Notes on Photosynthesis and Food chains, Food Webs and Energy

Notes on Photosynthesis and Food chains, Food Webs and Energy Pyramids
5A Recognize that radiant energy from the Sun is transformed into chemical energy
through the process of photosynthesis.
flow of energy throughout living
systems due to the process of photosynthesis in producers.
chemical reactions that form new
bonds between the elements in CO2 and H2O making C6H12O6 and releasing O2.
is transformed through photosynthesis into chemical energy in the
form of food – carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
transformations in organisms to power life processes
while CO2 and H2O are recycled through the carbon cycle.
5C Diagram the flow of energy through living systems, including food chains, food webs,
and energy pyramids
Producer/__________ – organism that makes its own food, such as a plant or
photosynthetic alga.
_________/heterotroph - an organism that feeds on other organisms
– an animal that feeds on __________
– an animal that feeds on ________ ___________
– an animal that feeds on ________ plants and animals
Decomposer – ____________ and fungi are consumers that feed on dead
organisms and waste material and in the process return important nutrients to the
Food _________ – path of food energy from the sun to the producer to other
organisms inan ecosystem.
Example: Food Chain – Grass
________ in a food chain or food web point in the direction that energy is being
passed from one organism to another
Food web – is a complex ___________of energy flow through overlapping and
interconnected food chains
Describe the effect of removing an organism from a simple food web
Energy pyramids show that only _______% of the energy stored by producers becomes
part of the biomass in the bodies of the first level consumers
The remaining 90% is _________ for life activities or lost as heat to the environment
[movement, growth and development, reproduction, etc.]
This 90% loss and 10% ___________ to the next level continues until the top
consumer level is reached
Energy pyramids show that food chains can only support a ______ top consumers
within an ecosystem
Notes on Biomass, Compost Bins and Organic Compounds
5B Demonstrate and explain the cycling of matter within living systems such as in the
decay of biomass in a compost bin
__________ composing the bodies of organisms.
________, it breaks down the remains of organisms into smaller forms of
matter through chemical changes.
____________ that may be recycled for
use by producers.
________ in recycling matter. Organic compounds,
composed of _________ and other ________, are recycled due to chemical changes
that rearrange the elements for the particular ________ of that living system.
__________ to the soil for the uptake by
plants through their roots.( CO2, H2O, and phosphorus, nitrogen, sulfur, calcium, and
______ help plants form all the different kinds of organic compounds
for life. When we use commercial fertilizers, they include these ingredients.
_______ stored in the biomass as heat.
food molecules through cellular _________ and release CO2 and H2O. [Not Breathing,
which is a physical process, provides the ______ needed for the chemical reactions that
release energy and form CO2 and H2O from food. Breathing also gets rid of the waste
product, CO2, from the chemical reactions of cellular respiration.]
cycling of matter to the flow of energy in a community or ecosystem
cycling of matter, diagram of a cycle showing recycling of matter
flow of energy through energy pyramids and food webs, energy is not recycled
Students often have misconceptions about the differences between energy _____
and matter ________ in ecosystems
6A Identify that organic compounds contain carbon and other elements such as
hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, nitrogen or sulfur
and hydrogen. Most also contain oxygen. Organisms also use nitrogen, phosphorus and
sulfur to form cells and tissues. (SPONCH CaFe) [Note: Ca and Fe are important
elements in some life processes, but are not essential to most organic molecules.]
water from the soil to make food.
Know differences in compounds and elements.
Identify key elements of organic compounds in chemical formulas such as glucose.