
Statement of Philosophy
Maria Gagliano
University of Montevallo
ED 502
Mr. Fisher
March 13, 2012
Article I. Education
I believe that the nature of humans reflects personal choices that will better one’s own
life or that one views as best for them. Therefore, I will strive to provide an education which is
derived from student interest as well as one which gives students the freedom to determine their
school experiences thus, instilling in all students problem-solving and critical thinking skills as
well as a sense of responsibility for their own learning.
I believe that the nature of humans reflects the fact that humans are social animals.
Therefore, I will strive to instill an education in students that reflects life itself and the real world
of the lives of the students, but one that also teaches them how to work effectively with others.
I believe that the nature of humans reflects an emphasis on basic skills. Therefore, I will
strive to instill an education in students, through their personal interests, which provides them
with the necessary skills to prepare them for the rest of their lives; therefore, teaching them the
skills to solve future problems.
I believe that the best form of learning is active learning rather that passive learning.
Passive learning is accomplished by a manner in which instructors transmit content to the
learners in the form of lectures. Active learning involves learning by being engaged in the
instructional process by means of such activities as exploring, analyzing, communicating, and
applying new information or experiences. Therefore, I will strive to place an emphasis on
learning through hands-on projects, group work, the development of social skills, and by
providing learning situations that reflect real life experiences.
Article II. Curriculum
I believe that knowledge and truth are ever evolving. Therefore, I will strive to teach my
students that knowledge which is true in the present many not be true in the future. It is through
this that I will equip students with problem-solving, critical thinking, and questioning skills all
through active learning, and this is, in fact, the best way to prepare students for the future.
Knowledge is to be learned throughout life’s stages thus being equipped with these skills,
students will be more prepared for the life ahead. Students should be able to identify what is
important and true to them, and they should be able to do so with confidence and enthusiasm.
I believe that the nature of society and culture directly affects a student’s development of
personal values and beliefs. Therefore, I will strive to create a classroom in which the content
and learning will be directly related to the interest of the learner. Experiences in the classroom,
facilitated by the teacher, should be relevant to the real world of the learner. I will also strive to
be as accommodating as possible and to meet all of the needs of the students, and this shall be
accomplished through the building of relationships.
I believe that the nature of the curriculum should encourage cooperation among students
as they work to develop the basic skills needed to prepare themselves for life. Therefore, I will
strive to create hands-on experiences in the classroom which will not only reflect real life, but
will also aide in the development of the skills needed for success in society.
I believe that students should be an active force in regards to their own learning process.
Therefore, I will strive to continually ask for the opinions of the students and incorporate these
whenever and wherever possible into the planning of lessons. Opportunities to shape their own
learning experiences are key to discovering their personal interests and what they believe to be
true. Students should feel open and comfortable sharing their feelings about the subjects. I will
examine closely all opinions and recognize that not all students are the same; therefore, I must
accommodate the needs of all.
Article III. Teaching
I believe that, at times, the teacher’s role is not to direct but to advise. Therefore, I will
strive to employ my greater knowledge and experience to guide learning. Teachers should serve
as a guide who seeks to instill a general love for life-long learning in all students so that they will
learn to identify what is most important to them rather than universal truths. Through hands-on
cooperative learning groups, students will be in charge of organizing themselves to accomplish a
specific task while the teacher floats from group to group.
I believe that, at other times, the initiative and authority in education should lie with the
teacher. Therefore, I will strive to teach the prescribed subject matter that is essential for them to
be successful individuals both in and out of the school community. I will strive to deliver and
teach these essential needs through my understanding of students’ personal interests which I will
learn through the building of relationships.
Article IV. Schooling
I believe that schools should attend to the intellectual, emotional, and social growth of its
students as both individuals and members of society. Therefore, I will strive to create
relationships with other educators and administrators so that we may provide the best instruction
possible to shape the lives of each individual student.
I believe that schools should work like a democracy, in that, only democracy permits true
personal growth. Therefore, I will strive to set up a classroom in which students are a close
community of learners who understand and love that their most important reason for being at
school is to learn. I will also strive to never force students into learning but rather let them
decide their own learning path based on their interests, and this will, in turn, create a general love
for continual learning.
I believe that as an educator, I posses a blend of both a progressivist and essentialist
approach to teaching as well as a humanist. This is represented in my belief that content should
be generated through students’ interests in the world so that they may be the ones to govern and
hold a responsibility for their own learning. This is also represented in my belief that while at
times the teacher is a facilitator or guide, they are also sometimes the main authority in the
learning process therefore instilling in students the basic skills to survive the future, but still
bringing students’ interests to the forefront; teachers will seek to build relationships in all
aspects. It is through all of these beliefs that education is seen as a lifelong process through
which one should constantly feel fulfillment for determining their own path.