Bulgarian Industrial Association – UNION OF BULGARIAN

Bulgarian Industrial Association – UNION OF BULGARIAN BUSINESS
(BIA) / Bulgaria
The Bulgarian Industrial Association – Union of the Bulgarian Business (BIA) is a voluntary,
non - governmental organization of the Bulgarian industry, established on 25 April 1980. BIA
is an umbrella organization with a matrix structure, vertically representing the branch (sector)
oriented organization and horizontally the regional and municipal organizations.
As early as its foundation the Bulgarian Industrial Association directed its efforts to structure
the business environment also on a regional principle. This way more than 133 regional
associations and local bodies of the business have been set up, 26 of which have the status of
regional industrial unions and associations.
The policy of BIA for the foundation of independent branch (sector) and regional business
organizations, becoming its members on a voluntary principle, has contributed to the
establishment of the modern European model of industrial relations. These structures have
conduced to defining the dialogue of the government with the social economic partners – both
on national and branch (sector) level and on local level.
BIA is the only national business organization in Bulgaria that has attracted large scientific
organizations and universities as members, which is of particular importance for the processes
of technological renovation and innovations, for establishing a more direct link between
science and business. The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and universities are our
undisputable partners.
The cooperative movement in Bulgaria, which has over a 100-year history, has been an active
member of BIA since its foundation.
During its 30 years of existence, BIA has proved to be the leading business organization in
Bulgaria, recognized not only nationwide but also worldwide to be a reliable and trustworthy
partner incorporating the efforts and visions of the entire Bulgarian business and scientific
spectrum in the country for the development of a competitive economy.