The SIS and SIR stochastic epidemic models revisited Jesus Artalejo, Complutense University of Madrid Many stochastic biological systems use Markov chains in which there is a set of absorbing states. In particular, this is the case of the SIS and SIR stochastic epidemic models. The aim of this talk is to revise these two basic models and provide some new insight. More concretely, we will focus on three aspects: i) to view the quasi-stationarity and ratio of expectations as two different approaches for understanding the dynamics of the system before absorption. We also investigate the possibility of using the ratio of expectations distribution as an approximation to the quasi-stationary distribution. ii) to extend the classical study of the length of an outbreak by investigating the whole probability distribution of the extinction time via Laplace transforms. iii) to study a new descriptor namely the time until a non-infected individual becomes infected. The talk is based in the two following recent papers: 1. Artalejo J.R. and López-Herrero M.J. (2010). Quasi-stationary and ratio of expectations distributions: A comparative study. Journal of Theoretical Biology 266, 264-274. 2. Artalejo J.R., Economou A. and López-Herrero M.J. (2011). Stochastic epidemic models revisited: Analysis of some continuous performance measures. Journal of Biological Dynamics (forthcoming).