Team Power Point Presentation Development Process Human Muscular and Nervous Systems For this project each group will be assembling a power point presentation that illustrates the main components and processes of the muscular and nervous systems and how they interact and rely upon each other for normal body functioning. Step Requirements 1) Project Focus 2) Project Planning 3) Storyboard Development 4) Product Development 5) Product Presentation 6) Product Assessment 1) 2) 3) Answer the following question: In what ways do the nervous system and muscular system interact and rely on each other for normal body functioning? The project will be a power point presentation Your project will be graded according to the attached rubric. Research resources may be internet, class text book, supplemental anatomy resource texts, library and supplemental information in the public folder Gather all facts required according to the checklist Determine design, layout, and look of your presentation Determine a navigation scheme (linear/web-like) Determine transitions to be used between slides Draw out your storyboard, including graphics, factual information and other text that will be on slides Write out your required information on the template given, if illustrations are used instead insert these where the text would go on the template Obtain all graphics required for project and enter the information for these on the checklist Check that the presentation operates correctly Practice your presentation as a group Mrs. Haag will assess projects according to the attached Rubric Presentations may be presented to the class Basic Requirements for Presentation Your presentation must contain a title slide. Included in this title slide will be an introductory statement with a graphic/animation. Citations/links for all information and graphics will be included in a bibliography slide at the end of your slide presentation. Your presentation will contain a minimum of 18 slides. Team Members Required Information Checklist Structures of the microscopic anatomy of skeletal muscle: (Fill in your answer in this space). Teacher Initial Description of the process of muscle contraction: (Fill in your answer in this space). Teacher Initial Description of nerve stimulus and action potential: (Fill in your answer in this space). Teacher Initial Identify the structures and characteristics of the CNS and PNS: (Fill in your answer in this space). Teacher Initial Identify the divisions of the PNS: (Fill in your answer in this space). Teacher Initial Describe the process of nerve impulses: (Fill in your answer in this space). Teacher Initial Describe/Illustrate a reflex arc: (Fill in your answer in this space). Teacher Initial Identify a minimum of two dysfunctions affecting both systems: (Fill in your answer in this space). Teacher Initial Synthesis information- Summarize how these systems rely upon each other: (Fill in your answer in this space). Teacher Initial Graphics Checklist For your project there are four specific graphics you must obtain. You are also required to add to your presentation a minimum of six other content supportive graphics, illustrations and/or animations. Organ/Process Skeletal Muscle Microscopic Anatomy Brain Spinal Cord Neuron Teacher Address/Citation for graphic Initial Muscular and Nervous System Project Grading Rubric Requirement Does Not Meet Expectation Meets Expectation Exceeds Expectation Title Slide Min. 10 Graphics Min. 18 Slides Bibliography 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 Identify structures of microscopic skeletal muscle Describe/Illustrate muscle contraction Process Describe/Illustrate Nerve stimulus and action potential Identification and Differentiation of CNS and PNS Identify neuron structures Describe/Illustrate reflex arc Describe process of nerve impulse 2 Common dysfunctions affecting both systems Summary- How these systems interact and rely on each other 5 8 10 5 8 10 5 8 10 5 8 10 5 8 10 5 8 10 5 8 10 5 8 10 5 8 10 Total Score