Project Information Sheet Improvement of green labels for packaging and mulching plastics based on application of innovative (eco)toxicological tests for the safe recovery of material wastes (ECOPACK) Programme area: Recycling, Safety assessment Coordinator: Daniel Ribera Bio-Tox Tel: +33 (0)557 990 169 Bio-Tox (France); CELABOR (Belgium); Institut Pasteur de Lille (France) ; ITENE (Spain); Pena (France) ; Organic Product Cluster (Greece) Partners: Website: Benefits (max. 150 characters incl. space): Packaging and plastics landfill diversion - Safety of packaging and plastics end products Keywords: Sector: Type of solution Packaging, safety, label E - Water supply; sewerage; waste management and remediation activities Service Duration: Budget: Contract number: 15/09/2010 – 15/09/2013 1 187 983 € *** (EU contribution: 50 %) ECO/09/256048/SI2.569916 - ECOPACK Summary Biodegradable/compostable materials will be the future for food packaging or polymers for agriculture. These materials could be easily composted even when soiled both commercially or at home. However, despite the existence of standards, most are landfilled or incinerated mainly because of the lack of safety and quality. The ECOPACK project will develop a certification scheme to fully assess and label the potential of Food Contact Material for valorization as compost and to complete the biodegradability standards for plastics used in agricultural soils. Expected and/or achieved results The main goals are the validation and the development of a label based on a battery of chemical, toxicological and ecotoxicological innovative tools. The market issues are varied. Such a label concerns producers of food packaging or polymers for agriculture but also end-users such as food manufacturers and distributors (green image), industrial compost plants (assurance for safety), recyclers (acceptance criteria), eco-conceptors … The information sheet will be published in the Eco-Innovation website. The EACI reserves the right to edit the information sheet for content and length Page 1