
3. When the winds push water up along the coast, _____ water movement is
4. An efficient way to redistribute heat from one area of the ocean to
another area.
6. In the zone between 30 and 60° latitude the ___ are found.
10. Currents that travel around the equator world-wide are called ___
11. The boundary between two air masses.
12. The center of a hurricane is called the ___.
17. Deep water currents are driven by ___.
20. The current that flows south along the eastern coast of South
21. In the zone between the equator and 30° latitude the ____ winds are
23. The phenomenon of piling up water along the eastern coast of the
United States (in height differences of ~1m from African coast).
25. Cold water currents generally flow toward this general area of
1. The Earth’s rotation influences currents by a force known as the ___.
2. Due to the Coriolis effect, gyres in the southern hemisphere tend to
move in this direction.
5. A change in water temperatures as you descend toward the ocean’s
7. The current that flows along the western coast of South America
8. A current also known as the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
9. Currents rotating in circles, piling up water in the center are
referred to as ____.
13. The ultimate source of the energy for ocean currents is the ___.
14. Due to the Coriolis effect, the water in the northern hemisphere
tends to move 45„a to the ____ of the wind.
15. Boundary currents that are generally fast, warm, narrow, and travel
from low latitudes to high latitudes are called _____.
16. Movement of deep, nutrient rich water toward the surface.
18. The current that travels along the eastern coast of the United
19. Boundary currents that are generally slow, cold, broad and flow from
high latitudes to low latitudes are called ____.
22. In general, warm water currents generally flow toward this area of
23. Surface currents are driven by ___.
24. The current that flows opposite of the Gulf Stream on the Eastern
side of the Atlantic.