Marine Strategy Forum – Meeting 12

MSF (108/2013)
Marine Strategy Forum – Meeting 13
14 June 2013 Conference Room 2, Victoria Quay, 12.30-15.00
Linda Rosborough
Isabel Glasgow
Philip Robertson
Jimmy Turnbull
Colin Wishart
Lindsay Leask
John Esslemont
David Vass
John Rintoul
David Balston
Roger Owen
Cathy Tilbrook
Scott Landsburgh
Lloyd Austin
Annie Breaden
Sandra Laurenson
Derek McGlashan
David Liddell
Robert Sandeman
Chris Nabney
Willie Cowan
Anna Donald
Colin Moffat
David Mallon
Alan Gibb
Sarah Smith
Susan Ewart
Bruce Buchanan
Marine Scotland, Chairperson
Scottish Coastal Forum
Historic Scotland
Scottish Renewables
Royal Institute of Town Planning
Scottish Boating Alliance
Oil and Gas UK
UK Chamber of Shipping
Scottish Natural Heritage
Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation (SSPO)
Scottish Environment LINK
The Crown Estate
British Ports Association
UK Major Ports Group
SG Planning Directorate
SG Justice Directorate
SG Greener Comms
Marine Scotland
Marine Scotland
Marine Scotland Science
Marine Scotland
Marine Scotland
Marine Scotland
Marine Scotland
Marine Scotland
Bertie Armstrong
Alistair Sinclair
Steve Bastiman
Walter Speirs
Philip Day
Alan Wells
Mark Tasker
Susan Davies
Mick Borwell
Scottish Creel Fishermen’s Federation
Scottish Sea Angling Conservation Network
Association of Scottish Shellfish Growers
Northern Lighthouse Board
Association of Salmon Fishery Boards
Joint Nature Conservation Committee
Oil and Gas UK
1. Welcome and Introductions
Linda Rosborough, Marine Scotland
Linda welcomed members to the thirteenth meeting and noted apologies. Linda informed
members that Dr David Pirie will represent SEPA following the retirement of Dr Brian
Linda introduced Chris Nabney of Scottish Government Communications who was attending
for information on the summer consultations.
2. Minutes of last meeting (MSF 101/2013)
The minutes of the twelfth meeting were agreed as an accurate record. The action points
were also noted as completed.
3. Communications Paper (MSF 103/2013)
Members noted the content of the paper. Linda highlighted the Marine Scotland Strategic
Framework and Marine Scotland Review which had been tabled.
4. Summer Consultations
Anna Donald (MSF 104/2013)
Anna spoke to the paper on the engagement plans for the joint summer consultation. Anna
detailed the information which will be available on the website. As well as the formal
consultation papers, Marine Scotland are developing informal information material – leaflets,
posters etc.
 Series of public events programmed – Annex B of MSF 104/2013 refers
 Envisaged that these events will run from lunchtime into evening allowing for formal
session followed by less formal drop-in session.
 Series of stakeholder events also to be programmed – Annex C of MSF 104/2013
 Looking for members to consider further events and also to participate in and
publicise events.
 Scribes and feedback forms will be available to list issues raised, which will be
collated into a note and added to the consultation responses. Attendees will also be
encouraged to respond formally to the consultation.
The following opportunities were identified by members:
Scottish Ports meetings are held 3 times annually. Next meeting is perhaps more
appropriate than their UK meeting in October.
SSPO considering a sectoral workshop for September.
Scottish Renewables have a conference planned for September but also happy to
arrange members events.
Oil & Gas UK have Environmental Managers meeting in August, happy to engage on
sectoral engagements.
RSPB/SE LINK also happy to arrange sectoral event.
 It was considered that larger local authorities may wish a bespoke event; although
there may also be a possibility of a COSLA joint event.
The following points were also made:
 Clarification was sought on the three events planned for Inverness.
 It was noted that although the consultation period had been extended to 16 weeks, this
might still pose problems for some organisations looking to respond in depth to all 3
consultation exercises.
Action 1: Members to liaise with Secretariat regarding sectoral meetings and any other
Action 2: Secretariat to check and clarify the 3 events scheduled in Inverness. Post-meeting
note – the events on 16 & 17 September are part of the Scottish Renewables conference; the
event planned for 23 September would be a broader public event (note date/venue yet to be
Action 3: All members to inform Secretariat of any ideas/preferences for the October
meeting of the Forum which will be a full day workshop on the Summer Consultations.
5. Priority Marine Features (PMFs)
David Mallon ( MSF 105/2013)
David gave the background to Priority Marine Features. The list of 80 features was compiled
by SNH and JNCC and will be made available for comment online as part of the summer
consultation. The list was based on views from experts and subject to external peer review.
Changes to the list would be considered on the basis of scientific rationale.
It was noted that the list currently contained some Natura features, but not all, and a question
raised as to how this position would be reflected in the three pillar approach and in policy on
PMFs set out in the National Marine Plan. It was stated that it would be useful to raise these
issues during the consultation period.
6. NPF3 Consultation
David Liddell
David gave a presentation to members on the NPF3 Consultation. Members were informed
that the consultation also covered an update to the Scottish Planning Policy document. Item 7
was discussed with this item.
7. Draft Marine/Terrestrial Planning Circular
David Liddell MSF (MSF 106/2013)
David advised that this circular would be used to explain the marine planning system to
planning professionals. It would be put out for comment with the National Marine Plan
consultation and the hope was to incorporate some good practice examples following this.
Points raised during discussion  NPF3 should include more explicit links to the National Marine Plan and vice versa.
 Overlap with strategic sea areas previously highlighted in consultation on Scottish
Marine Regions also identified as possible hubs in NPF3.
 Need for further material on Coastal defence noted – which may require input from
 Noted that there was not currently the same statutory role for supplementary guidance
in the marine planning system as with the terrestrial system, but that the circular could
potentially be the beginning of a process to identify key issues; linkages required; and
how these could be taken forward.
 Clarification sought on formal position of marine planning with terrestrial planning
Action 4: David Liddell to provide clarification on legal position.
8. Aquaculture & Fisheries Bill Implementation
Willie Cowan (MSF 107/2013)
Willie introduced the paper and explained that the Aquaculture & Fisheries Bill is expected to
become an Act by end June 2013. Implementation should then begin around August 2013.
The following points were made in discussion:
 The Implementation Plan was currently an internal document but would be discussed
with other delivery partners and industry. Where feasible, an existing sub-group of
the Working Group would be tasked with taking forward implementation of
subordinate legislation required.
 The scope of the freshwater fisheries management review is yet to be determined,
following an options paper to Ministers.
 Under the revised CFP there would be a multi-annual aquaculture plan. Noted that
this will be a living document which can be reviewed in light of developments from
the National Marine Plan process (and other developments).
9. Marine Scotland Science
Colin Moffat (Presentation)
Colin gave a lively presentation on the work of Marine Scotland Science (MSS) which
highlighted the issues in the Science update in the Communications Paper , referrer to paper
MSF/103/2013 for further information. Colin also discussed the work MSS are doing to
appeal to a wider audience including a web page developed for schools and materials aimed
at a younger audience.
10. Regulatory Reform (Scotland) Bill
Robert Sandeman (SG Justice Directorate)
Robert outlined potential changes to the appeal mechanism for certain Marine Licensing
decisions, the main aim of which was to bring these into line with other planning appeal
processes and avoid unnecessary delays. The proposed changes would entail a statutory
mechanism to appeal direct to the Inner House of the Court of Session within 6 weeks.
Members commented that further discussion would be helpful. It was also felt that delays
often came later in the process and therefore reducing the time to lodge an initial appeal may
not address this issue.
Action 5: Members to contact Robert Sandeman or David Palmer if further discussion
11. Any other business
Anna Donald referred to the paper on the Celtic Seas Partnership which had been tabled.
The Celtic Seas Partnership will contact MSF members in the next few months to ask if they
wish to participate in the project (in particular in October conference or national reference
Philip Robertson, Historic Scotland – drew members’ attention to the on-going
consultation on the merger between Historic Scotland and the Royal Commission on the
Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland.
Action 6: Secretariat to email out link to consultation.
Annie Breaden, The Crown Estates updated members on their work on demonstration
zones for renewable energy. The importance of ensuring alignment with Marine Scotland’s
planning work was noted.
12. Future meetings
Friday 11th October – full day workshop on Summer consultations.
Possible date for the following meeting is Friday 21 February 2014.