
Current work (Tom Head, Prof. Math.):
Complete list of publications in 21st
1. Communication by documents in communities of organisms, Millenium III, Issue #4,
(winter 1999/2000)33-42.
2. Circular suggestions for DNA computing, in: Pattern Formation in Biology, Vision and
Dynamics, Ed. by A. Carbone, M. Gromov & P. Prusinkiewicz, World Scientific, Singapore &
London, (2000)325-335.
3. Relativised code properties and multi-tube DNA dictionaries, in: Finite vs. Infinite, Ed. by
C. Calude & Gh. Paun, Springer, (2000)175-186.
4. (M. Yamamura, ___ & S. Gal) Aqueous computing - mathematical principles of molecular
memory and its biomolecular implementation, Chap. 2 in: Genetic Algorithms 4, Ed. by H. Kitano,
(2000)49-73 (in Japanese).
5. (___, G. Rozenberg, R. Bladergroen, C.K.D. Breek, P.H.M. Lomerese & H. Spaink)
Computing with DNA by operating on plasmids, Bio Systems, 57(2000)87-93.
6. Writing by methylation proposed for aqueous computing, Chap. 31 in: Where
Mathematics, Computer Science, Linguistics, and Biology Meet, Kluwer, Ed. by C. Martin-Vide & V.
Mitrana, (2001)353-360.
7. Splicing systems, aqueous computing, and beyond, in: Unconventional Models of
Computation UMC'2K, Ed. by I. Antoniou, C.S. Calude & M.J. Dineen, Springer, London (2001)6884.
8. Biomolecular realizations of a parallel architecture for solving combinatorial problems,
New Generation Computing, 19(2001)301-312.
9. (___ & S. Gal) Aqueous computing: writing into fluid memory, Bull. Europ. Assoc. Theor.
Comput. Sci., 75(2001)190-198. Updated version reprinted in: Current Trends in Theor. Comp. Sci.
Vol I, Ed. by Gh. Paun, G. Rozenberg & A. Salomaa, World Scientific, New Jersey (2004)493-503.
10. Visualizing languages using primitive powers, in: Words, Semigroups, &Transducers, Ed.
by M. Ito, Gh. Paun, & S. Yu, World Scientific, Singapore (2001)169-180.
11. Finitely generated languages and positive data, (Preprint series of the Res. Group on
Math. Ling., Univ. Rovira i Virgili), and Romanian J. Inform. Sci. & Tech., 5(2002)127-136.
12 Aqueous simulations of membrane computations, (Preprint series of the Res. Group on
Math. Ling., Univ. Rovira i Virgili), and Romanian J. Inform. Sci. & Tech.,5(2002)355-364.
13. An aqueous algorithm for finding the bijections in a binary relation, in: Formal and
Natural Computing: Essays Dedicated to Grzegorz Rozenberg, Ed. by W. Brauer, H. Ehrig, J.
Karhumaki, & A. Salomaa, LNCS 2300, Springer (2002)354-360.
14. (___, X. Chen, M.J. Nichols, M. Yamamura & S. Gal) Aqueous solutions of algorithmic
problems: emphasizing knights on a 3X3, DNA Computing - 7th International Workshop on DNABased Computers, June 2001, Ed. by N. Jonoska & N.C.Seeman, LNCS Vol. 2340, Springer
15. (___, X. Chen, M. Yamamura & S. Gal) Aqueous computing: a survey with an invitation
to participate, J. Computer Sci. &Tech., 17(2002)672-681.
16. (___, D. Pixton & E. Goode) Splicing systems: regularity and below, DNA Computing 8th International Workshop on DNA-Based Computers, Ed. by M. Hagiya & A. Ohuchi, LNCS Vol.
2568 Springer (2003)262-268.
17. (C. Henkel, R. Bladergroen, C. Balog, A. Deelder, ___, G. Rozenberg & H. Spaink)
Protein output for DNA computing, Natural Computing, 4(2005)1-10.
18. Does light direct life toward cosmic awareness?, Fundamenta Informaticae, 64(2005)1-5.
19. (___ & D. Pixton) Splicing and regularity, (to appear) Available through Dennis Pixton's
web page:
20. A cosmic muse, (to appear).
A Sketch of Early Work (Tom Head, Prof. Math.):
One book in two versions:
Modules: A Primer of Structure Theorems, Brooks/Cole, 1974.
(with J. Golan) Modules and the Structure of Rings, Marcel Dekker, 1991.
Eight areas of interest in the 20th century with one representative publication in each
1. Abelian groups: Dense submodules, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 13(1962)197-99.
See also references in Laszlo Fuchs' books: Infinite Abelian Groups Vols. I & II, QA3.P985 v.36.
2. Lattices: Purity in compactly generated modular lattices, Acta. Math. Acad. Sci. Hungaricae,
See Grigore Calugareau's book: Lattice Concepts in Module Theory, QA 171.5.C35 2000.
3. Semigroups: Quotient monoids and greatest commutative monoid images of several types, Semigroup
Forum, 17(1979)351-363.
See also references in Pierre A. Grillet's book: Commutative Semigroups, QA 182.G73 2001.
4. DNA: Formal language theory and DNA: an analysis of the generative capacity of specific recombinant
behaviors, Bull. Math. Biology, 49(1987)737-759.
See Handbook of Formal Languages v.II Ch.7, Ed. by G. Rozenberg & Gh. Paun, QA267.3.H36 1997.
See references in Gh. Paun, G. Rozenberg & A. Salomaa's, DNA Computing, QA76.887.P38 1998.
See references in C.S. Calude & Gh. Paun, Computing with Cells and Atoms, QA76.889.C35 2000.
See references in Gh. Paun, Membrane Computing, QA76.887.P39 2002.
5. Developmental Systems: (with B. Lando) Bounded D0L Languages, Theoretical Computer Science,
6. Nearly Discrete Topologies: The topologies of sofic subshifts have computable Pierce invariants,
Theoretical Informatics and Applications, 25(1991)247-254.
7. Fuzzy Structures: A metatheorem for deriving fuzzy theorems from crisp versions, Fuzzy Sets and
Systems, 73(1995)349-358.
8. Information representation: (with A. Weber) The finest homophonic partition and related code
concepts, IEEE Trans. Inform. Thy., 42(1996)1569-1575.