Equality Impact Assessment Form Reference – 3E26 Department Environment & Sport Version no V3.0 Assessed by Damian Fisher Date created 27/10/15 Approved by Ian Day Date approved 13/11/15 Updated by Date updated Final approval Date signed off Section 1: What is being assessed? 1.1 Name of proposal to be assessed: Street Cleansing Street Cleaning – Changing Working arrangements for new staff; using technology to improve efficiency. 1.2 Describe the proposal under assessment and what change it would result in if implemented: As staff retire or leave the service all new staff will work to a 30 hour week, the use of technology to plan routes and more litter bins requiring less frequent emptying will ensure that this is at no detrimental impact to service delivery. The vacancy management proposal will introduce a new working pattern for all new starters reducing to a standard 30 hour working week, mitigating the impact through increased use of technology. The project will deliver over a period of ten years by replacing those staff that retire or leave on different contractual working hours. At present there are 13 vacancies in the Cleansing Service. In addition to delivering the planned saving, this proposal would allow an increase in staffing in each of the two most heavily littered constituencies (Bradford East and Bradford West). Subject to future budget requirements, continuation of the model would enable the realisation of further savings or an investment in additional staffing to improve the cleanliness of the District. This will run along side new developments in technology including a new routing software package to improve the efficiency of the street sweeping vehicles. self compacting litter bins are also being trialed in Shipley Town Centre. These will reduce emptying frequency and through solar powered Smart technology inform Cleansing Teams when the bins are full, helping to ensure further efficiencies by only emptying those bins that most require it, saving time of operatives and 1 redirecting resources to areas of most need. Section 2: What the impact of the proposal is likely to be The Equality Act 2010 requires the Council to have due regard to the need to- 2.1 eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation; advance equality of opportunity between different groups; and foster good relations between different groups Will this proposal advance equality of opportunity for people who share a protected characteristic and/or foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those that do not? If yes, please explain further. No 2.2 Will this proposal have a positive impact and help to eliminate discrimination and harassment against, or the victimisation of people who share a protected characteristic? If yes, please explain further. No 2.3 Will this proposal potentially have a negative or disproportionate impact on people who share a protected characteristic? If yes, please explain further. Equality assessment carried out indicates that this proposal is likely to have no or a low impact on everyone, and so there is no disproportionate impact on any group who share protected characteristics 2.4 Please indicate the level of negative impact on each of the protected characteristics? (Please indicate high (H), medium (M), low (L), no effect (N) for each) 2 Impact Protected Characteristics: (H, M, L, N) N Age Disability N Gender reassignment N Race N Religion/Belief N Pregnancy and maternity N Sexual Orientation N Sex N Marriage and civil partnership N Additional Consideration: Low income/low wage 2.5 N How could the disproportionate negative impacts be mitigated or eliminated? N/A Section 3: What evidence you have used? 3.1 What evidence do you hold to back up this assessment? Financial and employee profile data Performance data 3.2 Do you need further evidence? No 3 Section 4: Consultation Feedback 4.1 Results from any previous consultations 4.2 Feedback from current consultation 4.3 Your departmental response to this feedback – include any changes made to the proposal as a result of the feedback 4