SUBCONTRACTOR DATA REQUIREMENT DESCRIPTION 1. SDRL NO: LCS-SR-0030 2. SDRL TITLE: PRESERVATION & PACKAGING 3. REFERENCES: SDRL LCS-SR-0027 MIL-STD-2073 MIL-STD-794 MIL-E-17555 NAVSEA-S-6000-AA-HBK-010/ES FED-STD-75 MIL-P-36514 PPP-B-1055 MIL-B-13239 MIL-L-10547 MIL-STD-129 MIL-STD-1458 MIL-STD-290 NAVSUP PUBLICATION 4500 DOT REGULATION TITLE 49 4. FREQUENCY: N/A 5. 1ST SUBMITTAL: WITH PROPOSAL: PROVIDE A PRELIMINARY PRESERVATION & PACKAGING SCHEDULE 6. SUB. SUBMITTALS: 15 DARC ON PRELIMINARY P & P SCHEDULE 90 DAYS PRIOR TO SHIPMENT: PROVIDE A FINAL PRESERVATION & PACKAGING SCHEDULE 7. DISTRIBUTION TOTAL: N/A 8. REMARKS: 8.1 The purpose of this SDRL is to insure that items shipped by the Vendor to GD-LCS are properly preserved and packaged. 8.2 This SDRL shall be prepared in conjunction with SDRL LCS-SR-0027 (Identification of Loose Items). The Final Preservation & Packaging Schedule shall provide the P & P method(s) used for each item listed on SDRL LCS-SR-0027. 9. PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS: 9.1 Unless otherwise specified herein or in the item’s Hardware Specification, all items intended for shipment to GD-LCS for subsequent removal from packaging and installation aboard the LCS shall be preserved and packaged in accordance with the applicable method(s) outlined below: 9.1.1 Method I – Preservation Coating With Greaseproof Wrap Used for metal items of a non-critical nature that can be adequately protected by a corrosion preventative compound where removal of the compound for operation of the item is unnecessary, or where removal of the compound can be accomplished without further disassembly or damage to the item. 9.1.2 Method II – Preservation Coating Applied With Waterproof Enclosure For general use, with or without a contact preservative, to afford protection against deterioration caused by water and water vapor (in excess of the amount of water or water-vapor entrapped when the container is sealed) and by natural and industrial contaminants and pollutants. 9.1.3 Method III – Wrapped or Unwrapped, Enclosed Within Coating of Strippable Compound Used for metal items, simple or complex in construction, requiring protection against water and water vapor. On items of complex construction, it may be necessary to wrap the item(s) in aluminum foil prior to dipping in plastic coating. This method shall not be used on items that are adversely affected by temperatures required for the application of the compound. 9.1.4 Method IV – Preservative Coating Applied as Required With Waterproof Enclosure Used for items requiring only protection from liquid water, oils, fungus growth, insects, and decayed organisms. 9.1.5 Method V – Preservative Coating Applied As Required With Waterproof Enclosure & Desiccant Used for critical items which cannot be fully protected by a contact preservative and which require a high degree of protection from damage by the effects of water vapor. 9.1.6 Method VI – Packaged for Mechanical and Physical Protection Only Used for items requiring physical and mechanical protection only. 9.1.7 Method VII – Thermoformed Packaging, Transparent, Vacuum-Formed Used for small items requiring transparent, vacuum-formed, thermoplastic packaging. 9.2 For each item supplied by the Vendor, the proposed method of preservation and packaging shall be identified in its proposal. Where an item is supplied to a Military Specification or Standard that identifies a method of preservation and packaging, that method shall be used. The Vendor is solely responsible for the satisfactory preservation and packaging of its equipment. The following guidelines apply: 9.2.1 Non-coated metal items shall at least be preserved and packaged to Method I. 9.2.2 Mechanical equipment shall at least be preserved and packaged to Method II, III, or IV as applicable. 9.2.3 Electrical/electronic equipment shall at least be preserved and packaged to Method V. 9.3 9.3.1 For all items intended for shipment to GD-LCS and subsequent removal from packaging for installation aboard ship, the following applies: All shipments must be clearly and indelibly marked both on packing and the equipment with: A. B. C. D. E. Name of Item Vendor’s Name and Part/Model Number GD-LCS Item/Part Number (to be obtained from the Buyer) GD-LCS Purchase Order Number Hull or Module Number (to be obtained from the Buyer) 9.3.2 Items not readily marked must be tagged with metal tags that indicate the information above. One copy of the packing list and the original copy of the bill of lading shall be mailed to the Buyer at the time the shipment is delivered to the carrier. An itemized packing list must also accompany each shipment. If items are being shipped loose, the additional requirements of SDRL LCS-SR-0027 apply. Shipments not containing adequate identification and the required packing lists will be considered incomplete and may be returned to the Vendor, at its expense, for completion. 9.3.3 All markings must be durable and colorfast. 9.4 For all items intended for shipboard or shore based stowage, the following applies: 9.4.1 Level A preservation and packaging shall be in accordance with the applicable product or packaging procedural specifications. In the absence of such instructions, selection of the method of preservation and packaging shall be in accordance with the applicable criteria and guidelines specified in MIL-STD-2073, MIL-STD-794, and MIL-E-17555. Parts shall be individually packaged, except when used in sets or quantities greater than one. Solid state components such as diodes, thin film resistors, transistors, integrated circuits, and equipment containing such parts, which can be damaged as a result of static electricity or electromagnetic fields, shall be preserved, packaged, packed, marked, and handled in accordance with NAVSEA publication NAVSEA-S-6000-AA-HBK-010/ES (Handbook of Electrostatic Discharge Protection of Electronic Components, Assemblies, and Equipment). 9.4.2 Transparent packaging of repair parts for reduction in size and product identification shall be in accordance with the procedures and materials specified in MIL-STD-2073. Parts packaged in transparent barrier materials shall be cushioned or wrapped, as applicable, with transparent materials. 9.4.3 Except for specially designed metal or plastic type reusable shipping and storage containers, Level C domestic type shipping containers shall be used for packing parts in rack, bin, shelf, or drawer type stowage. For other type stowage, shipping containers shall be either of the overseas type (Level A) or the domestic shipment and storage type (Level B). Shipping container selection shall be in accordance with the applicable product or packaging procedural specifications. In the absence of such specifications, MIL-STD794 shall be followed for selection of shipping (exterior) container. Container selection shall be of the minimum weight and size consistent with anticipated storage and handling hazards. 9.4.4 Fiberboard containers for shipboard stowage or stock storage, where used for packing difficult loads, shall have such loads converted to either "average" or "easy" loads, as defined in FED-STD-75, by use of liners, pads, separators, cells, trays, die cuts, or similar media. The container closure, waterproofing, and reinforcing of fiberboard boxes shall be in accordance with the applicable container specification and/or carrier or postal service rules and regulations. Reinforcing of fiberboard boxes shall be accomplished by use of pressure-sensitive reinforced tape. 9.4.5 Items shall be cushioned to prevent their damage and damage to the packaging media. Cushioning materials, unless otherwise specified in the applicable product or general packaging specification, shall conform to MIL-STD-2073 and the applicable carrier regulations. Use of loose-fill polystyrene, excelsior, newspaper or shredded paper of all types, and similar hygroscopic or non-neutral materials for packaging and packing application such as cushioning, filler, dunnage, and stuffing is prohibited. Polyurethane foam (rigid or flexible) shall conform to MIL-P-36514. 9.4.6 When any materials used within the shipping container for packaging, such as containers and dunnage, are not water resistant, case liners shall be provided with material conforming to PPP-B-1055 or MIL-B-13239 and fabricated in accordance with MIL-L10547. All joints and seams shall be sealed in accordance with the appendix of MIL-L10547. A case liner is not required for weather-resistant fiberboard containers when all seams and closures are sealed with waterproof tape in accordance with the appendix of the applicable container specification. 9.4.7 Marking applied to interior (unit and intermediate) packages, shipping containers, or unpackaged items shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-129 and shall be applied when applicable. Labels, when used, shall be either placed inside the transparent package or heat-sealed in a section (tab end) of the bag separated from the item. Labels shall not be placed in contact with items not coated with a preservative if there is a question of compatibility (corrosively) between the item and the label. 9.5 Hazardous Material Packaging Interior packages (unit and intermediate) and shipping containers containing hazardous materials shall be marked in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Transportation (DOT) Regulation Title 49 and as follows: 9.5.1 Markings for packages containing radioactive materials shall be in accordance with MILSTD-1458 and markings for petroleum products in accordance with MIL-STD-290. Other items identified as hazardous by contracts, and/or the Consolidated Hazardous Item List (CHIL) (NAVSUP publication 4500) shall be marked in accordance with MIL-STD-129. 9.5.2 Whenever an item containing metallic mercury or mercury compounds is enclosed in a container (interior package or shipping) which covers or hides the plate or label identifying mercury compounds, or when the item size causes identification to be impractical, each container shall be marked, tagged, and/or labeled with the information stated herein. Tags and labels shall be affixed to the outer surface of each container and coated with a transparent, non-fading waterproof coating. In addition, all packages and containers shall be labeled with a DOT, Class B, and Poisonous material label as follows: CAUTION – MERCURY USE APPROVED BY NASVEA Contains Mercury