According to the SA Constitution, *the legislative authority of the

Gipty Thomas
Director of Organizational
Week of: Monday July 30, 2012
 I officially started working as the Director of Organizational Development this
week. I met with Gina Gregolunas, the Vice President, to discuss my job
duties and procedures. She filled me in on all the things that Susan Richard
did this past summer, as I will be taking over those duties. This included
things such as how to file paperwork received from organizations, where
paperwork goes to, and planning for the Organizational Expo.
 On July 31st I was asked to be a part of the Homecoming Parade Committee.
The meeting took place in the SA conference room. During this meeting we
discussed updates and changes to the parade compared to the previous
years. This year the parade will take place on the Friday of Homecoming
week at 5:30 PM. It will be followed by a bonfire and the crowning of the
Homecoming King and Queen. The route for the parade has been finalized as
well. The parade will start at the Alumni Association building and end by
Anderson Hall. We also discussed the application fee for entries in the
parade. As a group, we agreed upon the following entry fees: $10 for NIU
entries and $20 for non-NIU entries. The last thing we did was break into
subcommittees, and I was placed into the Recruitment subcommittee. We
will be in charge of the application, marketing, and sign-up for the parade.
 I was caught up to date on the Student Engagement Subgroup by Vice
President Gregolunas. The members of the group looked into benchmarking
ideas from other universities while I was out of town. Some ideas included a
volunteer program, where we could have students help with promoting SA
events, flyering, etc. Another idea that was discussed was a Freshman
Mentoring Program. This would be a program where incoming students
would have a chance to be paired up with leaders on campus and gain
insight on how to get involved on campus while maintaining their academics.
 Gina and I met this week to discuss our Fall schedules. We think that with
us being in the office around the same time it would be beneficial for the
organization meetings to be split between the two of us. We have also
decided that we should plan some office hours for the times the other is not
in, so that one of us is always in office to answer any questions for
 I was asked to contact the following four organizations: Supporting
Opportunities for Latinos, B.R.O.T.H.E.R.S., S.I.S.T.E.R.S., and PRISM.
These organizations were not up to date and in the works of being
suspended. I contacted the respected Advisors of each organization and
asked them to contact the organizations’ presidents to turn in updated
 I met with Advisor, Melissa Williams, to speak about my recent position
change. We talked about the different changes for Susie and myself in office.
She assured me that this position was well suited for me. After speaking
Student Association: Campus Life Building, Suite 180 ~ E-Mail ~ Phone (815) 753-0483 ~ FAX (815) 753-0481
with her I am more excited than before to accomplish all that I can with this
 Learned the filing system Gina has created for SA recognized student
 Edited the Organizational Expo registration packets being sent out to SA
recognized organizations.
SA FORM 2011.3