Global Environment Facility Request for a PDF Block B Grant for the proposed Multi-sectoral Mechanisms and Incentives for Land Management in Bhutan Country and eligibility: Kingdom of Bhutan; ratified the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in 1995, the UN Framework on Climate Change (UNFCC) in 1995, and the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) in 2003. Project: Multi-sectoral Mechanisms and Incentives for Land Management in Bhutan GEF Focal Area: Land degradation and Multi-focal (Biodiversity and Climate Change) Operational Program: Sustainable Land Management—OP 15 Project Cost and Financing: US$ 16.50 million (subject to confirmation during project preparation) GEF Co-financing RGOB Bhutan Trust Fund Other donor contributions Project beneficiaries Sub-total 7.5 0.5 2.0 5.0 1.5 Total Project Cost 9.0 16.5 Project Duration, Estimated Start Date: 6 years, from June 2005 Requesting Agency: World Bank Executing Agency: To be determined by Royal Government of Bhutan PDF Block B Request: US$ 300,000 PDF Co-financing: RGOB: US$ 50,000 IDA: US$100,000 in parallel co-financing Other: Global Mechanism (to be confirmed) Block A Grant Awarded? No 1. Background and Context The kingdom of Bhutan (38,394 km2 with an estimated population of 800,000 in 2002) represents a key environmental asset in the ecologically-sensitive Eastern Himalayan ecological region. Bhutan’s elevation varies from 150 meters to peaks of 7,500 meters within a north-south distance of just 150 km, and the resulting climatic and geographic diversity has yielded an “outstanding range of biodiversity and ecosystems” (WWF). This biological significance includes over 3,200 plant species per 10,000 km2 (Royal Government of Bhutan, Planning Commission, 2002) and important populations of endangered mammals, birds and plants (BIMS). With threats to the Himalayan ecosystems becoming critical, the global value of Bhutan’s relatively intact landscapes within this larger ecological system increases. Bhutan’s record of good governance and long-standing commitment to environmental sustainability are also widely recognized. Since 1974, the country’s forest policy has operated under a royal mandate that at least 60% of Bhutanese territory must remain forested in perpetuity, commercial logging was nationalized in 1978 in response to concerns about over-exploitation and the timber industry remains tightly regulated. Bhutan established the world’s first environmental trust fund in 1991, capitalized with a US$ 1 million WWF grant and supplemented by an endowment of $10 million from the GEF Pilot Phase in 1992 (Namgyel, 2001; GEF, 1998). The Bhutan Trust Fund (BTF) for Environmental Conservation has become an important global model for sustainable conservation financing; its assets reached $36 million before the global financial market downturn beginning in 2001 (BTF, 2002). One-quarter of the country’s area has been set aside for protected areas (though not all sites have yet come under management plans) and a recent “Gift to the Earth” has offered another 9% for wildlife corridors to prevent habitat fragmentation. Notwithstanding its focus on environmental sustainability, Bhutan is facing “emerging ecological pressures from rapid urbanization and development,” which pose an increasingly severe threat to the natural environment and which is not adequately addressed by present approaches and institutions (Kinzang Dorji, 2002). Population density per sq. km of arable land has reached 520, nearly equal to the level found in South Asia as a whole, more than one-third higher than Sub-Saharan Africa, and double the level of Latin America and the Caribbean (World Bank, 2002; see table below). Table1. Population per km2 of arable land South Asia 542 Bhutan 520 Sub-Saharan Africa 377 Latin America & Caribbean 252 Source: World Bank, 2002. Bhutan’s urban growth rate of 6.7% has had to be accommodated on forested slopes, scarce agricultural land, and wetlands. With arable land being less than 8% of its land area, agriculture is faced with limited productive land to help feed a growing population. In the south-western foothills, for instance, local population densities “are approaching an upper limit” and sustainable livelihood is a concern, given “present production methods which are unlikely to change in the near future” (BIMS, Bhutan Country Report). 2 Development needs pose difficult challenges for Bhutan in terms of the trade-offs that RGOB must balance in order to sustain its long-standing environmental commitments while also meeting the human needs for livelihood and development. Urban housing is expanding onto prime agricultural land while access roads vie for space in the narrow valleys and adjacent slopes where most settlements are situated. In forested areas, herders have traditional rights of passage, while roads and transmission lines cut swaths to reach townships and remote communities as part of RGOB’s pro-poor policy which gives high priority to expanding access and services for the population in remote areas. Erosion is increasingly evident as farming and horticulture, as well as urban and industrial needs exhaust flat land areas and shift onto steeper slopes. This is exacerbated by deforestation on steep slopes, geologically unstable soils and intense monsoon rains. Land degradation is showing measurable impacts, with 10% of agricultural land now affected by water erosion (UNEP, 2001), urban settlements like Pemagatshel are slipping down the unstable slopes on which they were sited, rural households in Trashigang Dzongkhag have had to be relocated to safer areas following landslides and ravine formation (see a fuller discussion in the Appendix), local and seasonal water shortages are becoming more frequent and there is evidence of increasing sediment loads in Bhutan’s extensive river system (National Planning Commission, 2002). The latter is a threat to the rapidly-growing hydropower industry, which needs reliable water supply to sustain much-needed revenue that currently underwrites some 40% of Bhutan’s development budget. Existing agencies (and donor instruments) tend to be channeled along traditional sectoral lines—agriculture, forestry and water resources are treated separately from other land uses such as infrastructure development—and these are proving to be ineffective in addressing the nexus of inter-related land use pressures threatening fragile upland ecosystems. While this tendency is present in many other countries, in Bhutan the consequences of inappropriate land-use can be unusually rapid and severe, threatening ecosystem stability through the operation of relatively simple triggering events (one recent study noted a massive landslide which was apparently triggered by a single leaking village standpipe; see Norbu et al. 2003; another report mentions gullies caused by construction of local soccer fields—see MOA/CBNRM 2002). Little is presently known about the specific ecological functions and services being degraded by these trends, though it is known that the loss of vegetative cover has both biodiversity and carbon emission implications; moreover, the disturbance of geologically unstable slopes often results in disproportionately extensive and cascading impacts. These impacts are primarily felt by rural households, whose homes and livelihoods are frequently disrupted by landslides, and who face declining crop yields in areas affected by loss of soil nutrients and organic matter, damage to irrigation systems, waterlogging of soils, gully formation, and riverbank erosion. Basin irrigated rice (“chhushing”) and short-fallow cropping systems are especially prone to depletion of soil nutrients and reduced soil biodiversity; waterlogging of soils is common in areas crossed by logging roads; wind erosion reduces crop yields and vegetation cover in valleys such as Wangdi; and cultivated lands are vulnerable to rill erosion during heavy pre-monsoon rains. In southern Bhutan, landslips and landslides are common, and can be triggered by even small seismic tremors, while the clay-rich soils of eastern Bhutan and areas such as Punakha and Lobeysa are highly vulnerable to gully and sheet erosion. Finally, many of 3 the country’s most productive agricultural areas are concentrated along valley bottoms, where they are vulnerable to riverbank erosion, flooding, and deposition of silt and debris carried by flooding, see table in Appendix 2 (Norbu et al, 2002). These problems are especially serious in remote and isolated communities where food security is uncertain and where subsistance livelihoods provide very little margin for coping with natural disasters or crop failures. One-third of Bhutanese villages (“geogs”) are not connected to feeder roads, and the same proportion face food insecurity, according to the 2000 Poverty Assessment and Analysis Report. The current sector-oriented institutional framework, which in other respects has made significant achievements in Bhutan, is not able to provide effective cross-sectoral accountability and incentive mechanisms which can mitigate these landscape degradation pressures. Bhutan and its development partners have invested substantial resources in sector-based projects in forest management during the late 1980s and 1990s, and in recent years have also launched several new watershed management initiatives (such as the 9 million Euro Wang Watershed Management Project in central Bhutan, financed from 2000-2004 by the EC). New institutional mechanisms and incentives are needed which can more effectively function across the various sectors with impacts on land-use and land cover, and help to better operationalize the country’s existing policies on sustainable development. 2. Project Summary 2.1. Objectives The project will promote innovative technical and institutional mechanisms to enhance sustainable land management practices with local, regional and global environmental benefits. By so doing, the project will promote and enhance synergies between the Convention to Combat Desertification, the Framework Convention on Climate Change, and the Convention on Conservation of Biological Diversity. The project will test and demonstrate technical innovations which reduce land degradation and related downstream impacts such as water erosion, focus land-use planning on long-term maintenance of ecosystem functions and services, and develop cross-sectoral mechanisms for landscape monitoring and management in collaboration with local resource users and stakeholders. 2.2. Project Components, Activities and Outputs Component 1: An improved policy and planning framework for sustainable land management (estimated cost: $0.50 million) In recent years, RGOB has been moving toward a policy framework which requires that environmental management costs be taken into account in planning for expansion of infrastructure and other development investments. However, planning is still sectorallybased and projects are still costed using conventional valuation techniques. While the benefits of development projects are well described, the costs and risks are less well documented. Thus, for example, hydro-power plants which rely on and benefit from wellmanaged ecosystems upstream are not required to factor in (or help defray) the costs borne by local inhabitants who use, manage and protect the resources upstream of the hydro-power plants. Nor are proposals for works such as construction of roads, power 4 lines and urban centers (which have significantly increased land degradation) required to fully take into account the risks and costs of environmental damage that they potentially incur, and who such damage affect. Documenting the impact of development on local livelihoods and sustainability (establishing measurable indicators, baseline, targets and benchmarks) will be essential to help inform and influence government planning processes as well as policies for rebalancing and redressal (through support for mitigating or remedial measures). An improved policy and planning framework would be one within which RGOB line agencies, local governments and residents in targeted areas can work together to jointly assess and decide on planned developments in those localities. They would take into account overall costs and benefits, environmental risks and expected impacts and tradeoffs, with the aim of ensuring that the aggregate outcomes of the proposed land-use developments result in positive outcomes for local residents and other affected parties and long-term sustainable development outcomes for the ecosystem. The project is expected to help RGOB develop alternative accounting mechanisms to quantify and identify trade-offs among proposed investments and alternative development scenarios, and guide planning and decision-making. Given the policy to enlist broad-based stakeholder participation at the Dzongkhag (district) and Geog (village) levels, it is expected that the project will support the reappraisal and potential realignment of public sector roles in planning and implementation, including the creation of opportunities for public-private and other local partnerships appropriate to the Bhutanese context. Component 2: Integrated landscape management pilots (estimated cost: $10.0 million) This component will pilot and demonstrate integrated landscape management approaches in selected sites, to help government and other stakeholders address issues of competing demands on the land resource, assess its carrying capacity and articulate a plan for its rational allocation and management. It will also test the application of alternative accounting mechanisms to help pinpoint where costs of development works are incurred and where support might be needed to defray costs and invest in mitigating measures. Local inhabitants will be enlisted and their efforts coordinated as inputs into the environmental protection of critical watersheds, and for implementing sustainable land management practices and options. These efforts and their effects will be documented in terms of how effectively they help to counteract issues such as deforestation, land degradation, soil erosion, and sedimentation of Bhutanese rivers. The lessons learnt will inform and actively influence national and local level planning and implementation of development programs. Three case studies described in the Appendix to this Project Concept Document illustrate the range of technical issues and project interventions that this component could address. These issues relate to the need to balance the use of land and forest resources for human settlement and activity on a geologically unstable and fragile landscape, and the often competing demands of agriculture (increasingly practiced on steeper slopes, shifting cultivation, mono-cropping of cash crops); animal husbandry (unmanaged grazing and seasonal migration); forest usage (extraction practices, high levels of consumption of fuel-wood and timber for construction); and competing needs for land (for forest protection, biodiversity conservation, urban settlements, infrastructure and industrial development). 5 One of these case study documents how unsustainable land use on geologically unstable sites resulted in gully formation and landslides which required that two-thirds of the households be relocated to safer areas. Another case study describes the difficulty of maintaining pristine forest cover in areas where the forestry mandate has to contend with other forest users who have as much right of use and access (e.g. suppliers of fuel-wood and construction timber, livestock herders, collectors of non-timber forest products, etc). Where (sectoral) mandates and objectives are in conflict, the socio-economic costs and benefits of each competing use and suggested solutions needs to be properly assessed. The multiple demands on the same finite and fragile natural resource base has to be recognized and sustainable options for optimizing land-use allocation need to be arrived at. Left unmanaged, landscape and watershed deterioration will accelerate, with serious long-term implications for conservation and biodiversity, cost to human livelihood and returns on investments, as well as downstream effects and other externalities. Component 3: Institution-strengthening and capacity-building (estimated cost: $6.0 million) This component will support decentralized environmental management and strengthen the technical capacity of Bhutanese institutions to identify and address landscape degradation trends and improve cross-sectoral mechanisms for ecosystem management, including financing, incentive systems and regulatory arrangements. The component will play a key role in supporting RGOB’s decentralization agenda by helping to clarify technical and institutional needs, accountability systems, training requirements and other mechanisms to ensure the early and full participation of local governments and other stakeholders at the local level in planning and implementation. 3. Project Outputs and Rationale 3.1. Project Outputs The project outputs, to be refined during project preparation, would include: Output 1. Allocation of project resources to institutions and communities participating in eligible pilot land and watershed policy, planning and management activities under the Project. Output 2. Harmonization of planning procedures and an active interface among line agencies (responsible for agriculture, forestry, local governments, urban settlements, power, roads and other infrastructure, etc.) to improve cross-sectoral review of proposed investments and selection of environmentally-friendly alternatives. Output 3. Inclusion of local governments and other stakeholders (private sector, local residents) in decentralized natural resource planning and management, including their access to information on proposed projects and full participation in the environmental review process. Output 4. Setting up of an environmental information and monitoring system (which specifies measurable indicators, risks, baseline information, intermediate targets and a 6 timeframe for implementation and experimentation), monitoring and dissemination of relevant information in a timely manner to all stakeholders as part of an informationeducation-communications program. Output 5. Identification of hazard-prone and environmentally-risky areas and alternative sites that are more suitable for proposed development investments, as well as identification and management of risks of planned and unplanned development. Output 6. Assessment, identification and promotion of sustainable land management options and technologies through local practice, adaptation, experimentation and dissemination. 3.2. Project Rationale The environmental agenda in Bhutan focuses on forest and biodiversity conservation, initially through the development of an extensive protected area system, with excellent representation of habitat types and a long-term mechanism for financing biodiversity initiatives through the Bhutan Trust Fund (BTF) and other resources. To implement the country’s commitment to maintaining the mandated forest cover, much effort was also invested in strengthening the policy framework and technical capacity for management of forest areas. Commercial logging operations are strictly limited to sites with approved management plans and harvesting is done using cable cranes to minimize soil compaction and damage to natural regeneration. These measures provide important local and external environmental benefits and add significant costs to Bhutanese forestry operations which are neither compensated for domestically nor under present international environmental governance. During the preparation of the 9th Five Year Plan (2002-2007), however, the Royal Government of Bhutan (RGOB) recognized that more systematic attention needs to be given to the cumulative ecological effects of urbanization, industrial investment and infrastructure development in both urban and rural areas. While the economic growth rates of 7-8% p.a. over two decades have depended largely on infrastructure development, urban and industrial growth, these same activities either compete for scarce flat and stable land needed for agriculture, or spread into the forested slopes, wetlands and areas of importance for biodiversity that the forestry sector is charged with maintaining. It is increasingly evident that sectoral mandates no longer have the luxury of being practised in isolation and need to be reevaluated in the light of the cumulative effects of multi-sectoral initiatives taking place on the same parcel of land. RGOB’s ambitious decentralization agenda adds another dimension to environmental policy and planning processes in Bhutan. Legislation passed in 2002 vests political and financial authority in dzongkhag and geog administration. Geogs now have the authority to implement regulations and other measures in their localities which relate to the safe disposal of waste, the control and prevention of air, soil and water pollution, the protection and harvesting of edible forest products and the depredation of crops by livestock and wildlife (under the Forest and Nature Conservation Act, 1995). As part of the 9th Plan process, each geog has drafted an initial micro-level environmental plan of action for its locality. These plans provide a significant opportunity for influencing the direction and shape of important local level initiatives which have a strong political 7 mandate and which are able to mobilize local resources and citizen participation. The process having just started, these plans can significantly benefit from timely technical assistance and guidance in their formulation before they become fully operational. RGOB seeks such assistance through the proposed project which aims to address land and watershed degradation issues through multi-sectoral planning and implementation with strong local participation. 3.3. Strategic Choices and Implementation Modalities During the PDF phase, project implementation modalities will need to be carefully assessed, as there are several options available. One central element concerns the likely role of the BTF, a success story of the GEF pilot phase with strong support from international conservation groups. The RGOB sees such endowments as a highly positive development, as they provide a sustainable mechanism for financing a variety of development initiatives, and shift selected responsibilities away from reliance upon the civil service. Following the example of the BTF, other trust funds have been established in areas such as cultural preservation, and health care financing, and are becoming a significant new presence in the institutional landscape of a country which still has few NGOs and a nascent civil society. To the extent that the proposed GEF operation is implemented through small or mediumscale grants for testing and demonstrating improved land and watershed management, especially where these have direct benefits for biodiversity and ecosystem conservation, the BTF could be an appropriate partner for such activity. A significant proportion of Bhutan’s contribution to the project could be represented by BTF co-financing for eligible biodiversity activities, through the substantial endowment which it manages for this purpose (whose assets stood at some $28 million as of the end of 2002). The royal charter of the BTF makes provision for financing “projects integrating conservation and development,” “diverse ecosystems,” and “biodiversity and environment related activities,” thus most of the activities likely to be supported by the proposed GEF operation would probably fall within the existing mandate and would not require formal revision. On the other hand, the environmental challenges facing Bhutan require broad-based multi-sectoral interventions. At issue is the demarcation of project responsibilities vis-àvis line ministries and other agencies, especially those not historically associated with environmental projects although their operations have significant impacts on land-use change in Bhutan (power, roads, telecommunications). It is not clear how the BTF could play a coordinating or administrative role with respect to line ministries and agencies whose activities are directly related to the watershed and land management issues to be addressed by the GEF project. Within Bhutan, the BTF operates essentially as a donor agency, and has no mandate over line agencies of the government. The National Environment Commission has relevant administrative authority and a crosscutting mandate; however, NEC policy calls for a restricted role for itself in direct project implementation and management, instead focusing on refining the policy and legal framework, preparing key sectoral master plans and environmental standards, and developing partnerships with civil society and the private sector to take greater responsibility for strengthening environmental management. The other agency with a 8 clear cross-cutting role and overview function is the Planning Commission, which has recently been moved into the Ministry of Finance. The Ministry of Agriculture is likely to take a central role in the implementation of the GEF project, as its mandate already covers several of the domains to be addressed (forestry, agriculture and livestock, nature conservation). MOA is also experienced as a project partner of both the GEF and the World Bank. MOA has also been playing an intellectual leadership role in initiating the policy dialogue within the RGOB on issues such as the concept of “plowback” of power sector revenues to ensure sustainable watershed management. Implementation at the local level will be coordinated through the dzongkhag and geog administrative units, whose technical and administrative capacities will need to be strengthened. Project preparation will focus on identification of pilot locations based on the receptivity of these local institutions and stakeholders, as well as technical eligibility criteria: land and watershed pressures, prospects for implementing technical options for improved management, and prospects for sustainability and replication. 4. Country Ownership 4.1. Country Eligibility Bhutan ratified the Convention to Combat Desertification in 2003 and the Conventions on Biological Diversity and Climate Change in 1995. The proposed project is consistent with GEF’s Operational Program 15 for Sustainable Land Management, and reflects the GEF focal area of land degradation and multi-focal areas. OP 15 provides a very appropriate opportunity for Bhutan to seek GEF support to help address issues of land degradation, which cut across sectors and administrative boundaries and have local, national, regional and global environmental implications. The proposal would also have positive implications for other GEF operational areas: OP 4 (Mountain Ecosystems), OP 9 (Integrated Land and Water) and OP 12 (Integrated Ecosystem Management). This proposal requests GEF assistance to support efforts at improved land management in Bhutan and to ensure the best possible combination of conservation and watershed protection objectives with Bhutan’s development priorities. This will be the first project of its kind in the South Asia Region and could provide useful lessons for replication in neighboring countries and beyond. 4.2. Country “Drivenness” RGOB’s request for GEF assistance builds upon the success of the BTF as a vehicle for addressing the conservation of biodiversity. The request seeks to extend that capacity to address cross-sectoral environmental issues, following the RGOB’s decision that regulation by the National Environment Commission (NEC) would be limited, and that RGOB would instead seek to build “frontline” awareness and technical capacity within civil society, the private sector and the line agencies of government whose work have direct environmental impact. The proposal also reflects the RGOB’s intellectual leadership in highlighting the need to take a more holistic view of the environment, going beyond conservation of biodiversity in parks and reserves, and challenging its 9 development partners to move beyond the conventional classifications of “green” and “brown” environmental agendas managed in isolation from one another. In 2002 the RGOB appointed a National Inter-Agency Task Force (NIATF) which reported to the Prime Minister (then concurrently the Minister of Agriculture) to work with the World Bank to assess environmental concerns and explore funding mechanisms. Among the ideas discussed have been a variety of cross-sectoral land and watershed management initiatives and early ideas about how to internalize the goods and services represented by ecosystem functions, such as clean and reliable water on which the hydropower utilities depend. Bhutan has a track record of solid governance and political will to stay the course through difficult development challenges, and has been an “early adopter” of innovative approaches to environmental stewardship. These are strongly positive factors which make Bhutan a good candidate for GEF support in this new operational area of sustainable land management. 5. Program and Policy Conformity 5.1. Conformity with GEF OP and Strategic Priorities The RGOB has undertaken initiatives in line with the Conventions on Climate Change and Biological Diversity, such as a workshop organized in 2002 to explore new mechanisms such as the Prototype Carbon Fund. However, the scope for global carbon sequestration faces major limitations in view of the very small geographic area of Bhutan which implies relatively high transaction costs per ton of carbon sequestered Bhutan’s high commitment to biodiversity is indicated by its protected area system, with more than 25% of the country’s land area set aside in national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and strict nature reserves. A recent “Gift to the Earth” adds another 9% of the land area which is proposed as corridors for wildlife migration. The establishment and operating costs of Bhutan’s protected areas are increasingly provided through the Bhutan Trust Fund., which was established specifically for this purpose. Following GEF Council approval of OP 15 in May 2003, BTF and the NIATF convened a technical workshop with assistance from a World Bank mission, to review the scope and objectives of the new operational program, and to explore eligible activities that could help achieve the RGOB’s goal of addressing multiple sources of land degradation pressure, whose cumulative impact threatens sustainable development prospects. These discussions resulted in the present project proposal which represents an innovative way of addressing multi-focal environmental issues and are best addressed through an explicit mechanism such as OP 15. The project will also have benefits at the regional level, through long-term improvement of management of Bhutanese watersheds which play a critical role in regulating flow into the river system of the eastern Himalayas. This heavily-populated region is directly dependent on the health of this river system, and is highly vulnerable to events such as floods to which upstream land-cover and land-use changes are an important contributing factor. 5.2. Project Incrementality, Baseline and Alternative Scenarios 10 The baseline scenario includes continuation of sectoral projects focused on improving agricultural productivity, management of natural forests and protected areas, and recent initiatives for watershed management. These actions can be expected to produce gradual site-specific improvements in targeted areas, though sustainability and prospects for replication may be problematic following completion of donor-financed project activities. The RGOB has also begun strengthening the policy framework for community-based natural resources management, to shift the context of natural resource use from “open access” regimes and inappropriate top-down regulation by government in favor of a more participatory process which gives local stakeholders greater say in decisions over local resource use (MOA 2002). This model may bring about useful benefits with respect to controlling the over-harvest of non-timber forest products as well as fuelwood collection, and also offers important potential to limit the impacts of inappropriate grazing and burning practices. The model also has important synergies with the broader decentralization agenda of the RGOB, which helps to assure the high-level political support and commitment which experience has shown are essential prerequisites for bringing about real changes in natural resource management. However, up to now these initiatives have not given attention to the ecosystem functions and services which are being affected by changes in land-use and land cover. Thus, while maintaining tree cover, or reducing flood risks, are clearly objectives which would be addressed within existing sectoral approaches, their underlying ecological aspects may well be overlooked except in the context of formally designated protected areas. Little attention is given to factors such as changes in levels of vegetative and soil carbon, ecosystem diversity and resilience beyond parks and reserves, or the loss of native species due to changes in farming systems. What role these play in maintaining ecological stability in a geologically unstable region is unknown, as are the potential effects of climate change trends in a country whose impressive biodiversity is in large part a function of rapid altitudinal gradients concentrated within a very narrow latitudinal range (~150km from north to south). Without the proposed project the following would occur: Land use would continue to be fragmented and possibly unsustainable under existing, sectorally-oriented and uncoordinated land use and management regimes; The potential benefits from alternative land management approaches would remain unrecognized, and would deprive local communities of important opportunities for developing more productive and sustainable livelihoods; Over-exploitation of forestry resources for construction and energy would continue to degrade land and compromise future hydropower development, which will have a potentially severe impact on the economy of the country as a whole; Biodiversity conservation would be limited to maintaining the protected areas system, with insufficient attention being paid to important ecosystems outside the parks and reserves and the interaction between these ecological systems; and Bhutan could forego an important opportunity to integrate appropriate measures within a framework to incorporate local communities into sustainable natural resource management systems. The GEF scenario will enable the RGOB and its partners to focus explicitly on the ecological aspects of landscape degradation, identifying such indirect or underlying 11 factors and designing mitigation measures which focus on enhancing the global environmental benefits of landscape management. The GEF-supported incremental actions would enable the RGOB to better monitor the overall health of ecosystems which are coming under increasing stress, and to assess the impacts of site-specific problems such as land clearing and erosion in their broader ecological context. Rather than focusing on restoration of a small number of degraded sites so that land can be returned to productive local uses, the GEF project would take the entire country as a case of a threatened ecological system, and test carefully-selected techniques and institutional mechanisms offering multiple environmental benefits (carbon sequestration, biological richness, ecosystem diversity, maintenance of hydrological cycle, etc.). GEF assistance would help capture the 'bigger picture" by implementing an ecosystemwide management approach to deal with the issue of unsustainable land use and management. Under the baseline scenario, current trends in land degradation and loss are expected to continue or worsen in many areas of Bhutan. Information would be inadequate on the economic possibilities related to a range of sustainable natural resource based activities. The RGOB lacks the technical and financial resources to promote the implementation of appropriate and sustainable land management approaches in the country and help facilitate small farmers and other local resource users to benefit from improved land management techniques. With the proposed GEF funding, it would be possible for the RGOB to take much more proactive measures to address these issues in an integrated way, identify promising technical and institutional innovations based on international best practice, conduct pilot tests of those most appropriate to the Bhutanese context, and promote those practices with demonstrated success in combining sustainable development and conservation. As part of this, during project preparation, concepts will be explored such as (i) establishing corporate and social responsibility of revenue-generating entities that rely upon environmental services (hitherto treated as “free” public goods), and related to this, (ii) the principle of internalizing costs associated with maintaining environmental services as an essential input into sustainable use and development. An example of this is the idea of possibly earmarking a portion of the substantial development budget currently contributed by the power sector to support specified watershed maintenance activities. Such activities would help to ensure watershed protection and maintain the quality and volume of water, which in turn is vital to the long-term sustainability of hydropower plants. 5.3. Sustainability, Replicability and Stakeholder Involvement The RGOB proposes to engage local governments in mobilizing communities and to convince local resource users and stakeholders of how they will benefit from adopting improved land and watershed management practices. Building these factors into the project design from the outset will be essential, thus the PDF activities will include institutional assessment of the development committees at geog and dzongkhag levels, and a series of local-level workshops to assess stakeholder interest in participation and to ensure that local perspectives are adequately reflected in the final project design. The RGOB is improving the policy framework for community-based natural resource management (CBNRM), and various kinds of resource-user groups are now being given increased scope for setting harvest limits and access conditions (lemongrass and 12 mushroom harvesting, grazing, fodder and fuelwood collection, etc.). This positive development will be reinforced in critical ways by the GEF project, which will help the RGOB and local resource managers to better understand the specific ecological consequences of various resource management regimes. It will also help to integrate a wider range of stakeholders and decision-makers into critical decisions than is presently possible through the traditional sectoral lines of responsibility, which treat complex landmanagement issues as either “agricultural,” “forestry,” “water resources,” or “infrastructure,” thereby failing to take account of parallel activities and decisions or indirect effects which may undermine the objective being sought. A detailed stakeholder assessment will be carried out during project preparation. In addition to local resource users and communties, stakeholders would include geog and dzongkhag administrations, field-based staff of line agencies such as forestry, agriculture, and nature conservation, as well as other sectors whose operations have impacts on landuse, such as power, roads, and irrigation. The mechanisms to be developed in the GEF project for convening the full range of land-related stakeholders—which presently do not exist—will become one of the major elements of the long-term strategy for replication of project achievements and benefits. Similarly, the incentive mechanisms demonstrated by the project, which may include elements such as compensation for maintenance of ecosystem functions, will also be important components of the strategy for replication and sustainability. Decision will need to be made during preparation concerning options for small credit, local revolving funds, etc., and among the criteria to be used in this decision will be the likely sustainability and replication potential of such mechanisms. Other countries with geologically-fragile upland ecosystems under pressure from competing land-uses could also benefit from lessons to be learned from the GEF land management project in Bhutan. Although some of the institutional aspects of this operation will be specific to the unique Bhutanese cultural and social context, useful lessons could usefully be drawn from the Bhutanese experience. 5.4. Monitoring and Evaluation It is also proposed that project outputs and outcomes be spelled-out from the outset of project design and that monitoring indicators and baseline information, at least for initial project sites, be already established during the project preparation period. A monitoring and evaluation framework also requires that targets, timeframes and intermediate benchmark indicators be established as part of project preparation. The specific set of indicators selected for any given project site will reflect the land degradation issue(s) being addressed in that particular situation, and will track biophysical changes which can be plausibly related to project-level interventions. It will be important during preparation to establish the feasibility and cost implications associated with proposed indicators, as data collection may be costly and time consuming, especially in remote sites. In some cases it will also be difficult to differentiate project effects from background “noise” such as normal variations in rainfall patterns and consequent changes in river discharge. One of the incremental benefits of the GEF involvement relates to taking a more comprehensive view of ecological impacts of landscape change, which means that baseline assessments and subsequent monitoring need to focus on factors which would not normally be picked-up in the course of conventional development investments 13 (biomass and soil carbon trends, for ex., or diversity of local plant communities). Because OP15 also emphasizes the importance of linkages of landscape management with sustainable livelihoods, the M&E framework will also include indicators directly relevant to local socioeconomic considerations, such as crop yields and soil fertility. While these dimensions are not mutually exclusive (biomass levels would be expected to be closely associated with soil fertility, for ex.), the project M&E system will need to take account of both baseline aspects as well as the specific global environmental benefits being financed by the GEF grant. Thus a key output of the design phase will be careful attention to developing a cost-effective M&E framework which can answer both sets of questions without consuming a disproportionate share of project financial and human resources. 6. Financing Modality and Cost-Effectiveness 6.1. Project Preparation The RGOB proposes that project preparation be financed by a GEF grant of $300,000 together with an RGOB contribution in-kind of $50,000. The RGOB has also requested support from the Global Mechanism of the Convention to Combat Desertification. Project preparation funds will be spent on the PDF activities described in section 7 below. The World Bank has committed $100,000 in parallel co-financing which will contribute directly to the preparation of this operation (see Table 2). 6.2. Project Funding A tentative proposal at this time is for GEF funding of $7.5 million, and co-financing by the RGOB, bilateral donors, the Global Mechanism, local stakeholders and beneficiaries amounting to another $9 million. These amounts will be finalized during project preparation. Project funds will flow through the MOF to the implementing agencies (to be determined during project preparation) who will be responsible for delivering and reporting on the sub-projects approved under the Project Implementation Plan. The project will add value to RGOB’s conservation efforts to date, to what has been achieved under GEF’s previous support to Bhutan for BTF and other initiatives (see sections 6.2 to 6.4 below). 7. Institutional Coordination and Support 7.1. Core commitments and linkages The RGOB is committed to providing a high-level interface within its main agencies which are responsible for sustainable land management. These main agencies are (a) the Ministry of Finance which now includes the National Planning Commission, (b) the NEC which has overview and regulatory functions in environmental matters, and (c) the Ministry of Agriculture which has responsibility for maintaining the healthy development of Bhutan’s land and renewable natural resources. The BTF, while not an RGOB agency per se, has an important role in financing environmental conservation measures related to biodiversity and ecosystem diversity, and is therefore another player. At the local level, the RGOB intends to focus implementation 14 through local administrative units already described above (see section 3.2). These local administrations will coordinate the activities of local stakeholders and residents to complete the implementation chain down to the grassroots level. Modalities for project coordination between the various agencies and partners will be finalized during the PDF process. There is high-level political commitment to the proposal, as well as priority to ensure an efficient and cost-effective management structure, minimizing the need for expanded bureaucracies which would be difficult to sustain after completion of the donor-financed phase of operations. 7.2. Conformity with Bank Strategy The World Bank Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) for Bhutan, approved in February 2000, emphasizes the transfer of knowledge and strengthening of donor coordination, with lending taking a subsidiary role. The CAS acknowledges the RGOB’s preference for grant assistance, and anticipates that IDA lending will continue to play a modest role in areas of special need. The CAS also notes that IDA will “continue to explore knowledgeintensive and innovative opportunities” for financing high-value added investments consistent with Bhutan’s development vision. The CAS identifies six major environmental priorities for the RGOB: (i) Forest regeneration and biodiversity; (ii) Conservation and development; (iii) Greening of the National Accounts; (iv) Institutionalize capacities for Environment Impact Assessment; (v) Watershed management; and (vi) Environmental legislation. The present proposal is consistent with the CAS strategy of selectively supporting opportunities reflecting high RGOB priority, building on existing partnerships, and enabling knowledge transfer and innovation. More specifically, the GEF project will help to integrate the individual environmental priorities listed in the CAS, to enhance the impact and sustainability of initiatives which otherwise are being addressed in isolation. 7.3. Linkages with other Donor Activity The proposed GEF project will enhance and reinforce other donor activity including forest resources and land-use planning, and watershed management financed by Switzerland, Germany, the European Commission and IDA. The proposed project will also strengthen the assistance of the Netherlands (SNV) and Denmark in a governance project to strengthen geogs. It will also complement UNDP’s support to Bhutan in a number of biodiversity conservation efforts related to wildlife protection and nature conservation. The proposed project will be developed concurrently with a project on Rural Development and Decentralization which the RGOB has proposed for IDA assistance. 7.4. Other GEF Programs in Bhutan Other GEF programs in Bhutan include: A UNDP project on “Linking and Enhancing Protected Areas in the Temperate Broadleafed Ecoregion of Bhutan” The “Bhutan National Greenhouse Gas Project” “Sustainable Mini/Micro Hydropower Development for Rural Electrification” 15 “National Capacity Self-Assessment for Global Environmental Management” a GEF Small Grants Program. 7.5. Consultation, Coordination and Collaboration with the Client The World Bank has worked closely with the NIATF (see section 5.1), and organized a planning workshop in Thimphu in August 2003 to define the scope of the present project proposal. The workshop reviewed suggestions from MOF, sectoral agencies (NEC, Education, Works and Human Settlements, Trade and Industry, Forestry) as well as the BTF and the Royal Society for the Preservation of Nature (RSPN). Additional discussions were held with the Ministers of Finance, Home Affairs, and Agriculture, as well as with donors including the Swiss (Helvetas) and UNDP in Thimphu. This project proposal was jointly developed by the NIATF and the World Bank. 8. Output of PDF Activities PDF resources will be used to help define the new institutional and implementation arrangements needed to mainstream this new approach toward environmental management through a project proposed for GEF and other support. PDF support will also help to complement and accelerate the preparation of the National Action Program (NAP) of Bhutan under the Convention to Combat Desertification (CCD) at the national level. Activities proposed during project preparation include: Activity 1: Policy, Institutional and Stakeholder Analysis This activity will examine the present policy and institutional framework relevant to improved environmental planning and management in Bhutan, review the role of local government authorities, private sector and local inhabitants who have a stake in the environmentally sustainable outcomes on the ground, and suggest how they may be coordinated to implement the proposed project components. (Estimated budget: $30,000). Activity 2: Development of Technical Criteria for Project Site Selection This activity will assess relevant work done by various departments and technical agencies (Geology and Mines, Survey, Soil Services Center, Land Use Planning, etc) to define criteria of land suitability for different development programs, and start the groundwork for development of hazard zoning and land suitability maps, based on data on watershed conditions, boundaries of existing reserves and wildlife corridors, existing and proposed hydropower sites, carrying capacity of the land and water resources, etc. This information, even if semi-detailed, will help to establish the technical basis for project site selection. (Estimated budget: $70,000). Activity 3: Project Preparation Workshops A series of project preparation workshops are anticipated, starting with detailed work among agencies to define issues, constraints and suggested activities on land degradation (see Appendix for three examples of activities), and rapidly expanding to include local 16 government (Dzongkhag and Geog) officials, local inhabitants and other stakeholders. Site visits will be included. As they become available, the outputs from Activities 1 and 2 will be used as inputs into these workshops. The format of the workshops will be participatory and interactive and follow that used in the August 2003 joint workshop between RGOB, BTF and IDA. Technical advisors fielded under PDF resources and/or by IDA will help to review knowledge and international best practice on topics such as technical criteria for determining land suitability for development projects in similar terrain, risk assessment and mitigation under similar circumstances, alternative accounting and costing mechanisms to value environmental costs, international experience on incentives for eliciting stakeholder participation and managing the ecosystem for environmental sustainability. Outputs from the workshops include: (a) consensus-building among workshop participants on new institutional arrangements to be piloted and field-tested in Bhutan to build sustainable approaches towards managing and reversing land degradation; (b) a detailed project proposal, including financing plan and a project implementation plan. (Estimated budget: $25,000). Activity 4: Development of Monitoring and Evaluation Framework This activity includes reviewing NEC’s (DANIDA-supported) Environmental Information Management System to see if and how it could be expanded to support the creation of a monitoring and evaluation framework for the proposed project, or where else such a framework can best be lodged. Details of such a framework will be defined during project preparation and implemented under the proposed project. Outputs of this activity include specification of measurable indicators, baseline information, intermediate targets, risks and a timeframe for implementation and experimentation, monitoring and dissemination of relevant information in a timely manner to all stakeholders as part of an information-education-communications program. (Estimated budget: $25,000) Activity 5: Detailed Socio-economic Appraisal and Beneficiary Workshops for Selected Sites Following selection of initial pilot project sites under Component 2 of the proposed project (likely to be between 3-5 locations covering agreed priority land degradation issues), detailed baseline studies and beneficiary consultations will be carried out in each location. The purpose is to compile social, economic, institutional and technical information to verify the nature and severity of land degradation pressures, and assess local willingness and incentives to participate in project activities. The output of this activity constitutes baseline information as an input into the Project Monitoring and Evaluation Framework described in section 5.4 above. (Estimated budget: $105,000). Activity 6: Detailed Description of Project Costs, Implementation arrangements and Financing Plan. This activity will assess and refine the indicative arrangements described in this Project Concept Document and accompanying PDF B application, and will appraise the need for GEF financing for the proposed project. (Estimated budget: $20,000). 17 Activity 7: Completion of Project Appraisal Document for GEF The output of this activity will be a fully-elaborated Project Appraisal Document, including a Financing Plan and a Project Implementation Plan. (Estimated budget: $25,000). 8.1. Proposed Preparation Budget The total estimated cost for preparation of the GEF project is $400,000 of which $300,000 is requested from the GEF as a Block B Preparation Grant. The Royal Government of Bhutan will provide co-financing valued at US$ 50,000 including staff, office space, vehicles and equipment for preparation of this Project. The RGOB has requested the Global Mechanism (GM) of the Convention to Combat Desertification to contribute to the PDF process as well as to the proposed project. The break-down of preparation costs by activity and source of funding is shown in Table 2, below, and the timeline of preparation activities is found in Table 3. 18 Table 2. Preparation Plan Budget GEF RGOB IDA Global Mechanism [to be confirmed] Subtotal Preparation Activity Activity 1. Policy, Institutional and Stakeholder Analysis Activity 2: Development of Technical Criteria for Project Site Selection Activity 3: Project Preparation Workshops Activity 4: Development of Monitoring and Evaluation Framework Activity 5: Detailed Socio-economic Appraisal and Beneficiary Workshops for Selected Sites Activity 6: Detailed Description of Project Costs, Implementation arrangements and Financing Plan. 30,000 60,000 70,000 10,000 25,000 10,000 25,000 5,000 105,000 25,000 20,000 20,000 90,000 10,000 110,000 10,000 45,000 5,000 55,000 25,000 155,000 20,000 20,000 Activity 7: Completion of Project Appraisal Document for GEF 25,000 25,000 TOTAL 300,000 50,000 100,000 50,000 500,000 19 Table 3. Timeline of PDF Activities Month Activity Submission of proposal to GEF Secretariat Project preparation phase: Activity 1. Policy, instit. & stakeholder analysis Activity 2. Devel. of criteria for site selection Activity 3. Project prep. workshops Activity 4. Dev. of M&E framework Activity 5. Socioecon. appraisal and beneficiary workshops Activity 6. Prep. of detailed costs and financing plan Activity 7. Prep. of GEF project document. Project appraisal Project to WB Board for approval Project launch Sept.Oct. 2003 XX Nov.Dec. 2003 Jan.Feb. 2004 Mar.Apr. 2004 MayJune 2004 Jul.Aug. 2004 XX XX Sept.Oct. 2004 Nov.Dec. 2004 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX Jan.Feb. 2005 Mar.April 2005 MayJune 2005 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 20 21 APPENDIX 1. Case Studies identified at the National Inter-Agency Task Force (NIATF) Workshop, Thimphu, August 13-15, 2003 CASE 1: Unsustainable land-use practices in Bhutan A detailed case study was presented of Tshogompa village, typical of such settlements in Trashigang Dzongkhag, in the easternmost region of Bhutan. This is an area at 1,100 to 2,000 meters elevation, with annual rainfall averaging 650mm. In recent years, the village experienced heavy landslides and ravine formation, with some 60 rural households affected, of which 41 needed to be resettled to safer areas. The region’s geological characteristics (karst topography with caverns formed as ground water dissolves the underlying calcareous rock) and tectonic disturbance make it inherently vulnerable to landslide. In addition, changes in land use also aggravate the process of gully formation and are a significant factor contributing to landslides. Due to human population pressure, much of the forest land around the village has been cleared for “tseri” (shifting) cultivation, and other lands previously under tseri have been converted to dryland farming, and have become overgrazed by livestock. Poor management of surface water resources is another factor believed to be contributing to gully formation and landslides in Tshogompa. While mitigation measures have been identified, complete remedies are not possible due to the geological instability of the site. Immediate remedial measures to arrest further deterioration include the following: stabilization of gullies and ravines through planting of fast-growing trees, shrub species and bamboos. once stabilized, tree crops (fruit crops, fodder trees, etc) can then be cultivated on stabilized soil. a buffer zone around the landslips and gullies is also needed, to prevent further damage, together with appropriate drainage to channel surplus waterflow to the stream below the village. landscaping, planting of hedgerows, and reforestation in and around the village area will help to restore much of the affected area and prevent future damage. In the longer-term, there is a need to develop better diagnostic tools (including geohazard maps) to help quantify and monitor erosion and topsoil loss, to improve the prioritization of high-risk sites and to focus mitigation strategies on cost-effective and replicable techniques. CASE 2: Uncontrolled urban growth Urban areas in Bhutan have generally evolved around a “dzong”, originally built in strategic locations selected for defence purposes (e.g. steep hills overlooking a river or pass). As women were not allowed to reside in these dzongs, housing for family 22 gradually grew outside the ramparts of the dzongs, and became the nucleus of unplanned settlements. The genesis of other unplanned settlements can be traced to local truck stops for ‘Doma’ (beetlenut), refreshments, etc. Many of these locations are not inherently suited for extensive settlement and often pose serious problems for modern urban infrastructure which follows expanding settlements. Often located in areas prone to erosion, these settlements may spread into wetlands which are significant for biodiversity and watershed maintenance functions. Urban growth also increases sediment loads on key watercourses which threatens future hydropower potential and encroaches on biodiversity reserves and productive cropland. Presently, Bhutan has 28 “urban settlements”, and another 26 classified as “likely growth centers”. Urban expansion in Thimphu and Phuentsholing, the country’s two settlements presently classified as “cities” has now extended into steep, eroding hillsides and into wetlands which RGOB urban planners consider unsustainable for urban settlement. Though often completely spontaneous, such growth can be quite rapid, with urban encroachment and ‘squatter’ settlements happening before the policy process has had time to react. Bondey town, adjacent to Paro Airport, is an example of unplanned (but predictable) settlement and induced growth around major infrastructure development. Rangjung town in eastern Bhutan is an example of settlement around hydropower plants which has quickly become associated with informal markets, “shanty” type housing, and unplanned urban growth. Pemagatshel town, in southeastern Bhutan, represents an extreme case of rapid loss of urban land, with large areas of the town literally sliding down into the river. Many other settlements are already facing similar problems, to varying degrees. While Government policy is to check rural-to-urban migration and manage such social and other transformations that this induces, this policy has had limited success. In many urban areas, continuation of present trends will soon present policy-makers with very difficult choices. Meanwhile, loss of productive agricultural land and increased sedimentation of watercourses continues, threatening the prospects for future sustainable development. Mitigation strategies need to be examined in more detail, but could include measures to favor locating new growth centers on selected plateaus or already-degraded forest areas, rather than allowing unchecked expansion onto wetlands and pristine forest. Construction methods could also be adapted to make better use of available hillsides around existing towns, which are often already under scrub vegetation and grazed by livestock. Policies to protect remaining wetlands and valley bottoms need to be strengthened and implemented. Better information is needed on land suitability in all 54 areas now designated for urban growth, so that proposed developments can be screened for potential impact on erosion. Methodologies for zoning appropriate areas for development need to give high priority to these issues. CASE 3: Unsustainable pressures on forest areas. 23 Although total forest cover in Bhutan is estimated at 72.5% (well above the national policy of maintaining 60% forest cover in perpetuity), recent findings highlight disturbing trends in the proportion which has actual canopy cover and high-quality of forested land. RGOB is now concerned that the country’s officially designated forest estate is under growing pressure from a variety of sources. These include: (i) large-scale harvesting for fuelwood (Bhutan has one of the world’s highest per capita consumption of wood fuels) and timber for housing; (ii) timber policies which lead to mismatch of supply and demand and provide little local incentive for avoiding damage to areas of high commercial potential; (ii) lack of institutional mechanisms to harmonize multi-sectoral development works which affect forest areas, such as infrastructure development; (iii) over-harvesting of non-timber forest products (mushrooms, medicinal herbs, etc.); and (iv) fires and uncontrolled grazing (both migratory and local) which threaten the regeneration of timber species and convert forested land into grazing land. Solutions to these problems are difficult as they cut across multiple sectors and require significant changes of behavior by local resource users, as well as policy reforms. One area needing immediate attention to support mitigation measures is focused research into the sustainability of forest resource use within different ecosystems and areas to be provided for use under various management regimes. Previous efforts which sought to end traditional practices deemed harmful (e.g. tseri cultivation) have had mixed results, and greater attention needs to be focused on incentive mechanisms which have greater relevance to the livelihoods of resource users, and which can be monitored and adapted as circumstances change. Related to this is the set of issues surrounding implementation of the area set aside for wildlife corridors, which is coming under tension with growing pressures from wildlife predation of crops. There may be scope for zoning adjustments and other relatively simple measures to better configure resource-use and access patterns in such areas, to minimize human-wildlife conflict and to provide incentives and technical solutions which can mitigate such problems. Another area of follow-up is the need for focused effort to remove any remaining areas in the policy and legal framework which continue to exacerbate the situation (e.g. administered harvest quotas and prices, mismatch of supply and demand, sizeable allocations of ‘free’ timber to institutions/parastatals and households for their needs). Finally, while the new Decentralization initiative is now bringing about significant shifts in institutional responsibilities, many areas of implementation remain uncertain. These include technical and staffing resources needed for dzongkhags and geogs to take over primary responsibility for overseeing natural resources management policy and enforcement of regulations, and review of potential disjunction between the decisionmaking scope now delegated to local authority and the provisions of the Forest Act. 24 Beyond a narrow sense of a purely environmental assessment and initiative, a sustainable land management approach for forest areas in Bhutan calls for careful assessment of technical, social, institutional and legal factors, impediments, opportunities for reform. 25 26 Appendix 2. Types of land degradation due to human actions (excluding natural phenomena e.g. glacial erosion, etc) TYPE 1. In-situ degradation (chemical) depletion of soil organic matter depletion of nutrients soil acidification over-fertilization 2. In-situ degradation (physical) topsoil capping subsoil compaction waterlogging 3. Degradation involving soil removal (non-water erosion) wind erosion 1 EFFECT intensifies nutrition depletion, acidification and erosion; reduces soil moisture, crop cover and yields, weakens soil structures, soils harder & more difficult to cultivate, reduces soil biodiversity reduced crop yields and plant cover, intensifed acidification and erosion OCCURRENCE WHERE IN BHUTAN when converting acute in forest or grassland to chhushing, also on kamshing & arable short fallow tseri1 when excessive harvest off-takes occur without fertilizers, burning Reduces availability of soil excessive N fertilizer nutrients, and possible nitrate contamination of streams induced deficiencies of excessive P fertilizer other nutrients on potato and apple crops widespread in intensivelycultivated areas increased runoff & surface erosion;reduced infiltration of rain or irrigation water; delayed/reduced seedling emergence risk of waterlogging, increases runoff, surface erosion; reduced crop growth and yields Insufficient organic fertilizers, exposure of bare soils to heavy rains Silty and fine sandy soils; land freshly cultivated for kamshing cattle grazing on wet lands, continuous use of standard ploughing tools to same soil depth irrigation, leaking irrigation channels, blockage of drainage lines by roads and other structures widespread in chhushing cultivation of fine sandy soils in windy areas Wangdi valley Repeated cultivation on steep slopes Maize crops in E. Bhutan, potatoes in Phobjika increase in weeds, susceptibility to land slips fine sand deposits,depletion of organic matter & nutrients; reduced crop & plant yields, reduced surface cover cultivation erosion Reduced yields in upper fields; increased vulnerability to further W. Bhutan more common on logging roads than public highways Chhushing—basin irrigated rice; kamshing—rainfed cropping; tseri—orchard or bush fallow. 27 erosion 4. Water & gravity erosion Depletion of organic matter splash erosion & nutrients; increases runoff, sheet & rill erosion Increased runoff, reduced sheet erosion pland & crop yields; develops into rills & gullies Bare soils exposed by clearing & cultivation during heavy rainfall Deforestation, forestry skidding trails, livestock trails, leaking irrigation channels, exposure of topsoil to heavy rain Organic matter & nutrient Unchecked sheet and rill erosion depletion; develops into splash erosion; skid gully erosion and stock trails, leaking irrigation channels, exposure of topsoil to heavy rain Depressions in ground Exposed road piping erosion surface where subsoil cuttings & irrigation pipes collapse; contributes terrace risers; leaking to gully formation, irrigation chanels, landslips; nutrient and over-irrigation organic matter depletion Complete removal of Unchecked rills, skid gully erosion productive land, lowering and stock trails of water table, large volumes of sediment sent downslope and downstream Deforestation, road mass movements Complete removal of productive land, damage cuttings, over(landslips & or destruction of irrigation and other landslides) infrastructure, lowering of waterlogging water table, large volumes of sediment sent downslope and downstream Similar to above but on Unchecked gullies & ravines larger scale landslides 5. River processes bank erosion flooding flood deposition Fine sandy & silty topsoil Clay-rich soils in E. Bhutan Widespread during heavy pre-monsoon rains Subsoil seepage associated with chhushing Deep red clays e.g. Punakha, Lobeysa, are highly erodible and deeply gullied Highest risk in S. Bhutan; slides also triggered by even small earth tremors Radhi, also many example in S. Bhutan Complete loss of productive land; damage or destruction of irrigation/other infrastructure Loss of productive land, disruption to infrastructure Upstream erosion; cuts into cliffs or slip faces Concentrated in productive valley areas Land clearance and erosion upstream Topsoil buried by raw debris; blocks irrigation channels, damage to infrastructure Land clearance and erosion upstream Severe in S. Bhutan during heavy rains; also concentrated in productive valley floors concentrated in productive valley floors 28 6. Urban and industrial land encroachment land contamination spoil tipping riverbed minining for sand & gravel Productive land converted for urban, mining or industrial uses Productive land contaminated by chemical or physical discharges Topsoil buried by mining or construction spoil (debris); sediment loading of streams May intensify bed erosion downstream Where population is growing Mismanagement of effluents Thimphu, Paro, Jakar, and in S. Bhutan Thimphu and S. Bhutan Improper disposal of construction spoil Road-building, hydropower sites Extensive in W. and S. Bhutan Adapted from Norbu et al., 2002. 29 APPENDIX 3. References Bhutan Trust Fund for Environmental Conservation, (2002). Annual Report 2000-2001. Biodiversity Information Management System On-Line (BIMS Online): Dorji, Kinzang (2002). “Message from the Chairman of the Board,” Bhutan Trust Fund Annual Report 2000-2001, p.3 Global Environment Facility, (1998). GEF Evaluation of Experience with Conservation Trust Funds. GEF/C12/Inf.6; Sept. 10, 1998. Namgyel, Tobgay (2001). “Sustaining Conservation Finance: Future Directions for the Bhutan Trust Fund for Environmental Conservation;” Journal of Bhutan Studies, Summer 2001, Vol.3, No. 1; pp. 48-83. Norbu, Chencho, Ian Baillie, Karma Dema, Jamyang, Yeshey Dema, Kado Tshering, H. B. Tamang, Francis Turkelboom and Sonam Norbu. “Types of Land Degradation in Bhutan.” (Submitted for publication in 2002) Royal Government of Bhutan, National Environment Commission, (2002). Environment Sector Plan, Ninth Five Year Plan 2002-2007. Royal Government of Bhutan, National Planning Commission, (2002). Ninth Plan, 20022007. Royal Government of Bhutan, Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Research and Development Services (2002). Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Bhutan: a Framework. UNEP, (2002). Bhutan State of Environment Report, 2001. UNEP Regional Resource Centre for Asia and Pacific, 2001. World Bank. World Development Indicators 2002. Washington, D.C. WWF Bhutan website: 30