
Brandy McGough: My Personal Philosophy
My Personal Philosophy
By Brandy McGough
Article I: Education
I believe that students should participate in learning, rather than just observing. This will help
them grasp the information better, and it will likely help them to remember it long after the
lesson is over. Therefore, I will strive to help students be involved directly in learning. I will do
this by having simulation exercises, group discussions, and student presentations.
I believe that students retain information better when it relates to them. When they can take
information and use it in their lives, it becomes more valuable. Therefore, I will strive to learn
more about my students by having discussions on more than just textbook information. For
example, on the first day of each new class, I would have students write an essay about
themselves or about their lives. I would learn to understand my students and, by doing that, I
could help them understand the lessons better.
Article II: Curriculum
I believe that students should learn more than what the course topic offers; they should learn how
to become good citizens. Therefore, I will strive to incorporate values into my lessons. I will
show students how they can help the environment around them. I will lead food and book
drives. I will always find a way to make my lessons show students a new way to help and
become involved in their communities.
I believe that students who are completely uninterested in school are more likely to drop out or
fail. Therefore I will strive to remind my students that knowledge is of great value and is
becoming more and more necessary to survive in our society. As students learn new
information, I will inform them of ways they can use it in the future. I will also show the value
that information holds, making them grateful they were able to learn it.
Article III: Teaching
I believe that students should feel comfortable and safe at school. Therefore, I will strive to
make my classroom an environment in which students will be excited to enter. I will welcome
all my students equally and encourage them in their works and goals. I will never single a student
out or pick on him/her. It saddens me to say I have seen this occur in my childhood classrooms.
I refuse to let that happen in mine.
I believe that bullying is one of the main risk factors for students today. Therefore, I will strive
to monitor students’ social actions and be sure there is no student being bullied in my class. If I
were to ever witness such action, I would have a conference with both students individually and
discover why the bullying was occurring and what needs to be done about it.
Brandy McGough: My Personal Philosophy
Article IV: Schooling
I believe that schools should encourage students to follow their own path, but to be sure that path
will not lead them to trouble. Therefore, I will strive to cooperate with school officials and other
teachers to be sure there are programs available to help all children in need.
I believe that schools should educate all students to the best of their abilities. Therefore, I will
strive to encourage school officials and teachers to consider new technology and strategies to
ensure that all children, whether they have disabilities or language difficulties, can learn.