UIB Universitat de les Illes Balears Master in Physics______________________________________________ COURSE DESCRIPTION 2006-2007 Academic Year Technical information Course Course title: Stochastic Simulation Methods Course code: a cumplimentar por el Centro de Tecnologías de la Información Type of course: Optional Level of course: Postgraduate Year of study: First, second Semester: First Calendar: Mondays, 3.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. and Wednesdays, 10.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. Language of instruction: Catalan/Spanish. English reading comprehension skills are required. The course may be given in English, depending on the students enrolled. Lecturers Supervising lecturer Name: Raúl Toral Garcés Other lecturers Name: Pere Colet Rafecas Contact: raul@imedea.uib.es Contact: pere@imedea.uib.es Prerequisites A bachelor’s degree in science Number of ECTS credits 5 Number of classroom hours: 35 Independent study hours: 90 Description Monte Carlo integration. Variance reduction methods. Random variable generation. Markov chains. Dynamic methods: thermal bath and the metropolis approach. Applications: phase changes, chemical reactions, population dynamics, nanotransport. Stochastic optimisation. Stochastic differential equations. Molecular dynamics. Hybrid methods. Course competences Specific 1. Have a grasp of the foundation of the Monte Carlo integration 2. Understand random number generators 3. Model processes with random components 4. Critically analyse and select the best numerical algorithm for simulating models 5. Approach and solve optimisation problems practically Generic 1. Understand and express meaning in the languages of physics, mathematics and programming 2. Apply theoretical and practical knowledge to problem solving 3. Apply information technologies 4. Be conversant with techniques for writing and publicly presenting individual and research work 5. Initiate individual research in the field Course contents Concepts in probability: Random variables. Series of random variables. Law of large numbers. Conditional probability. - Introduction to Monte Carlo integration methods: Hit-or-miss methods. Sampling methods. Variance reduction techniques. Biased and unbiased estimators. - Uniform random number generation in (0,1). Random and pseudorandom numbers. Generating congruence. Shift-back-register generators. Verifying random numbers. - Random numbers with other probability density functions: Change and composition of variables. Gaussian distribution. Numerical inversion. Rejection methods. - Dynamic methods: Introduction. Markov series. Stationary probability in dynamical systems. The Metropolis Algorithm. Thermal bath. Statistical Errors Statistics. Thermalisation. - Acceleration methods: Clustering algorithm and extrapolation techniques. - Molecular dynamics. Numerical integration in motion equations. Time reversibility and the main properties in symplectic algorithms. - Introduction to stochastic differential equations. The Langevin equation. Mathematical properties of Gaussian white noise. Determinist dynamics compared to stochastic dynamics. Numerical resolution: The Heun and Runge-Kutta methods. Coloured noise. The hybrid Monte Carlo method and Gaussian acceleration. - Applications according to student interest in the fields of phase changes (equilibrium, kinetics, calculating phase diagrams), radiation-matter interactions, chemical reactions (Gillespie method), cellular transport, neuronal behaviour, epidemic propagation, game theory and other problems in the fields of economics and sociology. Methodology and student workload Subject-related Teaching competences method 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Classroom sessions 3, 4,5,6,7 Practical classes 7,9 9,10 10 Tutorial Presentation Group work Seminar 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 3,4,5,6,7 7,9 8,9 Theoretical study Practical study Theoretical work Practical work Type of group Medium-sized groups Medium-sized groups Small Medium-sized groups Medium-sized groups Student hours 20 Teaching staff hours 20 10 10 2 1 2 1 2 2 50 15 15 10 Ten percent of course activities are distance-learning classes (e-learning) Assessment instruments, criteria and learning agreement Assessment criteria 1. Acquisition and/or fulfilment of course-specific competences 2. On-going student interest and participation throughout the course Assessment instruments 1. Presentation of work (e.g., based on course material or the reproduction of a published scientific study). Student-proposed problems of interest in specific fields. 2. On-going evaluation of participation in practical classes, efficiency and clarity in programming algorithms, presentation of group work, etc. Grading criteria 1. 50% of the grade: Presentation of programs and theoretical developments 2. 50% of the grade: Presentation of work, problem solving in practical classes Assessment based on a learning agreement: No (enlace al contrato) Independent study material and recommended reading Material available on the Internet and photocopies given out by lecturers Bibliography, resources and annexes 1- Monte-Carlo Methods, vol. 1: Basics, M. Kalos and P. Whitlock, John Wiley and Sons (1986). 2- Computer Simulation Methods in Theoretical Physics, D. Heermann, Springer Verlag (1986). 3- Numerical Solution of Stochastic Differential Equations, P. E. Kloeden, E. Platen, Springer (1992). 4- Simulation and the Monte-Carlo Method, R. Rubinstein, John Wiley and Sons (1981). 5- Distribution Sampling for Computer Simulation}, T. Lewis, Lexington Books (1975). 6- Computer Simulation of Liquids}, M.P. Allen and D.J. Tildesley, Clarendon Press (1987). 7- D.E. Knuth, The Art of Scientific Programming, vol. 1: Semi-numerical Algorithms, Addison-Wesley (1981). 8- Mathematical Biology, James D. Murray, Springer, 3rd ed. 2002. 9- Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes, A. Papoulis, McGraw-Hill (1984). 10- Probability and Random Processes, G.R. Grimmett, D.R. Stirzaker, Oxford Science Pub.(1985). 11- Stochastic Processes in Physics and Chemistry, N.G. van Kampen, North-Holland (1987). 12- Third Granada Lectures in Computational Physics, J. Marro, P. L. Garrido, eds. Springer (1995). Link to the course teaching guide