List of Publications and Presentations Dimitar Christozov, Ph. D. Professor of Computer Science 1. Separate Volumes: Books, Monographs, and Brochures: Christozov D., Denchev S. Information Brokering: lecture notes, WINI-1837, 2004 (Bulgarian) Denchev S., Christozov D., Uncertainty, Complexity, and Information: Analisis and Design of Uncertain Information Environment, “Zahrij Stoianov”, 2004 (Bulgarian) Christozov D., Denchev S., Ugarchinsky B., Assessment of Mechanical Engineering Technologies, ICSTI, Moscow 1989 (Russian) Christozov D, at al, Information Support of Technology Transfer: basic sources and channels for technological information, ICTT “Informa”, Sofia 1988 (Bulgarian) Denchev S., Christozov D., Karagiozov V., Ugarchinsky B., Computer System for Expert Evaluation "BISER", ICTT “Informa”, Sofia 1987 (Bulgarian) Translated into Russian, ICSTI, Moscow, 1989 Christozov D., Computer system for evaluation of machines’ reliability, ICTT “Informa”, Sofia 1987 (Bulgarian) 2. Chapters Christozov D., Chapter XXIV. Real Live Cases in Training Management of Information Resources, Current Issues in IT Education, IRM Press, 2003, pp. 297-303 3. Papers in Refereed Journals: Christozov D., Chukova S., Mateev P. On two types of warranties: warranty of malfunctioning and warranty of misinforming, accepted for publication in Asia-Pacific Journal on Operation research. Christozov D., Chukova S., Mateev P., Warranty and the Risk of Misinforming: Evaluation of the Degree of Acceptance, Journal of Issuies in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 5 (2008), pp. 667-677. (Presented on InSite’2008, June 22-25, Varna, Bulgaria) Christozov D., Denchev S., Toleva-Stoimenova S., Rasheva-Yordanova K., Training Information Brokers: A Curriculum Model, Journal of Issuies in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 5 (2008), pp. 87-94. (Presented on InSite’2008, June 22-25, Varna, Bulgaria) D. Christozov 1 2/16/2016 List of Publications and Presentations Christozov D., Chukova S., Mateev P. On the Relationship between Warranty and the Risk of Information Asymmetry, “Journal of Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology”, Vloume 4 (2007), pp. 235-249. (Presented on InSite’2007, June 22-25, Ljubljana, Slovenia) Bonev S., Christozov D., Galletly J., Karagiozov V., Evolving a Computer Science Curriculum in a Liberal Art Settings, Elektrotechnica & Elektronica, Volume 42, (1-2/2007), p. 20. Christozov D., Chukova S., Mateev P., A Measure of Risk Caused by Information Asymmetry in e-Commerce, “Journal of Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology”, Vloume 3 (2006), p.147. (Presented on InSite’2006, June 22-28, Manchester, UK) Christozov D., Mateev P., Assessment of Information Assymetry, Pliska Studia Mathematica Bulgarica, 17 (2005), pp 27-38 Mateev P., Christozov D., An Application of ISO 5725 in Beer Industry, Pliska Studia Mathematica Bulgarica, 14 (2003), pp 37-44 Christozov D., Geochemia: Information Systems to Support Chemical Analysis in Geological Research, Annals of Cases on Information Technology (ACIT), An International Refereed Journal of IT Teaching Cases, Vol. 3, 2000 Christozov D., Relia-Soft: Reliability Analysis Software Between Education and Real Problems, European Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 24, No. 4, 1999 Kamburova E., Christozov D., Assessment of and comparison between Bulgarian and International standards for quality control of evaluation of the element composition of geological samples, Analytical Laboratory 4.97, p. 205, Spectrotech, Sofia 1998 (Bulgarian) Denchev S., Christozov D., Software Tools for Comparative Analysis of Technological Objects' Quality, Problems of Information Systems, Vol. 6, pp 29-35, ICSTI, Moscow 1989 (Russian) Denchev S., Christozov D., Canov V., Technology information transfer as one of the main factors of technical development in socialist countries, TMT 1989/3, OMIKK, Budapest 1989 (Hungarian) Christozov D., Technical and Economic Comparative Analysis of Objects' Quality with "BISER", Standards and Quality, Vol. 8, Sofia 1987 (Bulgarian) Karagiozov V., Nenov V., Christozov D., Interactive Computer System for Shaping Graphical Images of Machinery Details Based on a Set of Primitive Geometrical Objects, Problems of Mechanical Engineering and Automathization, Vol. 5, p. 134, Moscow – Budapest, 1985 (Russian) Christozov D., Problems in Development of Software for Reliability Tests’ Data Processing, Standards and Quality, Vol. 5, Sofia 1985 (Bulgarian) Denchev D., Christozov D., Extensions of a CAD/CAM System Addressing of its behavior in Stochastic Environment, Problems of Mechanical Engineering and Automathization, Vol. 5, p. 85, Moscow – Budapest, 1985 (Bulgarian) D. Christozov 2 2/16/2016 List of Publications and Presentations Christozov D., Chakarov, Evaluation of reliability indicators in case of small number of observations, Standards and Quality, Vol. 8, Sofia 1982 (Bulgarian) 4. Papers in Refereed Proceedings: Christozov D., Galletly J., Karagiozov V., Bonev S., Learning by Doing – the Way to Develop Computer Science Professionals, Informatics Education Europe II Conference (IEEII 2007), Tessaloniki, November 19-30, 2007 Bonev S., Christozov D., Karagiozov V., Ever Green Inverse Polish Notation, Computer Science’2006, Technical University of Sofia, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006, pp 309-314 Karagiozov V., Galletly J., Christozov D., Bonev S., E-learning in a Liberal Arts Institution: An Open Source Solution – AUBG experience, Computer Science’2005, Technical University of Sofia, Posidi, Greece, 2005, pp218-223 Bonev S., Christozov D., Galletly J., Karagiozov V. Computer Science Curriculum in a Liberal Arts Institution: Transition from ACM/IEEE Curriculum Model 1992 to 2001, Computer Science’2005, Technical University of Sofia, Posidi, Greece, 2005, pp. 213-217 Christozov D., Denchev S. An Application of Short-List Algorithm in Solving Data Mining Evaluation Problem, International Conference “Knowledge Acquisition and Management”, Kule, Poland, May 2004, p. 38 Christozov D., Mateev P., Warranty as a Factor for e-Commerce Success, Informing Science and IT Education Conference, Pori, Finland, June 2003 (electronic proceedings: Christozov D., Training Management of Information Resources in Small Enterprises: Challenges and Paradigms in Post Communist Developing Countries, 2002 IRMA International Conference, May 19-22, 2002, Seattle, p. 940 Stoev A., Christozov D., Integration of measurement analysis of technological routes with the statistical quality control on the precision of processing, International Conference AMTECH 2001, 03-05 October 2001, Sozopol, Bulgaria (Bulgarian) Dimitrov B., Khalil, Christozov D., Cost Models for Proportional Age Correcting Actions, ESREL 2001, September 2001, Torino, Italy Christozov D., Nikolova I., Infobroker – an Emerging Profession of Informing Mediators?, Informing Science 2001, Krakow June 2001 (proceedings on web and CD) Christozov D., Evaluation of the Quality of an Option Compare to Its Alternatives, in Polis, Dontchev, Kall, Lasiecka, Olbrot Systems Modelling and Optimization Proceedings of the 18th IFIP TC7 Conference (Research Notes in Mathematics Series), volume 396, CRC Press, pp. 318-326 Christozov D., Kamburova E., Evaluation of chemical measurement methods accuracy, SDA’96, Sozopol 1996 D. Christozov 3 2/16/2016 List of Publications and Presentations Christozov D., Comparing Multidimensional Objects: Using Between Indicators Dependences, ICAUTO'95, Indore, India (accepted for presentation and publication, but not presented) Cenev I., Christozov D., Shirkova M., Automated Metrological Information System in Nuclear Power Station: an Element of Total Quality Management System, Mathematical Models in nuclear safety and radiation security”, CIAEMC, Sofia 1993 (Bulgarian) Christozov D., A Subroutine Library for Approximate Calculation of the Table Values of Basic Statistical Distributions, SDA'89, p 47, Varna 1989 Denchev S., Christozov D., Ugarchinsky B., Methodological Aspects in Technological Objects' Assessment using "BISER", RG 25 “Problems and Tools for Integration of Information Systems”, p. 33-42, Budapest 1988 (Russian) Christozov D., Ikonomova M., Computerized system for comparative analysis of technological objects quality, INFOGRYF'88, Sekcja II, p. 217-224, Szezin, Poland 1988 Christozov D., RELIA-SOFT – Processing of Machine Tests’ Data, SDA'87, p. 282284, Varna 1987 Christozov D., Multicriteria Optimization of Programs for Reliability Improvement of Technical Systems, Mathematical Methods in Quality Research, p. 51-53, Plovdiv 1987 (Bulgarian) Denchev S., Christozov D., Interactive System for Evaluation of Complex Objects, International Seminar “Advanced Information Technologies”, pp 58-61, Plovdiv 1987 (Bulgarian) Christozov D., Ikonomova M., An Software Application for Missing Data Forecasting and Updating, International Seminar “Advanced Information Technologies”, pp 52-54, Plovdiv 1987 (Bulgarian) Christozov D., Stoev A., An Application of Spline's Approximations for 3-D Graphical Representation of Complex Objects', Annual Conference of Technical University – Sofia, section “Mechanical Engineering”, p. 41, Sofia 1987 (Bulgarian) Denchev S., Christozov D., Ugarchinsky B., Comparing Articles with "BISER", IV National Conference “Statistical Methods in experimental research and quality control”, Vol. 2, p. 49, Varna 1986 (Bulgarian) Karagiozov V., Nenov V., Christozov D., DRAWMACH - A Computer Drafting System for Machinery Design, ASTIC Advanced Courses of CAD in Mechanical Engineering", proceedings, p. 248, Varna, 1985 Christozov D., Stoev A., Software for Quality Assurance, Based on the Machines’ Precision, Mathematical Methods in Quality Research, p. 42, Smolian 1985 (Bulgarian) Christozov D., Information Support of Reliability Testing Data Processing, MECHATRONINFO, p. 33, Budapest 1985 (Hungarian) D. Christozov 4 2/16/2016 List of Publications and Presentations Nenov V., Karagiozov V., Christozov D., Interactive Computer Graphics in Mechanical Engineering Research, International Conference “Automation in research”, Vol. 1, p. 283, Plovdiv 1984 (Russian) 5. Presentations: Christozov D., Chukova S., Robinson J., Warranty Data: Stratification Approach for Estimating the Mean Cumulative Function, XIII-th International Summer Conference on Probability and Statistics and Seminar on Statistical Data Analysis, Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 21-28, 2008. Christozov D., Toleva-Stoimenova S., Processes and Models of Informing, Proceedings of the Second Conference “Bugarian Youth, European Identity and Invoation Achievments”, May 20, 2008. Chukova S., Christozov D., Mining Automobile Warranty Data, Knowledga Acquisition and Management (KAM’2007), Wroclaw 20-22 September, 2007 Chukova S., Christozov D., Mateev P., Probability and Statistics in the schooling system of New Zealand, National seminar on issues on statistical education, Kiten, June 25-28, 2007. Christozov D., Chukova S., Mining Automobile Warranty Data, AUBG – CSSU, Blagoevgrad, March 28, 2007 Chistozov D., Chukova S., Mateev P. Quantifying the Risk of Misinforming: The birth and babyhood of a research topic?, VUW, School of Mathematics, Compiter Science and Statistics, OR Seminar, Wellington, New Zealand, October 25, 2006. Christozov D., Chukova S. Estimation of the Mean Cumulative Functions from Automotive Warranty Data: A Stratification Approach, The New Zealand Statistical Association, Wellington – group, Wellington, New Zealand, October 12, 2006 Christozov D., Mateev P., Mutafchiev L., Statistical expertise needed to train Data Mining, SDA’2006, Sozopol, June 17-23, 2006. Christozov D., Karagiozov V., The AUBG experience in applying elements of elearning in support of educational processes, II National conference “eeducation”, May 23, 2006, Sofia (Bulgarian) Christozov D., Petrov P., Archeological Excavation Data Base, Socrates Minerva SEEArchWeb Project, Workshop, Blagoevgrad, April 2006. Karagiozov V., Galletly J., Christozov D., Bonev S., E-learning in a Liberal Arts Institution: An Open Source Solution – AUBG experience, Computer Science’2005, Technical University of Sofia, Posidi, Greece, 2005 Bonev S., Christozov D., Galletly J., Karagiozov V. Computer Science Curriculum in a Liberal Arts Institution: Transition from ACM/IEEE Curriculum Model 1992 to 2001, Computer Science’2005, Technical University of Sofia, Posidi, Greece, 2005 Christozov D., Data Warehouses and Data Mining, lecture series, Faculty of Informatics, Otto von Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany, May 2005. Christozov D., Mateev P., Assessment of Information Assymetry, International Conference “Statistical Data Analysis”, Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 2004 D. Christozov 5 2/16/2016 List of Publications and Presentations Christozov D., Short-list technique as a tool for evaluation of the quality, Information Systems Seminar, Faculty of Management, Tel Aviv University, Israel, April 2000 Christozov D., Statistical Quality Control on Chemical Analysis of Geological Samples, Statistics Seminar, Tel Aviv University, Israel, March 2000 Christozov D., Decision Making for Technology Transfer, 1st Balkan Workshop “Mathematics for Industry”, Thessalonica, Greece, November 1998 Christozov D., Evaluation of the Quality of an Option Compare to Its Alternatives, Science and Mathematics Seminar Series, GMI Engineering & Management Institute, June 1997 Christozov D., Measures for Culture’s Influence in Managerial Area, SDA’95, Varna June 1995 Christozov D., Strategic Information Management for Information Services: Conceptual Issues and Perspectives (East European View) 6th ECSSID, London, April 1991 Christozov D., Evaluation of Multidimensional Objects: "BISER-2.1", Mathematical Methods in Quality Research, Plovdiv 1990 (Russian) Christozov D., Evaluation of Multidimensional Objects”: Experts’ Methods, SDA’90, Varna 1990 Christozov D., Estimation of the Value of a Numerical Missing Data in "ParameterObject" Comparative Matrix: Bayesian Approach, “Advanced Information Technologies”, Plovdiv 1989 Christozov D., Two Approaches to Forecast Missing Values in Information Matrices, “Advanced Information Technologies”, Plovdiv 1988 (Russian) Christozov D., Evaluation of Quantitative Measures for Reliability Indicators: RELIA_SOFT, “Application of Mathematics in Engineering”, Sofia 1987 (Bulgarian) Christozov D., System for Technical-Economic Comparison "BISER", “Information Support and Methods of Evaluation the Technical Level”, ICSTI Moscow, 1985 (Russian) Christozov D., An Integral Approach of Quality Engineering in Machine Building Production, ASTIC, Varna 1985 (Bulgarian) Christozov D., Interactive Information System for Support of the Food Industry Machine Reliability Evaluation,“Automatization in Information Services”, Kazanlak 1984 (Bulgarian) Christozov D., Computer Aided Evaluation of Machines’ Reliability, “Statistical Methods in Quality Management and Control”, Rousse 1984 (Bulgarian) Christozov D., Reliability Evaluation of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, STAMEE, Lovech 1984 (Bulgarian) Christozov D., Automation of the Measurement Analysis of Technological Processes, Based on Stochastic Models of the Equipment’s Precision, Annual Conference of the Higher Technical School, Rousse 1984 (Bulgarian) D. Christozov 6 2/16/2016 List of Publications and Presentations Christozov D., 3D Design of Centrifugal Pump’ Spates with Computers, Annual Conference of CIME, Varna 1983 (Bulgarian) Christozov D., Application of Computer Graphics in Design of Hydraulic Machines, STAMEE, Lovech 1983 (Bulgarian) Christozov D., Computer Aided Analysis of Motorcars’ Reliability, Annual Conference of CIME, Varna 1983 (Bulgarian) Christozov D., Computation of the Meridian Velocity of Centrifugal Pumps, “Application of Mathematics in Engineering”, Varna 1982 (Bulgarian) Christozov D., Computer programs for evaluation of vehicle's reliability, “Reliability’82”, Varna 1982 (Bulgarian) 6. Workshops Starting your own regional Informing Science Society: our experiences in Bulgaria, InSite’2008, June 22-25, Varna, Bulgaria 7. Other Denchev S., Information Environment for Technology Transfer, Introduction of Scientific Editor, “Zaharij Stoianov” Publisher, 2003, (Bulgarian). Christozov D., Idea: The governmental subsidy for higher institutions in form of vouchers, Newspaper “Capital”, May 2002 (Bulgarian) 8. Works in Progress Christozov D., Chukova S., Mateev P., Informing Processes, Risks, Evaluation of the Risk of Misinforming, Chapter in the book “Foundations of Informing Science”, with editors Eli Cohen and Grandon Gill, deadline Deecember 2008. D. Christozov 7 2/16/2016