Supporting Appendix 1. Details of the genotyping procedures used in the present study Gene SNP identification Consequence Procedure Amplification: Primer sequences ADH1B rs1229984 (A/G) ADH1B rs1041969 (C/A) ADH1B rs6413413 (A/T) Thr60Ser Amplificationrestriction ADH1B rs2066702 (C/T) Arg370Cys TaqMan C__11941896_20 Applied Biosystems ADH1C rs35385902 (G/A) Arg48His Amplificationrestriction TCAGCAAAACCCTTGAGAAT ATGGTGAACCAAGGCATGT T ADH1C rs283413 (G/T) Gly78X Taqman C__26457440_10 Applied Biosystems ADH1C rs34195308 (C/T) Pro166Ser Amplificationsequencing TCCTGTCTCATGCCTTTGTG GTCGAAAATCCACAGCCAAT Continue on the following page His48Arg Amplificationrestriction GCTGTAGGAATCTGTC CCTTCTCCAACACTCT Asn57Lys Amplificationrestriction GCTGTAGGAATCTGTC CCTTCTCCAACACTCT GCTGTAGGAATCTGTC CCTTCTCCAACACTCT PCR conditions 94ºC 30 sec 52ºC 30 sec 72ºC 30 sec 35 cycles 94ºC 30 sec 52ºC 30 sec 72ºC 30 sec 35 cycles 94ºC 30 sec 52ºC 30 sec 72ºC 30 sec 35 cycles 92ºC 15 sec 60ºC 90 sec 45 cycles 94ºC 30 sec 55ºC 30 sec 72ºC 30 sec 40 cycles 92ºC 15 sec 60ºC 90 sec 45 cycles 94ºC 30 sec 58ºC 30 sec 72ºC 30 sec 35 cycles Allelic discrimination Restriction with NmuCI A: 93+20 bp G: 113 bp Restriction with SexAI C: 69+44 bp A: 113 bp Restriction with BstEII A. 65+48 bp T: 113 bp Fluorescent dyes as indicated by the manufacturer Restriction with MslI G: 295 bp T: 141+154 bp Fluorescent dyes as indicated by the manufacturer Sequencing Gene SNP identification Consequence Procedure Amplification: Primer sequences ADH1C rs1693482 (C/A) Arg272Gln Taqman C___2688502_10 Applied Biosystems ADH1C rs698 (T/G) Ile350Phe Taqman C__26457410_10 Applied Biosystems ADH1C rs35719513 (C/A) Pro352Thr Amplificationsequencing CCCAAACTTGTGGCTGACTT AATGGAAAACCAAGGCACT G ALDH2 rs671 ADH2*2 (G/A) Glu487Lys Amplificationrestriction CAAATTACAGGGTCAAGGG CT CCACACTCACAGTTTTCTCT T CYP2E1 CYP2E1*5 (C/T) Increased gene expression Amplificationrestriction GTCCCTGCCACCTCACACT CCCTCTTCCACCTTCTATG CYP2E1 rs72559710 CYP2E1*2 (G/A) Arg76His Amplificationrestriction TGACTTCTAGCCACGGGTC TC TTGTAGTCCAGCAGCGCTT CC PCR conditions 92ºC 15 sec 60ºC 90 sec 45 cycles 92ºC 15 sec 60ºC 90 sec 45 cycles 94ºC 30 sec 57ºC 30 sec 72ºC 30 sec 35 cycles 94ºC 60 sec 52ºC 3 min 72ºC 60 sec 30 cycles 94ºC 10 sec 62ºC 10 sec 72ºC 50 sec 35 cycles 94ºC 60 sec 45ºC 60 sec 72ºC 60 sec 40 cycles The rs numbers are shown when available. The rest of SNPs are referred to as the variant alleles that contain such SNP variant. Allelic discrimination Fluorescent dyes as indicated by the manufacturer Fluorescent dyes as indicated by the manufacturer Sequencing Restriction with MboII G: 135+125 bp A: 260 bp Restriction with RsaI C: 421+144 bp T: 565 bp Restriction with HhaI G: 76+54 bp A: 131 bp Supporting Appendix 2. Performance in reaction and motor time tests in subjects with different genotypes PARAMETER Reaction time at Tmax (msec) Basal reaction time (msec) Motor time at Tmax (msec) Basal motor time (msec) ADH1B 60 SER (N=8) ADH1B 60 NONMUTATED (N=242) ADH1C 78 X (N=31) ADH1C 78 NONMUTATED (N=219) ADH1C 272 GLN (N= 150) ADH1C 272 NONMUTATED (N=100) ADH1C 350 PHE (N= 158) ADH1C 350 NONMUTATED (N=92) 511.1 ± 78.0 521.6 ± 95.8 512.5 ± 84.9 521.3 ± 96.7 517.0 ± 92.8 527.6 ± 98.9 516.3 ± 95.3 529.7 ± 97.7 436.1 ± 55.9 463.7 ± 87.4 455.5 ± 73.9 463.9 ± 88.5 457.8 ± 86.5 470.4 ± 87.0 458.1 ± 87.5 470.8 ± 86.1 169.5 ± 22.1 175.8 ± 60.1 182.2 ± 60.2 176.9 ± 59.6 176.5 ± 56.9 177.6 ± 63.7 177.2 ± 57.1 178.1 ± 63.8 146.5 ± 26.4 166.5 ± 57.6 174.5 ± 50.1 165.4 ± 58.2 161.8 ± 53.9 171.2 ± 61.7 164.3 ± 56.6 167.4 ± 61.6 T-test indicated the absence of significant differences between carriers and non-carriers for all mutations. Supporting Appendix 3. Performance in reaction and motor time tests according smoking and drinking habits PARAMETER Reaction time at Tmax (msec) Basal reaction time (msec) Motor time at Tmax (msec) Basal motor time (msec) SMOKERS (N=54) NON-SMOKERS (N=196) DRINKERS (N=90) NON-DRINKERS (N=160) 522.3 ± 116.7 521.0 ± 89.9 521.7 ± 97.7 521.0 ± 95.9 461.0 ± 109.2 463.3 ± 80.9 460.1 ± 89.6 464.4 ± 86.4 173.5 ± 68.3 178.7 ± 57.7 174.8 ± 59.8 179.1 ± 59.5 171.2 ± 69.4 164.0 ± 53.5 160.7 ± 52.7 168.3 ± 59.8 T-test indicated the absence of significant differences between subgroups.