Title of Proposed New Action Group
ECO-innovative waste water and storm water SOLUTIONS promoting water re-use and recycling, and
ecosystem services (ECOSOLUTIONS)
Contact Person (Action Group Lead Organization)
If you would like to become a member of ECOSOLUTIONS, please contact
Prof. Miklas Scholz, The University of Salford,, 0044 161 2955921
The aim of the new action group is to work towards developing and implementing innovative
ecological solutions for water challenges, identifying and removing water innovation bottlenecks
and barriers. ECOSOLUTIONS will deliver applicable solutions for bringing innovation to the market
by enhancing the implementation and commercialization of water innovations and by enhancing
the facilitating framework such as finance.
Executive Summary of Planned Activities
The proposed voluntary and multi-stakeholder action group intends to work towards developing and
implementing innovative solutions for water challenges, aiming to identify and remove water
innovation bottlenecks and barriers. This will be achieved by assessing the end-user requirements
and business plans in the water industry, map these to selected eco-innovative waste water and
storm water technology demonstrations and pilots, and develop a successful good practice decision
support tool that will overcome challenges and risks that hinder their commercial uptake.
ECOSOLUTIONS focuses on a wide range of promising technologies, processes and tools such as
physical sensors, biosensors, mobile robots, membranes, ozonation, wetlands, ecosystem services
tools, flood control tools, sustainable drainage systems and decision support systems.
ECOSOLUTIONS has planned at least two face-to-face meetings annually. In addition, at least one
face-to-face or virtual meeting will be held for each of the four action sub-groups on Cost-effective
Treatment Technologies, Water Recycling Innovations, Water-related Ecosystem Services and
Access to Finances. Each partner is expected to actively participate in the sub-group Water Recycling
Innovations and at least one other sub-group.
The action group work plan is split into seven work packages, which are addressed by the subgroups: WP 1: Identifying and Assessing User Requirements and Business Planning with the
Support of Stakeholders. WP 2: Technology Reviews, Demonstrations and Monitoring. WP 3:
Environmental Credentials and Economic Assessments. WP 4: Data Integrity, Decision Support
Systems and Monitoring Tools. WP 5: Commercialisation Roadmap and Knowledge Exchange. WP
6: Dissemination of Repository, Systems and Tools. WP 7: Action Group Management.
The action group will apply for European and national funding (if and when appropriate) in the areas
of cost-effective treatment technologies, water recycling innovations, water-related ecosystem
services and access to finances. Moreover, the group will closely collaborate with other European
action groups as well as other international initiatives in the wider area of water.
Preferred Characteristics of New Action Group Partners
Water utility, water company or municipality with responsibility for wastewater and storm water
management; expertise in cost-effective treatment technologies, water recycling innovations,
water-related ecosystem services and access to finance; main location in Eastern Europe.