Chapel St Trust Mission Statement
As part of the Chapel St family of schools, Benedict Primary strives to provide an
attractive, safe, well-ordered, child-centered place of learning within a broad, generous
and inclusive Christian ethos. Maintaining and sustaining the highest standards of
teaching and learning is the key concern of governors and staff. The school seeks to
work positively with parents and carers to fulfill the school's expectation that all
learners are enabled to achieve at the highest level of which they are capable.
Chapel St welcomes children and families from all faiths and none to work together
towards the good of the whole community through Grace, Love and Fellowship. There
is a daily act of collective worship, which encourages spiritual development and a
mutual understanding of life together.
Our School Vision
Inspire, Think, Enrich
“To develop an emotionally intelligent learning school, where everyone is inspired and
has a belief in their life long learning goals; feel valued and are empowered through
thinking to learn; work together to develop positive self esteem and enrich individual,
team and whole school success through Grace, Love and Fellowship.
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Literacy is a fundamental life skill; it develops the children’s ability to communicate
effectively - to listen, speak, read and write for a wide range of purposes.
Children are enabled to express themselves creatively and imaginatively as they become
enthusiastic and critical readers of stories, poetry and drama, as well as non-fiction and
media texts.
Children gain an understanding of how language works by looking at its patterns,
structures and origins. Children use their knowledge, skills and understanding across a
range of different situations.
Benedict Primary School works to ensure that all children develop the ability to
communicate effectively and that any barriers to learning are swiftly identified and
steps taken to remove them.
1. To enable children to use and understand language as speakers, readers and writers
2. To encourage children to be competent, confident and independent in the use of
3. To provide the opportunity to monitor and assess the language development of each
4. To develop children’s awareness of different audiences and purposes for speaking
and writing.
5. To enable children to use the English language in all areas of the curriculum.
6. To encourage a whole school approach to language.
7. To identify as soon as possible any children having special educational needs so that
barriers to learning can be overcome.
Role of Subject Leader
To take the lead in policy development.
To support and advise colleagues.
To lead staff in their continuing professional development.
To monitor progress in literacy through lesson observations, monitoring children’s work,
analysis of formal assessment data and teacher assessment.
To take responsibility for the choice, purchase and organisation of central resources for literacy
, in consultation with colleagues.
To liaise with other members of staff to form a coherent and progressive scheme of work, thus
ensuring both experience and capability in the subject of all staff.
To be familiar with current thinking concerning the teaching of literacy, and to share
information with colleagues.
The subject leader will be responsible to the Head teacher and will liaise with the named link
The subject leader will work with other members of the senior leadership team to monitor the
literacy planning within our school.
Children will be given opportunities to develop the following skills in led input sessions
daily and independent activities within the classroom?
Reading: children read and understand simple sentences. They use phonic knowledge to
decode regular words and read them aloud accurately. They also read some common
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irregular words. They demonstrate understanding when talking with others about what
they have read.
Writing: children use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their
spoken sounds. They also write some irregular common words. They write simple
sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly
and others are phonetically plausible.
Communication and language
Listening and attention: children listen attentively in a range of situations. They listen to
stories, accurately anticipating key events and respond to what they hear with relevant
comments, questions or actions. They give their attention to what others say and
respond appropriately, while engaged in another activity.
Understanding: children follow instructions involving several ideas or actions. They
answer ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions about their experiences and in response to stories or
Speaking: children express themselves effectively, showing awareness of listeners’
needs. They use past, present and future forms accurately when talking about events
that have happened or are to happen in the future.
Planning and Strategies
The National Curriculum is used to plan all literacy lessons. Each year group is also
provided with a must do list of text genres to ensure adequate coverage of different
genres throughout the school. Units of work have been based around the text genres
and include opportunities for reading, spelling and grammar. These units of work have
been adapted to meet the needs of the children at Benedict Primary School. The units
are structured to form a long term plan with an appropriate balance of fiction and nonfiction work units are broken down in to short term weekly plans. Weekly planning
covers skills required to successfully complete an extended piece of writing that week. It
should also encompass objectives informed by the evaluating and marking of the
children’s previous work.
At Benedict, we believe that the mastery of written language is one of the most
powerful gifts that we can provide to our children. We believe that writing should be
purposeful, rich and enjoyable for all. From September 2014, Benedict will adapt the
Talk for Writing model as well as the book based learning approach, both of which will
be implemented through our Literacy planning.
Thinking Hats
Thinking hats is used as a tool to encourage creative thinking across the
curriculum. Thinking hats will be used in literacy to support children to think in
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different ways when examining texts and within their own writing. The use of
thinking hats will be stated on the weekly planning. The subject leader will
monitor the use of the thinking hats and their effect on teaching and learning.
Thinking hats will be displayed in each classroom to support children when using
this learning tool.
Talk for Writing
Here at Benedict we believe that if children can’t speak a sentence, they cannot write a
sentence. Speaking and listening forms a key aspect of writing and it is incorporated
throughout the teaching phases. Talk for Writing involves making explicit the thinking
involved in the writing process so that it can be internalised and ultimately applied by
children in their writing.
Talk for Writing will be embedded in every phase of the ‘Writing Sequence’ at least once
a term. The main principles of talk for writing are:
Book-talk: - is the extended opportunity to use talk to explore the children’s personal
and collective responses to a text as readers.
Writer-talk: is the articulation of the thinking and creative processes involved in all
stages of the act of writing; talk that helps children to think and behave like a writer
(and consider themselves to be one)
Storytelling and story making: This involves the learning and repeating oral stories to
develop them through telling and then extending that development into writing; later
creating new stories orally as a preparation and rehearsal for writing. The sequence
being imitation, innovation and invention.
Non-fiction: Children will learn to write a variety of non-fiction texts through the
creative curriculum. These are: Explanation Writing, Journalistic Writing, Biography
Writing, Discussion Writing, Report Writing, Instruction Writing and Persuasive Writing,
to name a few.
The four key components of teaching non-fiction through Talk for Writing across the
Curriculum are:
SECURING SUBJECT MATTER ensuring children become experts and enthusiasts in the
IMITATION using a strong shared text as a model from which children internalize the
key language features;
INNOVATION using the structure and language patterns of the model text for shared
planning and writing in a new, but closely related context;
INDEPENDENT APPLICATION children independently writing that text type in literacy
lessons and across the curriculum.
Shared/Guided Writing
Shared Writing
Shared writing takes place within the Literacy lesson; the teacher models the writing
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process to the whole class as an expert writer, articulating the process. Teaching
objectives are pre-planned and sessions are characterised by explicit teaching of specific
writing strategies, oral response and high levels of collaboration. The children join in
individually or through partner work, with the writing, where appropriate.
Guided Writing
Guided writing takes place as part of a guided session within a unit of work. During
guided writing the responsibility for writing shifts to the learner. Guided writing takes
place with a group of children with similar writing targets/needs. During a guided
writing session the children will write with a teacher supporting. It is intended that
guided writing provides a forum for children to demonstrate what they have learned
about writing and to further develop and extend their writing skills.
Grammar and Spelling
At Benedict, we firmly believe that a sound understanding of grammar will lead to an
improved understanding of English and how the written and oral language works.
Grammar is taught at minimum 3 times a week in Key Stage 1 and 2, in line with the
objectives in the new curriculum. We believe that the teaching of grammar should, as
far as possible, feed into the writing activity that the children are undertaking and
should not be taught in isolation. However, explicit teaching in the form of grammar
starters is also required. Children are taught and encouraged to use the correct
grammatical terminology from Key Stage 1 onwards.
All teachers follow the expectations set by the spelling guidance within the New
Curriculum Framework 2014. In Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1, spelling
will be taught and monitored daily through discrete phonics lesson. In Key Stage 2,
spellings are systematically taught according to spelling patterns.
At Benedict, high standards of handwriting are expected across all subjects. In Early
Years, children practise manipulative skills in order to prepare them for writing. They are
taught to hold a pencil effectively and form recognisable letters. In Key Stages 1 and 2,
handwriting is taught once a week. During this session whereby teachers model the
formation of letters and letter joins for the children to practise. From Year 2 onwards a
joined script is modelled. Pen licenses are available for children whose script is of an
appropriate standard. Our aim is that the majority of pupils in Year 5 and 6 are writing in
pen in a neat, fluent style. By Year 6, children should be experienced in using pens for
handwriting. Teachers should ensure that writing in classrooms and in children’s books
should mirror the agreed style and provide a model for the children to aspire to.
The curriculum is delivered by class teachers. In all classes children are taught in ability
groups and mixed ability groups dependent on the activity and learning is differentiated
in order to give appropriate levels of work to each ability group. Where appropriate
these groups/individual children are supported by Teaching Assistants. Collaborative
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learning styles and mixed ability activities are also used. Each class from Year 1 has a
Literacy Writing Wall. This is a working wall and is used as a key part of teaching a genre
of writing.
Assessment and Monitoring
Work will be assessed in line with the Assessment and Marking Policy, and incorporates
guidance from Assessment For Learning (formative assessment). Here at Benedict we
believe that key to this is the premise that children will improve most effectively if they
understand the aim of their learning; where they are in relation to this aim, and how
they can achieve the aim (or close the gap in their knowledge). Pupils will be made
aware of their target in the front of their books and have an understanding of their next
steps as result of marking and feedback. Short term assessments are made as part of
every lesson and involve sharing learning goals with pupils. Daily plans are adjusted
accordingly. Medium term assessments measure progress against key objectives and
individual or group targets are set accordingly. Long term assessments are made
towards the end of the school year which, used in conjunction with the ongoing AFL,
help assess progress against school and national targets or group targets are set
accordingly. Long term assessments are made towards the end of the school year which,
used in conjunction with the ongoing AFL, help assess progress against school and
national targets
- In the EYFS pupil’s achievements are going to be assessed against the Early Learning
- Assessment for Learning is well established in all teaching and formative assessment
occurs daily through oral feedback.
Summative Assessment Requirements
- Year 1 pupils are assessed using APP teacher assessments. They also complete the
phonics screening test in June each year.
- Years 3, 4 and 5 complete the NFER reading tests in Autumn and Spring. They also
complete optional SATs papers in the Summer Term.
- Year 2 and 6 complete past papers half termly and in May they sit the nationally set
This will be reviewed once the assessment procedures from the revised 2014 Curriculum
become more apparent.
- In the EYFS pupil’s achievements are going to be assessed against the Early Learning
- All teaching staff use AfL techniques in each lesson and formative assessment occurs
Summative Assessment Requirements
- Year 1 to Year 6 complete a termly writing assessment and this is levelled against APP.
- Year 6 complete a half termly grammar test but this will not contribute to the child’s
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overall writing level.
The Subject Leader should be responsible for improving the standards of teaching and
learning in Literacy through: Monitoring and evaluating Literacy:
- He/she takes the lead in policy development designed to ensure progression and
continuity of English throughout the school.
- He/she provides support for colleagues in their development of planning and the
implementation of the scheme of work.
- The subject leader also gives support in assessment and record keeping activities.
- The subject leader assists in the monitoring of progress and standards in English, takes
responsibility for the purchase and organisation of central resources for English and
keeps up to date with developments in English education and disseminates information
to colleagues as appropriate.
- In association with the Senior Leadership Team and governors the subject leader will
analyse data and monitor teaching and learning. Using this information the subject
leader will identify priorities and set appropriate targets. They should plan and deploy
resources accordingly to meet these targets.
Partnership with Parents
We value parental involvement in their child’s development of literacy and promote a
whole school partnership in the following ways:
Home school diary reading records
Homework tasks
Inviting parents to hear readers in school - subject to relevant CRB checks
Regular Parent’s Evenings; sharing successes and targets updates about methodology
and new developments – e.g. in newsletter involvement in national/local events e.g.
World Book Day
Equal Opportunities
Children of all ethnic and cultural groups, races, genders and abilities, have equal access to
the Benedict Curriculum. Positive images in terms of all groups are promoted throughout the
school, both in the use of language and in the provision of resources.
Review Date
Signed (Principal)
Signed (Chair of
Local Governing
Signed (Company
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Written by Nishat Mahmud
March 2015
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