JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 106, NO. C9, PAGES 19,715-19,729,SEPTEMBER 15, 2001 Observationsand modeling of coastalinternal wavesdriven by a diurnal sea breeze J. A. Lerczak Department of PhysicalOceanography, WoodsHoleOceanographic Institution, WoodsHole, Massachussets,USA M. C. Hendershott and C. D. Winant ScrippsInstitutionof Oceanography, Universityof California,SanDiego,La Jolla,California,USA Abstract. DuringtheInternalWaveson the ContinentalMargin (IWAVES) field experimentsof 1996 and 1997 off of MissionBeach,California(32.75øN), we observedenergetic, diurnal-bandmotionsacrossthe entirestudysitein waterdepthsrangingfrom 15 to 500 rn andspanning a cross-shore distance of 15 km. The spectral peakof thecurrentswasat the diurnalfrequency (av• = 1 cpd)andwassufficiently wellresolved to beclearlyseparated from the slightlyhigherlocalinertialfrequency(f = 1.08 cpd). Thesemotionswere surfaceenhanced andclockwisecircularlypolarizedandhadan upwardphasepropagation speed of• 68md-l, suggesting thatthemotions weredriven predominantly bythediurnal seabreeze. However,the downwardenergy(upwardphase)propagationseemsirreconcilablewith the subinertialdiurnalperiod,and moreover,the intermittentdiurnalcurrent eventswerenot obviouslyassociated with diurnalseabreezeevents.We rationalizethese features usinga flat-bottomed linearmodalsuminternalwavemodelthatincludesadvection andrefraction dueto subtidalalongshore flow,V(z, t). Fluctuations in V at theobserving sitecanchangethe "effective"local Coriolisparameterf + Vz by as muchas 50%, thus makingthediurnalmotionsat differenttimeseffectivelyeithersubinertial or superinertial. Themodelis integrated numerically for 200 daysat a latitudeof 32.75øNunderdifferent windandsubtidalflow conditions: purelydiurnalwindsandno V, purelydiurnalwinds anda time-independent V, narrow-band diurnalwindsandno V, andnarrow-band diurnal windsand subtidal,time-dependent V. Model diurnalcurrentsforcedby narrow-band diurnalwindsandsubtidalV showcomplexoffshorestructurewith realisticintermittency andspectralbroadening.This studysuggests thatcontinental marginsin the vicinityof the30ø latitude(whereav• = f) areregionsthatcouldpotentially produceenergetic, sea breeze-driven baroclinicmotionsandthatthesemotionscouldbe regulatedby the vorticity of the local subtidal currents. 1. Introduction Duringthe 1996 and 1997 InternalWaveson the ContinentalMargin(IWAVES) fieldstudiesoff of MissionBeach, California, diurnal-band(definedhere as between0.727 and 1.33 cyclesper day) currentswere energetic,with ampli- tudesaslargeas25 cm s-•. Theirstructure wassimilar to that of near-inertialmotionsobservedin the open ocean [Leaman, 1976; Kunzeand Sanford, 1984; D'Asaro, 1984] and on continentalshelves[Kundu, 1976; Denbo and Allen, 1984]. Currents were enhanced at the surface and were clockwisepolarized(v led u by 90ø). Lines of constant phasepropagatedtowardthe surface,suggestinga downwardenergyflux and a surfacesourcefor the motions.For Copyright2001 by theAmericanGeophysicalUnion. Papernumber2001JC000811. 0148-0227/01/2001JC000811 $09.00 thisreason,we believethatthesemotionswerenotforcedby the diurnalsurfacetide but by the local diurnalseabreeze. In contrast to near-inertial motions observed elsewhere, currentvarianceobservedduring IWAVES was not peaked at or slightlyabovef (1.08 cpd,latitude- 32.75ø) but was peakedat the slightlysubinertialdiurnalfrequency(av• = 1 cpd). In the open oceanand in many coastalregionswith strongwinds the wind forcing tendsto be broad-band,and the nearlyresonantinertial frequencyis excitedmore effectively than other frequencies.At the IWAVES study site, however,windswere generallyweak but had a sharppeak at av•. Becausethe wind forcingwaspredominantlyat this singlefrequency,the responseof the oceanwas peakedat thatfrequency. The strongresponseof the coastaloceanto the seabreeze duringIWAVES remainssurprisingbecauseav• is slightly subinertialand only a weak evanescentresponsewithin the mixed layer would be expected.During IWAVES, however, 19,715 19,716 LERCZAK ETAL.' INTERNAL WAVES DRIVEN BY A DIURNAL SEA BREEZE diurnalcurrentspenetratedconsiderably below the mixed layer and consistentlyhad an upward phasepropagation, which is unexpectedfor evanescent,subinertialmotions. Moreover, diurnal motions were much more intermittent than would be expectedfor the regularforcingof the sea breeze. Consequently, the diurnalspectralpeakof the currentswas muchbroaderthan the sharpspectralpeak of the wind. We proposethatlow-frequency background currentsplay a critical role in settinghow effectivethe sea breezeis at pumpingenergyinto the ocean. A mesoscale eddy field can significantlychangethe dynamicsof near-inertialmotions.In particular,therelativevorticityof theeddyfieldcan changethe effectiveCoriolisparameter"felt" by the near- Figure 1. Internal Waves on the Continental Margin inertial motions, and this can have several results: the hor- (IWAVES) study site. Circles mark the locationsof the izontal spatialscaleof the near inertial motionscan be set mooringsof the summerarrays(Table 1). Opencirclesmark by the horizontalscaleof the eddy field [Balmforthet al., mooringsdeployedin the summerof 1996; solid circles 1998]; the rate of dispersionof near-inertialenergycanbe mark summer1997 moorings;shadedcirclesmarkmoorings deployedin the summersof bothyears.Depthsare givenin enhanced[Balmforthet al., 1998; van Meurs, 1998]; trapmeters. The 1996 and 1997 fall mooringdeploymentsare ping andamplificationof near-inertialmotionscanoccurin not shown(see Table 1). regionsof negativerelativevorticity[Kunze,1985;D'Asaro, 1995]; andspectralbroadeningof the near-inertialpeakcan occurdue to temporalchangesin the backgroundvorticity 2. Field Studies field [D'Asaro, 1995]. During1996and1997,arraysof moorings weredeployed Low-frequencycurrentsobservedduringIWAVES were predominantlyorientedin the alongshore directionandhad off of MissionBeach,California(Figure1), twiceeachyear From approximately the end amplitudes ashighas50 cms-1. Thevorticity of these cur- with differentconfigurations. of Juneto the end of Augusteachyear,the arrayspanned rentsVx changedslowlyovertime andrangedfrom +0.5 f. range This rangewas sufficient,at times, to changethe effective depthsfrom 15 to 500 m, coveringa cross-shore Coriolis parameterfrom being subinertialto superinertial of • 15 km. Duringthe late summerandearlyfall, moordepthsrangand can explainmuchof the intermittencyobservedin the ingsweretightlyspacedin shallow,nearshore diurnal currents. ingfrom 15 to 30 m, withtheexception of the 100m moor- We begin,in section2, by givinga brief descriptionof the ing deployedin the fall of 1996(Table1). This studyfoarraysdeployedin IWAVES field studiesand the data used in theseanalyses. cuseson datafrom thebroadshelf/slope In section3 we describethe spatialand temporalstructure the summer and fall of 1996 and the summer of 1997. of the diurnal-bandcurrentsobservedduringIWAVES. In Eachmooringwasinstrumented with at leastoneacoustic section4 we describethealongshore low-frequency currents dopplercurrentprofiler(ADCP) to measure thethreecomand their vorticity. In section5 we summarizethe nature ponents of velocityas a functionof depth. On the shelf, of the windsin the vicinity of the IWAVES studysite. We between67 and 80% of the water column was coveredby concludethat over the cross-shore rangeof IWAVES (0-15 the ADCPs (Table 1). On the slopethe full watercolumn km from the coast)the diurnalwinds were nearlylinearly couldnot be sampledbecauseof ADCP rangelimitations. polarizedand orientedin the cross-shoredirectionwith a In 1996thedeeperportionof thewatercolumnwassampled phasethat was roughlyconstantwith cross-shore distance. at the350 m mooring.In 1997two ADCPs(a deepupward Then, in section6, we describea simplelinearmodelwith lookingoneanda shallowdownward lookingone)weredewhich we attemptto explain someaspectsof the diurnal ployedonthe350 and500 m mooringlines.Together they currentsobservedduringIWAVES. In the model, a coastal coveredapproximately theupper50% of thewatercolumn oceanwith a flat bottomis drivenby a cross-shore, diurnal at eachmooring.Verticalresolutionrangedfrom4 to 16 m wind actingover the mixed layer and decayingaway from on theslopeand1 to 4 m on theshelf. Samplingintervals the coast.A barotropicjet flowsin the alongshore direction. rangedfrom 1 to 4 min. While not reportedon here,sevThe field variablesandtheforcingaredecomposed intover- eral temperatureloggerswere alsodeployedon eachof the tical modes,and we assumethereis no alongshore depen- mooringlines. Wind speedanddirectionweremonitoredfromtheScripps dence.First, we describethe casewith purelydiurnaltime dependence.Next, we describea seriesof time-dependent Institutionof Oceanography(SIO) pier (• 12 km north of simulations in whichthediurnal-band windsarecomparable the studysite,Figure 1) duringthe experiments.Wind data to thoseobservedduringIWAVES, and the alongshore jet were also obtained from the SIO Coastal Data Informavariesin amplitudeslowlyover time. A comparison of the tion Programas well as from National Data Buoy Center observed and model diurnal-band currents follows in section (NDBC) and SIO Marine Observatorybuoysin the vicin7. ity of the IWAVES studysite (Table 2). In addition,con- LERCZAK ETAL.' INTERNAL WAVES DRIVEN BY A DIURNAL SEA BREEZE 19,717 Table 1. Parameters of ADCPs DeployedDuringIWAVES a Mooring Depth,m Alongshore Direction,deg ADCP DepthRange,m Vertical Resolution,m Sample Time, min Pings/ Sample ADCP Frequency, kHz Summer 1996 350 100 70 30 c 30 n 30 s 15 337 354 348 351 351 351 360 151-327 20-88 6-62 4-24 4-24 4-24 2-13 100 30 27.5 25 22.5 20 17.5 15 354 351 353 355 356 358 359 360 14-90 4-26 6-22 6-20 5-17 4-14 4-12 2-13 500 u 5001 350 u 3501 120 30 15 359 347 351 360 17-85 143-279 13-89 116-196 24-108 3-27 2-13 30 30 25 25 20 20 15 15 351 351 355 355 358 358 360 360 4-26 3-27 4-22 4-22 2-17 2-17 1-13 2-13 s n s n s n s n 337 16 4 4 2 2 2 1 Fall 1996 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 Summer 1997 4 8 4 4 4 2 1 Fall 1997 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 4 1.5 1 1 1 1 1 8 30 24 30 30 30 30 150 300 300 300 300 300 1200 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 32 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 150 300 300 300 300 300 300 1200 1 4 1 2 2 1 1 25 13 25 45 45 40 40 300 150 300 300 300 300 1200 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 64 107 111 111 260 260 185 30 150 300 300 300 300 300 300 1200 aThelettersc, n, ands designate mooringsdeployedat, northof, andsouthof the centralonshore/offshore mooringline. In 1996northandsouthmooringsat the30 m isobathwere• 1.2 and0.66 kin, respectively, from thecentermooring.In 1997 the n and s mooringswere separatedby 0.5 km. AcousticDopplerCurrentProfilers(ADCPs) were at the bottom,looking upward,exceptthat the lettersu and 1 indicatewhere upper (downwardlooking) and lower (upwardlooking) ADCPs, respectively, weredeployedon the500 and350 m mooringlinesin the summerof 1997. tinuousconductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) yo-yoswere structure wasobserved in the spectrafromtheotherdeployconducted at the mooringlocationson numerousoccasions ments.To mimimizethe spreading of thediurnalfrequency for periodsrangingfrom 4 to 24 hours. intoneighboring bins,spectrawerecalculated usinga time blockthatwasa multipleof 24 hours.Thefull recordlength 3. Descriptionof Diurnal Currents of eachADCP time seriesto within 24 hourswas used,and a We definethe diurnalbandasbeingbetween0.727 and 1.33cpd(1/33 and1/18 cph). Thisfrequency bandincludes bothrrr,• (1 cpd)andf (1.08cpd).A 5 daytimeseries of thediurnal-band currents at the70 and100m moorings duringthesummer of 1996IWAVESdeployment (Figure2) Table 2. Wind Stations a Station Offshore Years Distance,km Analyzed 1992-1993, 1999 showsmanyof the salientfeaturesof the diurnal-bandcur- rents.Currents weregreatest atthesurface anddecayed with NDBC 46047 220 increasing depth.Alongshore currents v led cross-shore cur- San Clemente 110 1998-1999 rentsu by90ø;thatis,thecurrents wereclockwise polarized. Therewasa well-defined upwardphasepropagation of the currents. Thethickdashed linesin Figures2a and2bhavean NDBC 46048 60 1992-1993 Pt La Jolla 8 1998-1999 SIO pier 0 1996-1999 upward slope of 50rnd-•. Thisupward phase propagation aData from buoys NDBC 46047 and NDBC 46048 isconsistent witha downward energyfluxandsuggests that wereobtainedfrom the NationalData BuoyCenter. San the source of these motions was at the surface. 3.1. Diurnal-BandRotary Spectra Rotary spectraof the currentsfrom the summerof 1997 IWAVESdeployment areplottedinFigure3. Thesamebasic Clemente and Point La Jolla data were from SIO Marine Observatory buoys.The SIO pier dataof 1996and 1997 were from IWAVES observations. The data from 1998 and 1999 were from the SIO Coastal Data Information Program. 19,718 LERCZAK ETAL.: INTERNAL WAVES DRIVEN BY A D1URNAL SEA BREEZE 3.2. Variance VersusDepth and Cross-ShoreDistance Thevariance ofthediurnal currents, {u2)+ Iv2),typically decreasedwith depth (Figure 4). The only exceptionwas the shallowest(15 m) mooring of the fall of 1996 (Figure 4b), wherethe variancenearthe bottomwas as high as that nearthe surface.In 1996 the variancedroppedto < 0.25 its maximumvalueat a depthof --•50 m. In 1997 the variance decreasedmore slowly with depth. At the 120 m mooring, for example, (u2) + (v2) was< 0.25 its maximum value •-] lO ,:.)o .......0 •:• 1oo at a depthof ,-• 80 m. The variancesat the 120 and 350 m mooringsin the summerof 1997 (Figure 4c) trackedeach othercloselywith depth.At the 500 m mooringtherewas a subsurface maximumat a depthof ,-• 37 m. For H < 100 m, there was a clear increase in variance -10 with distancefrom the coast.In the summerof 1996 (Figure 4a),forexample, (u2) + (v2) nearthesurface approximately doubledfrom the 30 to 70 m mooring(Az = 4.0 km) and from the 70 to the 100 m mooring(Ax = 3.4 km). 100L ................ 233 234 • 235 ............. ..)----........ 236 .,.---.......... 237 -10 238 Days (1996) Clockwise Counterclockwise 120 rn Figure2. Five daytime seriesof durnal-band (0.727-1.33 cpd)currents versus depthat the70 and100m moorings of the summerof 1996 IWAVES deployment.(a) Cross-shore currentsu and(b) alongshore currentsv at the70 m mooring. (c) u and (d) v at the 100 m mooring. The thick vertical linesin Figures2a and2b marka time whenthe surfaceu at the70 m mooringwasmaximumonshoreandthesurface v waschangingfrom beingnorthwardto southward; thatis, the currentswere clockwisepolarized. The samewas true for the currentsat the 100 m mooringas indicatedby the bold verticallinesin Figures2c and2d. The gray scaleis in ß I I I•' [ ß 800 400 I o 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 o 0.6 1.4 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 350 rn 1200 cms-1. Zerocurrentis indicated by thesolidcontours. The 'd)lI dashed lineshaveanupward slopeof 50 rnd-1 . ß 800 " •o I • _ 19m ' , 400 Hanningwindowwasappliedto thetime seriesbeforecalculating the spectra.To maximizethe spectralresolution,the spectrawere not ensembleaveragedin time. Rotary spectra are plottedfor five differentADCP bins rangingfrom near the surface to near the bottom of the water column of each mooring. The range of the diurnal band is markedby the verticaldashedlinesin eachpanel. For all moorings,clockwiseenergy(CW) dominatedover counterclockwiseenergy(CCW). Variancewithin the diurnal bandtypicallydecreased with increasingdepth.Variance was typically peakedat or near the the diurnal frequency. This resultwas significantas the verticallyaveraged,clockwiserotaryspectraof all mooringsandall deployments(not just thoseplottedin Figure 3) had peaksat the diurnal frequencyand not at the inertial frequency. This was different from the spectralshapeoftenobservedfor near-inertial motions,for which the peak in energyis at or a few percenthigherthanthe inertialfrequency[D'Asaro et al., 1995; Baines,1986]. While energyduringIWAVES wastypically maximumat thediurnalfrequency,thepeakswerebroadand spannedmuch of the diurnalband. In Figure 3 this is most evidentin the spectrafrom the 500 m mooring. -7 - • , i - 0 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 0.6 1.4 --"• 0.8 1 ! 27m_ [ 51m i 158rr i 194rr ' 1.2 1.4 500 rn ß 1600[ ,'• /L_.LI e" •/ r/• ' ' I,; •_•..-•• '•ø/ _/ ' 800 I' ol 0.6 I 1 . . . 1600 II AO 800 39 m ' 0.8 1 1.2 Cyclesper day 1.4 59 m: . 203•r 0 0.6 ß 0.8 1 ' 112 I 2.75 1.4 Cyclesper day Figure 3. Rotary spectraof diurnal-bandcurrentsfrom the (a-b) 120, (c-d) 350, and (e-f) 500 m mooringsof the summerof 1997IWAVES deploymentThe dashedverticallines mark the frequencyrangeof the diurnalbanddefinedfor this study(0.727-1.33 cpd). Spectraare plottedfor five ADCP bins for eachmooring. Depthsof the bins are indicatedon the right side of the right panels. The spectralresolution Aa of thespectrais indicatedat thetoprightcornerof each panel. The diurnaland inertialfrequenciesare indicatedby thick solidlines at the top of eachpanel. LERCZAK ETAL.' INTERNAL WAVES DRIVEN BY A DIURNAL SEA BREEZE 19,719 latedthe phaseslope•buzversusdepthfor the cross-shore, diurnal-bandcurrentsof the IWAVES moorings. The rela- tivephases ACu,iandsquared coherence p2between neigh- •150-- --350m [ --30m ] [/• •120m 150 250 0 II --100m 150[ /( 25ot F•I1996 • 25o[fi Su•er 1997 d0 ;0 boring ADCP bins were averagedover the diurnal band, and phaseslopeswere estimatedby centereddifferences. Fowardandbackwarddifferenceswereusedto calculate•b•z at the lowestanduppermostADCP bins,respectively.Resultsare summarizedin Figure5. In the upper100 m of the watercolumn,•b• wasalways greaterthanzero(upwardphasepropagation) anddecreased with increasingdepth. In the upper50 m, wherethe diurnal currentswere mostenergetic,the average•b• of the six • 0 20 c•/s • 40 • 0 20 c•/s • 40 • c•/s • Figure4. Average diurnal-band variance ({u2) + {v2})ver- of Figure5 was5.3øm-• (verticaldashed linein susdepthat selectedmooringsof theIWAVESdeployments moorings Figures5a-5c) corresponding to an upward, diurnal phase of the (a) summerand (b) fall of 1996 and (c) summerof 1997. The diurnal band is definedas the frequenciesbetween0.727 and 1.33 cpd. speed of t58rnd-•. Apparently, thephaseslopein theupper 50 m washigherduringthe 1996 deployments(Figures 5a and5b, average •b•,•was6.0øm-1) thanthesummer of 1997deployment (Figure5c,average •b•,•was4.6ørn-1). 3.3. Polarization and Ellipticity The rotary spectra(Figure 3) and 5 day time series(Figure2) indicatethatdiurnalCW energydominatesoverCCW energyin the diurnalband. To make this assessment more quantitative, we calculatedCW/CCW averagedoverthe upper50 m of the watercolumn(thedepthrangeoverwhich diurnalbandenergytendedto be high): CW CWi CCW = •1k CCWi ' i--1 (1) Below a depthof 100 m (Figure5c), •b•,zwas somewhat lower thanit washigherin the watercolumn.At the 500 m mooringin the summerof 1997, •b•,•was negative(downwardphasepropagation) overthe depthrange150-210m. 3.5. Intermittency of the Diurnal Currents Diurnalcurrenteventswereverysimilarat adjacentmooringsbut were intermittentin time. This is apparentin runningestimatesof verticallyaveraged,diurnal-band,horizontal kineticenergy(KE, Figures6-8), calculatedaccordingto wherethe sumis overtheADCP binswithin theupper50 m Table 3. Clockwiseto Counterclockwise EnergyRatio and Ellipticty of Diurnal-Band Currents a andcounterclockwise variancesat depthbin i, respectively, of the water column and CWi and CCWi are the clockwise summed over the diurnal band. For H over all ADCP < 30 m the sum is bins. Results are summarized in Table 3. For all IWAVESdeployments, CW/CCW decreased fromthe offshore moorings to thecoast.ForH > 30 m, CW/CCW was often > 10, and was between 1 and 2.5 for H < 30 m. The squareof the ratio of the minor to major diurnalcur- rentellipseaxes(e-2) andthe majoraxisorientation (0) were averagedover the upper50 m of the water columnat eachmooringin a similarmannerto CW/CCW (Table3): 1 N e--20--• i=1 ei20i' (2) Like CW/CCW, e-2 decreased fromthe offshoremoor- Standard Depth, m CW Deployment c cw e- 2 0, deg Deviation N 0, deg 15 15 15 15 30 30 30 summer 1996 fall 1996 summer 1997 fall 1997 summer 1996 fall 1996 summer 1997 2.5 2.0 1.2 2.2 2.3 2.2 1.6 0.34 0.52 0.29 0.39 0.52 0.61 0.60 30 70 fall 1997 summer 1996 2.0 15.9 0.61 0.90 94 104 99 94 94 120 99 74 ......... 100 summer 1996 15.7 0.86 ......... 100 fall 1996 9.1 0.74 ......... 120 350 summer 1997 summer 1997 6.1 7.6 0.73 0.77 ......... ......... 500 summer 1997 12.8 0.69 ......... 4.8 15 4.2 7.6 8.0 16 21 10 11 11 11 10 11 12 14 12 ings to the coast. When the currentswere clockwise,cir- cularlypolarized (CW/CCW >> 1, H > 30 m), e-2 _> 1. aCW/CCW is the ratio of clockwise to counterclockwise Whilethecurrents at H _<30 m wereclockwisepolarized energy; e-2 isthesquare oftheratioof theminortomajor (CW/CCW > 1), theyweremoreellipticalthanthecur- current ellipseaxes;and0 is theorientation of themajor rentsfartheroffshore.For thenearshore moorings (H _<30 ellipseaxis(0) of the diurnal-bandcurrentsof the IWAVES m), stableestimates of 0 couldbeobtained,andthemajorel- deployments. All valueswereaveraged overtheADCPbins lipseaxiswasorientedin thealongshore direction(0 m 90ø) withintheupper50 m of thewatercolumn.Ellipseorientafor all IWAVESdeployments. tionis only shownfor H _<30 m. At thosemooringlocations,e-2 wassmall,and0 wasstableovertheADCP bins. 3.4. VerticalPhaseSlope,Oq•,/Oz The standard deviation of 0 is over the number of ADCP Linesof constant phaseof thediurnalcurrents propagatedbins(N) at eachmooring.Whenthemajoraxisis oriented upwardin the water column(Figure 2). We have calcu- in the alongshoredirection,0 - 90ø. 19,720 LERCZAK ETAL.' INTERNAL WAVES DRIVEN BY A DIURNAL SEA BREEZE Summer1996 Fall 1996 50 d•/dz '• Summer1997 50 t(dCg'/m)' • II At the 70 m mooringin the summerof 1996, for example, thevertically averaged alongshore variance was103cm2s-2, 50 while the verticallyaveragedcross-shore variancewas only 5.5 cm2s-2. At times,V waseffectively barotropic, while at other times, it was sheared in the vertical, with currents '. / ...... -5 0 5 • .o -5 i) 0 5 10 / . •t. -5 0 flowingin oppositedirectionsat differentdepths. We haveestimatedthe vorticityof the low-frequencycurrents by finite differencingthe vertically averagedV be' • •.• • ' 10 tweenneighboringmooringpairs: 50• o•2 ...• 50 o[----7 150 • 250 [ 0 l•m ' 150 • 0'5 ' e.) 0 0.5 0 , (4) whereV/are the verticallyaveragedV and Az is the crossshoreseparation of the mooringpair. Verticalaveragingwas donetwo differentways' over the upper40 m of the water columnand over the upper 100 m of the water column(the entire water column on the shelf). We averagedthesetwo waysto determinehow significantlythe verticalshearof V l•m d.) 250 V2 - V• Vx = 0.5 affected the estimate of Vx. In the modelwe presentsubsequently, the sizeof f + V• Figure 5. (a-c) Diurnal-bandverticalphaseslope•b•zat serelative to f, which we define as F (= 1 + V• / f), isa dynamlectedIWAVES moorings.The verticaldashedlinesindicate the•buz(5.3øm-1) averaged overtheupper50m of thewater columnandoverthe six mooringsplotted.(d-f) Average diurnal-band coherencies squared (/92)fromtheneighboring ADCP pairsusedto calculate½uz. N KE- i=1 + (Q)' (3) where the sum is over ADCP bins in the upper 100 m of the watercolumn.The temporalaveraging,indicatedby the angledbrackets,wasover2 day time blocks,andan estimate of KE wasmadeevery6 hours. An increasein KE after day 205 in the summerof 1996 was apparentat the 30, 70 and 100 m moorings(Figure6a). Modulationsof KE with a timescaleof ,-• 5 - 10 days at the 100 and 70 m mooringstrackedeach other closely. In the fall of 1996,KE wasmuchhigherat the 100 m mooring than at the 30 m mooring(Figure 7a), with three energetic pulsescenteredat days264, 280, and 302. A decreasein diurnalenergytowardthecoastwasalsoapparentin the KE time series.In the summerof 1997 (Figure 8a), for example,currentswere most energeticat the 500 m mooring. The two pulsesof enhancedKE centeredon days183 and208 wereapparentfor thethreemooringsplotted. The pulsesappearedto propagateoffshore.The maximum of the first pulse occurredat day 182.1, 182.6, and 183.15for the 120, 350, and500 m moorings,respectively (indicatedby the dots abovethe peaks). The correspond- 1.0 ..... 0.5I- • 180 , , 200 • •' 220 V • , : 240 days(1996) ingoffshore speeds were4.8 and9.7 cms-1 forthe120/350 kineticenergyvertim and 350/500 m mooringpairs,respectively.Similar off- Figure 6. (a) Runningdiurnal-band cally averagedover all ADCP bins from the summerof shorespeedswere estimatedfor the secondpulse(4.9 and 1996 IWAVES deployment.Runningestimateswere aver10cms-1 forthe120/350m and350/500mmooring pairs, agedovertime blocks2 daysin length. An estimatewas respectively). madeevery6 hours.(b) Low-frequency, alongshore currents V averagedoverthe upper40 m of the watercolumn. (c) F = 1 + V•/f withV fromFigure6b. (d) V averaged over the entirewatercolumn.(e) F = 1 + V•/f with V from Low-frequency currents (or< 0.727cpd)werepredomi- Figure6d. The thick horizontallinesin Figures6c and6e 2If2(= nantlyoriented in thealongshore direction duringIWAVES. markthevalueof err> • 4. Low-Frequency CurrentsandVorticity LERCZAK ETAL.' INTERNAL WAVES DRIVEN BY A DIURNAL SEA BREEZE i ! 30a.) i 19,721 100 m • •0 10 0 •' .mLb) '-- 100m • 0•.• ß i /'x ' , • i i i [ bII) c• 20 [- •': • o[... 7"•' ..... % ! 0.5 ' ' ' x 5d0m I ' 350m .......... •' ' } ,. ^ ,'.-.• '/•/N• /NA \ ' •/I ',M.\...... • d..W/... :,..•%•.'....•.. i .-20 • 1.5c.) ' 'I • I I ' i I I ' I I •Wf--120/350 ii 350 / 5OO •' 1.5 i 260 i i 280 i I i 300 •-- 1.0 days(1996) Figure 7. SameasFigure 6, but for the fall of 1996 deploy- • 0.5 ie:)Jun:.•,.*.•.•lY,•,•.,••• /.iugust ' ø2'I 2 I ment. 1+ Vx/f . I I . I 180 m I 200 220 ...... - 350 / 5OO 240 days(1997) 2 if2 (= 0.85),an Figure 8. Same as Figure 6, but for the summerof 1997 icallyimportant quantity. WhenF > ao• deployment.At the 500 and350 m moorings,diurnalKE evanescent response to the diurnalwindsis expectedin the wasaveraged overADCP binsin theupper100m of thewa2 /f2, diurnalinternal tercolumn,andV andI' of Figures8d and8e,respectively, coastal ocean, whereas whenF < ao• wavescanbegenerated by thewinds.We plotF versustime, werealsoaveraged overtheupper100m. Thedotsin Figure estimatedfor theIWAVES deployments, in Figures6-8. For 8a indicatethetimesof maximumKE at thethreemoorings thesedeployments, F did notappearto be verysensitive to for thetwo energeticpulsesreferredto in thetext. whetherV wasaveragedovertheupper40 m or theupper 100 m. using21 yearsof measurements from shipsandfrom land In the summerof 1996 (Figures6c and6e), F, measured stationsat the San Diego Airport andthe northwesttip of betweenthe 70 and 100 m moorings,rangedbetween0.8 SanClementeIsland. We extendedthe diurnalanalysisof and1.5for thefirst30 daysof thedeployment. At day208, Dorman [1982] by studyingsummerwind measurements 2•/f2 andstayed belowformostof the F dropped belowat, remainderof thedeployment.Thiswasparticularlyevident in Figure6e. Thiswasthesameperiodwhendiurnalenergy wasmostenergetic(Figure 6a). NDBC 46047 (220 km from coast) SIO pier b.) a.) In thesummer of 1997' F dipped below0'2 Di /f2 between Maj. diurnal days180-190and203-212.Thiswasparticularly evidentin axis Figure8c. Thesewereroughlythesametimeswhenthetwo pulsesof enhanced diurnalenergyoccurred(Figure8a). However, coincidence of F dropping belowcr2o/f2and enhanceddiurnalenergydid not alwaysoccur. For exam- ple,inthefallof 1996(Figure 7),F dropped belowat,• twice, arounddays 269 and 292. In contrastto the summer deployments, diurnal-band energyat the 100 m moor- IMindiurnal axis I ,, 1 2 0 •lll___l _,A 1 2 cycles Der day cycles Der day ingwasrelativelylowduringthesetwotimeperiods(Figure 7a). In fact, diurnal-band KE washighestduringperiods Figure9. Spectra of windvelocityat the(a) SIOpierand whenF > 1, e.g., days260-268,274-285, and298-305. (b) NDBC buoy46047 in the summerof 1999. Windswere rotatedintomajor(thickline) andminor(thinline)axesof 5. Diurnal Winds off of Southern California thediurnal-band variance.Themajoraxeswereorientedat Dotman [1982] characterized the winds between San angles of 1015 ø and7t5 ø relativeto truenorthin Figures9a and9b, respectively.The diurnalband,as definedfor this DiegoandSanClemente Island(,-•110km fromthecoast) study,is indicatedby theverticaldashedlines. 19,722 LERCZAK ETAL.' INTERNAL WAVESDRIVEN BY A DIURNAL SEA BREEZE obtainedfrom the SIO pier (Figure 1) andvariousmeteoroa.) logicalbuoys(Table2) rangingfrom a few kilometersfrom the coastto • 220 km offshore. Details of the analysisare givenby Lerczak[2000]. Representativewind spectraare shownin Figure 9 (lowi frequencyvarianceis plotted in additionto diurnal-band variance).Over the summermonths,spectrawere averaged overthree25 day longensembles.The time serieswerenot • 24 b.) , windowedbeforecalculatingthe spectra. The diurnalpeaksin the wind spectraweremuchsharper • 20 than the corresponding peaksobservedin the currentspec• 16 tra (Figure 3). Diurnal variability was predominantlyorientedin the major axisdirection;the ratio of majorto minor 12 axisvarianceat the diurnalfrequencywas60 at the SIO pier and 8.2 at NDBC 46047. The diurnal-bandRMS amplitude, 1.0 ' o 1992 however, wassignificantly lessatNDBC46047(0.43m s-1) compared totheSIOpier(0.88m s-•). A runningharmonicanalysisof the diurnal(24 hourperiod) windsdemonstrates thestabilityof amplitudeandphase over time, especiallyat the coast. Resultsfor the SIO pier and NDBC 46047 c.) 0 i d.) 10a). The phase,however,wasremarkablystableovertime (Figure 10b). Maximum onshorewinds occurred2.7 hours after local noon. At NDBC 46047 the amplitudeof the di- .... onshore winds at NDBC 180 i i .... o i i i ......... * ...... ' 22O ' 110 ' 6O m 8 , 0 Distancefrom shore(km) 46047 occurred 9 hours after local noon (6.2 hoursafter maximum onshorewinds at the SIO pier). Diurnal-bandwind statisticsfrom otheryearsandat other wind stationsare summarizedin Figure 11. The diurnalbandRMS amplitudeof the majorellipseaxiswindsranged i ß 1998 1999 o windsvariedfrom0.8 to 1.7m s-• overthesummer (Figure maximum i + 1993 0.5 in Figure 10. At the SIO pier the amplitudeof the diurnal was somewhatmore variable than at the pier. On average, mm o ß 1996 [] 1997 in the summer of 1999 are summarized urnalwindsrangedfrom0.25to 1.25m s-1, andthephase 0 * Figure 11. Summarystatistics of diurnal-band windsat various stationsoff the southernCalifornia coast(Table 2). (a) RMS amplitude. (b) Relativephase(in hours,relativeto 0000:00 LT) calculatedfrom a harmonicanalysisof the diurnal(24 hourperiod)windsusingindependent timeblocks, from0.4 to 1.1ms-1 (Figure1la). In 1999(indicated by 8 daysin length.Eachindependent estimateof the relative stars),winds decayedfrom the coastto 220 km offshore. phaseis plotted.(c) Squareof theratioof theminorto major diurnal-band ellipseaxese-2. (d) Orientation of themajor •,2.0•.) .•, • • ß o i •, ' i -- 'SIOpier ' ' ellipseaxis,relativeto the orientationof the coast(90ø is perpendicular to thecoast). i . i i i . i i i •4 However,a trendin the wind amplitudewasnot obviousfor mostyearsstudied. The phaseclearlyincreased from thecoastto 220 km offshore(Figure 1lb). On average,the time of maximumonshore winds was 6.6 hours later 220 km offshore than at the coast. 0 , June , :: 180 , Jul• , :: , 200 220 Aug•st, 240 Time (days) Figure 10. Runningestimatesof harmonicconstants of diurnal(24 hourperiod)windsat the SIO pierandNDBC buoy 46047 in the summerof 1999. (a) Harmonicamplitudeand (b) phaselag wereestimatedfor themajorellipseaxiswinds usingtime blocksfour daysin length.Estimatesweremade every 6 hours. The phaselag is expressedin hoursand is relative to 0000:00 LT. At all stations,diurnalwindswere highly elliptical(Figure 1l c). The squareof the ratio of minor to major ellipse axese-2 wasusually< 0.25. At theSIO pier(0 km from thecoast)theaverage e-: overthefoursummers sampled was 0.07. The orientationof the major axis was scattered around90ø (Figure 1ld); thatis, windswere approximately normalto the coast. From this analysiswe concludethat, overtheextentof theIWAVES array,diurnalwindswerecoherent,hadnearlya constantphase,andwerenearlylinearly polarizedin the cross-shore direction. LERCZAK ETAL.: INTERNAL WAVES DRIVEN BY A DIURNAL 6. Modeling a Sea Breeze-Driven Coastal SEA BREEZE w- E w,•(x,t)ck,•(z). Ocean 19,723 (10) n=0 We explain someof the featuresof the diurnal currents observedduringIWAVES usinga variationof themodeldescribedby Gill and Clarke [1974] and used with modificationsby Zervakisand Levine [1995] and Balmforthand Young[1999]. The geometryis shownin Figure 12. A straightcoastline(z = 0) runsparallelto the y axis, and a continental shelfwith constantdepthH extendsto the west. Separability requires thattheverticalstructure functions (•b,• and4>,•)arerelatedby N2 ½• =• 2½•=•, (11) wherec• is a sep•ationconstant withunitsof wavespeed. Theserelationships leadto theeigenvalue equation, A slowlyvarying,barotropicgeostrophic current,V(z, t), N2 flowsparallelto the coast.All field variablesare assumedto ½• + •½• - 0. (12) be independent of y. We consideronly the cross-shore wind stresswith a predominantly diurnalfrequency. boundmyconditions(½• = • = The modelequationsare linear,hydrostatic,and Boussi- Rigid-lid, flat-bottomed 0 at z = 0,-H) me assumed,and the normalizationof • nesqwith rotationandwind forcing: is definedby ut - fv = -7r• + X• , (5) vt+f (l+ -f-)u- O, •m (6) dz -- 6nm, (13) where •nm is the Kroneckerdelta and the asteriskindicates N2w = -7rzt, (7) complexconjugation. The coefficientsc•n that couplethe u• + w• = 0. (8) wind to the nth internalwavemodeare thereforegivenby o The variable•r is the pressureperturbationdividedby the meandensity,(u,v,w) are velocitycomponents in the (x,y,z) directions,and f is the local Coriolisparameter.The ocean (14) t) -H is forcedby a prescribed windstress, X (x, z, t), actingover The resultingequationsfor un, vn, andPn are the mixed layer. We assumethe wind blowsonly in the x Unt - f Vn = -Pn• + C•nX , direction. (15) Like Gill and Clarke [ 1974], we assumeall field variables (includingthe wind forcing)are separablein the horizontal and verticalcoordinatesand decomposethem into normal v.t + fru. = 0, (16) modes: Pnt+ Cn2 Unx= 0, U• V• 7r•Xz = E{Un(X,t), Vn(X,t), pn(x,t), C•nX(x,t)} •Pn(Z),(9) n=O wherer = 1 + Vx/ f. From(15)-(17)a singleequation for u,• can be obtained: - (&t + f2r)u = /•/•Along shore (17) (18) 6.1. Stratification The modelbuoyancy frequency profile(Figure13a) is similarto thatobserved in the upper100 m off of Mission BeachduringIWAVES: Diurnalwindstress 1[ Z--Zm)] [l+eZ•-•] . (19) N(z)-No• l+tanh( This profilehas a mixed layer of thicknesszm, risesto a maximumvalueat thebaseof themixedlayer,anddecays exponentially below.To matchconditions at MissionBeach, Figure12. Schematic of themodel.A straightcoastline runs we take No = 5.12x10 -3 s -1, zm = -10 m, Zo= -40.7m, parallelto the y axis,anda continental shelfwith constant N (period= 3.1 depthH extendsto thewest.A slowlyvaryinggeostrophic6 = 15.6m, ande = 2 m. Themaximum periodat current,V(z, t), flowsparallelto thecoast.Thisflowis as- min)occursat a depthof 12.8m. Thebuoyancy sumedto be independent of y. theseaflooris 20 min (Figure13a). 19,724 LERCZAK ETAL.' INTERNAL WAVES DRIVEN BY A DIURNAL SEA BREEZE Seabreezecouplingconstants Buoyancyfrequency b.) a.,,....L• CD isa dragcoefficient (1.1x10-3),andU istheamplitude of theseabreezeat thecoast(1.5m s-1). Usingthesevalues,r•: = 0.03dyncm-2. Wecalculated thepurelydiurnal solution for a seabreezedecayscale/•-1 of 50 km at latitudeswhere the diurnal frequencyis superinertial(29.5ø) and subinertial(32.75ø) (Figure 14). The subinertiallatitude is the samelatitudeas the IWAVES experiments.The ocean'sresponsenear the coastis not very sensitiveto/•. 0.1 The first 100 vertical modes were solved for in the calcula0 100 0 20 40 tion. Whenthe diurnalfrequencyis superinertial, a beamof internalwavesradiatesaway from the coastalongan interFigure 13. (a) Buoyancyfrequencyprofileusedin the nal wave characteristic(dashedline) startingat the baseof model.(b) Couplingconstants c•,•of themodelwindto the the mixed layer (Figures14a and 14b). Maximum currents 0 0.01 0.02 N(7• 0.03 mode nnmher (rad/• n nth internal wave normal mode. in the beam are 14 cm s-1. At a distance of 5 km from the coast(Figure14d), thereis a sharpphaseshift in the crossshorecurrentsu at the baseof the mixed layer. The currents 6.2. Coupling to the Wind directlyrespondingto the wind in the mixed layer have a How thewindcouplesto thedifferentinternalwavemodes constantphasewith depth. At a distanceof 40 km from the dependson the underlyingstratification,whichdefinesthe coast,currentshave a higher amplitudethan closerto the vertical structure of the internal wave modes and the struc- ture of the wind-drivenEkman layer. As in Gill and Clarke [1974] andBalmforthand Young[1999], we assumethe sea breezeforcingactspredominantly in thesurfacemixedlayer, and we giveit the followingform: II Xz- • l+tanh( ) X(x,t) (20) 100 q-• 100 400 •.• 200 30 20 1o o Cross-shoredist (kin) Cross-.shore dist(kin) o I r•(x,t) x = -- Po 40 0 501 5kin moorin Zm The resultantcouplingconstants a,• decayrapidlywith mode number(Figure 13b). For analyticalconvenience, we considera wind thatdecaysexponentiallyawayfrom the coast, 0 o 2 2 Time (days) Time (days) o 6.3. Exactly Periodic Solutions Considerthe long time responseof the oceanto a sea breezewith a singlefrequencya whenthe backgroundflow is steady.Assumethat all transientshavepropagatedaway from the vicinity of the coast,and that the oceanoscillates withthesame frequency asthewind(u,• • e-i•t). Equation lOO • 4• • 2• 40 0 30 20 10 0 Cross-shoredist,(kin) Cross-shore disl.(kin) ••0 (18) becomes 0 u• + rr2 - f2F Cn2 u•- •ct•X. Cn2 (22) is 1 -i,•,•x (eu• - e ) ½n 2PoZmn2n -Jr-•t 2' o 2 Tin• (days) Figure14. Modelsolutions of u2 for a purelydiurnaldependent seabreeze-driven coastalocean(summation of When thereis no backgroundflow (F = 1), we can solve for Un analytically. At the coast,Un goesto zero, and a radiationconditionis imposedat x -• -o•; thatis, eitherthe solutiondecaysawayfrom thecoast,or wavesareallowedto propagateawayfrom butnottowardsthe coast.The solution ia 1 fox u• - a•---- 2 Time (days) 100vertical modes of (23)).Theseabreeze frequency is 1 cpd,itsoffshore decay scale/•-1is50km,anditsamplitude atthecoast is 1.5ms-1. Theocean's response wascalculatedat(a-d)a latitude of 29.5øand(e-h)32.75ø(thelatitude of theIWAVESfieldstudy).Figures14aand14eshowu2 versus cross-shore distance anddepth.Figures14band14f arethe sameasFigures14aand 14ebut for the first45 km from the coast. The thick vertical lines indicatethe loca- (23) tionsof synthetic moorings. Figures 14c,14d,14g,and14h show u2 versus timeanddepth atthetwosynthetic moor- ings.Thegrayscaleis0 - 50 cm2s-2 forFigures 14a-14d wheren,•_ - f: )/c2•. and0 - 1 cm2s-2 forFigures 14e-14h.Thedashed line The diurnalwindstressat thecoast,r•:, wasestimated to in Figure14aindicates thediurnal characteristic emanating bePairCDU 2, wherePairisthedensity of air(1.2kgm-2), from the coast. LERCZAK ETAL.' INTERNAL WAVES DRIVEN coast.Themixedlayercurrents havea constant phasewith BY A DIURNAL SEA BREEZE 19,725 We solved(22) numericallyfor the first50 modesusing methodof Gaussian elimination described depth, whilethephases in thebeambelowthemixedlayer thegeneralized andKuo[1969]witha zerocross-shore flow propagate upward. Thewidthofthebeamextends fromthe by Lindzen boundary condition at the coastanda radiationboundary baseof themixedlayerto 40 m belowthesurface. At the subinertiallatitude(Figures14e-14h),currentsare condition 1000 km offshore. The latitude was set to 32.75 ø, muchweaker; themaximum amplitude of u is 1 cms-•. the sameasthe location of IWAVES. The varianceof the cur- distanceanddepthis plotWithinthemixedlayer,currents decayoffshore withthede- rentsasa functionof cross-shore 15c.Outside oftherange where F < 0'2/f2, cayscaleof theseabreeze.Thereis a 180ø phase shiftin tedinFigure is low. Thetwolocations whereF = 0'2if2 thecurrentsat thebaseof themixedlayer.The currentsjust thevariance dottedlines)actascaustics forinternalwavereflecbelowthe mixedlayeroccurbecauseof the coastalbound- (vertical complicated internal arycondition. Theiroffshore decayscaleis thedeformationtion.WhereF < o'2/f2,anenergetic, occurs, withbeams beingreflected off thebotradiusof thefirstinternalwavemode(c•/f, 6.1 km in this wavepattern case). tom and at the baseof the mixed layer. 6.4. ExactlyDiurnal Response with r :/: 0 6.5. Time-dependentWind and V In theabove,we assumed thatthereis notime dependence Theparameter F - 1 istheratioof therelativevorticityof currents andthatthewindblowspurely thebackground current totheplanetary vorticityf. Thisrel- to thebackground high modeswere ativevorticitychanges theeffectiveCoriolisconstant felt by at the diurnalfrequency.Consequently, thediurnalmotions[Kunze,1985;D'Asaro, 1995;Balmforth present in thesolutions, resulting in complicated spatial pat- andYoung, 1999].WhenF > a2/ f2, (22)iselliptic in(2;,z). ternsof theinternalwavefield (Figure15c). However,high background Theocean's response will beevanescent asin thesubinertial modestravelslowly,andin a time-dependent nothavetimetoevolveandmakea case ofFigures 14e-14h. However, when F < a2if2, (22)is fieldtheywouldprobably hyperbolic in (2;,z),andinternalwaveswill freelypropagate. coherentcontributionto the solution.For example,consider To demonstratethis, we solved (22) with a Gaussianjet thetime it wouldtakea particularmodeto propagateacross theregion whereP < o'2/f2 inFigure15b(At -- A2;/c•). flowingin thealongshore direction(Figure15a): For the first mode, At is • 0.5 days. For the 50th mode, V- Voe -«('"•-•')•' . (24) At is • 30 days,longerthanthetimescaleof variabilityof V duringtheIWAVESexperiments (Figures 6 to 8). There- In all subsequent analyses, Vo - 40 cm8-1 , 2;0 - -25 fore, for realisticvariabilityin V we needto studythe timekm, and A - 10 km. The resultingF is shownin Figure dependentproblem. 15b. Over the cross-shore range5.4-22 km from the coast, We solved(15)-(17) numericallywith a time-dependent F and realisticdiurnal-bandwind variability at the same latitudeasIWAVES. The equationswere finite differencedover a 400 km domain in the cross-shore direction. a.) , I "•20 1 6O 40 20 The model winds were constructed + I • ß ! 60 40 20 An Adams- Bashforthtime steppingschemewas usedto integratethe equations forwardin time, andthe time stepwasmadeshort enoughso that the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy stability condition was met for all vertical modessolvedfor. A sponge layerwasaddedto the offshoreendof the domain. i 0 to have the statisti- cal variability of the diurnal-bandwinds observedduring IWAVES (Figure9a). The windswere peakedat the diurnal frequencywith a uniform,low backgroundlevel acrossthe diurnalband. In orderto avoidgeneratinglargetransientsat the startof a modelrun, we rampedthe windsup from zero amplitude to a finalstationary amplitude of 1.5rns-• over the first 20 days (Figure 16a). As before, the winds were givenan offshoredecayscaleof 50 km. The background jet V hadthe shapeshownin Figure 15a, but its amplitudeVo was modulatedover time. Three simulation caseswere run. In caseI the jet amplitudewas set to zero for the entiresimulation.In caseII (Figure 16e), Vo Figure 15. (a) Cross-shore profileof the alongshore jet used was setto zero for the first 50 daysandwas thenrampedup in themodel. Thejet is Gaussianin shape,centeredat 25 km overthe next 10 daysto a maximumnorthwardamplitudeof offshore,with a width of 20 km. The maximumamplitude withthisamplitude forthenext is 40 cms-•. (b) Theresultant I' fromthejet. (c) (u)2 + 40 cms- •. Thejet remained 70 days and was then ramped down to zero over a periodof (v2) fromthepurelydiurnalmodelsolution of (22) witha diurnalwind forcing and the F of Figure 15b. The model 10 days. It remained at zero for the rest of the simulation. was calculated for a latitude of 32.75 ø. Like caseII, Vo of case III was set to zero for the first 50 and 19,726 LERCZAK ETAL.' INTERNAL WAVES DRIVEN BY A DIURNAL SEA BREEZE Simulation Case I Simulation •-2 Case II Simulation -2 0 50 1 O0 15o 200 Case III -2 o 50 lOO 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 1.4 ß 1.2 [- 1.0 0.8 0.6 .4 •..) ................. 1.4 il ................ 'Of.-. •- / t 1'0 .2 1.2 1.8 0.8 •.6 0 50 lOO 15o 200 ........... •'•12 '•' -I- • 8 0.6 50 100 150 200 ' ßß 0 50 100 150 200 150 200 ................... g:)..... 2'kmfrom coast 2 12 8 8 15km ............ 250 km i i i i 4 0 o 0 50 100 150 200 50 Days 100 150 200 '-- 0 50 Days 100 Days Figure 16. Time seriesfrom threetime-dependentsimulationcases.(a-c) Cross-shorewind at the coast. The windsdecayedoffshorewith a decayscaleof 50 km. (d-f) F at 15 km from the coast(Figure 15b). (g-i)Vertically averaged u2 + v2 atdifferent cross-shore locations. last50 days(Figure16f). From days50 to 150,however,Vo oscillated about+40 cms-1 witha periodof 20 days.All simulationswere run for 200 daysandthe first25 modes. We considertheresponseof theoceanat threedifferentlocationsfromthecoast:2 km (inshoreof theregionwhereI' at 15 km. The varianceat 250 km roseat aboutday 100 andremainedcomparatively highuntilaboutday 180,again apparentlydueto theradiationof internalwavesawayfrom the coast. Vertically averaged,clockwisepolarizedspectraat the canbelessthano'2/f2),15km(thelocation withthelowest threecross-shore locationsare plottedin Figure 17. Counvalueof I' when thejet flows northward),and 250 km (beyondthe influenceof the wind andthejet). The vertically averaged variance (u2 + v2) versus timeis plottedfor the 2 km fromcoast 50 '1 'a.) '" ' '1 I I threeoffshorelocationsandthreesimulationcasesin Figures16g-16i. When I' = 1 (caseI), the variancewas low at all three locations(Figure 16g) but was highest15 km from the coast. Therethe varianceincreased slowlyoverthe first20 days (theperiodoverwhichthe windswererampedup). Afterward,the variancewasmodulatedovertimebut apparently remainedat a stationarylevel. The modulationin the variance was apparentlydue to the modulationof the diurnal 15 km from coast 50 '1 b.)' ' ' ' '1' I I -II ' I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 .II .... 0.6 1 50 "a.)' '" , ,II , 1.4 - ', 0 .II . . /•A 0.6 1 ,II 1.4 5o[ ',',,)' j ,' ' 'l' 0 .II . 0.6 II 1 1.4 _ 4 -II f.) ' '- 06 ,I 1 50 I g) '" 1.4 ' '1 0 .I . 0.6 1 50 I h.) '" 1.4 ' -I I 0 0.6 I I .I . . • A-^^.I 1 I. 14 0 06 I I .I . I I 1 1.4 0 0.6 _ II I ' I I 0 .I . . )k•,.. _ I I wind. Over the first 45 days,caseII (Figure 16h) was identical to caseI. Oncethejet wasturnedon at day50, however,the 250 km fromcoast 4 II C. ) ' .I . I . . ! 1 1.4 4 iI i.) ' ' - -I' I 0 0 6 I I I I I I , .I . _ J 1 _ 1.4 variance rapidlyincreased at the 15km location.A slight cpd cpd cpd risein thevariance atthe2 kmlocation wasalsoapparent. Figure17. Vertically averaged, clockwise rotaryspectra of Afterday145,whenV wasrampeddown,thevariance at 15 the currentsfrom the modelsimulations.Counterclockwise kmgradually decayed. Thevariance at2 kmroseabruptly at variances were2-3 ordersof magnitude lowerthanclockday155,apparently theresultof internal waveenergy being wisevariances. Thealongshore jet modulation for(a-c)sim- released fromthetrapping region.A slightrisein variance at ulation case I, (d-f)case II, and(g-i)case III isshown inFigthe250kmlocation occurred atday170andwasapparentlyures16d-16f. Spectraareshownfor threedifferentlocations Thevertical dashed linesmarktherange of dueto internalwaveenergyradiating awayfromthecoast. fromthecoast. In caseIII (Figure 16i) the rise in varianceat 15 km was not asdramaticasin caseII. Pulsesin varianceoccurred,-• 5 days after maximum northwardV. Peaksin the varianceat thediurnal bandof thisstudy(0.727-1.33 cpd).Thethick solidlinesat thetopof eachpanelmarkthediurnal(left line)andinertial(rightline)frequencies. Notethatthescale of the spectraof the currents250 km from the coastis dif2 km occurred roughlyat thetimeof theminimain variance ferentthanfor the othertwo cross-shorelocations. LERCZAK ETAL.: INTERNAL 2 km from coast 15 km from coast WAVES DRIVEN BY A DIURNAL .j . lOO o i 2 cm2/ s2 3 o lO 20 30 o cm2/ s2 0.2 0.4 19,727 ent). In caseI, KE at 15 km from the coastwas low and was 250 km from coast o SEA BREEZE 0.6 confinedto the mixed layer and slightlybelow. In caseII, KE wasconsiderablygreaterthanin caseI. A maximumoccurredbelowthe mixed layer at a depthof • 16 m. Most of the KE wasconfinedto the upper40 m of the watercolumn, but someenergywas presentdown to the seafloor.Energy was presentbelow the mixed layer in caseIII but did not penetrateasdeeplyas in caseII. A smallamountof KE was presentat the seafloor. 7. Discussion cm2/ s2 Figure 18. Kinetic energy versus depth from timedependentsimulationsat (a) 2 km, (b) 15 km, and (c) 250 km from the coast. For all threecases,the kineticenergy wasaveragedoverthe periodbetweendays50 and 150 of the simulations(thetime periodwhenthejet wasturnedon). Note that the kinetic energyscalesof Figures 18a-18care different. terclockwise variance(not shownin Figure 17) was2-3 or- dersof magnitude lowerthanclockwise variance. Clockwise spectral levelswerelow at 2 km fromthecoast.In caseI, therewasa peakat thediurnalfrequency anda smallerone attheinertialfrequency. In caseII, therewasa broadinertial peakanda somewhat smaller andnarrower diurnalpeak.In caseIII, variancewasmoreevenlydistributed fromthediurnalfrequency to theupperboundof thediurnalband. At 15 km in caseI, therewere two distinctpeaksat the Despiteits simplicity,the model that we havepresented demonstrates that backgroundcurrentscan be importantin regulatingthe degreeto which the seabreezecanpumpenergy into the coastalocean. The model predictsthat at a latitudeof 32.75ø, little diurnal energywould be pumped intotheoceanwithoutthepresenceof a negativebackground vorticity.Even with a constantdiurnalforcingby the wind, a time varyingbackgroundflow can producean oceanresponsethatis highly intermittent. The model diurnal-band currents resembled the currents observedduringIWAVES. Both were predominantlyclockwise polarized. During IWAVES, currentsnear the coast (H < 30 m) were elliptical and orientedin the alongshore direction,whereascurrentsfartheroffshorewere circularly polarized. In the model the polarizationis dependenton F and,consequently, offshore distance (Ivl/ll - rfla, (16)). In orderfor the modelto explainthe polarizationpatternobservedduringIWAVES, F wouldneedto be consistently > 1 forthevalues of e-2 diurnalandinertialfrequencies. Theinertialpeakwaslarger (V• > 0) nearthecoast.Forexample, thanthediurnalpeakdespitetheconsiderably stronger forc- typicallyobservedat the 15-30m moorings(• 0.4, Table3), ingatthediurnalfrequency (thediurnalwindpeakwasmuch F wouldneedto be • 1.5. However,this probablydid not largerthanthebackground levelat f, Figure9a). Thenear- occurduringIWAVES becauseV couldbe eithernorthward resonant response of theoceanat f, apparently, caused the or southward,andsincethesecurrentstypicallydecayedtolargeresponse despitetheweakforcing.Not surprisingly,ward the coast,V• near the coastcould be either positive the 15 km spectrum wasmuchmoreenergetic for caseII. or negativeand was probablynot consistently> 0. Thus dependence of polarizationobservedduring The largestpeakin CW variancewasat the diurnalfre- the cross-shore quency, butaninertialpeakwasonlyslightlysmaller.Vari- IWAVES cannotbe explainedby the model. Both duringIWAVES and in the model,diurnal-bandKE ancewasalsoapparentat frequencies lowerthana•,• and higherthanf. In caseIII, energywasalsohighestat the was highestnear the surfaceof the water column and dediurnalfrequency. However,thevariancewasbroadlydis- cayedwith depth. However,the model had maximumKE tributedbetweenaD• andtheupperboundof the diurnal belowthemixedlayerwhichwasnottypicallyobserveddurband. ing IWAVES, exceptat the 500 m mooringin the summer Thescalesof thespectra for the250 km cross-shore loca- of 1997 (Figure 4c), where a maximumin KE occurredat a tionareexpanded relativeto thespectrafromthelocations depthof 37 m. Diurnal-band variance increased from the coast to 10 km closerto shore.Here,beyondthedirectinfluenceof thewind andthejet, variance wasat andhigherthantheinertialfre- offshoreduringIWAVES as well as in the model(Figures4 quency.This wasapparently dueto slightlysuperinertialand 14, respectively).In the modelthis was a consequence internalwavesradiatingaway from the coast. This near- of the coastalboundarycondition(u = 0 and,consequently, profile chosen inertialvariancewashighestin caseIII, the casein which v = 0 becauseof (6)) and the cross-shore V was modulated with the shortesttimescale. forF (Figure15b),whichwasalways> rr2/f2 atthecoast diurnalmotions Horizontalkineticenergyversusdepthis plottedfor the <11< 5,4 km) anddidnotallowsignificant threecasesin Figure18. The kineticenergywasaveraged to be driventhere(Figure 15c). At 15 km from the modelcoast,currentspectrafrom the over the time periodbetweendays50 and 150 of the simmodel were much broaderthan the spectmmof the wind, ulations,the periodwhenthejet was turnedon in casesII as was observedduring IWAVES. The broadeningin the andIII. In all threecases,KE washighestat 15 km from the model apparently was causedby the slow changesin V, coast(notethat the KE scalesof Figures18a-18care differ- 19,728 LERCZAKETAL.: INTERNAL WAVESDRIVEN BY A DIURNAL SEA BREEZE whichallowedforfrequency mixing.Theslowchanges in V gradients in densitymusthavebeenpresent.Hayesand alsocausedthecross-shore locationof thecaustics (location Halpern[1976]showed thatcross-shore gradients in den- where F = ae/fe) tochange overtime,further complicat-sitycanmodifytheinternal wavedispersion relationship. ing thetemporalandspatialresponse of theocean. In thepresence of analongshore geostrophic current, interIn the summers of 1996and 1997,diurnal-band KE ap- nalwaves canfreelypropagate withinthefrequency range peared tobeenhanced whenF < ae/re (Figures 6 and8). (f2r - M4/N2)1/2and N, where M2- -gP•/Po. When However,in thefall of 1996,KE at the 100m mooringap- M = 0,freeinternal waves canexistwhen F < 0-2if2 (the pearedto be greatest whenF > I (Figure7). Thisdiscrep- relevant relationship inthemodel presented here).Thepresancybetween themodelandtheIWAVESobservations may ence ofacross-shore gradient inp,however, willmodify this havebeencaused by severalfactors.First,themodelmay relationship. Whether M eispositive ornegative, it willtend notcontainall therelevantphysicsnecessary to describe the to reducethelowerlimit of thefree internalwaveband.Thus diurnalintermittency observed duringIWAVES.We will ad- slowchanges in cross-shore density gradients, in addition to dressthis in more detail below. Second,the finite difference thevorticity ofthebackground currents, could havechanged estimate of Vxbetween the100and30 m moorings maynot theeffective Coriolis parameter at theIWAVESstudysite havebeenrepresentative of thetruerelativevorticityat the andcontributedto the intermittentbehaviorof the observed 100 m mooring. The low-frequency currentsat the 30 m diurnal currents. mooringwereweakand,for thepurposeof estimating Vx, Acknowledgments. TheIWAVESfieldprogram andsubseeffectively zero. Thus,whenV at the 100m mooringwas efforthasbeenfundedby theOfficeof NavalRenegative,theestimateof V• waspositive,andwhenV at the quentanalysis search. Theauthors wishtothank LouGoodman forhissupport 100 m mooringwaspositive,V• wasnegative(Figure7). of thisproject. 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