Week-at-a-Glance January 20, 2011 God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Matthew 5:7 (NLT) Important Dates to Remember January 21 January 24 January 24-28 January 25 January 31 February 3 February 12 February 15 February 18-21 February 22 February 24-26 Coffee with the Head of Upper School 8:00 a.m. Cafeteria Junior Orientation CPAC 7:00-9:00 p.m. (snow date Feb. 7) International Week at Lower – Assembly on Friday at 10:30 Lower School Open House 9:00-11:30 a.m. Academic Fair 6:30 p.m. (snow date Feb. 2) Interim Reports ACT Testing at Upper College 101: Parents of 7th and 8th grade students 6:30 p.m. CPAC NO SCHOOL Grades PK-12 Winter Break Classes Resume High School Drama Performances CPAC All School Information “Race to Nowhere” The highly regarded documentary called “Race to Nowhere,” about the challenges facing today’s students, will be shown at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday night, January 25, at Charlottesville High School. “Race to Nowhere” explores the issues facing so many of today’s students: excessive cheating, disengagement, stress-related illness and depression, and lack of preparedness and motivation. A panel discussion with experts in the fields of education, child psychology, and university admissions will follow the program. Tickets are $10 in advance or $15 at the door; students showing a valid ID may purchase tickets for $5. Tickets may be purchased at www.racetonowhere.com/screenings#list. If you have questions please contact Ellen Binder at ebinder@covenantschool.org. Financial Aid for 2011-2012 - Parents: Please view our website (under the Admissions tab) for the detailed information regarding steps to apply for financial aid for the next school year. We have returned to SSS (School Scholarship Services) through NAIS, once again, as our source for the qualification and recommendation process for your family’s financial need. The deadline to file your application, along with copies of your 2010 tax returns, is March 15, 2011. The filing fee is $47 but you save $12 if you apply on-line. Please contact dharris@covenantschool.org or (434) 2207330 if you have questions, or if you would like to receive a hard copy of the application via mail. Auction 2011 on Saturday, March 5: Covenant needs everyone's support. We are beginning to list auction items on the website! Check them out. Please remember to get those donations in as well. Any and all items and ideas are appreciated. Vacation homes, art, services, furniture... We also still need team members to help with food and other miscellaneous things. Call Sherry Cook at 220-7302 or email Heidi Gumble at heidigumble@yahoo.com. Stained Glass Night Classes: Many parents and teachers have inquired about the possibility of Covenant teaching a stained glass class. Here is your opportunity! On Monday nights beginning February 7 thru March 7, Mrs. Moore will be teaching a beginner stained glass class from 6:30-8:30 p.m. You will learn to cut, foil, and solder glass. You will complete an approximately one foot square project of your choosing. The cost for this course is $130.00 per person and all equipment and supplies are provided. Please contact Becki Moore at rmoore@covenantschool.org to reserve a spot for you. Class will not be held on Monday, February 21, due to Winter Break. Lower School Information Kindergarten through Sixth grade Talent Celebration Night will be presented on Wednesday, March 9, 7:00 p.m. at The Upper School Performing Arts Center. Do your children sing, dance, or play an instrument? Can they read prose or recite a monologue? Would they enjoy writing and performing a two-minute skit with their friends? If so, they may want to participate in the annual Talent Celebration designed for Kindergarten through sixth grade. Please fill out the application that your child will bring home and return it to their homeroom teacher. All interested students will need to present their talent on Tuesday, February 8 NOTE DATE CHANGE: from 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. in the Lower School band room. Please sign-up at the Lower School front desk. Questions contact Carolyn Polson cpolson@covenantschool.org. Lower School Parents: Please remember to enter at Hillcrest Road and exit from Birdwood Road. This helps to make traffic flow very smoothly in the mornings and afternoons. Thank you for your cooperation. Open House: Next Tuesday, January 25, there will be an opportunity for anyone interested in the Lower School to have a tour of the school with our Admissions Office personnel or their volunteers. If you know of anyone who would like this information, please take the initiative to spread the word. Open House hours will be from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. International Assembly: On Friday, January 29, an assembly will be held to culminate the students' learning activities about other countries and cultures around the world. You are invited to attend this event, which begins at 10:30 a.m. and will end at approximately 11:45 a.m. This assembly has proved over the years to be a very enriching experience for students and parents alike. The "presenters" are from grades Kindergarten through grade 4, but the whole school will attend. Interim Reports: Interims reporting progress for the first half of trimester 2 will be sent home on Thursday, February 3. This mid-term reporting will enable you to see how your child has been progressing second trimester, which runs from November 29 to March 4. Upper School Information Coffee with Head of Upper School: Parents of Upper School students are invited for coffee on Friday, January 21, at 8:00 a.m. in the Cafeteria. This is a great time to share your ideas and questions regarding the school year, as well as any concerns you might have. Come and enjoy this opportunity for fellowship with other parents. Changes at the Front Desk: Our Receptionist, Mrs. Sharon Campbell, will now be splitting her time between front desk responsibilities and assisting in the Admissions arena. She will be at the front desk for the first three hours of the day, after which she will turn over those duties to Mrs. Lisa Hazell. Lisa is the mother of Covenant students Kennedi Walker (8 th), Brianna Walker (6th), and Cameron Hazell (2nd), so she is very familiar with The Covenant School. Lisa will handle attendance, communication, and other general questions in tandem with Sharon. Should you need to contact the front desk, continue to call 220-7329. Emails should be addressed to both ladies: scampbell@covenantschool.org and lhazell@covenantschool.org. Please be sure to greet Lisa’s smiling face when she welcomes you at the front desk! Seventh Annual Academic Fair: Would you like to learn more about The Covenant School’s exciting academic program? Do you know the difference between a College Prep class and an AP class? How can you assist your child in determining how to juggle the high school academic program, athletics, fine arts, and family activities? On the evening of Monday, January 31, key staff members look forward to meeting with you at The Covenant School’s seventh annual Academic Fair. (Snow date is Wednesday, February 2.) In particular, I recommend and urge attendance for all parents of current eighth graders, as well as our new 9th and 10th grade parents. Join us for coffee and dessert at 6:30 p.m., followed by an information session in the auditorium at 7:00 p.m. We will adjourn by 9:00 p.m. Questions contact Carol Fishwick at cfishwick@covenantschool.org. Attention Juniors and Parents of Juniors: Last Call On Monday, January 24, the College Advising Office will host Junior Orientation Night at the Upper Campus to prepare juniors and their parents for opportunities in the college admission process. Beginning promptly at 7 o’clock in the Performing Arts Center (sign-in begins at 6:30) we will thoroughly present the most important aspects of the college admission process (and the benefits of beginning it early) and will then open up for Q&A. This is an important date with your college advisor that you should not skip because you came a year or so ago with an older junior. Each junior will receive a personalized advising packet, and we’ll have many college and testing handouts. You’ll not want to miss this get-together, so please mark your calendars and promise to be there (snow date make-up is Monday, February 7th). Questions contact Cameron Seay, 220-7332, or cseay@covenantschool.org. Enrichment Programs offered: Covenant Club Artworks will begin on Wednesday, January 19. This is an 8-week enrichment program for children in grades K – 6. Children will be working with copper, wood, fabric, modeling paste, charcoal, paint, and ink! The cost is $160, which includes all supplies. The program will be from 3:30-5:00 p.m. and Pam Geffkin is the instructor. Chess Club will meet on Friday afternoons from 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. The first session is Monday, January 17 – Friday, February 11. The cost is $30. Session 2 is Friday, March 11 – Friday, April 15. The cost is $30. Tournament dates are May 13 and May 20. Cost is $10. Tony Monaghan is the instructor. Children participating will learn piece movement, basic checkmates, chess openings, and a lot more. A Magical Tour of China! Speak! Language Center is coming to TCC to offer an exciting enrichment program on Tuesday afternoons. The Mandarin language will be offered. This class will use games, crafts, and Chinese legends to introduce students to the basics of Chinese language and culture. This program will be offered Tuesday, February 1 – Tuesday, April 12, and the cost will be $95 per child. Swim lessons through ACAC will begin Monday, February 28. Lessons will be offered for beginners through the more advanced swimmers (Swim Team Prep). This will be an 8-week program. For more information on any of these programs, contact Viki Lynch at 531-2607 or vlynch@covenantschool.org.