KSD Social Studies – Information Literacy Unit (Grade 3) The Parade: Cultural Diversity Date: August 2004 Unit Overview Title The Parade: Cultural Diversity Unit Summary Students research cultures and learn symbols that represent those cultures. Through compare/contrast activities students gain an understanding of people and their diverse cultures. As part of the Storypath The Parade, groups create floats based on these cultures and plan a parade. Students participate in classroom discussions and role-play to help appreciate the similarities and differences among people. Standards Essential Academic Learning Requirements: Reading 3.1.1 Understand how to select and use appropriate resources. Identify two resources and use them to answer a question or solve a problem. 3.4.1 Understand different perspectives of family, friendship, culture, and traditions found in literature. Listen to, read, and discuss a variety of literature representing different perspectives of family, friendship, culture, and tradition, generating a personal and/or text-based response. 3.4.3 Understand a variety of literature representing different cultures and traditions. Discuss the culture and/or traditions described in a piece of literature and explain how they are similar or different from those of the reader. Social Studies Frameworks: WH1.2.1 Describe similarities and differences between families, communities, and cultures past and present; describe similarities and differences in the ways families, communities, and cultures address human needs over time; describe ways in which stories, folktales, and the arts serve as expressions of cultures G3.3.1a Know that people are born into societies that consist of different racial, ethnic, religious, and/or social groups (Location, Region, Place) G3.3.1b Identify the ways cultural traditions are expressed through artistic creations and use of the environment (Five Themes) G3.3.1c Recognize the positive and negative outcomes that can result when people of different cultural backgrounds interact and understand how an awareness of cultural traditions can help in crosscultural communication (Five Themes) C3.2.1a Provide examples of conflict, cooperation, and interdependence among individuals, groups, and nations Social Studies Inquiry and Information Skills: 1.1.1b Identify key works; identify appropriate and varied sources; use basic search skills; use table of contents and indices as social studies reference materials 1.1.1e Locate data into graphic organizers 1.1.1f Create a product that demonstrates understanding of information and responds to central questions; present product to a meaningful audience (The Parade) 2.1.1a Communicate own feelings and beliefs; listen to viewpoints on social studies issues 2.1.1b Identify roles of different members of a group, serve in different roles in a group (The Parade) 3.1.2d Investigate cause and effect relationships and their impact on people, environments, and economic systems 3.1.2f Assume and portray others’ points of view Other: Art (The Parade) KSD Social Studies – Information Literacy Unit (Grade 3) The Parade: Cultural Diversity KSD Curriculum Frameworks (or SLOs): Writing Focus: Research Reports Social Studies Frameworks: A. Cultures In Our Community C. Cultures: Making Global Connections Information Literacy and Technology Literacy Focus (Big 6) Location and Access Students will locate and use appropriate resources available through the school library, the wide area network, and the Internet and will know who to ask for help accessing this information. Use of Information Students will be able to engage with information gathered by connecting and operating the computer technology needed to access information as well as being able to view, download, and open documents and programs from sources. Students will be able to extract, analyze and transfer relevant information from an electronic source to a word processing, publishing, spreadsheet, database, graphic organizer or multimedia program, including citation references. Task Definition: Tasks are pre defined for students Information Seeking Strategies: Web-sites, books, and other sources provided for students Location and Access: Use Pathfinder and organizational tools to find information within sources Use of Information: Read and extract relevant information Synthesis: Organize information and create a product Evaluation: Self-evaluate the product and the learning KSD Technology: Student Tech Standards: Use URLs, bookmarks and/or links to access the Internet. Learning Outcomes Students will also build their vocabulary skills with the use of a word bank. Students will have an understanding of the symbols that represent a culture and the significance of the symbols as they relate to a specific culture. Students will gain an understanding and an appreciation of other cultures. They will also learn that: o Cultures are alike and different. o Culture plays a part in decision-making and human interaction. Essential Question(s) Why is it important to understand how a culture functions? How do people from differing culture groups and ways of life work together to solve problems? Evidence of Learning Documentation of research of cultural symbols Comparisons of cultures Completion of the float with 6 cultural symbols Problem solving through role-playing KSD Social Studies – Information Literacy Unit (Grade 3) The Parade: Cultural Diversity Unit Implementation – Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction Instructor Classroom teacher/ Library Media Specialist Instructional Activities Awareness of what is a parade. Show Parade Video from United Streaming. Time Grouping Scaffolds Assessments 30 min. Whole group Observation and discussion 40 min. Whole group Observation and discussion around Peace Corps culture question form Begin creating word bank. The vocabulary list is broken into two parts. The first part deals with terms used in the cultural research. The second bank of words deals with the parade focus. Suggested extension vocabulary activities. • Alphabetize list • Define words • Use in sentences that show meaning • Write in cursive Suggested literature to support this unit: Classroom teacher/ Library Media Specialist What makes up a culture? Show the Culture: What Is It? United Streaming video. Using the sample brace map for an example, show students examples of the six symbols of a culture. Note that example countries are given for each symbol but are not limited to that country. Math Extension Using the data from “Everyone has a Culture” form, create a graph and find the maximum, minimum, mode, median, and mean. KSD Social Studies – Information Literacy Unit (Grade 3) The Parade: Cultural Diversity Classroom teacher/ Library Media Specialist Big Six Overview Discuss information seeking strategies, location and access. 30 min. Whole group Observation and discussion * Cultures can be assigned or selected based on the number of groups (4 to 8) the teacher wants to work with. These will be the same groups represented in The Parade. Sample Organizer: Classroom teacher/ Library Media Specialist Research Computer lab (2) 40 min. sessions Individual and/or partners Research template presented in previous lesson Observation Review of form Refer to Pathfinder presented in previous lesson Classroom teacher Comparison - Using a graphic organizer students can compare cultures with partners or in jigsaw groups where expert share information. 30 min. Partners or small group Double Bubble or Venn Diagram Observation Review of forms Classroom Teacher Create Parade Up to 17.5 hours dependin g on activities selected. Individual and/or partners Storypath The Parade Refer to Storypath The Parade See pages 2 and 3 for timeline and selection of specific activities in the Storypath The Parade. KSD Social Studies – Information Literacy Unit (Grade 3) The Parade: Cultural Diversity Classroom Teacher Facilitate discussions and role-plays that answer the essential questions. 40 min. Whole class Role-play and questions Observation Classroom Teacher Evaluation and assessment Students fill out rubric by self and with group 30 min. Whole class Student Rubric Student Rubric Accommodation Options ELL / IP Students Pair students, work with IAs for support Highly-Capable Students Extend the requirements to expand information research on cultures. An example would be to select a symbol or symbols and do an activity based on the following. There are 6 activities to choose from on the same document. SchoolKit Edclass Activity #E568 - A Country Snapshot Prerequisite Information/Skills None Materials and Resources Required for Unit Adopted Print Materials: Storypath The Parade Adopted and other Audio/Visual: Video Stream Supplemental Resources (including Internet resources): Encarta, Internet Sites, Library books Supplies: Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed.) Computer(s) VCR Projection System Printer Video Camera Camera Digital Camera Scanner Video Conferencing Television Laserdisc Other Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.) Word FrontPage KidPix Excel Internet Explorer Inspiration/Thinking Maps PowerPoint SchoolKiT Clicker 4 Publisher Encarta Image Blender/Photo Editor eLibrary Elementary eLibrary Proquest United Streaming Video KSD Social Studies – Information Literacy Unit (Grade 3) The Parade: Cultural Diversity Teacher Notes This lesson front-loads the Storypath, The Parade. It Provides information on parades and culture along with references to support The Parade unit. The document “In Support of Exploring Cultures” contains background information on the cultural makeup of Kent and Kent School District. Authors Name Email School Role Marie Moran marie.moran@kent.k12.wa.us Daniel Elementary Library Media Specialist Lori Severeid lori.severeid@kent.k12.wa.us Meadow Ridge Elem. 3rd Grade Teacher