RFU Club Accreditation Scheme The club undertakes a simple self review of its activities in line with the fifteen statements below. This can be done before you meet with the RDO or you can do this together. Since this is your accreditation, the RDO will simply ‘coach’ you through the session, asking questions and probing detail in order to elicit information that will strengthen your review. Statement Demonstrates and promotes rugby’s core values Club Review By policy & action of committee. Club philosophy stated on website What does the club do to promote the RFU Core values – Teamwork, respect, enjoyment discipline and sportsmanship? All of the core values are reinforced by coaches and managers. Every team has RFU qualified coaches. Thse core values are monitored by the general committee, the Rugby Committee and the Disciplinary Committee Has appropriately qualified coaches with recommended coach/player ratios for all teams Has appropriate systems in place to minimise injury and to support injured players Meets the needs of players by providing regular, relevant and enjoyable competition Actively addresses succession planning by recruiting players in targeted areas All 16 teams have qualified coaches. All coaching courses paid by the club. Is this backed up on rugby first? Yes. 19 Teams for 2013-14. Welcomes and encourages new players from all sectors of the local community Provides regular support and training opportunities for volunteers, coaches and referees Regularly recognises and rewards the efforts and achievements of volunteers, coaches and referees Actively addresses succession planning by recruiting new referees, volunteers and coaches Has secured regular access to appropriate facilities to meet players’ needs Qualified coaches ensure adequate preparation for training& playing. Qualified 1st Aiders throughout the club and we have an employed physio. Can all playing members access this? Yes – available to everyone Appropriate league and cup structures for ALL teams and established relationship with North West Clubs for Junior / Mini Fixtures. The weaker age groups are targeted by junior section with assistance of the local CRC. What do you do to target new players? Schools etc Provide volunteers to assist in schools at targeted age groups. We have run our own progs. in schools to target age groups.. New players welcomed and encouraged by captains, coaches and players. (low cost of subs)what do you do to welcome new players? Make sure new recruits and parents are welcomed by giving notice to team coaches managers of programmes in schools. Generally welcoming environment with allocated people to pick up details of new recruits andgive them warm welcome. Evidenced by sustained growth. Support by club volunteer, coaching and referee coordinator. The training is paid by the club. How do you identify what training is needed? Through regular reviews by Rugby Committee and coaching co-ordinator, publicising all courses through coaches e-mail circulation. Coaches identifying own needs. Through annual rewards – what do you do? Awards at annual dinner for adults and colts, awards for all junior teams at presentation day, all held in marquee. Generally 3 per team. Also volunteer awards annually, for club person(2 awards) coach and referee. Through club coaching, referee and volunteer coordinator. The club recently held a ELRA course plus 2 x CPDs. Continued policy of improving facilities. The club has recently completed a £375k project. Operates a disciplinary process to deal with The club has internal disciplinary committee which follows RFU guidelines in contraventions of RFU regulations conjunction with Lancashire disciplinary committee. Manages club finances effectively and files annual figures to meet current RFU Finance committee / treasure manage finances effectively. Annual accounts sent to Lancashire. regulations Maintains and operates a health and safety policy and practices complying with statutory requirements Has a transparent constitution incorporating an equity policy in line with RFU regulations Has a clear understanding of the local community and ensures that rugby makes a positive contribution to its wellbeing H&S policy & practices in place. Regular inspection and checks reviewed at monthly meetings. Currently equity policy complies with RFU, Sport England and CASC- is this an open constitution ? Yes Partnership with local schools / organisations. We allow the local community to use our facilities. What do you do with the schools / community to promote your club? Partnership agreement with St Pats, programmes with Junior schools bussing in children on Sunday (Lewis St Primary) using Salford Academy’s bus, use of facilities by local schools for school sports day (Beech St Primary). Use of facilities by Salford Education for tournaments. Website, local press Additional Mini & Youth Statements Has an RFU trained Safeguarding Officer The club has a Safeguarding officer – Heather Thorpe. This document is on who follows RFU CRB requirements and the clubs website. The club has booked a course for around 25 people. ensures the club has a safeguarding policy Provides an appropriate number of coaches and volunteers who have undertaken safeguarding training in line with RFU recommendations and size of the club Manages an up to date record of parent/carer contact details All teams have qualified coaches who have been CRB checked by the safeguarding officer. Club database / spread sheet of all parent / career details have been collected by the safeguarding officer. Provides coaches / managers with relevant Allergies & Medical issues such as asthma are also listed on the data base up to date medical information of all with all the information of parent / career details. Each age group has a copy players for their team. Meets the needs of parents/carers by providing regular and appropriate communication utilising modern methods of communication Operates a pricing policy that allows all members who wish to play with an opportunity to do so, ensuring families are catered for appropriately Club database with email contacts, telephone etc. At the start of the season the club has a meeting with all age groups. The club communicates via Twitter/ Facebook/ and club website £1 per week subs – provides children with match shirts, food after games / training. Club socks and shorts are also provided at a cost. Additional Women & Girls Statements Manages an up to date records of female player registrations complying with statutory requirements of the RFU Meets the needs of female players by providing regular, relevant and enjoyable competition whilst also signposting those Club Spread Sheet & rugby 1st registration along with ruby round up on aa weekly basis. League/ Cup fixtures and friendly development games. Girls under 15/18’s development leagues. talented players towards the player development pathway Has appropriately qualified coaches with recommended coach/player ratios for all female teams Women have 3 qualified RFU coaches. They have 2 x coaches per age group supported by guest coaches throughout the season. Recent club extension of changing rooms facilities directly in relation to female participation. Extra 4 x mixed changing rooms have been created with Has secured regular access to appropriate showers etc. facilities to meet female players’ needs Key Actions Plan: 1) Women’s team to maintain and improve playing standard in the Championship North 1and increase friendly fixtures to support upcoming less experienced players. Update, Women’s team finished mid table.Friendlies played, squad increased. 2) Girls under 18 to retain/increase numbers to maintain status in development leagues. Under 15’s girls maintain squad numbers and develop core skills. 18’s and 15’s on going into next season, under 13’s formed 2013. 3) Integration throughout 2012/13 season between girls Under 18’s and senior teams through joint team training. Achieved. Currently running an Eccles “Academy” for Junior players who are at or near to district level potential. Club Name Club Contact Name I confirm that the club named above has provided all the necessary evidence and an appropriate Key Actions Plan for RFU Club Accreditation Signature RDO Name Andrew Soutar Date I confirm that the club has undertaken the RFU Club Accreditation Signature Date sent to Twickenham A Soutar The England Rose is an official trademark of the Rugby Football Union and is the subject of extensive trade mark registration worldwide. Rugby Football Union (RFU), the national governing body of the game in England. Copyright Rugby Football Union. Published in 2012.