Eva Ulven • Lena Börjesson • Eva Jönsson • Marianne Webb-Davidson Keyword Link Lærerveiledning GAN Forlag AS ISBN 82-492-0080-2 © GAN Forlag AS 1. utgave/1. opplag © Lena Börjesson, Eva Jönsson, Marianne Webb-Davidson og Liber AB Det må ikke kopieres fra denne bok i strid med åndsverkloven eller i strid med avtaler om kopiering inngått med KOPINOR, interesseorgan for rettighetshavere til åndsverk. Kopiering i strid med lov eller avtale kan medføre erstatningsansvar og inndragning, og kan straffes med bøter eller fengsel. Unntak: Kopiering er tillatt av de sider som er merket kopieringsoriginal. Kopiering får dog bare skje til elever ved den enkelte skole og kopiene får under ingen omstendigheter spres utover skolens virksomhet. 1 Innhold Kopieringsoriginaler Tekster og lytteøvelser av varierende vanskelighetsgrad (markert med *, ** eller ***) Arbeidsmappe – forslag til innhold Reading log Listening log Conversation/Discussion /Interaction log Find someone who … Vocabulary test – mal Unit 2 – Vocabulary – What would you do to improve our schools? Unit 4 – Vocabulary – How do you queue? Unit 4 – Vocabulary – Marriage in India (Student A/Student B) Unit 4 – Vocabulary – Feet Unit 6 – Vocabulary – The first steps on the moon (Student A/Student B) Unit 6 – Vocabulary – Hi-tech? No, thanks! Unit 6 – Vocabulary – Predictions…/ Advances …/ Oops Test 1 – after units 1 and 2 Listening – Part 1 – Six jokes Listening – Part 2 – Famous people Vocabulary Grammar Reading – Courses for adults Reading – Meet Mark Esau Writing – A letter to Mark Esau Speaking – Talk about a person Test 2 – after units 3 and 4 Listening – An urban legend Listening – Special days Vocabulary Grammar Reading – Kerryman jokes Reading and Writing – Pedal Power – A letter to the editor Writing – Choose one of four subjects Speaking – Talk about a year in Norway Speaking – Tell a story nr side 1 A-B 2 3 4 5 6 7 4-5 6 7 8 9 10 11 8 9 A-B 10 A-B 12 13-14 15-16 11 12 A-B 17 18-19 13 A-B 14 20-21 22 15 16A-B 17A-C 18 A-D 19 A-B 20 23 24-25 26-28 29-32 33-34 35 21 36 22 23 A-B 24 A-C 25 A-B 26 37 38-39 40-42 43-44 45 27 28 29 46 47 48 2 Test 3 – after units 5 and 6 Listening – From pet to pest / Mission impossible Listening – Why was Stonehenge built? Vocabulary Grammar Reading – Driver in hospital Reading – Advertisements Writing Speaking Key Tests 1-3 Tape scripts – Listening Tests 1-3 30 A-B 31 32 33 A-C 34 35 A-C 36 37 A-B 49-50 51 52 53-55 56 57-59 60 61-62 63 72 3 Tekster og lytteøvelser Kopieringsoriginal 1 A (*, **, *** angir vanskelighetsgrad) Unit 1 Reading Dear Rob * I quit the catwalk * Stop smoking – Whatever for? ** Men and women are different ** Listening Mum Christine says: * What do you know about your partner? * Homeward Bound * Unit 2 Reading Going to a course ** Do you want to be brainier? * Write a poem. * Listening Relaxation * What would you do to improve our schools? * I learned to read and write when I was 28. * Scientists at play *** Unit 3 Reading This is the house that Jack built * Deportation at breakfast * Prince Bladud and the pigs of Bath ** (it’s a long story but it’s quite easy to read) The River *** (the beginning of the text is difficult, but when you get into the story it’s easier to follow) Listening Deportation at breakfast/part 2 The River/part 2 ** The snake in the blanket ** 4 Tekster og lytteøvelser Kopieringsoriginal 1 B (*, **, *** angir vanskelighetsgrad) Unit 4 Reading Do you eat frogs? * Thanksgiving ** How do you queue? *** Culture Shock! - India- Marriage ** Culture Shock! - India - Feet *** Listening It’s “in“ to Eat Right ** Kerryman Jokes * Unit 5 Reading Welcome to Soap Street * Turn that crap down ** Listening Soaps, sports or silly quizzes? * Into the Great Wide Open * Unit 6 Reading The first steps on the moon *** (difficult words but you don’t have to understand all the details) Stonehenge, the sacred circle ** (a lot of technical terms but you don’t have to learn all these) Predictions which will change our world * (some difficult words but it’s a short text and not complicated) Advances that have already arrived ** Listening Hi-tech? No, thanks! * Oops. They got it horribly wrong * (some difficult words but short) The Last Word *** (quite difficult but you can choose three or four questions and answers and concentrate on understanding them) 5 Arbeidsmappe Kopieringsoriginal 2 Contents Date Mål og vurderingskriterier i henhold til nasjonale læreplaner __________ Planning of the course __________ Learning log Writing tasks ______________________________ __________ ______________________________ __________ ______________________________ __________ ______________________________ __________ ______________________________ __________ ____________________________etc __________ Reading (titles of texts)+ texts done in class ______________________________ __________ ______________________________ __________ ______________________________ __________ Listening (titles)+ listening exercises done in class 1 ______________________________ __________ 2 ______________________________ __________ 3 ___________________________etc __________ Recordings ___________________________etc __________ Tests (or results of tests) ______________________________ __________ ______________________________ __________ ___________________________etc __________ Self-assessment checklist __________ 6 Reading log Kopieringsoriginal 3 Title ___________________________________________________________________ Favourite quotation ___________________________________________________________________ Comment on the quotation ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Useful expressions ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ What is the text about? (Write three sentences): ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Your thoughts about the text: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Who was it written for? ____________________________________________________________________ Type of text? (Letter, postcard, e-mail, information on the Internet from …, information brochure, newspaper article, short story, novel, poem, advertisement etc) _____________________________________________________________________ How did you work with it? _____________________________________________________________________ What did you learn? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 7 Listening log Kopieringsoriginal 4 Title ___________________________________________________________________ Favourite quotation ___________________________________________________________________ Comment on the quotation ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Useful expressions ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ What is it about? (Write three sentences): ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Your thoughts about what you listened to: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Type of recording / listening situation? (Soap, film, interview on TV, radio programme, taped book, talk in real life etc) ___________________________________________________________________ Where do the speakers come from? ___________________________________________________________________ How did you work with this listening task? ___________________________________________________________________ What did you learn? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 8 Conversation / Discussion / Interaction log Kopieringsoriginal 5 What was the task? ___________________________________________________________________ Who did you work with? ___________________________________________________________________ What did you learn? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Useful vocabulary? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ When do you need to do this? ___________________________________________________________________ How did it go? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ What would you like to improve? ___________________________________________________________________ 9 Find someone who ... Kopieringsoriginal 6 Talk to different students in the group. Ask questions. Example Find someone who can play the piano. “Can you play the piano?“ When someone answers “yes“ write the person’s name. Find someone ... Name 1 who has got brown eyes. ______________________ 2 who was born in 1980. _______________________ 3 whose first name is Maria. _______________________ 4 watched TV last night. _______________________ 5 whose favourite actor is American. _______________________ 6 whose uncle lives in Drammen. _______________________ 7 who has worked in a hospital. _______________________ 8 who has been to Cyprus. _______________________ 9 who has got a microwave. _______________________ 10 who has got size 43 in shoes. _______________________ 11 who went to bed after 11 last night. _______________________ 12 who has got a brown sofa. _______________________ 13 who bought a newspaper yesterday. _______________________ 14 who is a non-smoker. _______________________ 15 whose brother plays football. _______________________ 10 Vocabulary test Student’s name 15 words Kopieringsoriginal 7 ________________________________________________ You can only use each word once. a Explain in English 5 of the words above. 1 __________________________________________________________________ 2 __________________________________________________________________ 3 __________________________________________________________________ 4 __________________________________________________________________ 5 __________________________________________________________________ b Use 5 of the words above in sentences. 1 __________________________________________________________________ 2 __________________________________________________________________ 3 __________________________________________________________________ 4 __________________________________________________________________ 5 __________________________________________________________________ c Translate 5 of the words above into Norwegian (or give synonymns or explain in English) 1 __________________________________________________________________ 2 __________________________________________________________________ 3 __________________________________________________________________ 4 __________________________________________________________________ 5 __________________________________________________________________ 11 Unit 2 Vocabulary Kopieringsoriginal 8 What would you do to improve our schools? page 57 Here are ten statements about schools. Do you agree? Why? / Why not? Work in pairs. Ask and answer. Statements 1 Everyone should have to pay for education. 2 Most classes in schools are small enough. There is no need to hire more teachers. 3 Parents need to show more commitment to the schools. 4 If pupils work hard it is easy to make real progress in maths for example. 5 There should be more rewards in schools. 6 If the student is motivated all school work is easy. 7 A lot of kids in comprehensive school are ungrateful. 8 Parents should be responsible for their kids’ work at school and for their homework. 9 Pupils should always be divided into teams to make them work harder. 10 If teachers were paid more money, they would have more incentive to cope with big classes and disruptive pupils. 12 Unit 4 Vocabulary Kopieringsoriginal 9 A How do you queue? page 112 a Adjectives from the text Find the quotations. Underline them. … it is not considered bad manners … … such an enjoyable custom … … people with expressionless faces … … a numeric display … … an electric button … … compare the new number with … … the real challenge … … with a smug grin … … in the wrong direction … b Adverbs from the text Find the quotations. Underline them. … such an enjoyable custom should commend itself naturally to all people … … to play the queue game nicely … … people wander around aimlessly as if trying to remember … … the stranger will simply not be served … … the ticket dispenser which is usually cleverly hidden c 1 2 3 Think about these questions: How do you change the words from adjectives to adverbs and the other way around? What adverbs can you form from the adjectives? Please note that the adverbs numerically and electrically come from the adjectives: numerical and electrical. How are adjectives and adverbs used? (Minigrammar, page 221) d Work with a partner. Write sentences where you use ten of the adjectives or adverbs. e Look at page 206, Grammar exercises, 16 Adjective or adverb? 13 Unit 4 Vocabulary Kopieringsoriginal 9 B Key a Adjectives bad enjoyable expressionless numeric electric new real smug wrong Adverbs badly enjoyably expressionlessly numerically electrically newly really smugly wrongly b Adjectives natural nice aimless simple usual clever Adverbs naturally nicely aimlessly simply usually cleverly 14 Unit 4 Vocabulary – Ask and answer Kopieringsoriginal 10 A Culture shock! India, Marriage in India, page 115 Student A a Ask your partner these questions. b Answer your partner’s questions. 1 Where did you grow up? 2 What do you think about computer matchmaking? 3 Can you please tell me about a wedding? 4 What is your favourite gift? 5 What is a ritual? Do you like rituals? 6 When do you need homemaking abilities? 7 Did you make a decision yesterday? 8 When do you read newspaper ads? 9 How is modern technology useful? 10 What special skills can you think of? 11 When is someone a potential bride or groom? 12 When do you look at photographs? 13 What do you do when you exercise a right of veto? 14 How long does a wedding last? 15 Do you know anyone who wears a sari? 15 Unit 4 Vocabulary – Ask and answer Kopieringsoriginal 10 B Culture shock! India, Marriage in India, page 115 Student B a Answer your partner’s questions. b Ask your partner these questions. 1 If you could make a donation, what would your money go to? 2 When is a wedding extravagant? 3 Have you ever considered moving to Canada? 4 Is driving a car a skill? Why? / Why not? 5 Do you like making decisions? Why? / Why not? 6 What is an arranged marriage? 7 Do you know anyone who is German? Can you give an example of a wedding custom? 9 What is it like to be in debt? 10 Is brocade beautiful? 11 What is our teacher wearing today? 12 What is your favourite dish? 13 Can you give an example of a feast? 14 What does a taxi driver earn in Norway? 15 When do you get gifts? 16 Unit 4 Vocabulary Kopieringsoriginal 11 Culture shock! India, Feet, page 119 Make groups of words. a Work in pairs. Think about these words. Make groups where you can put words which are connected to each other. E.g. Parts of the body feet fingertip Try to find headlines and groups for all the words. b Work in groups of four. Present your “word-groups“ and explain them. Words book crowded room deity elder fingertip god impure quality like the dust on somebody’s feet mark of disrespect object worthy of respect parent respected person shoulder smile the soles of one’s feet temple ceremonial salutation custom desk feet floor good hygienic practice left hand musical instrument offence plate of food respectful form of salutation sitting posture sofa street 17 Unit 6 Vocabulary – Ask and answer Kopieringsoriginal 12 A The first steps on the moon, page 157 Student A a Ask your partner these questions. b Answer your partner´s questions. 1 What do you know about the moon? 2 What does an astronaut do? 3 How can you use a ladder? 4 What is a crater? 5 What colour is a rock? 6 Where can I find a beautiful sight? 7 When is the sky blue-grey? 8 What is a satellite? 9 What shape is the earth? 10 When are you a visitor? 11 What does a host do? 12 Would you like to be a lieutenant? Why? / Why not? 13 What equipment would you take if you were going to a desert island? 14 How often do you send messages by e-mail? 15 What is your first recollection of school? 16 What are the similarities between a teacher and an actor? 17 What shape is a box? 18 Is the floor level in this room? 19 Can you show me a small step? 20 Where can I find a shallow lake? 18 Unit 6 Vocabulary – Ask and answer Kopieringsoriginal 12 B The first steps on the moon, page 157 Student B a Answer your partner’s questions. b Ask your partner these questions. 1 How can you describe a ladder? What is it made of? What shape is it? 2 Where can I find a crater? 3 When do you like shadow? 4 Is the moon always visible? Why? / Why not? 5 Where can I find a circular window? 6 What is a sphere? 7 Would you like to be an astronaut? Why? / Why not? 8 Can you describe the American flag? 9 Have you got a ladder at home? When do you use it? 10 When do you need boots? 11 What can an engine do? 12 What does a hospitable person do? 13 Can you, please, point at an edge? 14 Where can I find soil? 15 What is a fraction? 16 When is immediately? 17 Can you explain what a giant leap is? 18 Where does a pilot work? 19 Is there a club you would like to join? 19 Unit 6 Vocabulary Kopieringsoriginal 13 A L Hi-tech? No, thanks!, page 168 a Listen again: Here are definitions of nouns. Find the words. 1 A machine where you can buy small things if you put in a coin. 2 Knives, forks, spoons etc 3 A device for locking together two toothed metal or plastic edges. It is used in clothes and bags etc. 4 A box-like container which slides in and out of a piece of furniture. 5 A small, usually round, bit of plastic, bone or metal used for fastening articles of clothing. 6 Air-tight metal container for meat, fruit and other foods. 7 It is shallow, usually circular, almost flat. Food is eaten or served from it. 8 Food is kept cold in it. It is usually white and looks like a cupboard. 9 Yellow fat made from cream. You use it on bread and in cooking. 10 It is used for lifting food to the mouth. It has at least two sharp points. b Listen again: Here are definitions of verbs. Find the words. 1 To create or design something which is new. 2 Make a short, sharp sound. 3 To cover or roll up in something. 4 Remain, be or become joined or fastened to something. 5 Say no to something. 6 To push a knife or another sharp object into something. 7 To move a spoon or something round and round in liquid. 8 To make something become liquid. When ice becomes water for example. 9 When you can no longer see something or somebody, when something or somebody gets out of sight. 10 When you drive faster and pass another car. 20 Unit 6 Vocabulary Kopieringsoriginal 13 B Hi-tech? No, thanks!, page 168 Key a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 vendor cutlery zip drawer button can plate fridge butter fork b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 invent click wrap stick refuse stab stir melt disappear overtake 21 Unit 6 Vocabulary Kopieringsoriginal 14 Predictions which will change our world, page 169 Advances that have already arrived, page 171 Oops. They got it horribly wrong, page 173 Guess the word a Think about these words. How can you explain or describe each word? b Work in small groups. One student in the group chooses a word and describes it (without saying the word). The others guess the word. Change roles. cash dispensing machine companion device emotion exercise extension futurologist life span means of communication memo muscle power source prediction prevention referendum servant shortcomings speech surgery vacuum cleaner wrist 22 Test 1 (after units 1 and 2) A Kopieringsoriginal 15 Listening Part 1 – Six jokes Here are six jokes about school, about teachers, a head-master and young pupils.You will hear the jokes twice. Listen to the jokes. Write the last line of each joke. 1 A little girl had her shoes on the wrong feet. Her teacher told her. Teacher You’ve put your shoes on the wrong feet. The little girl _________________________________________________________. 2 Teacher Max Teacher Max, can you name an animal that lives in Africa? A lion. That’s good. Can you tell me the name of another animal that lives in Africa? Max 3 Teacher Fred Teacher __________________________________________________________. Fred 4 Jean But, miss, _________________________________________________. Teacher Jean 5 Teacher Fred, can you tell me which month is the shortest? It’s May, miss. No, it isn’t. The shortest month is February. Please, miss, would you be angry and tell me off for something I didn’t do? No, of course not. Oh, good! ________________________________________________. Ruth, if it takes four men two days to dig up a large garden, how long would it take one man to dig up the same garden? Ruth No time at all, miss. ________________________________________. 6 “Get up,“ shouted John’s mother. “You’ll be late for school.“ “But I don’t want to go, “ said John. “All the kids are horrible, the teachers are terrible, and it’s very boring. I want to stay home.“ “But,“ answered John’s mother, “you’re _________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________.“ 23 Test 1 A Kopieringsoriginal 16 A Listening Part 2 – Famous people You will hear a few facts about 8 people. You can listen twice. Listen and fill in the information below for each one. It doesn’t matter if you spell the names incorrectly. 1 Name: _________________________________________ Born: _________________________________________ Died: _________________________________________ Job/Occupation: _________________________________________ 2 Name: _________________________________________ Born: _________________________________________ Died: _________________________________________ Studied Law in: _________________________________________ 3 Name: _________________________________________ Place of birth: _________________________________________ Disney World (Florida) opened in: _________________________________________ Job/Occupation: _________________________________________ 4 Name: _________________________________________ Born: _________________________________________ Nationality: _________________________________________ Job/Occupation: _________________________________________ 24 Test 1 A Kopieringsoriginal 16 B Listening Part 2 – Famous people 5 Name: _________________________________________ Born: _________________________________________ Died: _________________________________________ Interests: _________________________________________ 6 Name _________________________________________ Born: _________________________________________ Died: _________________________________________ Place where career started: _________________________________________ 7 Name: _________________________________________ Born: _________________________________________ Nationality: _________________________________________ Job/Occupation: _________________________________________ 8 Name: _________________________________________ Born: _________________________________________ Died: _________________________________________ Job/Occupation: _________________________________________ 25 Test 1 B Kopieringsoriginal 17 A Vocabulary 1 Fill in the missing words (from Dear Rob and I quit the catwalk) 1 When there are lighted trails you can go ________________________. 2 A pharmacy is a shop where you can buy _______________________. 3 If something is expensive, it means that _________________________. 4 When there are 30 brands of toilet paper, it may be hard to _________________. 5 A cafeteria is a place where you can _______________________. 6 Lunch is a meal you eat ___________________________. 7 People of different social status often _______________________ differently. 8 A person who is weird is ______________________. 9 A book bag is for carrying ______________________. 10 If you enjoy the scenery, it means that ________________________’ 2 Put the following words under the right headings: (from Women and Men are different) boil – bonnet – chair – coat – degree – exhaust – freeze – iron – M3 – sleeves – slump – sprawl – tyre – wear cars clothes sit temperature _____________ ____________ _____________ _______________ _____________ ____________ _____________ _______________ _____________ ____________ _____________ _______________ _____________ ____________ _____________ _______________ 26 Test 1 B Kopieringsoriginal 17 B Vocabulary 3 Fill in the missing words (from Going to a course) 1 When making clothes a s_________________________ machine is useful. 2 Charles Dickens was a famous n___________________ . He wrote lots of popular books. 3 The Mona Lisa is a famous piece of a________________________________. 4 An exam when you have to speak is an o______________________ exam. 5 A chair is usually made of w______________________________________. 6 After a First A__________ course you should be able to help an injured or sick person. 7 If you get better at something you make p__________________________ . 8 Most shoes are made of l_________________________________________ . 9 Chairs, tables and bookcases are pieces of f__________________________. 10 Shakespeare was born in the 16 c_________________________________ . th 27 Test 1 B Kopieringsoriginal 17 C Vocabulary 4 Answer the following questions, please: (from I learned to read and write …) 1 When do you need a recipe? _______________________________________________________________ 2 When do you have to summon up courage to do something? _______________________________________________________________ 3 When do people have rows? _______________________________________________________________ 4 What is it a person who is deaf can’t do? _______________________________________________________________ 5 When do you feel proud? _______________________________________________________________ 6 When do people want to lose weight? _______________________________________________________________ 7 What ingredients do you need to make pancakes? Mention three. ________________________________________________________________ 8 Why do people hide things? ________________________________________________________________ 9 What is it a person who is dyslectic finds difficult? ________________________________________________________________ 10 Why do people often buy things that are on special offer? ________________________________________________________________ 5 Kopieringsoriginal 6 Write the words side 30 i lærerveiledningen. 28 Test 1 C Kopieringsoriginal 18 A Grammar 1 Lisa’s grandmother is asking Lisa some questions about her boyfriend, Robert. Write the questions. 1 Where ___________________________? In Loose, just outside Maidstone. 2 How _____________________________? 24. 3 What _____________________________? He’s tall, dark and handsome. 4 What _____________________________? He’s a nurse. 5 Where ____________________________? At the new hospital in Maidstone. 6 How long _________________________? He’s worked there for 8 months. 7 How _____________________________? By bus. 8 __________________________________? Yes, he likes it very much, but it’s not well-paid. 9 What _____________________________? He spends most of his spare time with me. 10 When ____________________________? I met him two years ago. 29 Test 1 C Kopieringsoriginal 18 B Grammar 2 Pam’s list This is a list of things Pam wanted to do during the weekend. Now it’s Monday and she looks at her list and sees that as usual she couldn’t do everything. 1 get money from the cash dispenser √ 2 get a present for Lynn 3 buy a new CD √ 4 phone the hairdresser 5 visit Dad in hospital √ 6 do my English homework √ 7 write a birthday card to grandma √ 8 make a cake √ 9 collect my jacket from the dry-cleaner’s √ 10 run 2 kilometres √ 11 play golf 12 read the report 13 clean the windows 14 have lunch with Ken √ 15 take the cat to the vet Write what she did (√) and what she didn’t do last weekend. 1 Pam __________________________________________________________ 2 She didn’t _____________________________________________________ 3 _______________________________________________________________ 4 _______________________________________________________________ 5 _______________________________________________________________ 6 _______________________________________________________________ 7 _______________________________________________________________ 8 _______________________________________________________________ 9 _______________________________________________________________ 10 _______________________________________________________________ 11 _______________________________________________________________ 12 _______________________________________________________________ 13 _______________________________________________________________ 14 _______________________________________________________________ 15 _______________________________________________________________ 30 Test 1 C Kopieringsoriginal 18 C Grammar 3 Fill in the right forms of the verbs Dear Rob, Sorry I haven’t __________ (write) sooner, but Marthe and I have __________ (be) very busy getting settled into our new home. We ___________ (live) in a village outside of Oslo. We __________ (be) really out in the country. Behind our house ____________ (be) a big forest with deer and elk, and even cross-country skiing trails. Cross-country skiing ____________ (be) very popular here and there _____________ (be) lighted trails so you can ______________ (ski) in the dark. Life ___________ (be) much slower in Norway than in the States, and I ___________ (like) that. Most people ______________ (wear) jeans to work, and hardly no one ___________ (wear) a suit. Shops _____________ (close) at six on Saturday and very few ___________ (be) open Sundays or on weeknights. It’s a little like ____________ (live) in the Mid-West maybe. Sometimes I ___________ (find) it really funny. For instance, to ____________ (buy) shoe laces you _____________ (have) to go to a shoe store. To ______________ (buy) aspirin you ___________ (have) to go to a pharmacy, and so on. I have been _____________ (work) in cafeterias a lot. I get ___________ (pay) a lot more than I ____________ (will) at home for the same job, but what they _____________ (call) lunch ______________ (strike) me as funny. Lunch ______________ (be) a few slices of bread with fish and cheese on them! What ______________ (be) wrong with some real food, like a huge hamburger or lasagne? You’ve ______________ (get) to ______________ (come) ______________ (visit). I ____________ (think) you’ll ______________ (enjoy) the scenery and the history (mostly vikings and stuff). _____________ (Say) hi to Stephanie for me. Take care. Mike 31 Test 1 C Kopieringsoriginal 18 D Grammar 4 Fill in the right forms of the verbs (Remember: forms of “be“ can be “being“, “is“, “am“ “are“, “was“ or “were“, forms of “have“ can also be “having“, “has“, or “had“, “do“ can also be “doing“, “does“, or “did“.) Men and women are different Men just drink and ____________________ (grin) (1) at each other if nobody can _________________________________ (think) (2) of anything daft enough to say. Women want to leave before it ____________________ (get) (3) going, or sooner. Sitting __________ (be) (4) alien to us and if _______________ (force) (5) to sit we either slump or sprawl. Men don´t __________ (like) (6) other people _________________ (wear) (7) their clothes. If it _____________ (go) (8) plus or minus one degree they are either freezing or ________________ (boil) (9) even though they __________ (be) (10) wearing your coat. When men buy a car they check if a potato _____________ (have) (11) ever been shoved in the exhaust after a wedding. Men start wars and get ______________________ (kill) (12) because they haven´t _______________________ (talk) (13) about things properly. Men will ___________ (say) (14), “Why don´t we roll down that hill in a barrel?“ and the other men say, “Yes!“ without ___________ (talk) (15) about it properly. Women always know exactly what has ______________ (give) (16) them wind. “I should never have ______________________ (eat) (17) that sprout,“ they say. Men know that all jobs __________ (have) (18) lives of their own. Completing a job would ___________ (be) (19) a little bit like __________________ (kill) (20) it, and that _________________ (make) (21) us sad. Women expect an appliance to do exactly what they want just by _____________ (push) (22) a button. 32 Test 1 D Kopieringsoriginal 19 A Reading Courses for adults Here are the names of fourteen courses. The descriptions are mixed. Find the right ones. (Don´t worry if you don´t understand all the words. You can do it anyway.) 1 Photography for Beginners ________ 2 Painting for Beginners ________ 3 Starting Sculpture ________ 4 Practical Journalism ________ 5 Acting Foundation Course, Level 2 ________ 6 Public Speaking ________ 7 Food Lovers’ London ________ 8 Norwegian, Level 4 ________ 9 Software creation, Level 2 ________ 10 Guitar ________ 11 Lip Reading ________ 12 Improve your Self-Image at Work ________ 13 Creative Writing ________ 14 Paper Products ________ A Learn how to make albums, desk sets, simple note books, decorative boxes and portfolios. If you want to seek work as a programmer or move on to study at a higher level this course is for you. C++, Visual Basic, Visual Basic for Applications and Program Design are all studied as separate modules. Do you have enthusiasm, a pen and a notebook? Learn the crafting of the short story, emphasising plot, character formation etc. Students are expected to produce work on a regular basis and their efforts will be discussed in a class workshop. If you are interested in cookery and good quality ingredients and where to find them, this course is for you. Visits will be made to specialist shops and markets such as Covent Garden fruit and vegetable market and Smithfield. A small additional charge will be made each week for any ingredients or dishes sampled. B C D 33 Test 1 D Kopieringsoriginal 19 B Reading E An introduction into the skills necessary to attain and retain employment, covering selfpresentation, interview skills, effective communication and stress management. F For people who have developed a hearing loss; mild or severe. Learn to use visual clues to make communication easier. Also learn about helpful technical devices, organisations and medical advances and meet others with similar problems in a friendly and helpful group. G Project based course to introduce different methods of working in 3D including: modelling, carving, relief and mixed media construction. Materials used will be clay, plaster, wire, wax and paper maché. H This course covers ways of finding and identifying news, structuring and writing news stories, getting stories accepted for publication and general legal and ethical considerations. I This course will encourage you to express yourself honestly and without fear. Learn the skills required to become a good speaker in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. J This course gives you the chance to learn basics in camera and black and white darkroom skills. K If you have at least one year´s practical experience in drama and would like to develop your skills and knowledge further, this course is for you, Topics covered include: Voice, Improvisation, Physical Theatre, Play Reading. There will also be the opportunity to participate in a full production in term three. Entrance onto the course is by interview and by attendance on a short workshop. L Suitable for you if you want to achieve an advanced stage of competency in the language. Emphasis is on practical and vocational skills as well as cultural information. M Learn basic techniques of oil and water-colour and how to prepare surfaces. A step by step approach to building a complete picture. The lecturer will advise on equipment and materials. N For complete beginners. You will learn a range of chords and fingering techniques to accompany a varied selection of songs. The course will include some basic theory, scales, keys and chords. You do not need to be familiar with notation. (Kensington and Chelsea College, prospectus 1998-99, the Wornington Centre, Wornington Road, London W10 5QQ) 34 Test 1 E Kopieringsoriginal 20 Reading and writing Meet Mark Esau Mark is a college student in London. South African Mark Esau has taken a break from his dancing career and found a new outlet for his creative talents – hairdressing. Currently enjoying a two-year hairdressing course, Mark hopes to combine dancing with his newly acquired skills and travel the world. “I love transforming people. It´s so exciting to change people´s looks and boost their egos. That´s why I find hairdressing so fulfilling and rewarding,“ said Mark who used to help his stepmother in her salon when he was younger. “I came to England originally to make my name as a dancer in the West End but it´s a hard nut to crack. I decided I needed a career change and saw the course in Floodlight (a guide to day and evening classes in London). Not only is the college a friendly place to work but the lecturers are very encouraging and helpful if you have a problem.“ (Kensington and Chelsea College, prospectus 1998-99, the Wornington Centre, Wornington Road, London W10 5QQ) 1 Answer these questions 1 What did Mark do before he started his college course? 2 What does he enjoy about hairdressing? 3 Did he know anything about work with hairdressing before he started his course? Why? / Why not? 4 What does he want to do after the course? 2 Write a letter to Mark Don´t forget to begin and finish your letter: “Dear …“ and “Yours …“ Tell Mark you have read about him. Say something about what you know about him. What do you think about working as a dancer or with hairdressing? Tell Mark. Tell him who you are, what you are studying, what you think about your studies and what you hope to do after your studies. Tell him what you are interested in. 35 Test 1 F Kopieringsoriginal 21 Speaking Work in pairs. Make a recording. Before you start, think about this: Choose a person you like. You will be asked to describe him or her. It can be someone from real life, a friend or a famous person but if you like you can choose someone from unit one or two, Mike (Dear Rob), Sarah Thomas (I quit the catwalk), Anne-Marie (Stop smoking), a man from Men and women are different (call him Peter), Tracy Walsh (I learned to read and write when I was 28). Make the recording. First say your names. A Student A describes a person he or she likes. Talk about habits, hobbies, interests, plans, what he or she looks like etc. Student B asks questions to help student A. B Change roles. 36 Test 2 (after units 3 and 4) Kopieringsoriginal 22 A Listening Part 1 – An urban legend – The garter snake Listen to this urban legend called “The garter snake“. You can hear the story twice. A garter snake is a harmless little snake. It is not at all dangerous. Finish these sentences about “The garter snake“. If you like you can use your own words but what you write must be what happened in the story. For each sentence: Write at least six words. 1 A woman was out for a drive in her car. And after a short while she felt something tickling her leg near her shoe. She looked down and … ________________________________________________________________ 2 A man driving by saw the woman on the ground and thought she was … ________________________________________________________________. 3 Another man driving by saw the first man … ____________________________ _________________________________________________________________. 4 The second man thought, “Oh, no! … ___________________________________ ________________________________________________________________!“ 5 He stopped, ran over, and punched the first man in the face. And all of that happened because …_________________________________________________________ 37 Test 2 A Kopieringsoriginal 23 A Listening Part 2 – Special days You will hear descriptions of special days. You can listen twice. Before you listen: read the list of words and the list of days. a The first time: Listen and write when the days are. b Listen again. Write these words under the right days. A few of the days have more than one word. Words an artificial flower Auld Lang Syne bagpipes the end of Christmas fasting gifts of money jokes maypole pancakes parties where you can dress as someone else political demonstrations presents for a man who has got children soldiers 38 Test 2 Kopieringsoriginal 23 B A Listening Part 2 – Special days April Fools’ Day When is it? ________________________________________________ Word(s) ________________________________________________ Poppy Day When is it? _________________________________________________ Word(s) _________________________________________________ Boxing Day When is it? ________________________________________________ Word(s) ________________________________________________ Father’s Day When is it? ________________________________________________ Word(s) ________________________________________________ Halloween When is it? ________________________________________________ Word(s) ________________________________________________ Twelfth Night When is it? ________________________________________________ Word(s) ________________________________________________ Shrove Tuesday When is it? ________________________________________________ Word(s) ________________________________________________ May Day When is it? ________________________________________________ Word(s) ________________________________________________ Burns’ Night When is it? ________________________________________________ Word(s) __________________________________________________ 39 Test 2 Kopieringsoriginal 24 A B Vocabulary 1 Fill in the missing words (from Deportation after breakfast) 1 A person who buys something in a shop is a c _______________________ 2 2000 people work there. The company has 2000 e ____________________ 3 The c_________ is the boss in the restaurant kitchen. 4 When the coffee is too hot you s________________________________ at it. 5 The book has 700 pages. It is a t_______________________________ book. 6 A w___________________ is a woman who serves people in a restaurant. 7 If you want to buy or sell a car you look at the a_________________ in the newspaper. 8 When cooking you put on an a________________ to protect your clothes. 9 An a___________________________ keeps the sun off the shop windows. 10 The American word for “trousers“ is p_____________________________. 2 Put the following words under the right headings (from The pigs of Bath) rags – mud – oak – chicken-pox – acorn – steam – beggar – stream – ragged – cure – dive – a pool – bathe – forest – leprosy – a spring – infectious – a well –a sore – diagnosis trees illness poor water __________ _____________ ______________ ____________ __________ _____________ ______________ ____________ __________ _____________ ______________ ____________ __________ _____________ ______________ ____________ __________ _____________ ______________ ____________ __________ _____________ ______________ ____________ __________ _____________ ______________ ____________ __________ _____________ ______________ ____________ 40 Test 2 Kopieringsoriginal 24 B B Vocabulary 3 What’s the word? (from How do you queue?) 1 you can buy bread there b ____________________________ 2 you can buy medicine there p ____________________________ 3 a person from another country f _____________________________ 4 a line of people waiting for something q _____________________________ 5 he works in a bank c _____________________________ 6 the opposite of floor c _____________________________ 7 calling someone an idiot is an i _____________________________ 8 the opposite of exit e _____________________________ 4 What’s the missing word? (from Kerryman Jokes) 1 You eat soup with a ______________________. 2 Customer: I want to _____________________ about this video recorder. It doesn't work. 3 If you want to get up in a tree you must ____________________________ . 4 I needed money for a new car. I asked the bank to ____________ me £500. 5 A man who doesn’t want a beard has to ____________________ every day. 6 If you want to look at yourself you look in a _________________________ 7 In a trial the witness gives _________________________________________ 8 – How much do I ___________ you? • £10. You borrowed the money from me last week. 41 Test 2 Kopieringsoriginal 24 C B Vocabulary 5 How do you use the words? (from Thanksgiving) celebrate – huge – storey – disagree – victory – immediately – pumpkin – inedible – invite – turkey – eel – event – float – fertilize – unique You can only use each word once. a Explain in English 5 of the words above. 1 ________________________________________________________________ 2 ________________________________________________________________ 3 ________________________________________________________________ 4 ________________________________________________________________ 5 ________________________________________________________________ b Use 5 of the words above in sentences. 1 ________________________________________________________________ 2 ________________________________________________________________ 3 ________________________________________________________________ 4 __________________________________________________________________ 5 __________________________________________________________________ c Translate 5 of the words above into Norwegian (or give synonyms or explain in English). 1 __________________________________________________________________ 2 __________________________________________________________________ 3 __________________________________________________________________ 4 __________________________________________________________________ 5 __________________________________________________________________ 42 Test 2 C Kopieringsoriginal 25 A Grammar 1 Fill in the right forms of the verbs Ice-cream is different! 1. My children learned at a very early age that sweets were bad for their teeth. 2. I think they all __________ (eat) (1) sweets anyway, and the two girls have had fillings. But the boys have perfect teeth. The only real problem one of them had was a broken tooth, and that ____________ (be) (2) because a large man in a bar didn’t ___________(like) (3) something that Jay _________ (say) (4) to him. Now the three eldest are ________ (grow) (5) up (at least they have _________ (leave) (6) home), and instead of my _____________(tell) (7) them that sugar, salt, cakes, fried food, and a thousand other things are bad for them, they _______________ (come) (8) home and ______________ (tell) (9) me. 3. One says that it is no good eating things with iron in it if you don’t ___________ (have) (10) vitamin C at the same time. 4. The other son _________________ (cook) (11) us a lovely meal a few weeks ago – fish in white wine with tomatoes, onion, almonds and something green. It ____________(look) (12) delicious but all I could taste _______________ (be) (13) the smell of the polish he had _______________ (use) (14) on the table before we ___________ (eat) (15). He has stopped ____________________ (use) (16) salt. He ________________ (give) (17) us some herb mixture to put on our fish. The other son said he __________________ (read) (18) in the paper the other day that there _____________ (be) (19) often poisonous stuff in herbs, chemicals they use when they _____________(be) (20) growing them. I said I wasn’t hungry because I had ______________ (eat) (21) a sandwich not long ago, and left the table. 5. They finished their lunch and then ____________ (eat) (22) masses of ice-cream — full of fat and artificial flavouring! Ice-cream is different, they said. 43 Test 2 C Kopieringsoriginal 25 B Grammar 2 Fill in the right form of the verbs Lisa’s childhood wasn’t a happy one. Because of her mother’s drug problem Lisa lived in foster homes until she was 7. Lisa’s mother _____________ (1 steal) from her children to be able to buy drugs. Nobody ___________________ (2 tell) Lisa what was going on, but she ____________ (3 know) something was wrong. Things __________ (4 get ) worse. One day when Lisa _______________ (5 come) home from school, all their furniture was gone. After that they lived in welfare hotels. Lisa and her brother ___________ (6 feel) responsible for the family’s problems. The family ______________ (7 move) to Georgia, but Lisa missed New York and _______________ (8 say) to her mother that she wanted to go back to New York. Her mother ______________(9 give) her a one-way ticket to New York. The trip _____________ (10 take) 20 hours. In New York she lived with a friend’s family, but when she realized that her friend was on drugs she _________ (11 run) away. She _____________ (12 sleep) on park benches and sometimes she ______________ (13 ride) on the subway all night long. 44 Test 2 D Kopieringsoriginal 26 Reading Kerry is a county in Ireland. Here are 12 Kerryman jokes. The answers are mixed. Match the questions with the answers. Write the right letters after the questions. Questions 1 How do we know that Santa Claus is from Kerry? _____ 2 How do you keep a Kerryman happy for an afternoon? _____ 3 Have you heard about the Kerry athlete who did 100 metres in 5 seconds while wearing his wellies? _____ How do you recognize the bride at a Kerry wedding? _____ When do Kerrymen find the one-piece jigsaw difficult? _____ 6 Why do you never get ice in drinks in Kerry? _____ 7 How do you tell a joke to a Kerryman? _____ 8 Have you heard about the Kerry pilot who had 4 an accident with his helicopter? 9 10 _____ Have you heard about the Kerryman's dog who sat by the fire chewing a bone? _____ What are Kerry nurses famous for? _____ Answers A He thought it was a bit cold so he turned the fan off. B She's the one wearing the white wellies. C The fellow with the recipe emigrated. D When he got up he realized that he had only three legs. E Very slowly. F He fell over a cliff. G Waking up their patients to take their sleeping tablets. H The average house has 2 doors and 10 windows, and he goes down the chimney. I When they lose the box with the picture on top. J Write P.T.O. on both sides of a sheet of paper. 45 Test 2 E Kopieringsoriginal 27 Reading and writing Read this letter and answer it: Pedal power! You may think I’m silly but I’ve met this wonderful girl who loves to cycle and I’m so upset because I can’t ride a bike. I’ve never told her this, and so far I’ve made excuses for not going with her. Now she’s planning a cycling holiday in Holland and I badly want to go with her. Can you tell me whether there are any books I could buy that would teach me to cycle before August? “Help me“ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 46 Test 2 F Kopieringsoriginal 28 Writing Choose one of these subjects. Write about it (about 150 words): 1 A visit to another country When did you go? What happened? What do you remember? 2 You have a new pen-friend from Brazil Write the first letter to her. Describe yourself, your interests, your background and the place where you live. Ask her questions. Start “Dear Maria, …“ 3 Music Write about music. What sort of music do you like? Why? How has your taste changed? When do you listen to music? What does music mean to you? Can you play an instrument or sing? 4 My favourite soap Describe it. Why do you like it? What is nice about it? When do you watch? 47 Test 2 G Kopieringsoriginal 29 Speaking Choose one of these subjects: 1 Talk about a year in Sweden: Describe it to a visitor from Australia. How does the weather change? What happens in winter, spring, summer and autumn? How is Christmas celebrated? What is Lucia? 2 Tell a story It can be something that has happened to you or something you have read or perhaps what happens in a film. 48 Test 3 (after units 5 and 6) A Kopieringsoriginal 30 A Listening Part 1 A Read this text. Then listen to the tape. You can hear it twice. Eight words are different on the tape. Mark the words which are different and write the words you hear instead. The first time you listen just mark the words. The second time you listen write the words on the right line. Eight words should be changed in the first story. From pet to pest This is a story about a little rabbit called Cottontail. She was owned _________ by a boy called Teddy Hughes, and when he and his family started _________ a new life in Old South Wales, Australia, Cottontail went with them _________ on the plane. For a while, she was the only rabbit in Australia, _________ as catswere unknown there. _________ Soon after the Hughes family left, Cottontail escaped into the bush. _________ She wasn’t alone for long, though, for she had a litter of baby cats. _________ That’s when Cottontail proved a real failure as a rabbit, for those few _________ rabbits bred and bred over a few years until the whole vast country _________ was overrun with hundreds of them. That one rabbit had started a _________ dynasty that threatened the livelihoods of thousands of families. _________ 49 Test 3 (after units 5 and 6) A Kopieringsoriginal 30 B Listening Part 1 B Here is another one. Read the text. Then listen to the tape. You can hear it twice. Eight words are different on the tape. The first time you listen just mark the words. The second time you listen write the words on the right line. Eight words should be changed in this story. Mission impossible Mathias Rust was an idealistic young German. The 19-year-old _________ German was disappointed when the summit talk between Soviet _________ leader Mikhail Gorbachev and American president Ronald Reagan _________ broke up without agreement in November 1986, and decided that he _________ had to do something to publicise the search for peace between Russia _________ and the USA. He decided to fly on a peace mission to Russia. _________ In May 1987, without permission, he flew his tiny plane from Helsinki, _________ Finland, across 800 kilometres (500 miles) to Russian territory _________ completely undetected by Soviet defence systems, until he reached _________ Moscow. To the amazement of passers-by, he landed his plane in the _________ middle of Red Square outside the Kremlin, the government’s _________ headquarters, and told policemen that he had arrived on a public _________ peace mission. Sadly, Mathias’ mission was as much a failure as the summit meeting. ________ He was arrested, tried, and sentenced to four years in prison by the _________ Russian courts. 50 Test 3 A Kopieringsoriginal 31 Listening Part 2 – Why was Stonehenge built? Listen to three different explanations. You can hear them twice. Take notes. Then write one of the explanations. Try to give a clear description of the theory. Then add as many details as you remember. For your notes: 1_____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 2_____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 3_____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Choose one of the theories and write the explanation in your own words: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 51 Test 3 B Kopieringsoriginal 32 Vocabulary 1 What’s the word? (from Turn that crap down) 1 You go to see him/her if you have a tooth-ache. d_______________ 2 Aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents. r________________ 3 Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin. c________________ 4 If your dog is ill you take it to the … v________________ 5 The opposite of old age. y________________ 6 Animals you have at home, like dogs, cats and rabbits. p________________ 7 Another word for prison. j_________________ 8 The words in songs. l_________________ 9 He sells tickets on the bus. c_________________ Very early in the morning, between night and day. d_________________ 10 2 Pair off the words and definitions (from The first steps on the moon) 1 broadcast A 2.5 cm 2 lunar B not deep 3 ladder C that can be seen 4 inch D a place like the Sahara 5 visible E round 6 shallow F someone who has guests 7 desert G it has steps for climbing 8 circular H friendly, welcoming 9 hospitable I to do with the moon host J programme on radio or TV 10 3 Hi-tech? No thanks Kopieringsoriginal nr 7 What’s the word? i lærerveiledningen side 31. 52 Test 3 C Kopieringsoriginal 33 A Grammar 1 The first steps on the moon Write questions you can ask Neil Armstrong. Imagine it is ten years after the first moon landing. You are a journalist who is going to interview Neil Armstrong. Ask him: 1 … what he thought about when he was on the moon ______________________________________________________________________ 2 … if he remembers what the moon looked like when he walked around there _________________________________________________________________ 3 … if it was dangerous to walk on the moon ______________________________________________________________________ 4 … how long he was on the moon ______________________________________________________________________ 5 … what made the biggest impression on him ______________________________________________________________________ 6 … what his life is like now ______________________________________________________________________ 7 … where he was born ______________________________________________________________________ 8 … if he likes taking photos ______________________________________________________________________ 9 … where he lives now ______________________________________________________________________ 10 … if he and Buzz Aldrin are still friends ______________________________________________________________________ 53 Test 3 C Kopieringsoriginal 33 B Grammar 2 What happened and what was going on? Make correct and logical sentences from the following words. It all happened yesterday! 1 I / hear a shot / I / watch TV ________________________________when_________________________________ 2 One of the boys/ break his leg/ he/ ski _______________________________when __________________________________ 3 We / have dinner / the telephone / ring _______________________________when __________________________________ 4 Jim / drive the bus / a dog / run out in front of it ________________________________when _________________________________ 3 What would/will you/people do if …? Complete the following sentences. 1 If I spoke Chinese, I _______________________________________________ 2 If it wasn’t so cold in Norway ,______________________________________ 3 If I had a lot of money, I ___________________________________________ 4 If it rains tomorrow, I ______________________________________________ 5 If CDs were cheaper _______________________________________________ 6 If you give me your phone number ____________________________________ 54 Test 3 C Kopieringsoriginal 33 C Grammar 4 Fill in the missing verbforms 1 Oliver Twist ______________________ by Charles Dickens. (write) 2 The film Saving Private Ryan __________________________ by Steven Spielberg. (direct) 3 Many cities in Europe _______________________________ during World War II. (destroy) 4 Microsoft _______________________________ by Bill Gates. (found) 5 The first steps on the moon ___________________ by Neil Armstrong. (take) 6 St Paul's Cathedral __________________ in the 17th century. (build) 5 Adverbs Write one sentence for each adverb. 1 (badly) ________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 2 (carefully) _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 3 (well) _________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 4 (slowly) _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 5 (nervously) ____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 55 Test 3 D Kopieringsoriginal 34 Reading 1 Driver in hospital after accident A man was taken to St Mary’s Hospital, Norwich, with multiple injuries after an accident near Oxbury. Tom Perry, 26, of Stowe was driving a Ford Sierra Cosworth when the accident occurred on the B126 near Audley End House. He was taken to hospital with chest, shoulder and leg injuries after the accident which is believed to have happened on a bend. No other vehicle was involved. A spokesman for St Mary’s Hospital said that Mr Perry was stable after undergoing surgery. The road was blocked for a short time while Mr Perry was released from the car and other drivers were forced to use diversions set up by Norfolk police. The owner of the Cosworth, Jim Woods, of Lower Dean, who was a passenger in the car, did not require hospital treatment. Are the following statements true or false? Circle T or F. 1 The owner of the car had to stay in hospital for treatment. T F 2 Tom Perry was driving his own car. T F 3 Mr Perry was operated on after the accident. T F 4 Mr Perry’s leg was hurt. T F 5 The accident happened on a curve. T F 6 Mr Perry crashed into another car. T F 7 There was one more person in Mr Perry’s car. T F 8 The passenger was taken to hospital. T F 9 The driver was seriously hurt. T F 10 For a short while other motorists had to use different roads. T F 56 Test 3 D Kopieringsoriginal 35 A Reading 2 Here are a few advertisements for jobs. a Can you replace Emma? We are a busy Sales Office at The Green in West Drayton. We are looking for a Secretary/Administrator preferably with a knowledge of Word Perfect. You need to be high on energy, outgoing and capable. Think you fit the bill? Then phone Emma herself on 0895 533699 b Mature Co-ordinator required Flexible hours, full-time or part-time (25 hours per week) For busy off-Airport parking Reception office, 10 mins from Heathrow. Salary £12.25 per hour. Must have an all round clerical background and capable of using a wordprocessor, experience in staff supervision and customer relations. Tel: Louise Coulthard after 9.30 am on 081-585 7625 (No agencies) c Simon Davies LTD require a Temporary Cleaning / Tea lady for a busy, friendly office. Hours 6.30 am - 2 pm Please contact Linda on 0895 54272 57 Test 3 D Kopieringsoriginal 35 B Reading d Mama Mia’s Cowley Is now under new management and requires the following additional staff: Waiters /Waitresses Bar Staff Kitchen Assistants Lunch times and evenings. Must be of smart appearance and efficient. Good rates of pay. Please contact Maureen Garnham 0895 442685 e Owner drivers urgently required with smart appearance and smart 4 door / saloon or estate cars for days or nights. Busy circuit. Telephone 081-7372143 f Local Credit Company require Assistant Manager Salary £13,250 plus Company Car Telephone Eddie 081-562 2323 g Competent Plumber required for maintenance work in West London area. Telephone 081-834 3612 h Optical Receptionist required for busy modern practice in Harrow. High salary paid for experienced person although training given if necessary. Telephone A.C. Westwood on 081-857 2172 i Evening cleaning staff required Broadwater Park, Denham near Uxbridge. 6 pm to 8 pm Monday to Friday Phone:081-871 461 0853 j Part-time day and evening shop assistants Required Hayes area Tel. 853 3519 58 Test 3 D Kopieringsoriginal 35 C Reading k School leaver Young person required as assistant to Warehouse Manager in Hayes. Excellent prospects. Tel 081-868 1871 Which advertisements are for people: 1 who are a certain age? 2 who are not men? Only women are wanted. 3 who are good at clerical work? 4 who can fit and repair pipes? 5 who can serve food and/or drinks? 6 who are willing to use their private car at work? 7 who are good at selling things? 8 who want to work somewhere where the atmosphere is nice? 9 who look good and are careful about how they dress? 10 who want to work part time? 11 who want to know the full name of the person to contact? 12 who want to know why the job is vacant? 13 who want a job where further training is possible? 14 who think they are flexible and lively? Write the letter after the question. 59 Test 3 E Kopieringsoriginal 36 Writing Write about a film, a concert or a book. Describe it. Say what you think about it. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 60 Test 3 F Kopieringsoriginal 37 A Speaking 1 Work with a partner. Make a recording. Choose one of the tasks. You will find three pairs of words. For each pair: Talk about differences and connections between the words, what the words have in common. Try to find a lot of differences and connections. Make sure you both talk. Ask each other questions etc. First say your names. Task 1 Words from Turn that crap down A relative A kid A video A film A conductor A caveman Task 2 Words from The first steps on the Moon 1 A ladder The lunar surface 2 A leap A step 3 A man Mankind Task 3 Words from Stonehenge 1 The Stone Age 2 An archaeologist 3 To abandon The Bronze Age A historian To invade Task 4 Words from Predictions which will change our world A prediction A referendum Life span Exercise A factory A machine Task 5 Words from Advances that have already arrived A vacuum cleaner A computer To invent To replace Robotic Human 61 Test 3 F Kopieringsoriginal 37 B Speaking 2 Work in pairs or small groups. Discuss at least two of these different sorts of entertainment. Make a recording. Before you start: Say your names. What do you think? What do you know about them? Have you got a favourite? Discuss advantages and disadvantages. Soaps Nature programmes on TV Music videos Karaoke Theatre Live concerts The Internet Using a computer Watching sports on TV Films Computer games 62 Key Test 1 A Listening Part 1 – Six jokes (kopieringsoriginal 15) See Tape script page 72. Part 2 – Famous people (kopieringsoriginal 16) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Marilyn Monroe; b. 1926; d. 1962; Actress, film star Mahatma Gandhi; b. 1869; d. 1948; London Walt Disney; Chicago; 1971; Cartoon animator, film producer Jane Austen; b. 1775; English; Writer, author/ess, novelist Princess Diana; b. 1961; d. 1997; Charity work, homeless people, Aids victims etc John Lennon; b. 1940; d. 1980; Liverpool Bob Marley; b. 1945; Jamaican; Singer, musician, composer Florence Griffith Joyner; b. 1959; d. 1998; Sportswoman, track runner, sprinter B Vocabulary (kopieringsoriginal 17 A) 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 sleep leave high-school (or college) works at home (and takes care of the home and the family) college/university studies in another country get better (at English) (you think) you have heard it before game/sport don’t work / study / go to school for a year go closer 63 2 Put the following words under the right headings cars clothes sit temperature bonnet sleeves chair degree exhaust coat slump boil tyre wear sprawl freeze M3 (bonnet) iron 3 Fill in the missing words 1 sewing 2 novelist 3 art 4 oral 5 wood 6 Aid 7 progress 8 leather 9 furniture 10 century 5 (Kopieringsoriginal 6 Write the words side 30 i lærerveiledningen) 1 nose, 2 neck, 3 shoulder, 4 chest, 5 elbow, 6 wrist, 7 hip, 8 thigh, 9 knee, 10 heel C Grammar 1 (kopieringsoriginal 18 A) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Where does he live? / Where did you meet him? / Where was he born? How old is he? What does he look like? What’s his job? / What does he do? Where does he work? How long has he worked there? How does he go/get to work? Does he like his job? What does he do in his spare time? When did you meet him? 64 2 (Kopieringsoriginal 18 B) Pam’s list 1 Pam got money from the cash dispenser. 2 She didn’t get a present for Lynn. 3 She bought a new CD. 4 She didn’t phone the hairdresser. 5 She visited her Dad in hospital. 6 She did her English homework. 7 She wrote a birthday card to her grandma. 8 She made a cake. 9 She collected her jacket from the dry-cleaner’s. 10 She ran 2 kilometres. 11 She didn’t play golf. 12 She didn’t read the report. 13 She didn’t clean the windows. 14 She had lunch with Ken. 15 She didn’t take the cat to the vet. 3 (kopieringsoriginal 18 C) 1 going, 2 stay / be staying, 3 introduces, 4 is, 5 am, 6 live, 7 is, 8 has, 9 have, 10 go, 11 does, 12 named, 13 founded, 14 is, 15 teaches, 16 taken, 17 went, 18 am, 19 work, 20 live / am living / am going to live, 21 are, 22 live 4 (kopieringsoriginal 18 D) 1 grin, 2 think, 3 gets, 4 is, 5 forced, 6 like, 7 wearing / to wear, 8 goes, 9 boiling, 10 are, 11 has, 12 killed, 13 talked, 14 say, 15 talking, 16 given, 17 eaten, 18 have, 19 be, 20 killing, 21 makes / would make, 22 pushing D Reading (kopieringsoriginal 19 A-B) 1 J, 2 M, 3 G, 4 H, 5 K, 6 I, 7 D, 8 L, 9 B, 10 N, 11 F, 12 E, 13 C, 14 A E Reading and writing (kopieringsoriginal 20) 1 2 3 4 He is a dancer. He moved to London from South Africa. It was difficult to get a job as a dancer. He loves transforming people. He finds it exciting to change people’s looks and boost their egos. He used to help his stepmother in her salon when he was younger. Mark hopes to combine dancing with hairdressing and travel the world. 65 Test 2 A Listening Part 1 – The garter snake See Tape script page 74. Part 2 – Special days See Tape script page 75. April Fools´ Day 1 April jokes Poppy Day The Sunday nearest to 11 November An artificial flower soldiers Boxing Day December 26 gifts of money Father´s day The third Sunday in June presents for a man who has got children Halloween 31 October parties where you can dress as someone else Twelfth Night 6 January the end of Christmas Shrove Tuesday The day before Ash Wednesday (which is the first day of Lent) fasting pancakes May Day 1 May maypole political demonstrations Burns´ Night 25 January Auld Lang Syne bagpipes 66 B Vocabulary 1 Fill in the missing words 1 customer 2 employees 3 chef 4 sip 5 thick 6 waitress 7 advertisement/advert/ad 8 apron 9 awning 10 pants 2 (kopieringsoriginal 24A) Put the following words under the right headings trees illness poor water oak chicken-pox beggar spring acorn diagnosis ragged well forest cure rags stream leprosy pool infectious dive sore mud bathe steam 3 (kopieringsoriginal 24B) What’s the word? 1 bakery 2 pharmacy/chemist's 3 foreigner 4 queue/line 5 clerk 6 ceiling 7 insult 8 entrance 67 4 What’s the missing word? 1 spoon 2 complain 3 climb 4 lend 5 shave 6 mirror 7 evidence 8 owe C Grammar 1 (kopieringsoriginal 25A) 1 ate / have eaten / had eaten / would have eaten, 2 was, 3 like, 4 said / was saying / had said, 5 grown, 6 left, 7 telling, 8 come, 9 tell, 10 have, 11 cooked / was cooking, 12 looked, 13 was, 14 used, 15 ate, 16 using, 17 gave, 18 read / had read, 19 is / was, 20 are, 21 eaten, 22 ate 2 (kopieringsoriginal 25B) 1 stole, 2 told, 3 knew, 4 got, 5 came, 6 felt, 7 moved, 8 said, 9 gave, 10 took, 11 ran, 12 slept, 13 rode D Reading (kopieringsoriginal 26) 1 H, 2 J, 3 F, 4 B, 5 I. 6 C, 7 E, 8 A, 9 D, 10 G 68 Test 3 A Listening (kopieringsoriginal 30A-B) A In the text Old plane cats left cats rabbit hundreds families B In the text German talk November Russia the USA policemen public in prison B On the tape New ship rabbits arrived rabbits pet millions farmers On the tape man meeting October east west soldiers private hard labour Vocabulary 1 (kopieringsoriginal 32) What’s the word? 1 dentist 2 relatives 3 composer(s) 4 vet 5 youth 6 pet(s) 7 jail 8 lyrics 9 conductor 10 dawn 69 2 (kopieringsoriginal 32) Pair off the words and definitions 1 J 2 I 3 G 4 A 5 C 6 B 7 D 8 E 9 H 10 F 3 Hi-tech? No, thanks (Kopieringsoriginal 7 What’s the word? lærerveiledningen side 31.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 plate fork spoon walkman button fridge (refrigerator) drawer zip wire lamp-post C Grammar 1 (kopieringsoriginal 33A) The first steps on the moon 1 What did you think about when you were on the moon? 2 Do you remember what the moon looked like when you walked around there? 3 Was it dangerous to walk on the moon? 4 How long were you on the moon? 5 What made the biggest impression (on you)? 6 What is your life like now? 7 Where were you born? 8 Do you like taking photos? 9 Where do you live now? 10 Are you and Buzz Aldrin still friends? 70 2 (kopieringsoriginal 33 B) 1 2 3 4 I heard a shot when I was watching TV. One of the boys broke his leg when he was skiing. We were having dinner when the telephone rang. Jim was driving the bus when a dog ran out in front of it. 4 (kopieringsoriginal 33 C) Fill in the missing verbforms 1 was written 2 was directed 3 were destroyed 4 was founded 5 were taken 6 was built D Reading (kopieringsoriginal 34) 1 Driver in hospital after accident 1 F 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 T 6 F 7 T 8 F 9 T 10 T D Reading (kopieringsoriginal 35A-C) Advertisements 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 k c a, b g c, d e j 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 c d, e b. c, d i, j b, d a, d h a, c, e, h 71 Tape script Test 1 Part 1 – Six jokes 1 A little girl had her shoes on the wrong feet. Her teacher told her. Teacher You’ve put your shoes on the wrong feet. The little girl But these are the only feet I’ve got. 2 Teacher Max, can you name an animal that lives in Africa? Max A lion. Teacher That’s good. Can you tell me the name of another animal that lives in Africa? Max Another lion, miss. 3 Teacher Fred, can you tell me which month is the shortest? Fred It’s May, miss. Teacher No, it isn’t. The shortest month is February. Fred But, miss, February has eight letters in it. May only has three. 4 Jean Please, miss, would you be angry and tell me off for something I didn’t do? Teacher No, of course not. Jean Oh, good! Then I can tell you I haven’t done my homework. 5 Teacher Ruth, if it takes four men two days to dig up a large garden, how long would it take one man to dig up the same garden? Ruth No time at all, miss. The first four men have already dug it up. 6 “Get up,“ shouted John’s mother “You’ll be late for school.“ “But I don’t want to go,“ said John. “All the kids are horrible, the teachers are terrible, and it’s very boring. I want to stay home.“ “But,“ answered John’s mother, “you’re forty-five and you are the head-master of the school.“ 72 Tape script Test 1 Part 2 – Famous people Here are the 8 people. 1 Her real name was Norma Jean, but the world knew, and still knows her better as Marilyn Monroe. She was an actress and film star, famous for her roles as a sexy blonde. She made a lot of films, among them “Some like it hot“ and “Bus Stop“. She was born in 1926 in America. She was married twice. First to Joe Di Maggio and then between 1956 and 61 to writer Arthur Miller. She died in 1962. 2 In 1947 India became an independent country, free from British rule. The year after India’s independence, the man mainly responsible for it was shot and died. It was of course Gandhi. He was born in 1869 and after school, studied law in London. He was later given the title of respect Mahatma, and is remembered as Mahatma Gandhi. He was a thinker, statesman and nationalist leader. His years in South Africa taught him that violence was not the way to achieve change, and after his return to India in 1915 he taught and practised non-violent opposition. 3 From India we return to the USA and, first, Chicago, where a well-known cartoon animator and film producer was born in 1901. Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Dumbo (the elephant with big ears) and many other characters were brought to life by Walt Disney. Disney also opened Disneyland near Los Angeles. Florida’s Disney World, which he also planned, opened in 1971, five years after Walt Disney’s death. 4 Born in England in 1775, Jane Austen wrote many novels and other kinds of book, too many to list here. Two of her best known are perhaps “Emma“ and “Pride and Prejudice“. She died in 1817. Some of her books have been filmed for cinema and television. 5 Another life that was all too short, ending tragically in 1997 in a car accident in Paris was that of Diana, Princess of Wales. Her work for homeless people, children in need, AIDS victims and other charities made her very popular with the public. Born in 1961, she was only 36 years old when she died. 6 The world of music has given us a lot of famous names through the years and two from Liverpool spring to mind. Lennon and McCartney. John Lennon was, like Gandhi, shot – outside his home in New York in 1980. The whole world was shocked at his death. He was born in Liverpool in England in 1940, where he started his career as a songwriter and singer. He also played the guitar and composed. 7 Reggae singer, musician, composer, born in Jamaica in 1945. He started his first band in 1961. He, Bob Marley, was also shot, in 1976, because of his political ideas, but he lived on till he died of cancer in 1981. 8 She died quite recently, in 1998. In 1988 she was voted Sportswoman of the year. She was a very colourful figure on the running track – her long fingernails were often the same colour as her running shoes. Her name? Born Florence Griffith, in 1959, she later married Al Joyner and became Florence Griffith Joyner. 73 Tape script Test 2 Part 1 – The garter snake A garter snake is a harmless little snake. It is not at all dangerous. A friend read to me over the phone the following story out of a San Francisco Bay Area newspaper: A woman got in her car to drive somewhere one day, and before she had gotten very far from home, felt something tickling her ankle. She looked down and saw a snake sticking out of the bottom of her pants leg. The woman screamed, slammed on the brakes, skidded to a stop at the side of the road, and threw herself out of the car. She lay on the ground screaming and kicking her legs about in an effort to get rid of the snake since she couldn’t bring herself to touch it. A man driving by saw her and thought, “Oh, my God, that poor lady is having a heart attack or something!“ He stopped and ran over to her to try to find out what was wrong. Another man driving by saw the first man bending over this kicking, screaming woman and thought, “Oh, no! That guy’s attacking that woman!“ He stopped, ran over, and punched the first man in the face. And all of that happened because of a harmless little garter snake.“ (The Mexican Pet, Brunvand, 1986, Penguin) 74 Tape script Test 2 Part 2 – Special days April Fools’ Day On 1 April you can play practical jokes if you like. Teachers must be careful on 1 April when there is a knock on the classroom door. It may well be the beginning of a practical joke. Poppy Day A poppy is a bright red flower. It has a milky juice. Opium comes from poppy plants but opium has nothing to do with Poppy Day. Poppy Day is also called Remembrance Sunday. You celebrate Poppy Day to remember those soldiers who died in the two World Wars. On Poppy Day you wear an artifical poppy which is like the poppies that grew in the fields of Flandres in Belgium during the First World War. The poppies are made by people who have been soldiers. Poppy day is always on the Sunday nearest to 11 November. This is because 11 November 1918 was the last day of the First World War. Boxing Day Boxing Day is the day after Christmas Day (which is December 25) so Boxing Day is 26 December. Long ago rich people gave boxes of gifts or money to people who worked for them on this day. Some people give money to dustmen or postmen for example on Boxing Day. Father’s Day You give father presents on Father’s Day, the third Sunday in June. Father’s day came from America not very long ago. Shopkeepers like Father’s day very much because so many people buy presents. For example a lot of ties are sold and are given to fathers who may or may not like and want them. Halloween Halloween is the 31 October. The evening before All Saints Day. There are fancy-dress parties where you can dress as Napoleon or a lion if you like. Halloween is also for children. On this night children visit houses and ask people if they want “trick or treat“. A treat is usually money or sweets. If the children don’t get a treat they will play a trick and that’s not always very nice! This way of celebrating Halloween has come from the United States. Twelfth Night Twelfth Night is celebrated on the twelfth day after Christmas. It is 6 January and it is the end of Christmas and the New Year celebrations. You take down all Christmas decorations and Christmas cards. Shrove Tuesday Shrove Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday which is the first day of Lent. Lent is a period of forty days before Easter. Traditionally, in the Christian Church, Lent was a long period for fasting. You ate very little and only certain kinds of food. As Shrove Tuesday was the last day before the fasting in the Christian year people once thought it was important to eat something special. They ate pancakes and many people still eat traditional pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. May Day May Day is 1 May when traditionally you celebrate the coming of spring. There may be a “May Queen“ and you dance around a maypole. A maypole is a tall pole which is placed upright in the ground. You dance around it, holding a ribbon which goes to the top of the pole. In cities there are often political meetings and rallies on this day. Burns’ Night 75 Burns’ Night is celebrated on 25 January every year. It is the day when Robert Burns was born. He lived between 1759 and 1796 and was a famous Scottish poet. In Scotland you eat traditional Scottish dishes, listen to bagpipes and read Robert Burns’ poems. Late at night you sing “Auld Lang Syne“ which is a traditional song. The words of Auld Lang Syne are from a poem by Robert Burns. The words are Scottish and they mean “good times long ago“. You sing Auld Lang Syne at the end of parties all over Britain to remember “good times long ago“. 76 Tape script Test 3 Part 1 – A-B (CD only) A From pet to pest This is a story about a little rabbit called Cottontail. She was owned by a boy called Teddy Hughes, and when he and his family started a new life in New South Wales, Australia, Cottontail went with them on the ship. For a while, she was the only rabbit in Australia, as rabbits were unknown there. Soon after the Hughes family arrived, Cottontail escaped into the bush. She wasn’t alone for long, though, for she had a litter of baby rabbits. That’s when Cottontail proved a real failure as a pet, for those few rabbits bred and bred over a few years until the whole vast country was overrun with millions of them. That one rabbit had started a dynasty that threatened the livelihoods of thousands of farmers. B Here is another one. Mission impossible Mathias Rust was an idealistic young man. The 19 year-old West German was disappointed when the summit meeting between Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and American president Ronald Reagan broke up without agreement in October 1986, and decided that he had to do something to publicise the search for peace between east and west. He decided to fly on a peace mission to Russia. In May 1987, without permission, he flew his tiny plane from Helsinki, Finland, across 800 kilometres (500 miles) to Russian territory completely undetected by Soviet defence systems, until he reached Moscow. To the amazement of passers-by, he landed his plane in the middle of Red Square outside the Kremlin, the government’s headquarters, and told soldiers that he had arrived on a private peace mission. Sadly, Mathias’ mission was as much a failure as the summit meeting. He was arrested, tried, and sentenced to four years hard labour by the Russian courts. (1988 Octopus Books Ltd, Amazing Flops and Fiascos, Brenda Apsley) 77 Tape script Test 3 Part 2 – Why was Stonehenge built? (CD only) Here are three different theories. Number 1 Different people added details to this first theory about why Stonehenge was built. Gerald Hawkins who is an American astronomer thought Stonehenge was a very old observatory and a kind of huge computer. You could use Stonehenge to make calculations about how the sun, the moon and the planets move. Sir Fred Hoyle is a well-known British astronomer and writer. He thinks that Stonehenge could help those who built this giant stone circle to predict eclipses of the sun and moon. An eclipse is when you can’t see the sun or the moon. This happens for example when the moon is between the sun and the Earth. When you predict an eclipse you say exactly when it will happen. Euan Mackie, a Scottish archaeologist, thought there was a kind of old school for astronomers or priests near Stonehenge. When the priests had studied at this school for a long time and had learned a lot they could stand in the middle of Stonehenge and tell people the positions of the sun, the moon and the stars. They used the stones as a guide. Number 2 In 1920 Alfred Watkins who was an amateur historian presented a theory that Stonehenge is the centre of a system of pathways, narrow paths or roads where people walked for hundreds of miles. A few of these pathways lead to other stone circles. These pathways go in all directions. Alfred Watkins called the pathways “legs“ and believed they were magical. He said they formed an enormous map which showed the positions of the stars. His theory was that energy followed these “legs“ or paths. When you walked, following these paths, you got a lot of this spiritual energy into your body. You almost became a battery. Watkins thought the energy was so strong it could make the stones at Stonehenge fly. Number 3 People who believe in UFOs have another theory. A UFO is an unidentified flying object, for example a flying saucer coming from another planet to visit Earth. People who think there are UFOs believe Stonehenge was built by people or creatures from other planets. They, people from Mars or some other planet, needed a good landing place that could be seen from space. They visited Earth and built Stonehenge. Now when they are approaching Earth they can see Stonehenge from a great distance. Stonehenge is used for navigation to guide spaceships or flying saucers. It is like a light-house. People who believe in UFOs also believe Stonehenge is used as a landing place for aliens from other planets. It is like their Heathrow or Arlanda. 78