LIST OF RS COMPANIES INTERESTED IN COOPERATION WITH COMPANIES FROM BRUSSELS - CAPITAL REGION No. COMPANY NAME 1. 2. АDDRЕSS CОNТАCТ ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION NO. OF EMPLOYE ES CURRENT BUSINESS ACTIVITIES COOPERATION EXPECTATIONS CОNТАCТ PERSON OTHER INFORMATIO N Pоdrumi mаnаstirа Тvrdоš (Tvrdos Monastery Cellars) Тvrdоš, 00 387 59 246 811; 246 810;;; Wine and brandy production 6 Product sales at local and foreign markets Establishment of business contacts to enable product export to Belgium Тihomir Kuduz, Manager, 065 987 357 Prevailing activity of our company is wine and brandy production, we export to 10 countries, and we would like to export also to Belgium, which is why we need contact with wine importers ECO LINE d.o.o. Оzrеnskа bb, Pеtrоvо 00 387 53 262 401;; ; Manufacturi ng of solid oak furniture, chairs and 55 Export to the Netherlands and Belgium Possibility of trade cooperation. We assist to foreign investors in firm Radojica Rakanović, Director 0038765 Company for manufacturin g, trade and transport EKO LINIJA – ECO Тrеbinjе armchairs registration, offer location in industrial zone, factory construction and machine installation, worker training and export support. 335 268 LINE d.o.o. (hereinafter: ECO LINE) was established on July 20, 2007. The company is engaged in manufacturin g of oak wood furniture (ТV chests, book chests, kitchen tables, living room tables, armchairs, dressers and more than 100 different products), overall production is intended for export. ECO LINE currently employs 60 workers and intends to increase this number, since we have also started manufacturin g upholstered furniture, i.e. chairs, armchairs, two-seaters and threeseaters. ECO LINE occupies the area of 8,500 m2, of which 3,600 m2 is occupied by manufacturin g facilities. The company uses most modern equipment in Europe, i.e.: • Drying rooms for board drying • Machines for solid oak wood processing During 2010, the company generated income in the amount of BAM 1,428,048.00, i.e. 81.97% more than the previous year when it generated BAM 784,757. 3. DI Vukеlić d.о.о. Aleksandrov ac bb, Bаnjаlukа 00 387 51 300 130; 300 156; Primary wood processing; final product: solid glued boards 157 Manufacturing of solid boards Product sales Nikola Vukelić, Manager 065 514 778; Gordana KikićArsenov 00387-51580-312 Turnover; was BAM 11,000,000.00 , now BAM 7,000,000.00 International cooperation: sales of our products to foreign partners, certification, participation in fairs Cooperation: sales of our products, import of new technologies for further production finalization 4. 5. AGROIPMPE X d.о.о. MB IMPEX d.o.o. Dunavska 1c, 78000 Banjaluka; 00 387 51 300 130 Jovana Bijelića bb, 78 000 BANJA LUKA 00 387 51 389 700; marketing@mbimpex .net;; Fruit growing 90 Sales of consumption fruit and seasonal works in orchards Product sales (desired cooperation: we would like to sell apples and pears to potential clients, supermarkets or large fruit distributors; sell our products, import new packaging technologies and further product finalization.) Nikola Vukelić, Manager 065 514 778; Bojana Kremenović International cooperation: participation in the fair in Berlin (Fruit Logistica 2011, 2012), cooperation with SIPPO. Turnover: BAM 7,000,000.00 Production of fruit brandies, spirits and liqueurs 26 Improvement and expansion of technical and technological conditions, production capacity increase; expansion of foreign sales Establishment of business cooperationfinding of importer for BelgiumBrussels region market Milan Balać, Director 065 512 088 Finding importer for Belgian market www.agroimpexfruit. com 6. LANACO INFORMACI ONE ТEHNOLOGIJ E Knjaza Miloša 15, 78000 Bаnjаlukа; 00 387 51 335 500;; Information technologies 170 7. KALDERA COMPANY d.o.o. Lаktаši stojkovic@kalderaco; info@kalderacompan; 00 387 51 580 654; www.kalderacompan; Manufacturi ng of electricity distribution and control devices 215 network; established export to Аustrаlia; certified products for the USA; e- government projects; health projects (еhealth cards, business info system for RS Health Insurance Fund); education projects new business projects, market expansion, experience exchange Gordana Kovačević, Sales and Marketing Sector Manager; 051 335 504 Manufacturing licensed by Siemens, Frankfurt am Main, for overall range of mediumvoltage switchgears type 8djh, Simosec and NH PLUS, where manufacturing of 8djh was approved by Possibility to offer products from Kaldera company production range and to participe in tenders for Brussels market area. Establishment of direct contact with the Ministry of Energy, and Ranka Тomić Stojković, Deputy Executive Director 065 821 716 Kaldera Company generated turnover of BAM 24,970,244.00 in 2011. We currently have a signed contract with German DVS Group for export of automatic Siemens based on first prototypes, and training completed for Simosec switchgears; pilot switchgear manufacturing for Simosec will start in May, and NH PLUS switchgears will be produced in September; development and production of a prototype of switchgear for transfer of positions from one to another with robot serving for German company Buderus, and manufacturing of switchgears for oil and emulsion purification in processing electricity distribution companies storage systems and oil purification systems, and negotiations are ongoing on manufacturin g of electrical cabinets for renowned German companies such as GILDEMEISТE R, GLEASON, INA SCHEFFLER, etc. At the same time, we are also a licensed SIMENS manufacturer of mediumvoltage switchgears type 8DJH, SIMOSEC and NHPLUSC, third in the world. As already noted, systems for companies Prawema and Buderus, development of coolers for entire German market; activities on agreeing on initiation of work for German companies Glidemeister and Ina Schaeffler Tech; various projects in the territory of RS and BiH, some supplies for Serbia and Croatia (details in the application); 8. UNA PLOD а.d. M.M. Тepića 109, 79 240 Kozarska Dubica 00 387 52 422 900;; Production, purchase, sales and processing of fruits and vegetables 44 Growing and development of apple and pear plantations, services of bаnаnа ripening, we are interested in cooperation with all companies of Brussels region engaged in energy, such as power utilities, power distribution companies, as well as all other companies responsible for electric power. opening of new markets for fruit sales Mile Arsenić On its grounds, Unaplod a. d. has a ULO cooler of 10000 t storage storage of fruit in ULО coolers and services of fruit transport; apple storage and distribution and lease of cooling area; capacity, banana ripening room for 80 000 kg bananas, and 13 km away from the head office of the company – an apple plantation covering 250 ha of land 130 ha of apple orchard plantations. The company was established in 2006, and only in 2008 it embarked on the project of orchard planting. Until present, our international cooperation has been focused on export of our goods, mainly to the Eastern Europe market (Russia), and to an extent to the EU (Hungary and Sweden), and largest share is exported to Serbia. We wish to expand our business to the EU market. We are primarily focused on buyers at the EU market. It is particularly important because during the forthcoming period we expect more apples since our orchard is entering full yield and we are going to have sufficient quantities to meet the demand of serious buyers (primary focus on store chains). Our second, although not less important, wish is to find potential partners for joint venture in the field of completion of plantation project (up to 250 ha). 9. Vitаminkа Braće Pištelјića 22, 00387 51 334 000; vitaminka@vitaminka Fruit and vegetable 219 Production and Opening of new Pero Marić, Sales 10. а.d. 78000 Bаnjаlukа,;; processing МIKRОЕLЕK ТRОNIKА а.d. Blagoja Parovića bb, 78000 Bаnjаlukа Тel: +387 51 389 040 Manufacturi ng of instruments and devices for measuring, verification, testing, navigation (electricity consumption measuring devices, electricity consumption management system, fiscal system Fax: +387 51 333 031; d.prastalo@mikroele www.mikroelektroni 76 distribution markets Manager 051 334 021, p.maric@vit; In addition to BiH market, Mikroelektronik a a.d. (hereinafter: the Company) is currently selling its products mainly in Serbia. In the same way, the Company is planning to expand sales to the market of the entire Balkans region, and initial contacts have been established in several countries, including EU, Russia. Africa and Asia. As Opportunity for the Company, being a relatively small one in this field, lies in linking with large manufacturers, due to market requirements for interoperability between devices of various manufacturers, i.e. obligation to offer, in any international tender, the devices of minimum three different manufacturers which meet the latest standards and can operate Мirа Rоdić Project objectives: • Meet all necessary standards and obtain certificates necessary for sales (Export) of production range of the Company at foreign markets; • Increase production/ex port capacities; • Upgrade manufacturin g efficiency through full automation of production part of a consortium, supported by EBRO loan in the RS, by the end of May 2012, the Company is going to implement the contract on supply of measuring devices worth about BAM 800,000, out of the total contract value of BAM 1,000,000. Based on tenders won in Serbia and RS in 2011 and early 2012, export until present amounts to euro 200,000, and additionally, manufacturing and sales of devices for in one joint system lines; • Improve product quality to the highest level in accordance with the requirements of EU standards (CE. ISO, DLMS etc.); • Enable further development and manufacturin g of highly sophisticated products with high level of newly created value, at the highest technological level in this field; • Provide competitivene Serbia have been secured, worth about BAM 300,000 (and in the RS worth BAM 300,000. In January and February 2012, we took part in tenders in Serbia through Sitel company. ss at foreign markets 11. Јаhоrinа оsigurаnjе а.d. Svetosavska 24, 71420, Istоčnо Sаrајеvо 00 387 57 201 320; direkcija@jahorinaosi; www.jahorinaosigura; Insurance 215 Endeavor to develop insurance market through own company, initiation of sales through new sales channels Cooperation through insurance of foreign investors and investments as mandatory form of insurance of their activity in BiH and RS Miroslav Miškić, General Manager 065 511 233 12. Pеtrоprојеkt d.о.о. Drinska bb, 75 420, Brаtunаc 00 387 56 410 325; m; m Wood processing industry 230 Primary, secondary and final wood processing, manufacturing of solid wood Conquering new markets and finding new buyers Janko Petrović, Manger 065 526 435 boards; manufacturing of solid wood furniture; pini key briquеttes; export to the UЕ and Јаpаn; 13. МLАDЕGS PАK d.о.о. Vijaka bb, 78430 Prnjavor; m; 00 387 51 647 626; Production of other foodstuffs 135 Production and sales of foodstuffs Linking with partners in the field of foodstuffs, potential sales of products and import of raw materials; Mladen Pratlјačić, Administrat or, 065 464 204 Company MLADEGS PAK d.o.o. produces foodstuffs. In our portfolio we have several product groups: ketchup, spice, whipped topping and whipped cream powder, pudding, tea, ice-cream deserts etc. Our products bear one of our own two brands: BONIТO and DOMINUS. In addition to our own brands, we also produce private brands for famous buyers in the region. In addition to the mentioned standards, IFS is also being prepared and its certification will be completed during the last quarter. Concerning capacities – all equipment used in production is 0 – 5 years old, which means that it is new and usable for large production. Current capacity use is under 50%. A new line for ketchup production will soon be commissioned , capacity of 60 – 100t /day, depending on type of packaging. Following commissionin g of the new ketchup line, also a new factory for bottle production will be commissioned . At potential meetings with businessmen from Brussels region, we would be interested in the following: - Large store chains -Foodstuff distributors For them, in addition to own products, we could produce also private brands 14. SМRČАK d.о.о. Karakaj bb, 75 400 Zvornik 00 387 56/263 685; t;; Collection, processing and sales of mushrooms, medicinal herbs, forest berries and forest fruit Permanen t employee s 12 Processing of dry mushrooms Growth of export, joint ventures and business expansion Мiladin Мijatović 065 925 926 We are looking for large buyers (store chains or wholesale) for business cooperation and joint venture in new operations. International cooperation: Desired cooperation: we Ljilјаnа Turnover: 2010: BAM Seasonal employee s 50 no foreign investmen ts. 15. Priјеdоrčаnk Brezičani tel. +387 52 33 99 59 Distillation purification 54 а а.d. b.b. fax. +387 52 33 99 57 79101 Prijedor vukelic@prijedorcank www.prijedorcanka .com 16. DUKАТ d.о.о. Banja Luka, Nјegoševa 97 00 38751 586 850; 00 387 51 586 838;; and mixing of distilled alcoholic drinks, production of fruit and vegetable juices, other processing and preservation of fruit and vegetables (drying and deep freezing) Company Dukat d.o.o was established in 1994 in Banja Luka, in its first year of operation it was engaged in retail sales The company currently has 215 employee s. Through education of employee s we are keeping restructuring project organized by the RS Ministry of Finance, EUEXPROII project for exporting companies, Participation in fairs, cooperation with SIPPO, USAID, FARMA projects, etc. would like to sell our concentrated fruit juices in that market, as well as our final product Gazdina rakija (brandy) in supermarkets or to large distributors of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages; sell our goods, import new packaging technologies and further product finalization. Vukеlić In its production facilities, Dukat doo produces its own brands Perex, Max Clean www.maxclean. ba and Hellena Our desired form of cooperation relates to two fields. As a producer, we are interested in potential importerdistributor of our brands to Dragan Ždrnja, z.dragan@d 5,088,000.00 2011: BAM 6,540,000.00 currently, after the end of the first half of the year, we have generated growth by 15% compared to 2011 and hospitality industry. Over time, it has grown into a company engaged in import, production, trade, distribution and transport. Nowadays Dukat is one of the largest and most serious distribution companies in BiH, covering the entire territory of BiH. Head office of the company is in Banja Luka, and four business units successfully sell the pace with European standards in all fields of business. Company vision is to continue business growth success through constant investmen ts in developm ent of technical and technologi cal potentials in productio n as well as expansion of distributio n capacities. Company . Production process control is under constant supervision by experts, at all stages of production. By choosing components of world suppliers and improving recipes, we are constantly perfecting product quality. Belgium and other EU countries, as well as in consumer goods store chains (such as Delhaize). As a distributor of quality brands, we are interested in importing and distributing Belgian products to Bosnia and Herzegovina. goods and service all buyers throughout BiH . 17. АМ МЕĐUGОRЈ Е d.о.о. Put Srpskih branilaca 342, 78 000 Banja Luka 00 387 51 500 830; 00 387 51 500 831;; www.ammedjugorje. com Manufacturi ng of building joinery, trade in construction materials and sanitary equipment, performance of construction works, production of sawn timber objective is to provide satisfactio n to consumer communit y and service quality at all times. 100 Same as in activity description Presentation in fairs, finding new partners for sales of our joinery. And all other types of partnership Mile Atlagić 065 510 849