outside agencies.
Non-Compliant Examples:
o N/A
o Blank (no answer)
o All options were considered.
o The team considered increasing or decreasing service time, but determined the
services proposed in the IEP are best to meet the needs of the student.
Compliant Examples:
o The team considered placing the student in a level 4 setting, but decided against that
option because the student is able to make sufficient progress in the level 3 setting.
o The team considered reducing the child’s direct service time, but decided against that
option because the team continues to feel the amount of services are required to
meet ___’s needs based on recent progress measurements and reports.
o (If student is NOT having Extended School Year services, provide rationale here.)
The IEP team considered summer ESY services for ___, but rejected that option due
to determining he/she did not meet ESY criteria.
4) Description of each evaluation procedure, assessment, record, or report test used as a
basis for the proposed or refused action.
Points of Clarification:
o Basis could include:
 Parent and teacher input,
 Classroom performance,
 Formal assessment results, or
 Progress on previous IEP goals and objectives
Non-Compliant Example:
o 3- year evaluation
Compliant Examples:
o The team considered the results of ___’s most recent formal re-evaluation (report
dated ___) to determine areas of need and appropriate services.
o [Student’s] progress reports, general education classroom performance, parent
input and district test results were used as the basis for the proposed IEP.
ISD 200 Special Services
Practices Statement
Dev 9/11
Last Rev 12/14
5) Description of any factors considered relevant
Points of Clarification:
o This section cannot be left blank.
o In developing the IEP, consideration of special factors which may include:
 Behavior
 Limited English Proficiency
 Sensory disability specifics (e.g. Blind/VI or Deaf H/H)
 Communication Needs
 Assistive Technology
 Frequent medical appointments
 Positioning requirements
 Distractibility
 No other factors (It is OK to put “None” on the PWN as long as there is no
evidence to suggest otherwise)
Non-Compliant Examples:
o Blank
o N/A
Compliant Examples:
o ___ is an English language learner and English is not spoken in the student’s home.
Spanish is the language spoken in the home.
o ___ has a behavior plan. See attached.
o ___ uses multiple technological supports in the general education setting for
communication and meeting academic expectations. See the Adaptations section of
the IEP.
o ___ benefits from scheduled breaks and a sensory diet of multiple activities to
promote calming and self-regulation.
o The team considered the option of ___ taking all credits required in 10th grade, but
decided that his/her transition goals would best be met by exempting him/her from
Civics and having him/her work on social/communication and organizational IEP
goals in floral design.
o No other factors (It is OK to put “None” on the PWN as long as there is not evidence
to suggest otherwise).
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