A.P. Calculus

A.P. Calculus AB
Advanced Placement Calculus consists of a full academic year of work in
calculus and related topics comparable to courses in colleges and universities. It is
expected that students who take an Advanced Placement course in calculus will
seek college credit and/or placement from institutions of higher learning.
Appropriate credit and placement are granted by each institution in accordance
with local policies.
The Advanced Placement Program offers descriptions of two calculus
courses and an examination for each course. These courses are referred to as
Calculus AB and Calculus BC. Both are primarily concerned with an intuitive
understanding of the concepts of calculus and experience with its methods and
applications. The rigor of formal proof of all theorems is deferred until higher
level courses. The focus of this class will be Calculus AB, although attention will
be given to numerous BC topics.
The exam date is Wednesday, May 9, 2013, morning session. The exam has
3 parts: Part A is 28 multiple choice questions in 55 minutes; Part B is 17
multiple choice questions, some of which will require a graphing calculator, in 50
minutes; Part C is 6 free-response questions in 90 minutes: 2 questions contain
some questions or parts of questions for which a graphing calculator is required
(45 minutes) and 4 questions for which a calculator will not be allowed (45
Every student will be graded in each of the following categories each nine
week grading period: Major tests, quizzes, participation, and a periodic (1 per
nine weeks) cumulative test. All work will be graded on the “10-point” scale:
A: 90 - 100
B: 80 - 89
C: 70 - 79
D: 60 – 69
F: Below 60
At the end of each nine week grading period, grades will be converted to the
“7 - point” scale for report card/records purposes. Below is further explanation of
each grading category.
Major Tests: 4 or 5 will be given each 9 weeks and will be announced at least 3
days before they are given. It is extremely important to be present for major tests
as make-ups are usually more difficult. If a major test is missed, the student has a
limited amount of time to take it after returning to school. Re-tests will only be
considered in very rare cases. Major Tests may account for up to 60% of your 9weeks grade.
Quizzes: Typically, there will be at least one quiz per week. These will test 1 - 5
objectives and may or may not be announced. If a quiz is missed, it must be made
up immediately upon returning to school. Quizzes may account for up to 40 % of
your 9-weeks grade.
Participation: It is essential that every student be active participants in the
class. To ensure this, a grade will be given for attempting all homework problems,
explaining a solution to the class, completing supplemental assignments, and/or
otherwise demonstrating involvement in class. Participation may account for up to
20% of your 9-weeks grade.
Cumulative Test: At the end of each nine-weeks, a cumulative test will be
given. (This test may or may not be the “nine-weeks test”.) It will test objectives
that were to be mastered at that point in time. This test will be announced at least
a week in advance and should not be missed. If this test is missed, it must be
taken within 3 days after returning to school. The cumulative test may account for
up to 20% of your 9-weeks grade.
A.P. Calculus, AB
2012 - 2013 Schedule
Aug. 21  Oct. 24
Ch. 1 – 3
1st Nine Weeks
2nd Nine Weeks
Oct. 25 – Jan. 17
Ch. 4  5a
3rd Nine Weeks
Jan. 18 – March 25
Ch. 5b  7
4th Nine Weeks
Mar. 26 − May 9
Attendance: It is very important that you do not miss class. There is no way to
“make up” being absent. If an absence is unavoidable you should do 2 things: 1)
call a fellow student in the class and find out what you missed ( In fact, prearrange
for someone to get handouts or other information for you.) 2) Upon returning to
school, make sure the teacher knows why you were absent. Make up work will
not be given for unexcused absences.
Tardies: School policy is enforced-3 tardies of any kind are considered 1
absence. Also, 10 tardies will result in an office referral. Be ready to work when
the bell rings as all the allotted time is needed for classroom instruction/activities.
Homework: For success in this class, homework is a must. Try every problem
and indicate your trial and questions on paper. You will have homework daily
and you will be given opportunity for questions and feedback on homework daily.
Textbook: Your textbook is a very valuable tool in the learning process. Please
take extremely good care of it. If damages are done to the book, you will be fined.
Notebook: It is mandatory to keep an organized notebook for your class
notes/practice, homework, quizzes and tests, and portfolio.
Extra Help: It is advisable to study with a classmate or small group. Mr. Sheriff
will be available in the morning before school, during homeroom , lunch or after
school. If necessary, you may call Mr. Sheriff before 10 pm at _______________
Other arrangements may need to be made on an individual basis.
Email: timothysheriff@anderson5.net
Calculators: Required. A.P. students must have a TI-83 or above.
Computer: You will need to access files, links, activities, etc on the school
website daily.
Behavior: Problems are not expected and will not be tolerated. If problems occur,
parents will be consulted immediately.
Classroom Procedures: Not being ready for work, going to the restroom or
inappropriate behavior will not allow the class to go smoothly. Be advised that no
student will be allowed to distract other students or the teacher.