balfour bulletin - Department of Zoology

JUNE 2002
WELCOME to the twelfth issue of the Balfour Bulletin.
In this issue I give details of electronic resources recently purchased by the
UL (including electronic journals), and some important news regarding the
launch of the new library catalogue (developed by Endeavor Voyager), which
has now been named “Newton” by the University Library.
I also review in brief a variety of useful and interesting web sites.
Recent accessions
Missing books and other volumes
Web site review
---------------------------------------------------------------------RECENT ACCESSIONS
*Books / Pamphlets*
Clack, Jennifer A. Gaining ground: the origin and evolution of tetrapods.
Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press; 2002. W.12 (3)
del Hoyo, Josep, Elliott, Andrew & Sargatal, Jordi [eds.]. Handbook of the
birds of the world. Volume 7: Jacamars to woodpeckers. Barcelona: Lynx
Edicions; 2002. qK (55) (Lock-up)
Field, L. H. [ed.] The biology of wetas, king crickets and their allies.
Wallingford: CABI Publishing; 2001. QF (16)
Groves, Colin. Primate taxonomy. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution
Press; 2001. Y.3 (9)
Haig, David. Genomic imprinting and kinship. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers
University Press; 2002. EN (179)
Haynes, Alison. Freshwater snails of the tropical Pacific islands. Suva: The
Institute of Applied Sciences, University of Fiji; 2001. SE (17)
Hepper, Peter [ed.]: Kin recognition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press;
1991. GFU (228)2 (Library Office, Replacement Copy)
Higgins, P. J., Peter. J. M. & Steele, W. K. [eds.]. Handbook of Australian,
New Zealand & Antarctic birds. Volume 5: Tyrant –fly catchers to chats.
Melbourne: Oxford University Press; 2001. KZ.9 (22) (Lock-up)
Hochachka, Peter W. & Somero, George N. Biochemical adaptation:
mechanism and process in physiological evolution. New York: Oxford
University Press; 2002. GGS (6)2 (Library Office, Replacement Copy)
Laland, Kevin N. & Brown, Gillian R. Sense and nonsense: evolutionary
perspectives on human behaviour. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2002.
GFU (274)1,2
Lomborg, Bjørn. The skeptical environmentalist: measuring the real state of
the world. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2001. GGW (160)
Meltzoff, Andrew N. & Prinz, Wolfgang [eds.]. The imitative mind:
development, evolution, and brain bases. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press; 2002. GFU (275)
Nowak, Ronald M. Walker’s mammals of the world, 6th ed. Volumes 1 & 2.
Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press; 1999. Y (12)f1,2
Renshaw, Eric. Modelling biological populations in space and time.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1991. EBA (31)
Savill, P. S. [ed.]: Forestry, volume 74, number 3, 2001. Special issue:
Ecological impacts of deer in woodland. Oxford: Oxford University Press;
2001. YZ.41 (12)
Willmer, Pat, Stone, Graham & Johnston, Ian. Environmental physiology of
animals. Oxford: Blackwell Science; 2000. GD (70)2 (Library Office,
Replacement Copy)
Wilson, Will. Simulating ecological and evolutionary systems in C. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press; 2000. EPA (35)
*Cambridge Theses*
Burfield, Ian J. The breeding ecology and conservation of the ring ouzel
Turdus torquatus in Britain. Cambridge: 2002. Thesis (297)
Cathcart, Robert L. Effects of nutrient loading on ditch flora and fauna in the
Ouse waters: current impacts and potential migration. Cambridge; 2001.
Thesis (296) (MPhil)
---------------------------------------------------------------------MISSING BOOKS AND OTHER VOLUMES
Many books and journal volumes have gone missing from the Balfour Library
during the academic year 2001-02; please return any you may have in your
possession to the Library Office as soon as possible.
*New University Library web catalogue*
NEWTON, the new online catalogue for the libraries of the University, will be
launched for University Library users in early July.
Newton will look different from the present catalogue and will provide:
*Web access from any computer, PC or Mac running a web browser. Telnet
access to the catalogue will still be available for those who prefer this method
of connection;
*A single online catalogue containing all the computerised records of the
holdings of the University Library and its four dependent libraries (the Betty
and Gordon Moore Library, Medical Library, Scientific Periodicals Library and
Squire Law Library);
*An easy-to-use catalogue with improved search facilities, including keyword
*The facility to limit searches to particular parts of the collection, for example
to borrowable books or to books on the open shelves; to limit by language,
date of publication, or type of material (e.g. electronic resources, maps,
*Sorting of search results by author, title, date of publication, or relevance;
*Links for electronic journals held by the Library;
*E-mailing and saving of search results;
*Online ordering of books from many closed-stack areas (though not through
Telnet access);
*Secure access to your own library records showing books on loan, requests
and recalls, overdue books, and outstanding fines and fees, with the option to
have library notices delivered by e-mail;
*The ability to recall books on loan from any PC or Mac running a web
NEWTON will expand over the summer of 2002 to incorporate the holdings of
most departmental, faculty, and college libraries, creating a single union
*TRAINING: To help you make the most of this new service the UL is holding
regular demonstrations between Thursday 11 July and Thursday 15 August.
All are welcome - no booking needed, just go along on Tuesdays at 14.30 and
Thursdays at 11.15 in the Morison Room 2, Cambridge University Library.*
Information about the progress of the computerisation of the guardbook
catalogue, which forms a separate project, is available from the Greensleeves
Please make the effort to attend a demo, since Balfour Library staff do not
have the time or resources to train everybody in the Department of Zoology
themselves! We will of course give guidance when the new catalogue is up
and running.
*The World of Learning Online*
The UL has recently secured a subscription to The World of Learning Online.
This resource is the premier source of information on the academic world and
contains information on over 30,000 institutions and 200,000 staff members.
In order to access the resource, you should click on the link below. No
password is required as access is determined by IP recognition. This means
that users must be on a computer located within the university in order to gain
A link to the WoL will shortly be added to the Electronic Services web pages
*BioMed Central journals subscriptions*
The University Library has recently subscribed to a number of journals in the
field of medical research and biology, which are provided by BioMed Central.
A list of the journals we have subscribed to (there are at least 60 of them) can
be found by clicking the following link:
In order to access and browse a particular title, you should go to the UL's
*JSTOR Arts & Sciences II collection*
The JSTOR Arts & Sciences II collection of archived electronic journals is now
available university-wide through a Library subscription. For a complete list of
new JSTOR journals, and titles to be released later in this collection, see There are 75 journals in total.
The Arts & Sciences II collection is completely integrated with existing JSTOR
titles at As before, no passwords are required for
access in the '' domain. For off-campus access use ATHENS
The new titles will be added very shortly to the list of electronic journals on the
*Seminar Room journals*
The Seminar Room is now in the process of being refurbished. The journals
that were held there have successfully been removed to the Nobby Clark Lab
for temporary storage – many thanks once again to all those who helped Jane
and I move them all.
About one third of the journals will remain in the Department of Zoology, on
one wall of shelving in the Seminar Room when it has been refurbished.
These are the titles that are unique to the University, and that have been
consulted recently, including all our back volumes of “Nature”. Other journals
will be given to the University Library and the Scientific Periodicals Library in
the first instance, to complete some of their currently incomplete runs. The
remainder will have to be offered to all the other libraries in the University. We
may then be in a position to offer those not wanted by another library to
members of this Department.
---------------------------------------------------------------------WEB SITE REVIEW
*Anthropological Index Online*
Online bibliographical service of the Royal Anthropological Institute, based on
the journal holdings of the Anthropology library at the British Museum. You
can search by year of publication, author, title, journal, language, subject
heading or area, continent, and region.
Provides resources for molecular and cell biologists, such as sequence tools,
journals, and directories of companies and laboratories.
*Nature Picture Library*
Naturepl is the online service of Nature Picture Library, a new photo agency
incorporating the BBC Natural History Unit Picture Library collection and
*Scientific and Technical Acronyms, Symbols and Abbreviations*
This is a free, searchable, online resource published as part of content on
Wiley InterScience. Currently contains over 180,000 acronyms.
*SPARC Europe*
SPARC Europe is an alliance of European research libraries, library
organizations and research institutions that supports increased competition in
scientific journal publishing.
*BBC Search*
The BBC now have a Search the Web facility available from this page.
"Our search service isn't here to make any money, so our results are the ones
that best match your search words - not the ones advertisers want you to
see." It is UK-focused and family friendly.
It uses an optimised version of Google.
*Company and Telephone Directories*
Very useful links for finding telephone numbers worldwide.
Comments and suggestions are always very welcome regarding the Balfour
Bulletin. Is there anything you would like to see included here? Do you have
any suggestions for improvement? If so, please contact us as below.
Clair Castle
Jane Acred
Assistant Librarian
Balfour & Newton Library
Tel. (3)36648