NPN workshop funding breakout notes—

NPN workshop funding session breakout notes (backup note taker – Jack Waide) —
What is the role of collections & national/regional herbaria?
How do we wish to focus discussions? Three separate pieces with different funding for
each? Or a more integrated approach?
Need to consider issues of co-location, esp if think of this as network with different parts
(citizen science, national professional network, intensified data collection & research).
This will have big impact on costs and organization; creates different opportunities but
also funding sources.
One clear possible source is foundations
Need to make some assumptions about base structure and how to fund, then additional
layer to add and how to fund that? Otherwise discussions all over the board. For
example, backbone more rigorous structure with citizen science added.
Assumption – base network linked to NERON/state mesonet type climatic data network
and with baseline structured set of observations and clear protocols, w/ basically
volunteer observers. Second level would be intensification of observations and with
some research questions, perhaps linked to NEON/LTER/other research sites (ag exper
stns, stream gaging networks, existing biological field stations (OBFS), …) and with
funded technicians/scientists (smaller set of sites nested within backbone). Third level
would be much larger network of citizen scientists, with smaller number of observations
and protocols.
What is role of ag exper stations, county extension agents, and many other existing
structures? How to link to existing MODIS phenology product(s) & other existing
remote sensing vegetation index time series efforts, being done at annual time resolution.
Connect in sense of ground truthing to field observations.
Funding considerations (all levels) – recruitment of observers, instruction materials for
observers, collection of observations incl. web based data transmission, dissemination of
data, internal organization (meetings, network development, ...), digitization of data &
input, QA/QC, must also include base analyses & synthesis/summarization of data,
feedback reports to observers, interactions with observers & fielding of multiple ongoing
queries, small central staff (UK & Dutch have small staffs of 3-5 with specific areas on
responsibility but also other duties) connected to regional (state level??) structures to
address regional issues/questions (plant id, local logistics, …), gathering & input of
historical information (a continuing need). Also outreach & communicating benefit of
program to sponsors & others (marketing broadly speaking).
Value in having small grant funding mechanism to fund select research of value to entire
network and for acquisition of historical & accessory data.
Fund research at second level separate from base level??
Need base web-based data base structure to host & disseminate data, with software. NBII
a potential host site – could possible use & adapt UK software database system. Will be
costs with both. This would allow future linkages with other international systems.
National/regional/state staffs would be points of contact with herbaria & collections.
Possibly use NEON Inc type structure, appropriately chartered, as mechanism to lead
NPN and derive funding form multiple sources – states, federal agencies, foundations, …
Work with AIBS in this regard. Partly a question of scale – depends on number of
employees & participants, complexity of operations, … Given proposed structure this
might be a good fit.
Funding model – a core level of funding to support the base program plus other funding
for additional layers/needs. Tacit Assumption – need multiple funding sources with
mechanism/organization to make it work.
Build in multi-step process – proof of concept in few states, then expand.
Funding sources – govt agencies, foundations, states,…
Gov’t agencies – USDA, DOI, NSF, EPA, NASA, DOE, NSF, NASA, NIH, NOAA,
DOI/USGS/NBII – host website, data input & dissemination
NPS, FWS, BLM, DOD, DOE, NEON -- support sites (not FIA)
ARS, USGS, NSF, NASA, DOE – support research
USGS, NASA – phenospectral network, remote sensing products
NOAA – support NERON/mesonet components
NIH – support health related applications
NSF – support follow-on proposal to support proof of concept network organization &
establishment; also possible source of long-term funding support for parts of for program
(e.g., LTREB)
States – case by case basis, perhaps part of setting up proof of concept (e.g., NM, AZ);
also connections thru state mesonets (state climatologists – ca. 13 states)
Private corporations – health related for allergens
Foundations – start with proof of concept & then go for longer term commitment in 5year
blocks; assume this will serve as major source of care program support
Heinz Foundation – state of nation reports, real nexus with interests
Pew Trust/Foundation
Ford Foundation
Gates Foundation –science literacy, health
Moore foundation – interests in salmon
Google Foundation
Vulcan Foundn (Paul Moore)
Anna E. Casey Foundn
Arthur Daniels Midland (ADM)
MacArthur Foundn
Private/public corporations
The Weather Channel, CNN, Accuweather
Expedia, Travelocity
Diagnostic Products Corp (allergy diagnostics/equipment)
Arthur Daniels Midland Corp
Oil companies (Shell, BP, Texaco,…) – climate change solutions connections (risks)
Ag chemicals (great risks)
Not likely a source of funds but good partners
Core funding for proof of concept start up organization
Central Office/staff – overall leadership, admin support, IT support, network/observer
support, instructional materials, QA/Qc of data, hardware, office rent (4-5 FTEs)
Materials printing & distribution
Contract for web site/data base structure