Staff Qualifications - Behavioral Health Compliance Solutions, LLC

DHSS / Behavioral Health P&P Template
“Alaska Medical Assistance Program Policies and Claims
Billing Procedures for Community Behavioral Health
Services” at:
INITIATED: June 4, 2012
“Tribal Rural Behavioral Health Provider Clinical Handbook
Desk Guide”
Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to identify qualifications for staff providing behavioral health
services at Community Behavioral Health Centers.
Scope: This policy applies to all participating rural tribal community behavioral health centers identified
in the Bring the Kids Home Tribal Rural Gaps Assessment Follow-Up Project.
Policy: all clinic and rehabilitation behavioral health services must be provided by qualified staff.
Behavioral Health Clinical Associate- means an individual:
 who may have less than a master's degree with specialization or experience in
providing rehabilitation services to recipients with severe behavioral health
 whose responsibilities may include provision of psychosocial evaluation, education
related to a recipient's behavioral health condition, encouraging and coaching,
counseling, and teaching of needed life skills
 who works within the scope of their training, experience, and education
Directing Clinician- means a substance use disorder counselor or a mental health professional clinician
who has the education, training, and experience to:
 develop or oversee the development of a recipient’s treatment plan
 review and revise the treatment plan as needed
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Reference: “Tribal Rural Behavioral Health Provider Clinical Handbook Desk Guide”, Section 5.2
DHSS / Behavioral Health P&P Template
sign the plan each time a change is made to the treatment plan
monitor and direct the delivery of all services identified in the treatment plan
Mental Health Professional Clinician- means an individual who
 is working for a community behavioral health services provider
 is performing behavioral health services that are within that individual's field of
 is not working in a capacity that requires the individual to be licensed
 has a master's degree or more advanced degree in psychology, counseling, child guidance,
community mental health, marriage and family therapy, social work, or nursing;
a nurse who
– has a master's degree in nursing
– has received special training or experience in mental health
– has an active license to practice nursing
– is working in the individual’s field of expertise
a marital and family therapist who
– has an active license to practice marital and family therapy
– is working in the individual's field of expertise
a professional counselor who
– has an active license to practice as a professional counselor
– is working in the individual's field of expertise
a social worker who
– has a master's degree in social work
– has an active license to practice as a social worker
– is working in the individual's field of expertise
a psychologist or psychological associate who
– has an active license to practice as a psychologist or psychological associate
– is working in the individual's field of expertise
Peer Support Specialist- means a person who:
 meets all the qualifications of a behavioral health clinical associate (above)
 is competent to provide peer support services by having experienced behavioral
health issues in self or family
 is supervised by a mental health professional clinician .
 Peer support services must be provided by a behavioral health clinical associate who
maintains frequent in-person or telephonic contact with recipients to support them
and encourage community participation
Substance Use Disorder Counselor- means an individual who has education, training and experience, and
provides behavioral health rehabilitation services with a focus on the treatment of substance use disorders,
while working for a community behavioral health services provider.
Responsibilities: TO BE DEFINED
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Reference: “Tribal Rural Behavioral Health Provider Clinical Handbook Desk Guide”, Section 5.2
DHSS / Behavioral Health P&P Template
Procedures: Staff can provide behavioral health services based on their qualifications. The
following categories of staff identify which behavioral health services they can provide.
Behavioral Health Clinical Associates and Substance Use Disorder Counselors can only
deliver rehabilitation services. The difference is that Substance Use Disorder Counselors can
only deliver rehabilitation services when the focus is on substance abuse treatment.
Rehabilitation services include:
Alcohol and Drug Detoxification Treatment Services
Behavioral Health Treatment Plan Review for Methadone Treatment Program Services
Case Management
Client Status Review
Comprehensive Community Supports for Adults
Daily Behavioral Health Rehabilitation Services for Children
Day Treatment Services for Children
Facilitation of Telemedicine Sessions
Medical Evaluation for Detoxification Treatment Program Services
Medication Administration
Peer Support Services
Recipient Support Services
Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services
Short-Term Crisis Stabilization
Substance Use Assessment
Therapeutic Behavioral Services for Children
Peer Support Specialists can deliver peer support services. Peer support services include:
one-on-one or family activities designed to facilitate a smooth trip transition from an institutional
setting to the community
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Reference: “Tribal Rural Behavioral Health Provider Clinical Handbook Desk Guide”, Section 5.2
DHSS / Behavioral Health P&P Template
services that assist the recipient or their family to control their lives
services that enhance the recipient's community living skills
services that support recovery and independence
peer support staff maintain frequent in person or telephonic contact with the recipient and their
family to provide support and encourage the social participation
A Mental Health Professional Clinician can deliver both rehabilitation and clinic services. In addition to
the rehabilitation services listed above, clinic services include:
Mental Health Intake Assessment
Integrated Mental Health and Substance Abuse Intake Assessment
Psychiatric Assessment
Psychological Testing and Evaluation
Pharmacological Management
Psychotherapy (individual, group, family, multifamily)
Short-term Crisis Intervention
Directing clinicians may be either a Mental Health Professional Clinician, or a Substance Use
Disorder Counselor. However, the Substance Use Disorder Counselor may only be the directing
clinician for recipients who have been diagnosed with substance use disorders. If a recipient is
dually diagnosed with a substance use disorder and mental health disorder, the directing clinician
must be a Mental Health Professional Clinician.
The main responsibilities for directing clinicians are to oversee the development of the treatment
plan, monitor the service delivery to the recipient as specified on the treatment plan, monitor
progress of the recipient and revise the treatment plan as necessary. By signing a treatment plan,
a directing clinician attests that in their professional judgment, the services prescribed in the plan
are appropriate to the recipient’s needs, delivered at an adequate skill level, and are achieving the
treatment goals.
Please refer to the “Tribal Rural Behavioral Health Provider Clinical Handbook Desk
Guide “as noted in the “Attachments/Forms” section on page 1 of this document for
additional information.
Billing codes, service limitations and service authorization information can be found in
the “Alaska Medical Assistance Program Policies and Claims Billing Procedures for
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DHSS / Behavioral Health P&P Template
Community Behavioral Health Services” as noted in the “Attachments/Forms” section on
page 1 of this document.
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Reference: “Tribal Rural Behavioral Health Provider Clinical Handbook Desk Guide”, Section 5.2