Geropharmacy Continuing Education

This Home Study Program is being offered until
December 31, 2000
University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
Colorado Geriatric Education Center
4200 East 9th Avenue, Mail Stop A-094
Denver, CO 80262
Orders received before June 1, 1999 qualify for a
10% discount
Geropharmacy Continuing Education Home Study Program
The University of Colorado
School of Pharmacy is
approved by the American
Council on Pharmaceutical
Education (ACPE) as a
provider of continuing
pharmaceutical education.
co-sponsored by the
Colorado Geriatric Education Center
and the
School of Pharmacy
of the
University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
This program is supported in part by
a grant from the Bureau of Health
Professionals, U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services.
, contact the Center
Learn the basics of aging and enhance
your ability to provide pharmaceutical
care to your older patients through five
home-study modules:
Aging and the Older Adult
Reviews the demographics and health care usage of the
65+ population, age-related physiologic changes, and
the socioeconomic transitions faced by older Americans.
ACPE # 008-000-99-056 H04
CEU 0.5
Aging and the Older Adult
The Older Adult: Unique Aspects of Care
Drug Use and Risks in the Older Patient
The Older Adult: Unique Aspects of Care
Age-Related Pharmacokinetic Changes
Age-Related Pharmacodynamic Changes
Covers the health, functional, and social characteristics
of older patients that influence their health care and the
importance of multidimensional geriatric assessment
and team care. Introduces the challenges of evaluating
and treating the older patient, such as interactions
among multiple problems and treatments and modified
presentation of illnesses.
Reviews delirium, falls,
urinary incontinence, and weight loss in older patients.
Completely new case-based modules:
All new, fully-referenced material
Peer-reviewed by experts in geriatrics
Case examples from ambulatory, hospital, and
long term care settings
ACPE # 008-000-99-057 H04
CEU 0.6
Drug Use and Risks in the Older Patient
Case-based modules make learning more
meaningful and enjoyable.
Home-study allows you to set your own pace.
ACPE # 008-000-99-058 H04
metabolism, and excretion that influence drug
effectiveness, safety, and dosing in elderly patients.
ACPE # 008-000-99-059 H04
For more information,
Geriatric Education
Center at
Center at
(303) 315-8974
(303) 315-8974.
Registered User
Daytime Phone
Fax Number
E-Mail Address
Aging and the
Older Adult
The Older Adult:
Unique Aspects of Care
Drug Use and Risks in the
Older Patient
Age-Related Pharmacokinetic Changes
Age-Related Pharmacodynamic Changes
CEU 0.35
Age-Related Pharmacokinetic Changes
Earn up to 20 hours of continuing
education (20 CEU).
(only the registered user may receive ACPE credit)
Examines patterns of medication use and inappropriate
prescribing in older Americans, probes the risks of
polypharmacy (medication nonadherence, adverse
reactions, and drug interactions), and introduces the
basics of developing pharmaceutical care plans for older
Study more effectively and conveniently.
Geropharmacy Continuing Education
 Order Form 
CEU 0.35
(Cost includes a copy of the module, grading of CE
examination; issuance of CE certificate for a passing grade of
70% or better, and all shipping and handling charges.)
Total Cost: __________
Please make your check payable to the:
Colorado Geriatric Education Center
Send your payment and completed order form to the:
Age-Related Pharmacodynamic Changes
Reviews altered sensitivity in persons 65+ to adrenergic blockers, benzodiazepines, anticholinergics,
warfarin, and drugs that induce orthostatic hypotension.
ACPE # 008-000-99-060 H04
CEU 0.2
University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
Colorado Geriatric Education Center
4200 East 9th Avenue, Mail Stop A-094
Denver, CO 80262
Allow 4-5 weeks to receive your module(s).
To find out more about the module(s) or to check the status of
your order, please call the Colorado Geriatric Education
Center at (303) 315-8974.