Agdamag,Arnold Faypon

Agdamag,Arnold Faypon
Benthuysen,Jessica Ann
Brown,Peter A
Caine,Matthew Jordan
Chen,Wei Liang
Chong,Hermann Faith
Quantitative Analysis of
Water Distribution in China:
An Application of Linear
Ellipse and Linear Algebra
Computer Graphics with
The Importance of Matrices Not fully up to standard.
in the DirectX API
Strong points in this report
are the use of real data and
student thinking about a real
problem. Weak point from
the 308 project point of view
is that the linear algebra used
is pretty basic.
This is a beautiful and
important application. The
report has a good example
and graphics. One omission
in the example is the idea
that the length of the new
coordinate vectors must be
equal for the ellipse to keep
the same proportions and the
lengths must be 1 to keep the
same size.
This has a good discussion
of homogeneous coordinates
and composition of
translation, scaling, and
rotation. Weak spot is that
general form of rotation
matrix is never explained.
The best feature of this
report is that it describes a
real-world application of
linear algebra. However, a
serious deficiency is that it
stays on the surface and does
not meet the standard of
learning and explaining a
specific example of the use
of linear algebra. Rather it
just tells where the linear
algebra is used without
giving any details about the
linear algebra.
Cushman,Elisabeth Noel
Divina,Svetlana Grigoryevna Theoretical Evolutionary
Unsatisfactory because of
serious errors. (also late)
This seems like a good topic,
but when one examines the
matrix example, the example
has serious errors. The
infinite power of the matrix
converges to the 0 matrix
and the population is not
constant at claimed. There is
no evidence of
understanding the nature of a
matrix that would make the
population stay constant and
the matrix power converge
to a nonzero matrix.
Fiskum,Mathew David
Georgianna,Leigh Mara
Gregory,Scott Andrew
This is a modest but nice
example of the use of
Applications of Linear
Algebra: Data Encryption
matrices in codes. The
references should have been
explicit and printed with full
www address.
Howerton,Mary Beth
Jedinak,Jay Leland
Kirkham,Jared Robert
Lauer,John Francis
McDaniel,Chris Ray
Miller,Matthew Jay
Mills,Adam Justin
Muldoon,Erin James
Nguyen,Michelle Lan
Nguyen,Quang-Huy Thai
Peplowski,Patrick N
Peydaye Saheli,Farhad
Pilawski,Kristen Elizabeth
Earthquake Location
How linear algebra can be
applied to genetics
Very Good.
This has a good example
with explanation of how
linear algebra concepts
appear. Abstract and
references are good.
Space Shuttle Control
This has some good detail
about pitch roll and yaw.
There is a good explanation.
Also, it was good that Maple
was used. However, the
report does not actually
multiply the matrices in the
non-commutative example
and show the results are
different (Maple does not
seem to have been used for
Recolizado,Milton B
Geology and Geography
Reed,Christopher T
Using Eigenvalues to Find
Solutions to Dampened
Spring Problems
A bit below standard.
Reidinger,Arianne Melissa
Integration By Parts
Rilling,Adam Joseph
this) or show how you
actually can "aim" the space
shuttle with these controls (it
goes the reverse direction).
Abstract and References are
This is an interesting topic,
and the explanation is good.
It would have been nice to
see a concrete example.
Abstract and references OK.
The strong feature of this
report is a detailed example.
The weakness is that there is
very little sense of why one
should use linear algebra and
eigenvalues for what is
apparently a one-variable
problem. It looks more like
Math 307 than 308. Abstract
and references OK.
The report has good
examples and reasonably
good explanation of what is
going on. A strong point is
that examples are worked
out. Abstract and references
Report has some good
explanation and an example.
References OK. Abstract not
set apart.
Schiefloe,Paal Torleiv
Sheriff,Scott Preston
Shiner,Christi Ann
Sutherland,Jeremy Chad
Thompson,Andrew Kell
Yip,Ting Kam
Yoshida,Jenni Rieko
Young,Christopher Kerry
The Adjacency Matrix
Electrical Circuits
Matrices in Computer
Electrical Networks